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How much do you think stuff like this is affected by advertisement of the band(s) to the general public? Like how many people see the commercial and only get the "you'll lose weight" part out of it, search for "lap band" on the internet and find an inexpensive surgeon in the Google ads?

Now, of course these people should know better than to make medical decisions based on TV commercials, Google ads and price alone but.....yeah...people should know better than to do a lot of things they do, you know?

Those ads don't show anything approaching the nitty-gritty of banding, and perhaps some people just think "oh, I'll eat less because I won't be so hungry" and think they understand the procedure. Not to defend this type of behavior but sadly, I see how it is totally possible.

I think the bogus commercials have everything in the world to do with the problem. They show all the good points and NONE of the work! Just get a band, eat smaller quantities, and lose weight. People really have no idea of WHAT to research. The food limitations, barfing, foaming, sliming, no Fiber in your diet, etc. They have no idea what they are signing up for and MDs are not teaching them a bloody thing! The majority of folks that come here believe the post op diet is ALL about swelling. Swelling is 10% of it, the rest of the purpose of the post op diet is 90% of it. How often does a person understand why they are on an Atkins diet pre op? They think it is to lose weight, have no clue what glycogen is.

People are desperate, they will do ANYTHING for a band! Absolutely anything. They see $5500 and they have no idea the patient coordinator flat out refused to go to the doctors she is promoting, she traveled halfway across the country to go to a GOOD surgeon. She wouldn't dream of going to the butchers she promotes!

People have no clue. that's the reason for my sig.

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You mean there's more to the band than what the commercials say? I always assumed it was powered by devil's magic...

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I think the ads have a lot to do with it. Its marketed as a miracle cure.

Although I've jsut been totally put back in my place in another thread. Someone posted asking if there was anyone else NOT exercising. There arent many. But of course I piped up (in a most respectful manner). Only to be told I dont have sleep apnoea so I cant possibly know so my opinion counts for jack shit. What do people WANT? Honestly this person obviously wants a million people to post back saying its OK to not do any exercise.

I've said it a million times before. There are a ton of people here who are vibrant, clever, motivated people who just happen to suffer weight problems. And then there are the fat people. To which fat happens, and its not their fault, never their fault and there's a million reasons not to accept responsibility for that. They're probably the ones who ring the 1800 number after the ad and have surgery 24 hours later THEN decide they'd better find out a bit about it. Like they just ordered the amazing new Bodytrim system or the Ablounge or something. Bloody obesity related sleep apnoea, makes you sit up watching infomercials all night and before you know it ou've got a freaking LAP BAND.

I am no longer going to be offended though. Thanks to some of the lovely comments above and our myriad of discussions on this topic, I just know to avoid some posters now. I didnt even answer that dumb one about five scars. I should have stayed out of the I want to sit on my ass all day tell me its OK post. Lol.

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Although I've jsut been totally put back in my place in another thread. Someone posted asking if there was anyone else NOT exercising. There arent many. But of course I piped up (in a most respectful manner). Only to be told I dont have sleep apnoea so I cant possibly know so my opinion counts for jack shit. What do people WANT? Honestly this person obviously wants a million people to post back saying its OK to not do any exercise.

i gave my 2 cents on that thread as well... anxious to see what is said.

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You mean there's more to the band than what the commercials say? I always assumed it was powered by devil's magic...

Magic! That's it exactly.

I have to say, I found the Lap Band ads very compelling. I'm sitting on the couch, thinking "how can I be hungry? I just ate something" and those lion roaring, tame the hunger ads come on tv and I think "oh baby, I want that."

However, I rarely watch ads of any sort -- I'm watching something saved on the DVR or I'm watching "live" but I'm time-shifting and I skip over them. So I didn't see my first lap band ad until I had been here for months.

Not watching ads has saved me from all sorts of things. :biggrin2: In fact, when Mini-Mac gets a case of the "gimmes", I forbid her to watch more than an hour of tv a day and they go right away.

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I think the ads have a lot to do with it. Its marketed as a miracle cure.

Although I've jsut been totally put back in my place in another thread. Someone posted asking if there was anyone else NOT exercising. There arent many. But of course I piped up (in a most respectful manner). Only to be told I dont have sleep apnoea so I cant possibly know so my opinion counts for jack shit. What do people WANT? Honestly this person obviously wants a million people to post back saying its OK to not do any exercise.

I've said it a million times before. There are a ton of people here who are vibrant, clever, motivated people who just happen to suffer weight problems. And then there are the fat people. To which fat happens, and its not their fault, never their fault and there's a million reasons not to accept responsibility for that. They're probably the ones who ring the 1800 number after the ad and have surgery 24 hours later THEN decide they'd better find out a bit about it. Like they just ordered the amazing new Bodytrim system or the Ablounge or something. Bloody obesity related sleep apnoea, makes you sit up watching infomercials all night and before you know it ou've got a freaking LAP BAND.

I am no longer going to be offended though. Thanks to some of the lovely comments above and our myriad of discussions on this topic, I just know to avoid some posters now. I didnt even answer that dumb one about five scars. I should have stayed out of the I want to sit on my ass all day tell me its OK post. Lol.

Well, I posted on a thread regarding following the post op diet. We have said over and over again that following your doctor's orders for the post op diet is critical and why it is critical. Someone came in and explained to us that we are not doctors so we shouldn't be giving out advice. ??? Hello? Our advice was to follow your doctor's orders.

Man, people will come up with anything to justify eating more food or the wrong food. Then they don't understand why the band isn't working for them. :thumbup:

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Man, people will come up with anything to justify eating more food or the wrong food. Then they don't understand why the band isn't working for them. :thumbup:

well, Wasa, it's all the band's fault dontcha know?

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I think the ads have a lot to do with it. Its marketed as a miracle cure.

Although I've jsut been totally put back in my place in another thread. Someone posted asking if there was anyone else NOT exercising. There arent many. But of course I piped up (in a most respectful manner). Only to be told I dont have sleep apnoea so I cant possibly know so my opinion counts for jack shit. What do people WANT? Honestly this person obviously wants a million people to post back saying its OK to not do any exercise.

I've said it a million times before. There are a ton of people here who are vibrant, clever, motivated people who just happen to suffer weight problems. And then there are the fat people. To which fat happens, and its not their fault, never their fault and there's a million reasons not to accept responsibility for that. They're probably the ones who ring the 1800 number after the ad and have surgery 24 hours later THEN decide they'd better find out a bit about it. Like they just ordered the amazing new Bodytrim system or the Ablounge or something. Bloody obesity related sleep apnoea, makes you sit up watching infomercials all night and before you know it ou've got a freaking LAP BAND.

I am no longer going to be offended though. Thanks to some of the lovely comments above and our myriad of discussions on this topic, I just know to avoid some posters now. I didnt even answer that dumb one about five scars. I should have stayed out of the I want to sit on my ass all day tell me its OK post. Lol.

Jachut, I posted on that thread, it's my surgery month after all. And if you notice I mentioned how much you inspired me, there were others too, so don't stop responding because of the naysayers, but keep it up because you inspire others like me to do more. I hope one day to be one that loves exercise but even if that day never comes, that doesn't mean I am not going to do it. Some people just aren't ready to make the changes and forever, will want to play the victim, and then they will blame the band for not working and others for being judgemental and not understanding their situation. But playing the victim is what got us, well at least me anyway, in the positon I was that I needed the band. It took me a long time to wake up and see it, but when I did, it was life changing. It took a few health scares to wake me up but fortunately those are all gone now and I'm on the road to a new, healthier me and if that means exercise, well then exercise it is!

BTW, I have never seen a lap band ad. Guess I need to stay up later or something.

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I do have to say that the lapband ads are what started me on this journey. I only knew of the more drastic bypass as my mom and sister have both had the surgery (and both are doing great!) but I knew that wasn't a road I wanted to travel and figured that I would not be having WLS. Seeing the ads gave me another option. BUT that just meant I needed to research it b/c I had no idea what all it entailed or meant. Only after lots of research and finding this website and getting involved have I been able to get to this point. The other advantage I am blessed with is my insurance does the surgery and pays for it otherwise it would be out of my reach completely.

I have said this before and will say it again, Jacqui, Wasa, LJM and others have valuable information/advice and I can't understand why people can't at least listen to it. Whether they take it to heart or discard it, there is no reason to get nasty about it. They are imparting their wisdom as having been there/done that and it's important for us to hear it.

And L2bT, I can't believe someone PM'd you! I read a story on here the other day of a gentleman losing almost 200 lbs in 1 year (how exciting!)! What's too fast or too slow? Especially when we all have different body types, exercise regimens, diets (meaning food intake, not "diet"), etc. See, I don't understand that kind of nastiness! It just makes no sense to me. Why lower yourself to that level and try to bring someone else down? What is the point of it? <shaking my head>

I hope that those of you who have paved the way for the rest of us continue to post and impart your wisdom and advice. I know that I need to read it, even if doesn't always pertain to me, it's important! And most of the time I can take something from the post in order to help me on my journey.

Thanks to all of you who post! Newbie or old-timer!!!

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But playing the victim is what got us, well at least me anyway, in the positon I was that I needed the band. It took me a long time to wake up and see it, but when I did, it was life changing.

You've just hit the hail right on the head. Very best of luck with your weigh loss, once you've admitted that to yourself, then you're on your way. I really believe that. Its the most important factor of all. MORE important than what you eat or what exercise you do.:)

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I think those of you at goal are a great inspiration and I get really irritated that you are run off by people. I don't know who specifically cause I'd be smacking them..

Even if I don't follow what you do (I'm not running in a marathon!!!--Jacqui :)), I am completely inspired by it. I find what works for me, and I know "It can be done".. so if it's not "doing", I'm doing something wrong. Try something else. I don't think people at goal are just special cases, or had it easier, or had less to lose.. I think they found what worked for them. So I have hope, something will work, at any point in my weightloss. Everytime I stall, I panic and think I'll be a statistic. Then I look at people at goal.. no, I'm not a statistic and no the band isn't failing.. it's just time for something new! I have to change my goals with the band and what I'm going to do in order to lose weight every few months. Adding a little more effort every step of the way.

Trial and error. If you're doing one thing and not moving, try another, and another.. till it works.

But by all means, don't be so ignorant to think the people who made it work, had it any easier.

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Although I've jsut been totally put back in my place in another thread. Someone posted asking if there was anyone else NOT exercising. There arent many. But of course I piped up (in a most respectful manner). Only to be told I dont have sleep apnoea so I cant possibly know so my opinion counts for jack shit. What do people WANT? Honestly this person obviously wants a million people to post back saying its OK to not do any exercise.

I've said it a million times before. There are a ton of people here who are vibrant, clever, motivated people who just happen to suffer weight problems. And then there are the fat people. To which fat happens, and its not their fault, never their fault and there's a million reasons not to accept responsibility for that. They're probably the ones who ring the 1800 number after the ad and have surgery 24 hours later THEN decide they'd better find out a bit about it. Like they just ordered the amazing new Bodytrim system or the Ablounge or something. Bloody obesity related sleep apnoea, makes you sit up watching infomercials all night and before you know it ou've got a freaking LAP BAND.

I am no longer going to be offended though. Thanks to some of the lovely comments above and our myriad of discussions on this topic, I just know to avoid some posters now. I didnt even answer that dumb one about five scars. I should have stayed out of the I want to sit on my ass all day tell me its OK post. Lol.

Guilty as charged, although sleep apnea doesn't let you sit up and watch infomercials! And it took me close to 10 months of hoop jumping to get my surgery approved.

I apologised in the other thread and explained a bit for getting my knickers in a twist. It's sensitive one for me because it really is such an awful thing to have, I really did just feel like dying before getting it treated. Before things got really bad I was a regular exerciser, hell I worked out until I got put on bed rest when I was pregnant at 35 weeks! Unfortunately I was a very regular eater too with a bottomless pit of a stomach.

So sorry again. I totally understand your frustration at people thinking WLS is the easy option and doing stupid things that could hurt themselves and not putting on their big girl pants and take charge of their lives etc etc.

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Guilty as charged, although sleep apnea doesn't let you sit up and watch infomercials! And it took me close to 10 months of hoop jumping to get my surgery approved.

I apologised in the other thread and explained a bit for getting my knickers in a twist. It's sensitive one for me because it really is such an awful thing to have, I really did just feel like dying before getting it treated. Before things got really bad I was a regular exerciser, hell I worked out until I got put on bed rest when I was pregnant at 35 weeks! Unfortunately I was a very regular eater too with a bottomless pit of a stomach.

So sorry again. I totally understand your frustration at people thinking WLS is the easy option and doing stupid things that could hurt themselves and not putting on their big girl pants and take charge of their lives etc etc.

You know what G? You are okay. Matter of fact, you are pretty damn cool! I think we'll keep you around for a long time. ;o)

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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