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Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

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I'm back! And I am happy to report that while I was away I completed Week 2 day 4. It felt very good, in fact as each running interval ended, I found myself thinking...that's it? I'm walking, again, already? I really think I could have started week 3. But I'll stay where I am for now. May be I'll start week 3 on Monday.

I am now embarassed about my previous rant! Perhaps I was just sinking back into my old ways after having too many days away from exercise. At any rate I want someone to bookmark this post for a later time when I fall off track and become content with laziness and excuses. When that time comes (and it will) I want to be reminded of the following:

1) It feels could to exercise. It is an accomplishment and help my overall well being and weight loss efforts.

2) School does not start for 3 weeks, that's 3 more weeks of progress before my schedule changes. Why let a future problem affect me now?

3) My husband never works more than 2 night shifts during the week. Therefore, I have Saturday and Sunday, in addition to 3 weeknights to continue my program so that I don't have to exercise during the hot afternoon!

4) I am full of *(@ and am just looking for an easy way out!

5) I can do this! I will do this!!

6) I really do love the rocky music! :)

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Hi everyone,

I just learned about the C25K program and found this tread. I've read most of your posts... and feel like I know you.

I'm going to start the program now (Day 1 Week 1), and am nervous but excited. My DH is a runner (or has been in the past... not so much lately), and I've always envied his dedication and the high he gets from it.

I've never really enjoyed running much in the past, but have a lot of energy now and want to put it to use.

I'm coming up on my 1 year bandaversary, and have lost 70 lbs so far. I'm a little worried about my size and running, but will take it slow.

I'll let you know how it goes. BTW, do most of you run on treadmills or outside? I have a great treadmill, but its also summer, so wasn't sure which to choose (although its a little hot out right now).

A little about me... my name is Kathy, and I'm the mom of 2 special needs kids. We have a son (10) who is hearing impaired, has epilepsy, intellectually delayed and has ADHD. Our daughter is 4, we adopted her when she was 2. She has fetal alcohol, hydrocephalus, learning problems, sensory issues, and generally a major handful :). Love the both dearly, but OMG they can be a lot of work. I'm hoping I'll get the sense of euphoria from running that my hubby gets :Banane03:

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welcome kathy!! I run on a treadmill. It is just too hot in Texas right now!!!

We are in the process of adopting a special needs little boy. He is 9 months old. He has lived with us since he was 3 months. He is such a little blessing, but we are already seeing him become a lot of work, too. I am almost thankful for the hard work, because for so long he responded very little. We also have a 9 year old son (bio), and a 19 month old that we adopted. We have 2 other foster kids ages 2 and 4. I may need to bounce questions off of you from time to time!!

Welcome to the couch to 5k. I really is a nice distraction for me!!

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Hi everyone,

I just learned about the C25K program and found this tread. I've read most of your posts... and feel like I know you.

I'm going to start the program now (Day 1 Week 1), and am nervous but excited. My DH is a runner (or has been in the past... not so much lately), and I've always envied his dedication and the high he gets from it.

I've never really enjoyed running much in the past, but have a lot of energy now and want to put it to use.

I'm coming up on my 1 year bandaversary, and have lost 70 lbs so far. I'm a little worried about my size and running, but will take it slow.

I'll let you know how it goes. BTW, do most of you run on treadmills or outside? I have a great treadmill, but its also summer, so wasn't sure which to choose (although its a little hot out right now).

A little about me... my name is Kathy, and I'm the mom of 2 special needs kids. We have a son (10) who is hearing impaired, has epilepsy, intellectually delayed and has ADHD. Our daughter is 4, we adopted her when she was 2. She has fetal alcohol, hydrocephalus, learning problems, sensory issues, and generally a major handful :). Love the both dearly, but OMG they can be a lot of work. I'm hoping I'll get the sense of euphoria from running that my hubby gets :Banane03:

Welcome Kathy! I am right there with you. I just started Tuesday so I will be doing day 2 of week 1 today. I was (and still am) worried about my size and running. In fact, I do more waddling than running, lol. But that's okay. The important thing is that we are moving. I will probably repeat week 1 so don't feel like you have to move on unless you are ready. Day 1 was pretty rough but I am hopeful that today will be much better.

I run outside. It's hot as hades here too, lol. But, I don't have a treadmill and I really don't feel comfortable doing it at the gym right now. If I had a treadmill, I would definitely use it because the heat is just so bad.

I'm really glad you joined. Now I have a buddy who is just starting like me. Good luck with your first day of C25K!

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YOu ladies are doing FANTASTIC!!!

I want to see all of you make it through week 9! YOu CAN do this. Your not to fat, too heavy, you have strong enough minds.

Yur all amazing and i want you to all keep going! I would never be running like i am with out the Couch to 5 k. Last week i logged 25miles!

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Welcom Kathy! Girl, you are not too big! Get on out there and pound that pavement! :biggrin2:

Speaking of pavement....I do run outside, but only before 8am or after 7pm. This South Mississippi heat is a butt kicker! I haven't tried the treadmill. I've always hated the treadmill for some reason. I will do the stairmaster, love the elliptical, but there was always something about the treadmill that turned me off. Maybe it's my inability to walk in a straight line without concentrating. I mean walking at an angle on a treadmill belt can cause some serious problems (and I have stepped down half on and half off the belt a time or two!) :) Not fun!!! So, until my straight lines get a little better, it's the pavement for me!

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Wow, I can't believe it! I did my first run. I did it on my treadmill, and it was great.

My speed was at about 3.3 mph for walking and 4.3 mph for jogging. I was struggling a bit during the 4th interval, but once I got through that I realized I was past the half way point, the rest was great. I used the podrunner to listen to. I liked the mix!!

I'd really like to thank all of you for welcoming me so well.

Renewedhope: thanks for sharing your family info with me. You are truly amazing... 5 kids! I imagine some days are pretty stressful. I know with our kids they can be. Our kids are the centre of our world, but not the only thing in our lives. I think that's important to have your own interests too. I have a website that talks about the kids, and gives some tips, if you're interested in visiting: parentingspecialkids - Parenting Special Kids

Georgia: I'm not likely going to go week 1-9 without some delays!! I'll be your running partner. Looks like we're pretty well matched. How long ago were you banded? I think I migh try running outside soon, but not while its hot.

Whosyadaddy: What a cheerleader! Thank you for your encouragement and advice. I've read some of your earlier posts when this thread was starting up and you've been amazing. I look forward to reaching this goal along with your encouragement.

Annika: Congrats on your progress to date... straight lines are always helpful on a treadmill, but on the pavement... no worries! Thanks for the welcome.

Wow... the "rush" seems to be settling in. My run ended about 1 hour ago, and I'm feeling amazing!! Can't wait until Sat! Good luck everyone on your next run.

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Kathy don't worry about your size, I am right there with you.

Annika - glad to see you back in the right frame of mind. Yes, I remember that HOT Mississippi sun from when my DH was stationed at Eglin AFB.

As for me I need to get back on schedule. I am working a few of my extra summer days at school and it has got me off schedule. I plan to run tonight when it cools down. I am on WK2 DAY2

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Kathy - GREAT JOB!!!! I remember it felt like such an accomplishment when I finished Day 1. I never thought in a million years I could do this. You go girl!!!

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Georgia: I'm not likely going to go week 1-9 without some delays!! I'll be your running partner. Looks like we're pretty well matched. How long ago were you banded? I think I migh try running outside soon, but not while its hot.

Hey Kathy! Congrats on your first run. I'm going to do mine in just a while. I was banded 9-20-07. Yeah, the first run kicked my butt! I'm hoping today will be a little easier. I'm glad you enjoyed your first day of C25K! Good job!!!

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Just got home from the hospital. Doing well. However, I had some complications and had to stay longer than we thought I would stay.

DRY HEAVES! Holy smokes. Don't try this trick at home kids. The whole time I was thinking I am not suppose to do this; however it is involuntary. My doctor had a very concerned look on her face and ordered an upper GI series. I guess she though my band was too tight. I had to drink Baruim while the radiologist watch it go down passed the band. All was working well. As t turns out; it was the deliuded (pain Med) they were giving me. Once we stopped that all was well.

I gained two pounds - my tummy is still very bloated - looks like a Macy's Day paraide balloon.

I am suppose to walk every day, hw long should I wait until I run


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So I've not actually posted in this thread before but I finished work out 3 of week 4 today (and I will still do another one this week, I do it every other day so some weeks its four workouts others its three).

I've found that with this being my first week of running (jogging, whatever you want to call it) for 5 minutes straight I could barely make the 5 minutes. Now when I look at the last workout of week 5 (what I will be doing next week) HOW on earth am I supposed to run 20 minutes straight?!

That overwhelms me a wee bit.. lol

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Lyn - Welcome to the "Band"wagon. I am so glad that your GI problems have been resolved. Don't overdue it. Wait until the doc clears you to run.

Ang - You are doing great!!! I hope I can do the 5 minutes. I am just on week 2.

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I'm back! And I am happy to report that while I was away I completed Week 2 day 4.

glad you are back! hang in there- it takes a LONG time to make something like this a habit- talking yourself into exercise is just as important as talking yourself out of eating junk! yea!

I'm going to start the program now (Day 1 Week 1), and am nervous but excited. My DH is a runner (or has been in the past... not so much lately), and I've always envied his dedication and the high he gets from it.

congrats on your first run and welcome! I can't imagine the hardships and joy that must come from your children- thank you for being there for them! I'm a little over 1 year out from my bandiversary too :) You can definitely get the rest of the weight off!

welcome kathy!! I run on a treadmill. It is just too hot in Texas right now!!!

agreed. and no one looks at me twice in the gym. I'm just another person trying to get in shape/lose weight ;)

YOu ladies are doing FANTASTIC!!!

I want to see all of you make it through week 9! YOu CAN do this. Your not to fat, too heavy, you have strong enough minds.

Yur all amazing and i want you to all keep going! I would never be running like i am with out the Couch to 5 k. Last week i logged 25miles!

thanks for the support! How long did it take for you to enjoy running? I have 3 friends who run marathons and each one of them state they hate the first 2-3 miles always but once they get to mile 4 and then post running, they love it and that's what keeps them going.

I was not certain if that was encouraging or not

Hey Kathy! Congrats on your first run. I'm going to do mine in just a while. I was banded 9-20-07. Yeah, the first run kicked my butt! I'm hoping today will be a little easier. I'm glad you enjoyed your first day of C25K! Good job!!!

You can do it! It does get easier!

Just got home from the hospital. Doing well. However, I had some complications and had to stay longer than we thought I would stay.

welcome to bandland! I'm sorry you had dry heaves but am glad all is well. I remember feeling very swollen the entire first month and it really helped me to stay on liquids then softs. Your surgeon will likely advise when you can exercise again- listen to your body and walk at first :thumbup:

So I've not actually posted in this thread before but I finished work out 3 of week 4 today (and I will still do another one this week, I do it every other day so some weeks its four workouts others its three).

I've found that with this being my first week of running (jogging, whatever you want to call it) for 5 minutes straight I could barely make the 5 minutes. Now when I look at the last workout of week 5 (what I will be doing next week) HOW on earth am I supposed to run 20 minutes straight?!

That overwhelms me a wee bit.. lol

congrats and I know EXACTLY how you feel! I saw next weeks run and panicked a bit. I'm going to repeat this week to make certain I can do week 5 without horrible problems

yea everyone!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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