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Soon to be a "BANDit"

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Hello all!

I would like to introduce myself in the men’s room here if that is okay.

I have been lurking for the past few months and the posts have been very informative!

I went to my seminar on March 10th. Then had to see my PCP for full exam at the end of March. Went and saw the surgeon in April and he said I was a good candidate. Got all my paperwork submitted mid to late April and was approved at mid May. It really went fast thankfully! I did my preop this past Friday and I am scheduled for surgery next Wednesday! I am so excited! My doctor made my start a liquid diet, with a "few solids" i.e. 2 cups of veggies, and one small fruit or canned fruit for 7 days prior to my surgery. I have been on this diet since yesterday. I have been using EAS drinks for Breakfast long with a sugar free pudding. The same for lunch, except I get half a banana then. dinner I drink a low carb slim fast it has a few more calories than the eas and a little more Protein, a cup of fruit and the other half of the banana. Wow yesterday was hard! Today is a little easier, this is so much different from what I am used to!

I weigh 350lbs and am about 5'10. I am 25 years old and have battled my weight since the first grade! I still cannot believe I am that big. When people look at me they guess me at about 250. When I tell them my real weight they are shocked!

I have surgery next Wednesday, and I am off from work that day of course and thorough Monday. So I would return to work the following Tuesday. So six days off including surgery day. I work in IT and wonder if will be okay to return then. I do alot of sitting, but I do carry PCs around and fix them. The weight about 12-18lbs. Should I be okay lifting these when I return with only six days of recoup? Just wanted your opinion.

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Hey, nemesis.

You're going to want to be careful with the lifting - at my place, they urged us to lift nothing heavier than 10 lbs for at least 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, the scar tissue has formed and the sutures are pretty solid; before that, you run a (small, I suspect) risk of tearing sutures or causing a weakening in the abdomen wall that stuff can pouch out of (an incisional hernia). If you go back to work, you should explain that you had to have a (minor) surgical procedure, but that you won't be able to lift much for the next month and a half. I'd bet your surgeon would be happy to give you a note.

I took a week off after my surgery. I could've gone back to work in less time, but I'm glad I took the time to heal slowly. It's not MAJOR surgery, but all surgery is harder for bigger people, and it took more out of me than I was expecting...

Welcome aboard! You've made a great decision to look after yourself and your future. Don't be afraid to as questions, and keep on reading here and elsewhere to learn what to expect...

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And nemesis, when you ask if its okay if you can introduce yourself in the Men's Room, I'd have to say that this is probably one of the few Men's Rooms where it's completely appropriate to introduce yourself!

Although I think it would've been a bit cooler if instead of introducing yourself in the Mens' Room, you'd introduced yourself in the Ladies Room. I'm blanking on the name - Bandsters Gone Wild or something.

Ladies? Reresh my recollection?

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And nemesis, when you ask if its okay if you can introduce yourself in the Men's Room, I'd have to say that this is probably one of the few Men's Rooms where it's completely appropriate to introduce yourself!

Although I think it would've been a bit cooler if instead of introducing yourself in the Mens' Room, you'd introduced yourself in the Ladies Room. I'm blanking on the name - Bandsters Gone Wild or something.

Ladies? Reresh my recollection?

LOL. I knew when I was typing "I would like to introduce myself in the men’s room " that I was setting myself up for a joke a two, but I just couldn't resist! Now I can't get the image of "introducing" myself to people while in the mens room out of my head! UGH! Can you imagine?!? I bet I would walk out with a couple black eyes and a tooth or two gone. I know I would be very upset if I were "doing my duty," in the mens room and some dude comes up and says, "Hi, I am John Doe! Nice to meet you! What are your hobbies?" :teeth_smile:

This morning things are better, I am starting to get used to this preop diet I think. As far as work goes, I was pulled up into the HR office by my boss, and spoke with the director of HR. I was told that if I missed more than 5 working days in a row, I was going to be fired! He then proceded to tell me that I should pray for no complications so I will be able to return to work within that window and not get fired. S.O.B.! So when all that was said, I simply said one sentence, "I need a union rep here or this meeting cannot go any further." The meeting ended then. So I don't know how understanding they will be when it comes to me not being able to lift much. However, I will do what is best for me! I appreciate the advice guys.

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It sounds to me like you played that one very well. You might want to get that surgeon's letter sooner rather than later.

I don't believe that they'd be allowed to fire someone for following medical guidelines after surgery for treatment of a life-threatening procedure.

And, on another note: what f***ing bastards.

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What a bunch of pricks. My HR rep told me that if I was going to be out more than 4 days I would be put on FMLA, which protects your job up to 6 months. We arent a union, so I dont know how those two things will work, but hag in there. Let us know how its going.

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Nemesis, you're up tomorrow, right? Come back and let us know how things are going with you.

Speaking of which: Cowboy, how're you feeling? I think you're past the worst of it, now.

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Yeah I am up tomorrow! I am excited. I think it will be nice, it will also be nice do get away from this s**thole of a workplace for a little while. LOL I am using this time off to get my computer in my car, the PCM, reprogrammed. I took it out yesterday and sent it off. I had to ride my motorcycle to work today:) The pcm should come back giving me better shift points, more hp and torque, oh and it will take advantage of some of the modest mods I have made to the car, oh how sweet!. I drive a 97 Trans am, the last of the trans am's to get an LT1. My mom is going on vacation the day after my surgery so when I go back to work I will be driving her Tahoe, I figure it will be MUCH easier/less painful to get in and out of than my trans am would be after this surgery. So I lucked out! LOL I will let you guys know how it all goes tomorrow, I hope that it won't be too bad. However, after reading many posts it seems that it won't be that bad at all. It seems the women have more problems with recovery than we do. I read some of their stories and started to get scared! Then I read some of the stories from men and I felt much better! That is why I am glad we have the "mens room." LOL

Edited by s1nemesis1s

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Good Luck Nem!!

Fenton, man I am doing good. I was sore for a couple of days. The gas was gone two days after, and it was never bad. I was 463 a week ago Saturday, when I started my 4 day pre-op day. Today I am 427. Down 12 since I came home from the hospital. Feeling good. I probably will be bored by the time I go back to work; not until next Monday. Oh well, I will enjoy my qusi-vacation.

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Good Lord, those are kind of spectacular numbers!

I'm glad it all went smoothly, and you're feeling well and enjoying your progress...

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Yeah I am up tomorrow! I am excited. I think it will be nice, it will also be nice do get away from this s**thole of a workplace for a little while. LOL I am using this time off to get my computer in my car, the PCM, reprogrammed. I took it out yesterday and sent it off. I had to ride my motorcycle to work today:) The pcm should come back giving me better shift points, more hp and torque, oh and it will take advantage of some of the modest mods I have made to the car, oh how sweet!. I drive a 97 Trans am, the last of the trans am's to get an LT1. My mom is going on vacation the day after my surgery so when I go back to work I will be driving her Tahoe, I figure it will be MUCH easier/less painful to get in and out of than my trans am would be after this surgery. So I lucked out! LOL I will let you guys know how it all goes tomorrow, I hope that it won't be too bad. However, after reading many posts it seems that it won't be that bad at all. It seems the women have more problems with recovery than we do. I read some of their stories and started to get scared! Then I read some of the stories from men and I felt much better! That is why I am glad we have the "mens room." LOL

Hey Guys,

Well I AM NOW A BANDIT! OR A BANDSTER..whatever. LOL Surgery went well; I was in at 7:00 am Wednesday and out by 12:30 pm that day. I will give you all the details from a guy’s point of view, I haven't read that many men's stories, more women's stories than men. Okay, here goes:

I arrived at 6:45 at the hospital. Was told to sit in the waiting area in the lobby until the pager thing they gave me buzzed. About 5 mins later it buzzed. I walked to the desk and they took me to my room. The nurse handed me a gown and told me to go to the bathroom and change, she said I was to take EVERYTHING off! I tried to bribe her with a 10 spot to let me leave my boxers on, and well she was not having it. Oh well, I changed into the gown and tied the back. I came out and she said, "Sorry, you need to leave the back open, you are going to be moving on and off alot of beds/tables." She then said she was going to give me a shot in my stomach, Heparin, and that it might hurt a bit, a sting while going in. I must say it was the most painless shot I have ever had, I didn't even feel it, just a warming of the injection site. The nurse then found a good place to poke me on my arm, it was a pretty big needle, she also said, "I'm sorry this is going to hurt alot!" It didn't though; she drew three vials, and started me on an IV. Also I got the BP done too. It was HIGH, must have been nervous. It is normally, 129 over 68. It was 159 over 90! I chilled out in my room, watched some TV and waited. Next a man came in, older guy with slicked back hair. He had a blue jacket/smock on and said, "Let’s take you on down to preop." I said, "Sweet, I am ready to go"

So he pushed my bed all the way down to the preop room. It was COLD AS ICE in there! But I like the cold, I guess because I am so fat I am hot and sweaty all the time, the cold was nice. The guy parked my bed, and asked me if I needed a blanket, I said no, this is nice. I sat in the room there for a bit and got to listen to the preop staff talk all about politics, and much I did not agree with, and I started getting pissed. I wanted to jump into the convo, but hey, if I piss them off it might not be good; they are after all the ones going to be changing my IV. LOL A male nurse came over introduced him self and said he was going to start the IV antibiotics, I made sure it wasn't the penicillin derivative, that it was in fact the erythromycin derivative; I am allergic to penicillin. He already knew that and it was all good. My doc came by and spoke to me, he was very nice and I told him that I was looking forward to the surgery because my nuts are turning into ice cubes, he laughed pretty hard. He told me that I would not be getting the average band, that many men require the "large" band and that is what I am getting. I told him I was used to having to have large everything, clothes, seats, etc. He just shook my hand and said see you in the O.R.

Next the anaesthologist came over with his assistant. He asked me if I had ever been put under before. I recounted my list, wisdom teeth, appendix, 12 times for ECT. I told him I had violent vomiting when I had the appendix out. He then said, okay, we won't use those drugs then. He put a motion sickness patch behind my ear. Then he said he was going to start some versed to make me relax and feel good. He injected it into my IV and I started feeling awesome!!! I hate to admit this but for some reason I was sexual aroused, and started saying some not so innocent things to the nurse, she just laughed. Then he injected me with more drugs. At this point I was higher than I kite! I never felt so good and sleepy too! They rolled me in the OR and made me move. I was so sleepy at that point it was crazy. The nice nurse from the bariatric center came over and held my hand. They then placed a mask on my face and said, breathe some oxygen and I was out!

Next thing I knew I was being rolled down the hall, my eyes really would not open, I started talk and they it was okay. I fell asleep again, and woke up in recovery, yelling! I needed to piss badly!! I told them I need to walk to the restroom, they said no, I had just had surgery, they handed me a pee bottle and I filled that thing up! The nurse there said, well you have already urinated, you are almost ready to go home, just rest a bit and you can go. I told her, "I demand to sit on the edge of my bed." She said okay. So I sat there, and they asked me if I was ready for x-ray. I said yes! So they took me to x-ray, that went quick!! Before I knew it I was back in recovery and walking around. They said I was the third to have that surgery that day, and the first to leave! LOL

They gave me my clothes, went into the restroom, and changed. They went over all my instructions with my parents while I sat in the lobby. I got in the car with my dad and headed home. BOY I WAS SORE! MY port area especially! The next days were a blur...of pain meds and lots of sleeping. I could barely eat!! LOL I am drinking the EAS drinks, some CIB, Lots of tea! I am also into cream Soups as well. I don't eat much though; I am burping much and farting alot too. I didn't have a BM for almost four days! The longest time in my whole life! Here I am on day six, still feeling a little weak, sore, but I am at work! Don't want to be here, I could use a day or two more off.

Edited by s1nemesis1s

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Alright guys, -This is going to be about BM's so not for the faint for heart...

I have moved to cream Soups, cream of broccoli to be specific. I have been having VERY bad diarrhea, let’s just say...most small farts...lead to sharts, and I am have had to throw several pairs of boxer shorts in the garbage at work.... Anyone experience this after surgery? I was thinking it might be the broccoli Soup doing this, but I do put some cheese in it though so I wouldn't think it would cause this. I really hate to describe it, but it is basically like...well...water when it comes out, but tinted yellow, almost like urine looking. With just a little "mush" in it. Is this normal? What do you guys suggest?


Starting 354/Current 334/goal 190ishl

Edited by s1nemesis1s

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yes normal. try some powdered metamucil to get things going again, but quite frankly, for me, it was until about a month after surgery and I was eating regular foods again that I had regular (normal) BM's. I ranged from liquid 5x a day to nothing for a week....

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Haha! Congrats, nemesis, you banded pervert! I'm glad things went so smoothly!

Are you remembering to walk around?

For me, the BM thing went the other way - I was DYING to go, but couldn't! I now take Fiber three times a day (I use Benefiber, or the cheap Benefiber knock-off, which works well for me), and go every other day.

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Haha! Congrats, nemesis, you banded pervert!

Hello? Pot calling the kettle black much? LOL....J/K Fenton. Your numbers still rock!

Nemesis, it's very common for patients (men and women both) to say very embarrasing things on the versed. I used to work a position where I assisted with a lot of bronchoscopies, so I have heard just about everything....I can pretty much assure you the nurse just laughed it off and added another funny story to her list. No big deal, man.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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