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What is the rudest thing someone has said to you?!?!

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I'm so sorry to hear of all the rude comments made to everyone from people that don't understand what it's like to be heavy. I have a few to add to the list, too.

  1. I used to work with a co-worker that probably weighs about 350lbs or so. While I worked with her I was pregnant. After I had my son I got back down to my before pregnancy weight of 220. But slowly and surely I started putting it all back on. Everytime I walked into the store where I used to work with her if she was there she would look at me and say "having another baby?" She knew I never was but she liked to rub it in. Must've made her feel better about herself. Another time I went into the store with my husband and she was working and she says to me again "having another baby?" I say you know i'm not I'm just gaining weight still. Then she looks at my hubby and says "it's ok you can tell us which one is bigger now" and he he says "um no I'm just gonna stay out of this ok" and she says "it's ok your wife can't beat you up when you tell us that she's the one that's bigger now cause I'll back you up"! Can you believe that? The heaviest I got before being banded was 286 and I promise you all that she seriously was 350lbs. But I was always the fat one when i was around her.
  2. I've had people come up to me all the time in my church to and ask me when I'm due. One lady asked when I was due and my almost then 1yr old was running around my legs. When my mom told my bishop I was going to be out of town for 2wks he said I thought she was pregnant. I've known the man for a year! Did he really think I was pregnant the whole time!

Anyways, I can't wait until I've lost about 50lbs more and then I'm gonna go back into where I used to work and see what she has to tell me now. I can't wait to see what her reaction is going to be. :thumbup:

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Honestly I wish I could give you all hugs, I can't believe the nerve of some people that are supposed to be supportive of you - more so mothers and grandmothers I noticed where the huge contenders for the biggest bitch title. As for me, I can still remember every year in primary school we would have sports day, and we'd have to do like tests or whatever to see who would be competing on the day - anyway they got us to run like 200m or so and I start running (I'm not a runner by the way) and next thing you know I hear all this laughter behind me, no child should have to deal with that ever - so needless to say I walked the rest of the way. Then in year 7 (after having chemo and a disease that caused scarring on my lungs so obviously I couldnt breathe as well) it was sports again, the teacher I had at the time just kept saying I was lethargic and some other word I can't remember and she just kept saying it and saying it, now every year they have fetes so if they still have them on after I've lost the weight I'm gonna go their and see what she's like - I mean who knows, I could actually sue her for discrimination - it's happened here in aus and it's definitely contributed to my weight gain

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About 10-11 years ago and even 50 pounds lighter than I am now I was getting moved up at work. I'm a leasing agent for apartments and at this place I started out as the receptionist and I had to wear dresses or dress clothes. The leasing agents wore white logo polo shirts, pants or shorts with white shoes. So when I got moved up to the leasing agent I was so excited and showed up in shorts.

I got called in after the day was over to the asst managers office and she hated saying it but the manager had her request from me that I did not wear shorts like the other smaller girls. It hurt so bad, I went home from my first day of excitement and just cried so hard.

They still like to get together once in awhile for dinner and I hate going since like I said, I have gained weight. I feel like they will talk about me gaining. That is one of my reward goals too, once I look better I am going to send out an email for us to meet up for dinner. I want to show this skinny old lady my new life. She really hurt me so bad. I have had plenty of other rude things happen, but this will always stick with me. They made me feel so fat daily and I was 180 at the time!! I would love to be 180 now, lol.

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Sarah and Mrsace13 you're comments touched my heart. Isn't it awful how rude people can be. Mrsace I cannot believe people were as rude to you when you only weighed 180lbs. Like you said I would love to be that weight again. I'd feel skinny! Sarah as for your comment about who was the bigger bitch grandma's or mom's. I agree with that comment, too. My mom has been pretty hard on me since I started gaining weight, too. The sad thing is is my mom weighs almost 200lbs herself yet I'm the one with the weight problem. My mom has been heavy most of her life! My two little brothers are heavy, too and my mom really gives them a hard time also. Here's some comments my mom has made recently: I went in to see my doc 10 days after my surgery to see how I was doing and of course to see how much weight I had lost. I ended up losing 22lbs in 10 days!:thumbup: I was so excited I couldn't wait to call my parents and let them know. My dad was totally excited for me and my mom was just like hmmm. She says to me well it's about time it's going down instead of going up like it has been all this time. Well, then one day my brother is talking to her about how by this time next year he's going to be right around 190lbs like he was back in high school and she looks at him and says yeah right like that's ever gonna happen. I mean come on. She's not much of a motivation for any of us. And then she wonders why we get discouraged about our weight all the time. Anyways, enough about the depressing, rude stuff! We can get all of our weight off ladies and be healthy and enjoy the rest of our lives and rub it in everyone's faces that was ever rude to us about our weight.:girl_hug: Good luck to all you out there.

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It's funny how most of the comments made were from people who are overweight themselves. My mother used to give me a hard time too and she has always had a weight problem. I was skinny when I was a teenager, but as soon as I started putting on weight she started making comments. That really hurt me because when I was skinny and she was heavy, I never made one rude comment to her about her weight. I even used to tell her that she wasn't fat. But as soon as I started putting it on, she couldn't wait to say something.

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carrie it sounds like our moms are totally the same. they should get together cause they'd probably be best friends. i was the same as you; totally skinny in high school and then when i was about 22 or 23 i started putting on the weight. she's been buggin me about it ever since. if i go to her house and they have Cookies or something and i had one she was on my butt instantly about how that's the reason i'm fat. if i'd stop eating stuff like that i might lose some weight. 10 min later she's in the kitchen herself eating 2 of them. i used to drink diet soda all of the time and she told me if i'd stop drinking that that would probably help, too. yet the first thing she'd do when she'd wake up in the morning (and still does) is drive to the gas station and go get herself a diet coke. My mom was always heavy when I was in high school too. In fact she was her heaviest at that time in my life and I was the same way. Never once said she was fat and when she would say to me i'm so fat i would tell her that she wasn't and that she still looked good. what is it about our moms that would make them feel like they gotta treat us like crap because of our weight when they're the ones that are heavy too. It's sad cause they know exactly what we're going through yet they're mean to us about it.

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You see that doesnt make since to me. The people we would look to for support the most turning in to the first person to drag you in the dirt. Just like with my Ex wife she got over 300lbs and I supported her every step of the way when she decided she wanted the gastric bypas I worked 3 jobs so we could pay for the sergery. And as soon as she got down to the 120s and less She decided she could not be with a fat guy and divorced me. LOL. its funny the guy she left me for slept with her cousin and now she is all alone and I am getting on with my life.

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It hard now after deciding to get the band and Im wondering how it will be after banded.

Only my co-workers know at this time and the other day we ordered Buds chicken and corn fritters. About 2 hours after eating I went to get another corn fritter and one of my co-workers (and good friend that also needs to lose weight) turns to me and asks, "what are you eating now, why don't you just pretend you already have that band?" She made me feel so bad that I threw it in the trash (I guess good thing) and said that it was cold.

Then the very next day I said to my other co-worker how hard it is knowing Im getting banded soon, it is hard to diet right now even though I know I need to be. She said real smarty like, "oh yes, we have noticed that" making me feel like they are talking about me behind my back and knowing my office, they are.

They have made me feel so bad now.

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I must say I'm glad I'm not alone in getting rude comments thrown my way:) I have two instances that really stick out in my mind.

1) About 2 years ago I was walking to my car after work, and I had two asshole guys yell out from there car, 'Hey you want a fish you penguin'? WTF?!?! I just ignored them but it still hurt. I obsessed about looking rotuned like a penguin for weeks. Hell, I know I'm fat. I'm 5'4 and 304 lbs. I'm not blind. Sheesh!

2) I was eating dinner out with some friends one night, and this lady just kept staring at me throughout the entire meal. I finally just started picking my nose and doing things to disgust her so she'd look away so I could freaking eat. AND I was even eating a salad with grilled chicken. HELLO! She had a huge chicken fried steak w/ mashed potatoes and she wasn't skinny either. Stupid woman.

And I always hear the 'wow you have such a beautiful face...if only..' It really pisses me off. I don't think it helps that all of my life all my male friends and acquaintences have said how HOT my Mom and Sister are. Seriously I GET IT. They are skinny and HOT. SHUT UP!!!

I just can't wait until I lose my weight and I can go see some of those guys and be like, wow dontcha wish you had been nicer?!?! Sayonara suckers;)

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I just love this thread! It feels so good to vent! spudgirl, that's funny about the diet coke because my Mom was the same way, except with regular coke. If I had some while I was at her house she would say "if you would stop drinking that can of sugar, you would lose some weight." But yet she would drink it all day.

Firedad, I think that's great what you did for your wife. There aren't many husbands who would do that. I say good riddance!

Maggifer, that is so funny about picking you nose! I can't stop laughing!

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Carrie_C, yeah it wasn't my most 'mature' moment but damnit if she wanted something to stare at I was going to give her something:)

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This one is a little hard to explain, but I went to a very preppy, private college. So, Freshman year I was a bit of an outcast on my hall of preppy, skinny guys and girls. Each of us had a bulletin board on our room doors that had a list of activities that you would put a push pin on what you were out doing at the time. I came home one day and someone had obviously pushed my pushpin in and out of the space next to the eating activity. It was very hurtful and I was honestly scared to walk down the halls without being made fun of. I would take the side stairs to avoid the people on my hall. Fortunately, I met some wonderful people and was able to room with them sophomore year, but Freshman year was a bit hellish!

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Sitting here reading all these comments is truly heartbreaking. As I am waiting to be banded, I have actually had the kindest comments from several people saying "you aren't big enough to have that surgery" and "I think you look just fine". Part of that is because I have learned to love myself and have gotten to a place where I think I look great and I feel good about who I am (not about being overweight, just about who I am). I am more than a size 22 or a 240+ pound woman!

But with that said, I have had my share of comments as well. After losing 74 pounds on phen/fen, my mother in law (who is actually a very nice lady) said to me "I am so glad you lost that weight. You were really starting to look bad". Wow. I couldn't believe she said it. And I am currently 25 pounds bigger than I was before phen/fen, and I wonder what she thinks now.

Another thing was a boss I used to have. I was the manager, and did the hiring, and he would tell me not to hire fat girls. I would look at him and think...OMG... do you not realize I AM FAT????

But the one I hate the most is when ppl are talking about someone being really big, and then they say, 'oh, way bigger than You'. Like that will make me feel better. I will just be glad not to be the fat person that all other fat people are compared to.....

Or the best is when someone will say "She was huge. I bet she was 200 pounds!" LOL ... I just look at them and go.. 200 pounds???? WOW! hehehhehehe

Something to remember tho


Pple that say these kinds of things are just stupid!

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Well, this one isn't rude at all but I was rather shocked about it. It seems like it is always family that gets us more than anyone else. This one goes the opposite direction . . . from the child to the mother.

Since banding I went from 225 to 144 on a 5'3 frame (big difference on a short girl) in a little over 9 months. I am pretty much at goal now for all intents and purposes (3 - 4 pounds from a "normal" BMI).

When I was about 150 or so, I asked my 16 year old son (who never said a word about weight loss and doesn't know about my band) "have you noticed that I lost a little weight this year?"

His answer, "No, you look the same to me" . . . I was shocked. What is worse, I can read my son and he wasn't yanking my chain or playing with me, he honestly never even noticed.

My feelings were really hurt at the time. I think this was because I changed everything about the way I look and for him not to not even notice this transition . . . I must be about as important as the wallpaper in the bathroom. Everyone in the world, even the teller at the bank who I see maybe 1-2 times a year since the advent of online banking, seemed to notice . . . but my own child . . . nada.

Anyways, I got over it. I have a teenager at home and I know he loves me . . . specially when he needs money or the latest xbox 360 game, lol. He is a good kid, never been a problem. It is just hard for a mom to remember being her childs whole world and later becoming her childs afterthought.

I think most teenagers worlds revolve around themselves for a few brief years and then they come back to appreciate you once they start college. At least I hope this is true . . . :0)

Yes Heather, they do begin to appreciate you once they leave home. Honestly, he probably never even noticed you were fat... LOL They just see mom.

Although my youngest son has said a couple of doozies to me....

when he was about 4, I was getting in the car and he says "Wow mom, your really fat!"

My oldest (about 8) says "Austin! That wasn't nice!"

My youngest son replies incredulously, "Well the whole car moved when she got in!"

It really has always been funny, but still something you don't forget.

Another quick funny story is after having my first son, I had lost all my weight and was feeling pretty good about myself. I had my pre pregnancy (pleated) pants on and my shirt tucked in. My little nephew looked at my (post pregnancy belly) in those pleated pants and said "It looks like your pants are on backwards. That looks like your butt". And sure enough, he was right.... another funny story, but it all ends up in the "my fat girl journal".....

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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