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The band is not good do not do it! PLEASE! save your self the money!

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My Doctor wants me to have the band, I'm 280lbs, previous back surgery, adna bad back, high blood pressure, kind of high cholesterol. I've looked into it and read this forum and I don't want to do it. I can't imagine all the stuff you go thru afterwards. It seems the only thing the band really does is prevent you from eating, but at what costs? I just don't think I'm ready.

This is the very reason why I stated what I did about leaving such a negative post...

Pennyllane - I was scared to death to have my surgery and went back and forth with such apprehension thinking I'll never be able to do this, never be able to do that and it's NOT TRUE! I am 8+ weeks post op and I can honestly say I am doing exactly what I was pre op - just in smaller moderation and the band has been a blessing - it's not the be all end all and it a tool, but a tool that helps you eat not nearly as much as we did, which is what we all need or none of us would be here! If you feel you can do this on your own - girl, more power to you BUT if you've tried and tried again to no avail, please reconsider and don't let one negative post dissuade you from being a healthier better you!

Good luck!

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IMO, you shouldn't be blaming the band, you should be blaming yourself. Go to the doctor, find support. The possibilities are in YOUR hands. Did the band slip? No. Then you're to blame here. Don't go skydiving and blame the ground for your pain. You should've come prepared with a parachute (i.e. doctors, support people, good attitude, and the will to stay away from junk)

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I"m not really even talking about things going wrong, the 2 wk liquid diet before, and after, then mushie foods, things getting stuck in the stoma, so many foods that you can't eat again. It seems that your life will be consumed with are you getting enough Protein, things you can and can't eat, throwing up, filling and letting out the band. It has definitely given me a wake up call. I've joined a gym, joined weight watchers and have lost 10 lbs already in 3 weeks. Just reading this forum has given me some self control makes me realize that if the diet is that strict when banded you can do it yourself if you just really try. well, I can anyway. I've done my homework, and I have decided that it's just not for me. But I do respect everyone else's decision in regard to this.

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19 months and that's it? That's not the band, that's poor management of the person, the diet, and any side effects that should have you running to the doctor. That is not a reason to decry all American surgeons and tout the run for the border.

Fishy is an understatment:

I am not advocating mexican surgeries the reasons you mentioned is why i DECIDED TO GO WITH AN AMERICAN DR. I DID RESEARCH AND THEY CLAIM TO BE BEST IN MY AREA.

Excuse me? What about that is NOT an advertisement? One bad experience with one doctor and all of a sudden we're all supposed to go international?

You share no history, just vague details here and there as an 11th hour plea to make this all seem real. If this was real, if you cared about sharing your story as so many others have done, you would have done it with care, with detail, and with the knowledge that your chosen approach would be received just as this thread shows... with caution, skepticism, and doubt.

You wonder why we're skeptical? You claim you're allowed your say, but you jump on everyone for wondering how any of this fits together. You have been the most negative, inflammatory person on here. Someone who really was having issues that needed to be aired would be more in tune to the community aspect instead of taking their ball and going home:

ATTENTION MODERATOR If you see this please delete my account

I second that decision. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

Edited by FeliciaLevy75

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No excuses

Every day offers you plenty of reasons to make excuses. But excuses bring you nothing of real value.

Sure, a plausible excuse may enable you to save face, to appear more diligent and disciplined than you know you are. But do you merely want to appear successful, or would you prefer to actually be successful?

Excuses hold you back because they enable you to avoid responsibility and the achievement it brings. You deserve more than just a life filled with useless excuses.

Instead of making excuses, choose to make some honest, authentic progress. Even a tiny effort is infinitely more productive than a big, impressive excuse.

Don't settle for a growing list of reasons for failure. You can just as easily give yourself real, compelling reasons to succeed.

Free yourself from the shackles of useless excuses. And see this day as the grand opportunity that it is.

-- Ralph Marston

The lap-band is a tool that can help us start eating healthier and start working out more, it's not an final solution.

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It wasn't the negative post, I've been here reading everything for a month, I go and see my doctor today. I'm not afraid of the surgery, I just don't think I want to live the rest of my life that way, having food be such a huge part of my life. But I am glad it's worked for all of you who've had it, and I'm glad this forum is here. It gave me a wealth of information and has helped me make my decision. And if I find that I can't do it by myself, I can always change my mind and get banded.

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I cannot figure out how to delete my posts otherweise I would it is too bad people have called me a liar and I could not just post my opinions

ATTENTION MODERATOR If you see this please delete my account

The fact that 80% of your posts make you sound like a crazy person is not helping us believe you. Nobody called you a liar we just wanted more information.

Until you started insulting people I was pretty interested in hearing about your problems/issues. There are a lot of smart folks on these boards that can give great advice, but they need the whole story first.

If you want to leave the board simply log out...it's still showing you online. It's simple enough to just leave if you're not comfortable here.

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It wasn't the negative post, I've been here reading everything for a month, I go and see my doctor today. I'm not afraid of the surgery, I just don't think I want to live the rest of my life that way, having food be such a huge part of my life. But I am glad it's worked for all of you who've had it, and I'm glad this forum is here. It gave me a wealth of information and has helped me make my decision. And if I find that I can't do it by myself, I can always change my mind and get banded.

Understandably - it's your right to chose, and I hope I'm not coming across as pushy when I say, GET THE BAND. :biggrin: Just kidding...kinda.

Jokes aside, I have a friend who was always my "fat buddy". She wants the band, but doesn't have insurance for it. She's saving for a house, but I'm trying to encourage her to get the band.

The thing is, with or without the band - if you're almost 300 pounds, then food WILL always be a major part of your life.

Having the band has helped me control it.

Pre-band, I'd eat all my plate and never even think about reaching for seconds, or thirds. The food itself wasn't a factor in my thoughts, just the results of eating it. Constantly, I'd moan about how fat I was, then eat and eat and eat.

Now, I think about the food that goes in and, and I'm happy with the results. 70 pounds never would have come off if I hadn't done this.

Is it a struggle? YES.

Was it worth it for me? YES.

Would I encourage it for others? YES.

Is it for everyone? NO.

The thing with my friend is that she keeps saying she'll diet and exercise - sounds easy, right? She'll get it off "on her own", she says. But it's a long road without help. And, that's all the band is - it's just help.

Good luck at the doctor's...You'll know what's right, and if you've been here for a few months, you already know the ups and downs.

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Way to go! 10 pounds in 3 weeks is great! I hope you find continued success in the method that is most comfortable for you! Keep up the good work!

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Guest Leslie2Lose

I didn't jump down your throat or send you a nasty PM either. I just stated the fact you posted the same thing twice and I doubted what you were saying. You didn't post anything that showed any actual facts and it appeared you were just here to stir up trouble.

There are tons of people (many on here) that have gone to Mexico to have surgery and have been very successful. I'm proud for them. I just said it wasn't for me. You've overlooked the point that there are actual good doctors in the United States that are qualified as well. Just because you happened to get one that isn't agreeable doesn't make all of them bad.

If I am being high and mighty in your opinion, then you are entitled to it. I really don't care what you think. However, that doesn't keep my from defending myself. This is a forum and we all don't agree all of the time, but that doesn't mean you have to personally attack someone that doesn't agree with you. That is childsih.

If you are in that much pain, don't get on here and bitch. Go to the doctor, E.R., camp out at your doctor's office and make them see you!! It sounds like you have a serious condition that needs to be seen about. Doing nothing about it is making your problems worse.

You may not like it, but it is my opinion.

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It wasn't the negative post, I've been here reading everything for a month, I go and see my doctor today. I'm not afraid of the surgery, I just don't think I want to live the rest of my life that way, having food be such a huge part of my life. But I am glad it's worked for all of you who've had it, and I'm glad this forum is here. It gave me a wealth of information and has helped me make my decision. And if I find that I can't do it by myself, I can always change my mind and get banded.

penny, you're making a very wise decision for yourself. If you aren't 100% ready, I really think WL surgery is a mistake. The thing that has gotten me to the point of deciding to go with a lap band is that I have come to the realization that this thing called obesity is a disease. It's a disease that negatively impacts a big part of my life, and one that will eventually lead to my early death. I'm treating obesity as if I had cancer. If, for instance, I had to get my leg amputated to live, I would do it. My life wouldn't be the same as before, it would be harder in some ways, but I love my life and my family, so it would be worth it. Having to give up the way I eat now is not something I'm looking forward to in the least, but I have the affliction of obesity, and I hope the lap band gives me the necessary tool to kick the disease out of my life for good.

Best wishes to you!!

Edited by kiz

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Guest Leslie2Lose

I"m not really even talking about things going wrong, the 2 wk liquid diet before, and after, then mushie foods, things getting stuck in the stoma, so many foods that you can't eat again. It seems that your life will be consumed with are you getting enough Protein, things you can and can't eat, throwing up, filling and letting out the band. It has definitely given me a wake up call. I've joined a gym, joined weight watchers and have lost 10 lbs already in 3 weeks. Just reading this forum has given me some self control makes me realize that if the diet is that strict when banded you can do it yourself if you just really try. well, I can anyway. I've done my homework, and I have decided that it's just not for me. But I do respect everyone else's decision in regard to this.

I'm so glad that you've done your research before jumping into WLS when you aren't ready. WTG - 10 pounds is great! Definately explore all areas before making a decision about WLS. I really hope you can do it on your own. It is such a big decision to make. The band isn't for everyone. Take care of yourself and I wish you the best.

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Normally I completely avoid boards with topics like this however.....

Altho Dr. Montgomery wasn't my Dr, his partner Dr. Watson was. Snoho and I were banded at the same clinic and within a month of each other. (I was Nov/06 and he was Dec/06) Saying that they offer no support, no follow-up, costly fills etc just isn't fair. Sure, after the first year of free fills we have to pay for them, but I was well aware of that before I ever got my band, so it's a non-issue.

They offer *great* support. At least twice a month they have FREE support meetings where you can talk to Jessie, Linda(in house psych) or any of a number of guest speakers. You can call and talk to any of their staff at any time with questions and concerns....free!!! I call when ever I have ANY problem that I think needs addressing. They are always helpful and if for any reason they can't answer me they find someone who can and they return my call.

Snoho, I'm sorry that you feel they haven't given you support, but I honestly think that you should call them and ask to speak to Dr. Mongomery. Explain to him that you have pain....I can't believe that he wouldn't take you seriously and offer some kind of help.

If you would like to contackt me, feel free !!!

And BTW....you live a heck of a lot closer to them than I do. I'm Canadian and chose to use NWWLS because of their reputation in EXCELLENT post-op care. It takes me 7 hours and sitting at the border crossing to go down for support and fills, and I still do it because I'm worth it !!!! You've got the band now, get some help and work with it....when you get your band issues resolved and the weight starts moving you won't regret it !!!!





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I'm afraid not. I call B.S. as well. I was just banded last Wednesday at the very same clinic Snoho claims to have been banded and let me tell you, a claim of no support from the doctors there is soooo much hogwash.

I am also self pay and the pre-surgical visits alone totaled five. I met with their psychiatrist, two different consulting nurses, a nutritionist and the surgeon prior to my surgery. I was given business cards by each one of them with an offer to "call anytime I had questions or concerns". My surgeon gave me an entire handful of business cards, just in case I should lose one.

I was given so much literature I couldn't even fit it all in my little file box of important documents on my desk.

I was referred to multiple websites that offer education and support.

I was invited to attend their support groups, before and after surgery.

During surgery I was surrounded by multiple people who were there just to work with me and me alone, until I was discharged.

I received a phone call from a nurse the following day to "check in with me" after surgery.

I just had my post-op appt yesterday and the same pattern existed. I've lost ten lbs since being banded. Ten lbs in one week. Granted, everyone's different, but still.

I was given more literature at my post op and saw both a nurse and my surgeon. I was given more than ample time to ask questions, air concerns.

When I was making my appointment for my first fill (hoooray!), after my visit with the surgeon, the nurse who did my consultation came by the reception desk. She recognized me by sight and told me I was looking good. I said, "I"ve lost ten lbs already!" She was so happy for me, she gave me a "Go girl!" and the reception staff all echoed her sentiments with a round of "All right!" and "Good for you!"

I felt supported. I felt uplifted. I felt encouraged. I felt like they were all genuinely on my side.

Don't, for one minute, try to tell me you've had no support from your doctor. I've got the same doctor and they rock my face off. If you're not getting support it's because you're not asking for support. If you're not losing weight, it's because of something *you're* doing or not doing. There may be a problem with the band, but if you're not asking for support, guess what? You won't get it and it's on you to take control and make it happen.

It's been said over and over again that the band is not a miracle fix. That was the very first thing OUR surgeon told me. You have to work with it and you have to be responsible about it. It's your body and if you would remove the bullseye from your back and stop being a victim about it, you might find yourself empowered to make it work for you, instead of against.

Otherwise, I'm sorry, but you deserve just what you get.

In the meantime, don't dare to presume to tell others it won't work for them. They may be dedicated and committed to actually doing the work and making it a success for them.

Yes, yes, you're entitled to your opinion and so am I. My opinion: The band isn't the problem, you are.

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Altho Dr. Montgomery wasn't my Dr, his partner Dr. Watson was. Snoho and I were banded at the same clinic and within a month of each other. (I was Nov/06 and he was Dec/06) Saying that they offer no support, no follow-up, costly fills etc just isn't fair. Sure, after the first year of free fills we have to pay for them, but I was well aware of that before I ever got my band, so it's a non-issue.

:::waves::: Hi Patricia! It's SO nice to hear from another NWWLSer! I love the staff there! I'm only a week into being banded, but I already know this is going to be great. Good luck to you, I hope to run into you again.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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