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Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

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wow thanks girls. short med long runs? if im doing 2-3 miles...is it logical to do 2 as the short, 2.5 as med, and 3.1 as the long runs? then build from there? how long of a sprint should i do? distance? minutes? what? lol...

thanks for the encouragement and tips i will try them and figure out what works for me.

kristen, ive been thinking about asking for a stopwatch/heartrate calculator thing of some sort for my birthday in oct. any suggestions? the garmin might be a bit advanced for me, but i can wait till the holidays if need be if its better to just wait and save for it.

decisions........so many decisions...



You might try to go 2 for the short, 3 medium and 4 long. That way you have a good variety of distance. Obviously you will need to work up to the 4 mile, but you will be amazed at how quickly you can increase the distance. You want your long run to be steady and slow - not out to win any races! I use my short runs to work on speed. I will also kick up the end of my medium run each week. As Kathy said, you need that distance to build up endurance.

The Garmins are really nice. You can use them to check your heart rate, distance, and time. Some of them even have a GPS so you can track your runs and save them and you won't get lost - unless you are my DH!:)

If it was me, I would save up for a Garmin. Once you get a lower end monitor, you will most likely be looking to upgrade. My theory - get what you want! I want to get a hr monitor and start tracking my exercise so I can make sure I am going at my peak. The one that Mac is getting is awesome, Water proof, so she can use it for her swims too!

Carol... I would try to push for farther on your long runs. This is where you want to drive for distance. Work up to the distances anyway that works for you. For me I just run until I can't, and then that sets another distance goal for me. I'm pushing for 5 miles now. That way, when I run 3 during a race, it feels more like a medium run.

Well, I didn't get the Torch Run. BooHoo. Kind of bummed out, but such is life. I am running my 2nd annual 5k race in Sept and then want to try a 10k race in Oct. I guess the 1k Torch Run is not in the cards for me.

Sorry about the torch run - that is a huge bummer! :)

That is so great that you are on the 2nd annuals! How fun. Mine will be in December. I can't believe how far I have come in one year! Wow!

My trail run was awesome today! 5 miles under my belt! Woo Hoo! Not saying that it was easy, but I completed it. It was an amazing trail along the river with great views of the river, falls, forest and meadows! The only sucky part was the canyon "stairs" we had to go up and down. Man did I get a good fanny workout. However, sore knees and back from coming down the "stairs". My time was not too bad for increasing distance. I really enjoyed it!

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Hey Guys,

Kathy, sorry about the torch run, but glad you aren't letting it get you down too much.

So, I saw my doc on Friday. He told me to go ahead and run on my foot! :) He said no point in babying it any further. He thinks running on it will either break down the scar tissue and fix the problem or make it worse and he'll have to operate again. He said either way, time to push it and see which direction my foot wants to go in.

He made me promise to start very small so as not to damage any joints since my gate is probably compromised. He said 7 mins, then 10, etc, with a rest every other day. So I did 5 min warmup and 7 min walk/run alternating (like week 2 of C25K) and then 5 min cooldown and went 1 mile. It wasn't much but made me so happy! :) I feel more like myself again. Not sure what's going to happen with the foot, but I'm going to run again and see where it takes me!

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Suzanne, sound like you have a VERY smart Dr! Grats on the run, and hope there's many many more in your future!

I started [sorta] my first 'real' C25K week today. When I say sorta' it's because I can't quite do the full 20 min. jog/walk....my walk outdoes my jog :-P. But I'm sure each day I try will get better.

Thanks to advise from BillOh and Kristen I went to a good shoe store Sunday and ended up with a pair of Brooks road running shoes. I couldn't believe the difference today compared to the trail shoes I'd been trying to jog in! The softening was a HUGE help.

I did a 30 min interval training 3mph 0/3 incline before i did the walk/jog today. I was planning to continue with an hour on the treadmill on the 'between' days. Does that sound about right? Also was going to do leg Nautilus on non-jog days and do arm Nautilus and free-weights on jog days.

Also, I see mention of podcasts for the C25k program, where would I find those? Would sure be a ton easier than trying to watch the clock at the gym lol.

Thanks for your advise, I'm a running virgin....but seem to be on the way to conversion!

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I have a question I got sick after week 3 so haven't run for 2 weeks. I am ready to start again tomorrow. Should I just start from week three (I KNOW I'm not ready for 4 yet)

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You can find podcasts at Couch to 5k - C25K Running Program. I used Robert Ullrey's Podcasts. The music is not that great, but I liked the way he tells you what you need to do. By the time I got to straight running, I used my own music.

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I have a technical band/running question. Last week i got that monster refill of 5 bringing me up to 6 ccs. last nite was the first time i ran since my fill on tuesday. idk y but for some reason i just was putting it off, feeling slight pressure in my port area. well i did about 2 miles fairly comfortably leg/feet/stamina wise. and was ok till i was done with my run. afterward, i felt a lot of tenderness (kinda like a bruise) about 2 or so inches above my port (which is just above my belly button) it concerned me, but i attributed it to the fill and still being somewhat inflamed. it was also a bit (visibly)swollen since the run. not enough pain to be considered pain or enough to call the doc. does this sound remotely logical?



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Hey Guys,

Kathy, sorry about the torch run, but glad you aren't letting it get you down too much.

So, I saw my doc on Friday. He told me to go ahead and run on my foot! ;) He said no point in babying it any further. He thinks running on it will either break down the scar tissue and fix the problem or make it worse and he'll have to operate again. He said either way, time to push it and see which direction my foot wants to go in.

He made me promise to start very small so as not to damage any joints since my gate is probably compromised. He said 7 mins, then 10, etc, with a rest every other day. So I did 5 min warmup and 7 min walk/run alternating (like week 2 of C25K) and then 5 min cooldown and went 1 mile. It wasn't much but made me so happy! :w00t: I feel more like myself again. Not sure what's going to happen with the foot, but I'm going to run again and see where it takes me!

Yeah! So glad that you get to start running again! Take it easy and listen to your body - hopefully your foot will be happy and want to run!:blink:

I started [sorta] my first 'real' C25K week today. When I say sorta' it's because I can't quite do the full 20 min. jog/walk....my walk outdoes my jog :-P. But I'm sure each day I try will get better.

Thanks to advise from BillOh and Kristen I went to a good shoe store Sunday and ended up with a pair of Brooks road running shoes. I couldn't believe the difference today compared to the trail shoes I'd been trying to jog in! The softening was a HUGE help.

I did a 30 min interval training 3mph 0/3 incline before i did the walk/jog today. I was planning to continue with an hour on the treadmill on the 'between' days. Does that sound about right? Also was going to do leg Nautilus on non-jog days and do arm Nautilus and free-weights on jog days.

Yeah on the new shoes! It is amazing what properly fit shoe will do for you. Make sure you go back in every so often and get refit. I have found as I have lost weight that my stride has changed slightly.

Your training schedule sounds nice and balanced. I would encourage you to take at least one full day off per week. It is good for your body to have a chance to recoup!

I have a question I got sick after week 3 so haven't run for 2 weeks. I am ready to start again tomorrow. Should I just start from week three (I KNOW I'm not ready for 4 yet)

I would pick up on week 3 and see how you feel. You will know if you need to redo that week or you are ready to move on. I redid several weeks, no problems.

I have a technical band/running question. Last week i got that monster refill of 5 bringing me up to 6 ccs. last nite was the first time i ran since my fill on tuesday. idk y but for some reason i just was putting it off, feeling slight pressure in my port area. well i did about 2 miles fairly comfortably leg/feet/stamina wise. and was ok till i was done with my run. afterward, i felt a lot of tenderness (kinda like a bruise) about 2 or so inches above my port (which is just above my belly button) it concerned me, but i attributed it to the fill and still being somewhat inflamed. it was also a bit (visibly)swollen since the run. not enough pain to be considered pain or enough to call the doc. does this sound remotely logical?



I am not a doctor or a nurse, just a plain old gal that loves to run. So, that being said. I did have some problems with my port area when I first started to run. I ended up going in to see the doc just incase it was an infection of some sorts. They did put me on antibiotics for 10 days. The tenderness did go down. He also had me take two weeks off or running to give the tenderness time to "heal".

Every since then, no problems at all. Occasionally after a rigorous run, I might be a bit tender around the port area, but it quickly subsides.

Don't know if that helps. You might give your doc a call and see what he says. You also could give it a couple of days to see if the tenderness goes down.

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Thank You KRtork!

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I just got released to work-out last week. I have been stalking this thread for awhile and started the couch to 5k last night. I did it on the treadmill, since it was raining outside. I wasn't going to use the rain as an excuse to not work-out. I walked at a 3.0 and jogged at a 4.0. I didn't want to over do it, and not give up on this program. I am a little bit sore today, but it usually take 24 hours for my body to feel the real affect on my work-outs. I was debating to do the bicycle at the gym tonight for 20 minutes, but I know the program says to take a day off to let your body re-coup. Any suggestions?

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I just got released to work-out last week. I have been stalking this thread for awhile and started the couch to 5k last night. I did it on the treadmill, since it was raining outside. I wasn't going to use the rain as an excuse to not work-out. I walked at a 3.0 and jogged at a 4.0. I didn't want to over do it, and not give up on this program. I am a little bit sore today, but it usually take 24 hours for my body to feel the real affect on my work-outs. I was debating to do the bicycle at the gym tonight for 20 minutes, but I know the program says to take a day off to let your body re-coup. Any suggestions?

A stalker that runs!:sad: Good for you in starting this program and good for you for not letting the rain stand in your way or running! Making that mental, "I will do this" hurdle is huge, so you are well on your way.

You could try biking and see how you feel. I am not a professional of any kind, but I think you do need at least one full day off each week for your body to rest. I would try the bike and then the C25K and see how you feel, you will know if it is too much. Your body will always tell you when you over do it!

Good luck with running! Keep us posted on how you are doing and feel free to ask questions!

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Hi Everyone... Welcome to everyone who's new!

Suzanne... Yeah on the running. I'm hoping it helps to break down the scar tissue, rather than surgery! But glad you get to run.

I've been MIA for a few days. Way too busy with work and the kids, and summer! Rough week though. I had a migrane from the weather - sunny, thundery, sunny, thundery... migrane came and went all week. I think its finally gone though! Yeah! I'm not going to run until tomorrow, cause I can still feel a bit of its pattern and I don't want to set it off again.

I'm so excited about my run in sept. Last year I raised $180 for the charity and it was my first race. This year I've raised $270 so far and I've got my DH and the kids enterred too. They are going to walk/run the 2k part of the race and I'm doing the full 5k. The charity is Community Living London, which supports children and adults with intellectual disabilities. As most of you know, both of my kids are intellectually disabled, so this is near and dear to me!

I've got to get myself in gear though to beat my 5k time. I haven't run much this last 2 weeks, so I need to build a training program for the next 4 weeks.

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gee kathy it sounds like me, but no Migraine. just simple exhaustion and life with one kid starting school this week and the other one on monday. i know i wont be able to run monday nite, but depending on the heat in the morning, i may try it again in the morning and NOT mid day. might even try a nearby wetlands area that has a boardwalk around it. has anyone run on a wood (not a mulch) path???i may have someone call me to kick my butt out of bed to do it though.

i have another dilema. the only thing i dont like about running these days is the stretching/warmup b4hand. i always want to go but it seems a chore to stretch. I wont stop the stretching, no worries there, but any suggestions to help me budget the time better and make it not seem such a long process. hard to explain i guess. but i KNOW its a problem more in my head than anything...oh well

kathy, im soooo sorry u didnt get the torch. that would really be exciting to watch u on the olympics possibly and be able to say...hey i know that girl!!! but its not meant to be i guess. some day when u can, id like to read your essay so if u can yet i'll get u my email so u can.

take care all and have a great weekend.


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Well, since I didn't get the torch run, I guess I can share my essay. Keep in mind, I had a limit of 220 word and I had to share how I was living an active healthy lifestyle, and points were given for people to helped to motivate others too. So here it is...

I have been obese for my entire adult life. Two years ago, at the age of 41 and as a Mom to 2 special needs children, I made a decision to stop my destructive choices and instead “choose healthy”. At that time I was morbidly obese, weighing 292 pounds, with diabetes and the beginning of heart disease.

Initially, I focused on my eating plan, choosing healthy foods from all food groups, and healthy portions. After losing 50 pounds, I began running. Over the course of 3 months, I advanced from running 1 minute to running 45 minutes non-stop, and completed my first 5k race in September 2008.

I joined an online support group for obese people like myself. Through daily postings, I try to inspire, motivate and advise the 50+ members in their diet and exercise programs. Many have taken this challenge seriously and are well on their way to healthier lifestyles.

Today, I am 110 pounds lighter. I continue to eat healthy, run 4 times per week and now strength train 3 times per week. I am training for my first 10k race, and so happy I “chose healthy”. Most importantly, I’m now a positive role model for my friends and family, and can face the daily stresses of my children’s challenges with energy and clarity. Love life, “choose healthy”!

Thanks for reading!

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i have another dilema. the only thing i dont like about running these days is the stretching/warmup b4hand. i always want to go but it seems a chore to stretch. I wont stop the stretching, no worries there, but any suggestions to help me budget the time better and make it not seem such a long process. hard to explain i guess. but i KNOW its a problem more in my head than anything...oh well


Okay, I am not an expert. Just making that clear up front!

When we went to our running group last week we had a short talk about stretching from a physical therapist, who also happens to be a runner. She said that it is not necessary to stretch before the run. But she also said it is good to walk as a warm up for 3-4 minutes before taking off on the run. Reason being, the muscles are not warm and you could unintentionally strain the muscle.

So, better to stretch at the end. So think of the muscle like a piece of spaghetti - it is stiff and brittle before it goes in the Water, when it comes out it is pliable. It is easier to stretch a warm muscle. Does that make sense?

I have always done a short walk before taking off on my run, just like it suggests in the C25K, I think that has been great advice!

Hope this helps!!!

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Well, since I didn't get the torch run, I guess I can share my essay. Keep in mind, I had a limit of 220 word and I had to share how I was living an active healthy lifestyle, and points were given for people to helped to motivate others too. So here it is...

I have been obese for my entire adult life. Two years ago, at the age of 41 and as a Mom to 2 special needs children, I made a decision to stop my destructive choices and instead “choose healthy”. At that time I was morbidly obese, weighing 292 pounds, with diabetes and the beginning of heart disease.

Initially, I focused on my eating plan, choosing healthy foods from all food groups, and healthy portions. After losing 50 pounds, I began running. Over the course of 3 months, I advanced from running 1 minute to running 45 minutes non-stop, and completed my first 5k race in September 2008.

I joined an online support group for obese people like myself. Through daily postings, I try to inspire, motivate and advise the 50+ members in their diet and exercise programs. Many have taken this challenge seriously and are well on their way to healthier lifestyles.

Today, I am 110 pounds lighter. I continue to eat healthy, run 4 times per week and now strength train 3 times per week. I am training for my first 10k race, and so happy I “chose healthy”. Most importantly, I’m now a positive role model for my friends and family, and can face the daily stresses of my children’s challenges with energy and clarity. Love life, “choose healthy”!

Thanks for reading!

You could carry the torch for me any time! That is a great essay! You are an inspiration for so many on this board, so don't forget that. :thumbup:

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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