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Anyone here been banded through Kaiser? My doctor told me I have to go to a gastric bypass siminar to find out more info on the band. Apperantly they don't have a Kaiser doctor in my town that does the band, I may have to go futher up north to have it done. If you've been through this process with Kaiser, I would love to hear about your process.


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I went through Kaiser. You have to go to an orientation class and there they will give information on both bypass and band surgeries. It is a very long process. I went to orientation in August of 07 and was finally banded in may 08. One thing to do is start losing weight right away. The sooner you do the sooner you will have your surgery. I had Dr. Le in South San Francisco. The staff is great and they are very helpful. These classes are mandatory and are very informative. Per Kaiser: if you miss any of your classes you have to reschedule them and attend them prior to having your surgery. People complain about having to do all the things they want prior to surgery, like having to lose 10% of your initial weight, this is done to help prep your internal organs for surgery. Right now they are covered in a layer of fat and that needs to come off so it is easier to get to your stomach. Do what they tell you and you will be fine. Good Luck! It is well worth the wait!

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Thank you for the information you provided. Right now I'm waiting for my orientation on July 23rd. I guess I have a long road ahead of me, but I'm willing to do what is necessary. I'm in Fresno, and may have to travel to your area to have the procedure done. I just hope I can attend all classes required here. Anyway, thanks again!

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Hang in there. I got a little discouraged along the way because it was taking so long. When I finally met with the medical doc, she told me that if I had lost more weight at that point she would have scheduled me for the first available surgery date. Talk about disappointed! That also gave me the extra boost to lose the weight (20lbs) in a hurry. I lost it in a month! Didn't think I could do it. Try not to get to discouraged, like I said it is worth the weight.

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Ok I think I had the wrong idea... I knew they expect you to lose 10% of your weight but I thought that started after you saw the Dr or at least did the class?

I know it sounds silly but I havent been even trying to lose weight right now I was afraid that if I did it would make my starting point lower and make it harder to lose the 10% they require. Its usually easy to lose the first 10-20lbs its after that it gets tough.

Does that make sense? If I understand what was said I should start right away because it will be 10% of my current recorded weight not the weight recorded when I see the Doctor for the first time?

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Hi! I'm in the Fresno program too. Been in the process a little longer than you have tho. Make sure you have a RECENT documented weight BEFORE you start losing. They will take your weight at every class and it's then put on your records and that's how they document the 10%. At orientation we took our weight and that's the weight we start with to then try to lose the 10%. (I'm struggling with this. It's hard or I wouldn't be here!)

You will be sent to the bay area. Usually Richmond but a gal in my class said she called Fremont and she can choose to go there. The other hospital is S. San. Fran. I'm not sure if you CAN choose which facility to go through. If so, I haven't decided which facility to go through yet.

So far, my process has been:

PCP referral to orientation

Orientation PCP referral to psych and nut

Psych and nut appts.

continuing classes

and finally - surgeon's class on Monday - this class I'm hoping to get more information on how to get to the band team. The surgeon is the bypass surgeon in Fresno. In the meantime, I've been TRYING to lose the 10% required and the whole time HOPING that the band surgeon isn't going to require more!

Best wishes to you all!!

Edited by heartfire
formatting is all screwy!

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Thank you for the information. Going to Richmond wouldn't be too bad for me. I have family that lives there. However, does that mean that you have to go to classes there as well? Or, can those be done in Fresno? And, what about fills? Do those have to be done up north as well? Also, when I went to see my PCP a couple weeks ago, she mentioned that she heard a rumor that Fresno may be getting a surgeon that does the lap band. She said she didn't know for sure, just something she heard. Maybe when you go to see the surgeon you could ask him about that and let me know what you find out if it isn't too much trouble.

As far as the 10% weight loss, if I understand correctly, you're saying that as of now, I don't need to focus on losing weight until I get my first weigh in at orientation next month. Is that correct? I have so many questions (as does so many people from what I've seen) and have to wait so long to get any answers.

Patience - something I've never been good at - but I'm learning!

Thanks again!

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No, you do NOT need to start losing weight right now. I would wait til you go to orientation/seminar/whatever they're calling it now. Try not to gain anything though either.

I'm hoping that by doing everything in Fresno, they will not make me do it again in The bay area. They won't make you do classes again b/c they won't make you drive that far every week but they could make you see their psych and nut and go to another seminar class.

You will have to go to the bay area for fills and aftercare involving the surgeon.

I have been hearing rumors too. Just that though, rumors. They have a surgeon coming this summer to start doing laporascopic (sp?) bypass and I'm assuming that he will also at some point start doing bands. Problem is the support team for bands. There has to be a team for the aftercare. I am expecting to find out more at the class on Monday.

It would be nice to only have to drive an hour vs. several to get surgery and aftercare but I will if I have to. There are a couple of really good (from what I hear) band surgeons in Fresno. I wish Kaiser would just farm us locals out to them but God forbid! :redface:

I'm still very much in the dark as well. I'm just a few months farther along is all. If you have any questions, holler. Maybe I can answer them for you. It's hard, I know. It helps hanging out here though.

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When I was going through the process in SSF last year, I asked if I could do my psych and nutritionalist appointments here in Roseville. They said no. I asked if I could pay for private appointments through a WLS psych and they said no. I was trying to get things to move faster. According to what I was told they will only work with the bariactric group at that hospital.

Things could be different in the other two locations but call before you go through all the trouble and have to double your efforts.

Some of the classes, especially the weekly ones were available for me in Sacramento. Some of the classes were in SSF. Again, call. All of this will be gone over in orientation.

I also asked if we could choose our facility and at that time they said no.

Loose your weight as quickly as possible AFTER orientation because they hate to see people not working hard. Yeah, they're all skinny and don't seem to realize that it is hard to do. They also view this as an elective surgery.

If you want to see if you can move an appointment up, call frequently for cancellations. They don't call you. I had my psych appt cancelled because she was in jury duty and they wanted to put me 2 months out. I called and found out they had an appt the next week that they didn't tell me about. I got that one.

The process seems lengthy when you're going through it but afterwards it's like birth and you forget the pain. LOL

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Vicki - Thank you for the info. I like to hear what others have experienced. Congrats on your weight loss! You've done outstanding. I sure hope I'm able to take the required classes here in Fresno. The do the Gastric Bypass here, so I'm praying that classes for lap band can be done here. There is no way I could travel 3 hours weekly for meetings. It's so discouraging!

Heartfire - How did your meeting go today with the surgeon? I hope you found out some good news! Keep me posted! I'm eager to hear what you find out since your a few steps ahead of me. Thank you for your time and information. It is much appreciated.

Have a wonderful evening to both of you!

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I am so glad that someone is talking about Kaiser. I am scheduled with my Internal Medicine doc tomorrow to start the process. Wish me luck!

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When I was going through the process in SSF last year, I asked if I could do my psych and nutritionalist appointments here in Roseville. They said no. I asked if I could pay for private appointments through a WLS psych and they said no. I was trying to get things to move faster. According to what I was told they will only work with the bariactric group at that hospital.

Things could be different in the other two locations but call before you go through all the trouble and have to double your efforts.

Some of the classes, especially the weekly ones were available for me in Sacramento. Some of the classes were in SSF. Again, call. All of this will be gone over in orientation.

I also asked if we could choose our facility and at that time they said no.

Loose your weight as quickly as possible AFTER orientation because they hate to see people not working hard. Yeah, they're all skinny and don't seem to realize that it is hard to do. They also view this as an elective surgery.

If you want to see if you can move an appointment up, call frequently for cancellations. They don't call you. I had my psych appt cancelled because she was in jury duty and they wanted to put me 2 months out. I called and found out they had an appt the next week that they didn't tell me about. I got that one.

The process seems lengthy when you're going through it but afterwards it's like birth and you forget the pain. LOL

Vicki, it's good to 'see' you! Things have changed some since you went through. They're streamlining and making the different facilities into, basically, one department with different area teams. If that makes any sense. You have been such a huge help to me and with great information. I don't know if I've thanked you or not for your help, so if not, THANK YOU so very much!! Take care!

Vicki - Thank you for the info. I like to hear what others have experienced. Congrats on your weight loss! You've done outstanding. I sure hope I'm able to take the required classes here in Fresno. The do the Gastric Bypass here, so I'm praying that classes for lap band can be done here. There is no way I could travel 3 hours weekly for meetings. It's so discouraging!

Heartfire - How did your meeting go today with the surgeon? I hope you found out some good news! Keep me posted! I'm eager to hear what you find out since your a few steps ahead of me. Thank you for your time and information. It is much appreciated.

Have a wonderful evening to both of you!

SG, I'm soooo excited! The new lap. bypass surgeon will also be doing bands! They are hoping, by the end of the year, to have the after-care team in place to start doing band surgeries then. I've decided to stay with the Fresno program and just wait for them to get up and running. It may still take until spring to get surgery but it would save so much from having to go to the bay area. I was starting to panic about childcare for my 2 year old if DH couldn't get off from work (which, as a fireman, it's likely he WON'T get off from work, esp. this time of year!). This will make things slightly easier.

I'll probably see you in class when you start. My sessions end the middle of August. It's a continuously running class so we cycle in and out but still all get the same info at some point.

Let me know if you have more questions. Take care!

I am so glad that someone is talking about Kaiser. I am scheduled with my Internal Medicine doc tomorrow to start the process. Wish me luck!

DB, WELCOME!! Don't know anything about Kaiser, CO. May be a little different process (even in CA there are differences between the AREAS!) Best bet would be to call the Bariatric Surgery Dept. and ask them about the process and what you need to do. Best wishes!

Have a great night everyone!

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Heartfire - That's wonderful news! I'm excited for you! With a 2 yr old and and husband who's a firefighter, you definitly don't need the added stress of traveling to the bay area, thats for sure. Thanks again for sharing with me. I still have to wait until 7/23 before oreintation, so I may get to see you in class a couple times before you're through. At first, I was a little discouraged when I found out that Kaiser patients have to go through so much before getting the procedure done (as with many insurances from what I've noticed) but I'm starting to realize now that this is for the best. It would be awful to jump in without all the tools needed.

DenverBean - Good Luck! Let us know how it goes at your appointment today.

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At first, I was a little discouraged when I found out that Kaiser patients have to go through so much before getting the procedure done (as with many insurances from what I've noticed) but I'm starting to realize now that this is for the best. It would be awful to jump in without all the tools needed.

SG, it really is for the best. I'm glad you see that. As frustrating as it is, the patients who stick with it and have to jump through all the hoops really have the better results. Makes 'em think long and hard before it happens so there's no jumping in with eyes closed.

Just a warning though, remember that they are going to be doing A LOT of talking about bypass. Lap Band really only comes up rarely and a little more if someone asks questions about it. Do your own research. I've actually answered questions (just a couple, and I'm NO expert) in class that the instructor didn't have an answer too. Which is fine since she doesn't deal with LB but still it would be nice to have more info in class. I'm sure that will change once they get the band surgeries up and running.

Are you actually IN Fresno/Clovis area? I'm in the mtns so it's an hour & 15 minute drive for me to get out to the Clovis center for class every week. The gas is killing me! AND I'm driving my DH's former commute car, a little '87 Toyota Camry that gets about 30 mpg as opposed to my truck that gets like 10!!!! Then, like this week, with the class last night and class Thursday night, I'll be down there TWICE this week! There are only so many errands I can run with all of these trips! :thumbup:

Don't get too anxious, it'll happen soon enough. Hang in there! Talk to you later.

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Oh! I forgot! If you want to do this while you're waiting for orientation and your PCP is on board, have him refer you to the Dietitian and the Psych depts to get those out of the way now. You can get it done anytime. You don't have to wait to start class. It's just all part of the process, so you might as well do it now. Once you have those done your PCP can then send the referral to the surgery dept and then after that you do the group Surgeon's class or the individual appt with the surgeon. In the meantime, you will have started class and will start losing your 10%. That's the whole process before seeing the surgeon before surgery. They'll do more tests right before surgery but that's down the road a ways.

Anyway, just a thought. Bye!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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