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Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

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It would be really cool to meet up wtih each other. I should be all recovered from my TT by then.

oh i KNOW!!

our seats are on the vistors side - 35yrd line ; section 11 - lower level.

hubby does takes clients a bunch - so i don't get to go to ALL the games:frown: - or he gives them to customers.

i think we might be out of town for the holidays that game, but will hit hubby tonite & find out for sure.

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Well, I did better today. Probably still ate a little more then I should have and I'm thinking maybe I need a small fill. I have long days lately, but I have made the commitment to do some kind of exercise daily. Tonight I put in Jillian Michaels Cardio Kickbox DVD. Wowzer! I feel great now. It wasn't running, but it sure beat doing nothing. Happy to be back on track and looking forward to seeing some results. Hopefully I can get back to 5K training someday. Isn't that what this thread was about? hahaha

Update on DH..... every day seems to be a new issue. I think he has made some improvements, but it seems like 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Today when he was home alone, he was walking to the bathroom and had some kind of a spasm in his back and it caused him to lose his balance and he fell. His thumb is all swollen and the fingernail is all bruised and so is his elbow. *sigh* The good news is that he has no new pain in his back. He is having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic that they have him on so they are going to have to change it. His feet and ankles swelled up out of the blue and he had to go to the hospital yesterday for dopplers to rule out a blood clot. The list goes on and on and on! We just need to trade his body in a new model :)

Well off to get some rest.... 4:45a.m. comes fast.

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Georgia... 2 lbs to go for the major milestone! I have the confetti, bells and whistles ready!

I know! I am determined to lose those 2 pounds by Saturday (my bandiversary)!

Mamato~ Good for you! Jillian Michaels is probably just as good as running, if not better! She one tough girl, lol! Ya'll have had a rough go of it, haven't you? I hope things calm down soon and I'm praying your hubby recovers well. Keep us updated. It's really good to hear from you.

I went to the YMCA today and I was able to increase my run by a minute. I ran for 13 minutes straight! Wow, I can't believe it! A week ago I was struggling to run 5 minutes. Heck, I couldn't even complete day 1 of week 1!! Seems unreal to me. Even though I'm doing my own thing with the running now, I'm so glad I started this program. It was a wonderful way to get me started.

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Georgia... congrats! minute by minute is all it takes! What an amazing "bandaversary" gift! You have done so well.

Mama... oh my heart goes out to you. You certainly have my prayers! I'm so glad you've been able to get back into fitness, and have found it helpful. Thanks for keeping us posted on your DH's situation.

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I've NEVER been a runner. Is there anyone on here who also never ran until now with this program and actually achieved it? What all is needed to begin this program?

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Health4Life... welcome! Pretty much all of us were NEVER runners before starting this! But I'll speak for myself. I started the C25k program in mid July. Prior to that, my only exposure to running was watching my DH cross the finish line a few times and watching other runners in the park. Me... a runner... no way! I got winded just running 30 seconds! But, I had seen how addicting running can be for my DH and thought I'd like to try. I started the program and it was a struggle! In the first few weeks, it would take all week to achieve the run as scheduled, but I continued to go at it. Throughout the process I'd turn to the people on this tread for support... which was what made it work for me! I struggled for 4 weeks to succeed on week 5, but once I did that... I rocketted through weeks 6-10 in just 3 weeks. Yesterday I ran a full 5k and am running an official race on Sept 28th.

There were bumps in the road and times where I didn't want to run. I didn't skip too many run days... maybe on 3 occassions I had more than 2 days between runs. I tried to keep my runs to every 2nd day.

I ran inside on a treadmill for the first 8 weeks and then moved it outside when it got cooler. I much prefer outside!!!

I have bad knees and hips due to arthritis, so expected that to stop me in the early days. But I'm happy to report that my knees and hips never hurt or bothered me throughout this process.

What you need:

* A good pair of running shoes. Spend the money, get them fitted to your running gait (go to a good store if you can). This is the best investment you can make for your body's comfort.

* An MP3 player is helpful but not a must. Personal choice. I like to run to music. If you have an MP3 player, then explore the Podrunner series of music downloads. Most of us did this to start and some of us have moved beyond that to our own personal fav music. See the first page of this thread for a link to the site to download the music.

* Google "Couch to 5k" to find the site that provides the outline of what each week's run schedule is. Follow it as you can, modifying as you need to.

* Access to a treadmill if you're running inside. Or go outside.

* Turn to this thread for support!

Good luck. This has changed my life. I honestly never would have imagined that I'd be a runner. Now, I'm eager to go running and actually enjoy it WHILE I'm running, not just afterwards!

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Kathybad...thank you, thank you, thank you!!! This helps so much. I will start this program on Monday. Congrats to you and your 5k run on the 28th. I applaud you! What a HUGE milestone and I can't wait to be able to do the same. Again, thanks for your willingness to share your personal story and your struggles. I so appreciate it. I'll be checking in again with my progress.

Health4Life... welcome! Pretty much all of us were NEVER runners before starting this! But I'll speak for myself. I started the C25k program in mid July. Prior to that, my only exposure to running was watching my DH cross the finish line a few times and watching other runners in the park. Me... a runner... no way! I got winded just running 30 seconds! But, I had seen how addicting running can be for my DH and thought I'd like to try. I started the program and it was a struggle! In the first few weeks, it would take all week to achieve the run as scheduled, but I continued to go at it. Throughout the process I'd turn to the people on this tread for support... which was what made it work for me! I struggled for 4 weeks to succeed on week 5, but once I did that... I rocketted through weeks 6-10 in just 3 weeks. Yesterday I ran a full 5k and am running an official race on Sept 28th.

There were bumps in the road and times where I didn't want to run. I didn't skip too many run days... maybe on 3 occassions I had more than 2 days between runs. I tried to keep my runs to every 2nd day.

I ran inside on a treadmill for the first 8 weeks and then moved it outside when it got cooler. I much prefer outside!!!

I have bad knees and hips due to arthritis, so expected that to stop me in the early days. But I'm happy to report that my knees and hips never hurt or bothered me throughout this process.

What you need:

* A good pair of running shoes. Spend the money, get them fitted to your running gait (go to a good store if you can). This is the best investment you can make for your body's comfort.

* An MP3 player is helpful but not a must. Personal choice. I like to run to music. If you have an MP3 player, then explore the Podrunner series of music downloads. Most of us did this to start and some of us have moved beyond that to our own personal fav music. See the first page of this thread for a link to the site to download the music.

* Google "Couch to 5k" to find the site that provides the outline of what each week's run schedule is. Follow it as you can, modifying as you need to.

* Access to a treadmill if you're running inside. Or go outside.

* Turn to this thread for support!

Good luck. This has changed my life. I honestly never would have imagined that I'd be a runner. Now, I'm eager to go running and actually enjoy it WHILE I'm running, not just afterwards!

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I found out the route information for my race today and went to run it. The race is being held in a really nice parkland in our city. Filled with trees and follows a river. I did the run and it was excellent. So many people use this park for running, riding, walking, etc. All throughout the run I would pass people and get that "runner's nod". That is so cool!

I did the run in 41-1/2 minutes, which is faster than the other day, but the distance might not have been the same. Doesn't matter... it felt great!

Renewed... what did you run this week to prepare for your race on Sat? Anyone have any suggestions re: long vs. short runs? I kind of want to push myself to get under 40 min for the race, so would like to build my speed.

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I have not been a good example as far as what to run. I have had child care issues. DH is teaching at our local college and doesn't get home until 9:30, and my parents have gotten hojme from work late. I have walked with the boys in the evenings, but my last real run was on Sunday. Don't fatigue your body training. I would definately take Friday off and have some good carbs prior to your run on Saturday!!!

I GOT A RUNNER"S STROLLER TODAY!!!!!! I found one on sale at Baby Depot for $90.00. We WILL be running tonight. I have to check out my new wheels. LOL You would think I got a new car. This really frees me up to run outside without relying on others to make it happen. If it doesn't happen it is on noone but me!!!

Mamato, Welcome back Girl!!!! So good to see you posting again. I really admire your desire to continue to work on you despite all that is going on with your husband!! BTW, Love your avitar!!

Welcome Health. This thread is AWESOME (Even it I did start it :biggrin: I look forward to watching you grow into a runner. If we can all do it then there is nothing stoping you!! You go girl. I agree with all of the things Kathy said. She is our token spokes person and keeper of the details!! LOL Love you Kathy!!

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I'm a Token! LOL... never thought of myself in that light! I'm just a woman who has WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON MY HANDS!!!! And last night my DH was having a particularly annoying "snoring" fit... so I was up very late waiting until I was really tired. Thats when I saw Health's post!

Ok... enough for today. Hope everyone has a great day. I won't be running again until Mon as my GF is coming for a visit with her 3 sons... OMG I am going to be busy!

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Ok, just got home from my run. I took the boys with me. Dylan loved the jogger stroller. He waved at everyone as we went by. Dalton did great. We ran the first mile. Then I told him to lead the way, and that I would run when he ran and walk when he walked. OMGosh. He sprinted when he ran. He didn't run as far, but those sprints were rough. LOL My son is my new trainer!! Anyway, then we ran the last mile. He stopped and walked a few times but caught up with me. Anyway, we did 4.5 miles in just under an hour. Not bad for a mom and a 9 year old boy. Maybe the longer runs will shock my body into burning more calories, even if I am not running as much of it??? Who knows. I really enjoyed running with him.. What a wonderful night.

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Renewed... that is excellent! It must feel really great to be out running with your boys! How was the jogging stroller?

I've got my fingers crossed for you tomorrow! Will anyone be taking a picture of you at the finish line? If so, share it please!

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renewed - you can really hear the excitement in your words regarding the run w/your sons....very charming. good luck tom.

UGH - not been a good runner this wk or exercise in general. DH and i have been in remodel mode since nov of last yr; was 80% done until tuesday night when my contractors busted a Water main pipe and just destroyed everything. downstairs is a shell right now - framing only , all walls , ceilings , cabinets (kitchen), insulation, wood floors , carpet, etc , doors, molding....can keep going ; all on the front lawn. furniture is sitting out on the driveway getting inspected by insurance adjusters right now.

i feel like the clampets (beverly hills hillbillies) w/ my couch on the front porch...LOL

i decided this am to just laugh or i'd cry - & i can run in the AM; cause well, i certainly don't have to clean house.....:thumbup:

UGH>>>>> still keep saying it..LOL

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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