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July 08 Bansters Day by Day line up list

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Hey My Name is TeressaK and I was banded in Houston by Dr.Spivak on July 16..I am not sure how to cut and paste...I have lost 30 lbs...Thank the Lord..Feel better already...

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Hey My Name is TeressaK and I was banded in Houston by Dr.Spivak on July 16..I am not sure how to cut and paste...I have lost 30 lbs...Thank the Lord..Feel better already...

I was banded by Dr. Spivak on July 16 as well. Were you at True Results?

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1 wsw27

1 tillydog

1 doedoe1961

1 staylucid

1 mygirlayanna

1 Rdk211

1 kiwifruit_77511

1 Mrs J.J

2 minidriver

2 slim2be

2 BethO

2 mrsgriffin2u

2 trudeip

2 Barbiek

2 annabella

2 SanDiegoSusan

2 anita reyna

2 jjenkins2411

2 1day at a time

2 freedom 0702

3 BigBander

3 scoutmama

3 2GoodDogs

3 kimlam

4 joiful

7 slim1

7 ginnyc

7 AmyWA

7 Redheada

8 blaze 21

8 Louisville Lesa

8 zeama

8 cinda

8 flowers

8 JaJeanne

8 Booklady

8 IntoLess

9 Ailie

9 Sarv

9 MarylandMommy

9 siouxsie Sioux

9 Rivieramaya05

9 lalaredd

9 missrach

9 aliNSanDiego

10 sallen21

10 Goobe

10 2Blite4life

10 melmel

10 Fancy Nancy

10 vannie

10 Danasuze

11 Applebottom

11 vra123456

11 wstone

11 falloons

11 melallot

13 OvrLvl

14 MaidMarion

14 Chellets

14 pbpunisher

14 lindsaylee74

14 crzytchr

15 Fearless55

15 Flowerpurr

15 lynlynkr

15 pschmolle

15 perfectforme


15 mellimel71

15 Melody2006

16 eyespy

16 lisainbohemia

16 lotzasunshine

16 SciTeach

16 lynlynkr

16 michkor

16 jomomma

16 Charlene K

16 nanaislosingit

16 moez02

16 aclubb

16 Dionna113

16 Teressak

17 OCBreeze4U

17 3m’smom

17 tnag86

17 Long2bFree

17 Simba00

18 PDXBandster

18 toogoode4u

18 CapitolChick

18 ElusiveQuality

21 clayverde

21 just1more

22 Moocatschade

22 zillyanne

22 TeriVA

22 kimaly

22 lleighton5

22 Choromom

22 annesan

22 Laniev00


23 shellbell99

23 vanman

24 daniml

24 nyllrap

24 linksmom

24 lisadental

24 Frypan

24 Diva21

25 thatDEgirl

25 NewJEM

25 Kiki220

25 Nachtigall

28 ann71

28 splfrd

28 mamanmidwife

28 BeverlyDiane

28 Jessicadyan7

29 Cherub

29 Chellets

29 Cindersb4

30 orea15

30 2KpUpwithAvery

30 ShondaN

30 Katherinem200

Let me know who is missing if anyone. I want to try to get all of the July Bandsters on the list.:cursing:

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I noticed that HAIR1234 had asked for someone to enter her, but I don't see her in there. I believe she said her date was the 15th. I didn't have time this morning to go back to check the threads. Thanks.

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1dayatatime, can you add lafrogura to July 14th?

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1 doedoe1961

1 kiwifruit_77511

1 Mrs J.J

1 mygirlayanna

1 Rdk211

1 staylucid

1 tillydog

1 wsw27

2 1day at a time

2 anita reyna

2 annabella

2 Barbiek

2 BethO

2 freedom 0702

2 jjenkins2411

2 minidriver

2 mrsgriffin2u

2 SanDiegoSusan

2 slim2be

2 trudeip

3 2GoodDogs

3 BigBander

3 kimlam

3 scoutmama

4 joiful

7 AmyWA

7 ginnyc

7 Redheada

7 slim1

8 blaze 21

8 Booklady

8 cinda

8 flowers

8 IntoLess

8 JaJeanne

8 Louisville Lesa

8 zeama

9 Ailie

9 aliNSanDiego

9 lalaredd

9 MarylandMommy

9 missrach

9 Rivieramaya05

9 Sarv

9 siouxsie Sioux

10 2Blite4life

10 Danasuze

10 Fancy Nancy

10 Goobe

10 melmel

10 sallen21

10 vannie

11 Applebottom

11 falloons

11 melallot

11 vra123456

11 wstone

13 OvrLvl

14 Chellets

14 crzytchr

14 lafrogura

14 lindsaylee74

14 MaidMarion

14 pbpunisher

15 Fearless55

15 Flowerpurr

15 HAIR1234

15 lynlynkr

15 mellimel71

15 Melody2006


15 perfectforme

15 pschmolle

16 aclubb

16 Charlene K

16 Dionna113

16 eyespy

16 jomomma

16 lisainbohemia

16 lotzasunshine

16 lynlynkr

16 michkor

16 moez02

16 nanaislosingit

16 SciTeach

16 Teressak

17 3m’smom

17 Long2bFree

17 OCBreeze4U

17 Simba00

17 tnag86

18 CapitolChick

18 ElusiveQuality

18 PDXBandster

18 toogoode4u

21 clayverde

21 just1more

22 annesan

22 Choromom

22 kimaly

22 Laniev00

22 lleighton5

22 Moocatschade

22 TeriVA

22 zillyanne


23 shellbell99

23 vanman

24 daniml

24 Diva21

24 Frypan

24 linksmom

24 lisadental

24 nyllrap

25 Kiki220

25 Nachtigall

25 NewJEM

25 thatDEgirl

28 ann71

28 BeverlyDiane

28 Jessicadyan7

28 mamanmidwife

28 splfrd

29 Chellets

29 Cherub

29 Cindersb4

30 2KpUpwithAvery

30 Katherinem200

30 orea15

30 ShondaN

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It looks great! I have a question though, does it matter that there is a space on mine? It shows "freedom 0702" but my login is "freedom0702" with no space. Thanks so much for fixing it.

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It looks great! I have a question though, does it matter that there is a space on mine? It shows "freedom 0702" but my login is "freedom0702" with no space. Thanks so much for fixing it.


I think I got it right now. :lol:Look at my next post.

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1 doedoe1961

1 kiwifruit_77511

1 Mrs J.J

1 mygirlayanna

1 Rdk211

1 staylucid

1 tillydog

1 wsw27

2 1day at a time

2 anita reyna

2 annabella

2 Barbiek

2 BethO

2 freedom0702

2 jjenkins2411

2 minidriver

2 mrsgriffin2u

2 SanDiegoSusan

2 slim2be

2 trudeip

3 2GoodDogs

3 BigBander

3 kimlam

3 scoutmama

4 joiful

7 AmyWA

7 ginnyc

7 Redheada

7 slim1

8 blaze21

8 Booklady

8 cinda

8 flowers

8 IntoLess

8 JaJeanne

8 Louisville Lesa

8 zeama

9 Ailie

9 aliNSanDiego

9 lalaredd

9 MarylandMommy

9 missrach

9 Rivieramaya05

9 Sarv

9 siouxsie Sioux

10 2Blite4life

10 Danasuze

10 Fancy Nancy

10 Goobe

10 melmel

10 sallen21

10 vannie

11 Applebottom

11 falloons

11 melallot

11 vra123456

11 wstone

13 OvrLvl

14 Chellets

14 crzytchr

14 lafrogura

14 lindsaylee74

14 MaidMarion

14 pbpunisher

15 Fearless55

15 Flowerpurr

15 HAIR1234

15 lynlynkr

15 mellimel71

15 Melody2006


15 perfectforme

15 pschmolle

16 aclubb

16 Charlene K

16 Dionna113

16 eyespy

16 jomomma

16 lisainbohemia

16 lotzasunshine

16 lynlynkr

16 michkor

16 moez02

16 nanaislosingit

16 SciTeach

16 Teressak

17 3m’smom

17 Long2bFree

17 OCBreeze4U

17 Simba00

17 tnag86

18 CapitolChick

18 ElusiveQuality

18 PDXBandster

18 toogoode4u

21 clayverde

21 just1more

22 annesan

22 Choromom

22 kimaly

22 Laniev00

22 lleighton5

22 Moocatschade

22 TeriVA

22 zillyanne


23 shellbell99

23 vanman

24 daniml

24 Diva21

24 Frypan

24 linksmom

24 lisadental

24 nyllrap

25 Kiki220

25 Nachtigall

25 NewJEM

25 thatDEgirl

28 ann71

28 BeverlyDiane

28 Jessicadyan7

28 mamanmidwife

28 splfrd

29 Chellets

29 Cherub

29 Cindersb4

30 2KpUpwithAvery

30 Katherinem200

30 orea15

30 ShondaN

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1 doedoe1961

1 kiwifruit_77511

1 Mrs J.J

1 mygirlayanna

1 Rdk211

1 staylucid

1 tillydog

1 wsw27

2 1day at a time

2 anita reyna

2 annabella

2 Barbiek

2 BethO

2 freedom0702

2 jjenkins2411

2 minidriver

2 mrsgriffin2u

2 SanDiegoSusan

2 slim2be

2 trudeip

3 2GoodDogs

3 BigBander

3 kimlam

3 scoutmama

4 joiful

7 AmyWA

7 ginnyc

7 Redheada

7 slim1

8 blaze21

8 Booklady

8 cinda

8 flowers

8 IntoLess

8 JaJeanne

8 Louisville Lesa

8 zeama

9 Ailie

9 aliNSanDiego

9 lalaredd

9 MarylandMommy

9 missrach

9 Rivieramaya05

9 Sarv

9 siouxsie Sioux

10 2Blite4life

10 Danasuze

10 Fancy Nancy

10 Goobe

10 melmel

10 sallen21

10 vannie

11 Applebottom

11 deanntucker

11 falloons

11 melallot

11 vra123456

11 wstone

13 OvrLvl

14 Chellets

14 crzytchr

14 lafrogura

14 lindsaylee74

14 MaidMarion

14 pbpunisher

15 Fearless55

15 Flowerpurr

15 HAIR1234

15 lynlynkr

15 mellimel71

15 Melody2006


15 perfectforme

15 pschmolle

16 aclubb

16 Charlene K

16 Dionna113

16 eyespy

16 jomomma

16 lisainbohemia

16 lotzasunshine

16 lynlynkr

16 michkor

16 moez02

16 nanaislosingit

16 SciTeach

16 Teressak

17 3m’smom

17 Long2bFree

17 OCBreeze4U

17 Simba00

17 tnag86

18 CapitolChick

18 ElusiveQuality

18 PDXBandster

18 toogoode4u

21 clayverde

21 just1more

22 annesan

22 Choromom

22 kimaly

22 Laniev00

22 lleighton5

22 Moocatschade

22 TeriVA

22 zillyanne


23 shellbell99

23 vanman

24 daniml

24 Diva21

24 Frypan

24 linksmom

24 lisadental

24 nyllrap

25 Kiki220

25 Nachtigall

25 NewJEM

25 thatDEgirl

28 ann71

28 BeverlyDiane

28 Jessicadyan7

28 mamanmidwife

28 splfrd

29 Chellets

29 Cherub

29 Cindersb4

30 2KpUpwithAvery

30 Katherinem200

30 orea15

30 ShondaN

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I was banded on July 11 in Mobile Alabama by Dr Lane.. I now live in Las Vegas and searching for a doctor continues.....

Hi Deantucker,

I have added you to our list. We are glad to have you in our community.:smile:

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Hi All, I was banded on July 30 by Dr. Haughn in Evansville, IN. Just found this thread and hope to learn more about where I should be in my journey as compared to others who had surgery the same day or there abouts.

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1 wsw27

1 tillydog

1 doedoe1961

1 staylucid

1 mygirlayanna

1 Rdk211

1 kiwifruit_77511

1 Mrs J.J

2 minidriver

2 slim2be

2 BethO

2 mrsgriffin2u

2 trudeip

2 Barbiek

2 annabella

2 SanDiegoSusan

2 anita reyna

2 jjenkins2411

2 1day at a time

3 BigBander

3 scoutmama

3 2GoodDogs

3 kimlam

4 joiful

7 slim1

7 ginnyc

7 AmyWA

7 Redheada

8 blaze 21

8 Louisville Lesa

8 zeama

8 cinda

8 flowers

8 JaJeanne

8 Booklady

8 IntoLess

9 Ailie

9 Sarv

9 MarylandMommy

9 siouxsie Sioux

9 Rivieramaya05

9 lalaredd

9 missrach

9 aliNSanDiego

10 sallen21

10 Goobe

10 2Blite4life

10 melmel

10 Fancy Nancy

10 vannie

10 Danasuze

11 Applebottom

11 vra123456

11 wstone

11 falloons

11 melallot

13 OvrLvl

14 MaidMarion

14 Chellets

14 pbpunisher

14 lindsaylee74

14 crzytchr

15 Fearless55

15 Flowerpurr

15 lynlynkr

15 pschmolle

15 perfectforme


15 mellimel71

15 Melody2006

16 eyespy

16 lisainbohemia

16 lotzasunshine

16 SciTeach

16 lynlynkr

16 michkor

16 jomomma

16 Charlene K

16 nanaislosingit

16 moez02

16 aclubb

17 OCBreeze4U

17 3m’smom

17 tnag86

17 Long2bFree

17 Simba00

18 PDXBandster

18 toogoode4u

18 CapitolChick

18 ElusiveQuality

21 clayverde

21 just1more

22 Moocatschade

22 zillyanne

22 TeriVA

22 kimaly

22 lleighton5

22 Choromom

22 annesan

22 Laniev00


23 shellbell99

23 vanman

24 daniml

24 nyllrap

24 linksmom

24 lisadental

24 Frypan

24 Diva21

25 thatDEgirl

25 NewJEM

25 Kiki220

25 Nachtigall

28 ann71

28 splfrd

28 mamanmidwife

28 BeverlyDiane

28 Jessicadyan7

28 Truediva

29 Cherub

29 Chellets

29 Cindersb4

30 orea15

30 ShondaN _

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