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Post Surgery check in here

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Was banded yesterday. Everything went well with the exception of getting the damned IV's going. My veins are really tiny and they roll. After five tries I asked them to just put it in the crook of my arm. Other than that, pretty uneventful.

They took me in at exactly 1pm but didn't get done with me till 4pm because of a "monster" hernia plus the doc dealt with a bunch of adhesions. Actually, when I woke up the only place that I had pain was in my chest. Felt like an elephant was sitting there. They gave me a hypo and sent me home. That shot lasted way into the night. Took some liquid Tylenol and slept really well. My DH wedged a pillow behind me so that I could somewhat lay on my side. (Stomach sleeper and have NEVER slept on my back).

Swallowing is going good and have gotten in quite a bit of Water since I got home. I was told I could start with cream of wheat, Soups (non-chunky) Tomato juice tomorrow. Thought that was quick but doc says with new band it's OK. Next Tuesday I can start with scrambled eggs, soft veggies, tuna, cottage cheese. July 1...onto real foods. Seems like a pretty fast transition to real foods but will test the waters as my doc gives me the OK.

I am so excited to think that there may be a chance that I no longer need to take medication for acid reflux. I took nothing last night and it went well. Will have to see what today brings.

That's it for now. Going for a walk and then back to the couch. Hope everyone else had as easy a day as I had yesterday.

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Tomorrow will be 2 weeks for me. I can't believe what a difference 2 weeks makes, though I still have the huge bruise on my arm from my pre op blood work 2 weeks ago. LOL I feel back to normal now, not quite so tired. Yesterday was my first day experiencing hunger and wanting foods I couldn't. I really wanted a french fry! But weird today, I am so not hungry and am having to remember to eat a little something every 3 hours. I'm finding everyone's preop diets interesting. There's so much different info out there from all the different docs. For example I'm reading alot about oatmeal, mashed potatoes, etc. on mushies, and all my mushies have to be Protein.

I'm still weighing myself every day and should stop, it was so fun seeing the scale go down every day but it's been 3 days and no movement now. I'm off my b/p meds and b/p is still good and that's been a week already. My tongue is no longer white (had oral yeast infection) so I'm on the road to a new healthier me. Oh my tummy itches like crazy around the incisions and the glue is looking real greyish and hopefully is getting ready to come off.

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I think I have thrush like you did, Long2BThin. I'll have to call my pcp and ask for a prescription (had it back in Jan. so I'm at least aware of what I need to do). I def. have not been getting on a scale since I just don't want to know. My next follow up (and first fill I think) in July 10 so I'll wait until then. I am allowed to start food tomorrow. I went grocery shopping today and just bought a lot of high Protein foods - crab, smoked salmon, bacon bits to add to eggs, chicken, and then some more textured Soups - lentil, manhattan clam chowder (I'll take the potato out). I was able to take my kids to McDonald's yesterday and not feel hungry or deprived. I just ordered a Water and was fine. I was surprised. I'm really shocked that I am not more mentally in withdrawal. I was able to walk past all the foods I shouldn't have today and feel ok about it. I did find that although I like Protein shakes (I feel rare), my favorite are the Atkins ones since the carb count is so low and they are thicker. Too bad they are so dang expensive. Oh well. I've also started walking everyday with my husband and kids after dinner which makes my stomach/gas feel a lot better. I walk pretty slowly (and I was a more "active" overweight person to begin with) but it's def. a good start.

Congrats all you newly banded folks!!! For those of you with surgeries soon, it really isn't bad once you get a week out.

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Do you have a white tongue? That thrush was the weirdest stuff, my mouth felt so funny. The nurse told me it was quite common but it something I rarely read about here on the boards. I'm glad they told me about it at my pre op or I'd never have guessed I had it. Good luck to you!

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Got home from Tijuana today. Dr. Ortiz gets two thumbs up in my book!

I have a 4 ml band. Not hungry yet, not over the gas pains yet, either. It's hard to burp, but it's better today than yesterday.

I can start "not clear" liquids tomorrow.

Good luck with the rest of you!

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Yep - that's exactly what I have. They probably gave you Nystatin? It's an oral that you can use to get rid of it. Thrush is REALLY hard to get rid of. I am only surprised I have it because I'm not really consuming anything with sugar. Did they say why you probably got it?

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Yep - that's exactly what I have. They probably gave you Nystatin? It's an oral that you can use to get rid of it. Thrush is REALLY hard to get rid of. I am only surprised I have it because I'm not really consuming anything with sugar. Did they say why you probably got it?

No they just said it was common after major surgery and antibiotics. Nystatin is what I got, I had to swish and spit a tsp 4 times a day for 7 days until gone. However, 7 days have come and gone and I still have some medicine left so am still swishing to be sure it's gone. Since then my teeth feel like they need a good cleaning! I brush and floss and it's still there.

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Well what a difference a week and 2 days is!! Today is the first day that I actually feel really good! For a few days there I was really not sure I would ever feel normal again, but I do!! I am now on "full luiquids", the week of clears just about killed me. Today I half a little cup of applesauce, went out to lunch and had half a bowl of brocolli cheese Soup and had the other half for dinner. Is anyone else getting full on just a little bit? I'm not sure if that's the band or just still all swollen inside, but I like it! :biggrin2:

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My surgery was yesterday. I got the the surgery center around 8:30, and was called back to the pre-op area shortly after 9 am. I went into surgery at 11:00.

Apparently I was very hard to wake up once in recovery, though. My mom had to wait about an hour before she could come see me. My blood pressure was too low (mid-to-high 80s for the top number), and my heart rate kept dropping into the 40s. So I had to stay longer than expected. The finally gave me some IV fluids and atropine. About 1/2 - 1 hr later, my blood pressure reached the high 90s and even just a little over 100. My heart rate also increased to high 50s/low 60s.

We were finally allowed to go home at 4 pm. I crashed on the couch for a a few hours.

So far, I've only taken one dose of the Lortab. They were supposed to give me some in recovery, but they didn't want to risk my stats dropping. I haven't been in much pain though. I took a dose before bed, mainly as a preventative. It's almost 10 am now, and it's still not too bad. It's getting to be a little more than a twinge, so I may take another dose in about an hour.

Yesterday, I had Water, 2 oz of grape Isopure, and a few bites of lime Jello. Right now I'm sipping on some chicken stock. My post-op diet consists of 2 wks full liquids and then 4 weeks soft solids. But I've decided to do clears at least through the end of today. I think I feel a little hungry, but it could maybe I'm just a lttle gassy there.

Once thing that I didn't expect - the doctor has me wearing a compression binder for a week. Does anyone else have one?


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BANDED AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am finally back at the house. I left here at 1.15pm arrived at the hospital at 1.45.. My oh so considerate friend said "do you mind if we go and get coffee first.. I didn't get mine this morning?".. WHAT!??. anyway. I let her get her coffee while checked in.. they came for me at 2..and took me to a beautiful room overlooking Marbella harbour.. gorgeous sheer curtains (blue, cream and brown) with beautiful wallpaper on one wall to match.. so they told me I would be seeing the surgeon 'soon'.. The nurses came in and did my IV port and my ECG.. then they changed me and got me into bed..they also gave me some diazepam.. NICE.. so I lay there quite happily until 3.30. The surgeon came up went through everything with me again.. and I followed him down about 20 mins later.

I was taken to a pre-op room where I switched beds.. put under green etc.. and put on a net hat.. then they wheeled me to the theatre. The anesthetist was lovely..and there were lots of people getting busy around the room. My surgeon and his assistant put the surgical stockings on me.. which was amusing in itself.. and while I was having heart monitors attached. I heard the anesthetist say to a gorgeous guy at my iv port to 'put it all in'... well the next thing I know I was waking up.. so I guess 'put it all in was the anasthetic"..

I did wake up with an oxygen mask on and the heart monitor still attached. I felt pain immediately and they straight away gave me morphine... the surgeon told me the surgery went brilliantly..no problems, that my insides were 'perfect'.. and he was very happy with the surgery. He said it took about an hour and a half... They filmed the surgery and will give me a copy later.. so will be happy with that!!..

I stayed in recovery for 4 hours.. then they took me back to my room at 10pm.. I had a terrible night.. just dozing really.. I was told to stay on my back and not to have anything to drink before the next day... my lip did get stuck to my braces though. and I have a big cut there..

The next day the surgeon (whom I am in love with now! ha).. Dr Orellana checked me over and told me everything is fine..and to start moving and sipping Water.. I was then allowed herbal tea and water..

My pain is like chronic indigestion. With stabbing pains in my port area. Sitting and standing is very difficult actually. I feel that pulling on my port side (under my left boob).. and the strain in all of my cuts. The cuts are beautiful though.. very small and very clean.

They told me to stay an extra night as I was still suffering pain and they know who I work for. (all the people in the house and the kids)... I was relieved. I asked for a sleeping pill.. so after a bed bath I took that and slept for a good 5 hours or so.. I did wake up a few times in pain .. but they kept pumping me with paracetamol (IV).. and tremadol..so I was good!..

OH! had some Soup last night.. just very thin chicken.. WAS HEAVEN ON A SPOON!!!!!!!!.. four spoonfuls and I felt the restrictions.. but I took my time and it was great!.

I got back to the house at 4pm..they were great!.. am in my room now.. just had a strawberry jelly.. quite hungry as I have eaten only that and Soup since TUESDAY!.. will weigh myself later!.

so here it goes!!!!.. not sure what to do with myself.. hard to lie on the bed. not sure how I will sleep.. the hospital bed was wonderful!..


the cut next to my port is really sore too!..breathing deeply really hurts..maybe I ate too much Jello at once..

mm gonna take some getting used to!..

well.. pain killer is taking effect so willtry to sleep for a bit. .then go for a walk!.. stitches due out on Wednesday.. first fill in 4 weeks.

On Clear liquids for TWO WEEKS.. then simple PUREE for two weeks after that.. I have ready brek! .. forgot I like that!..

so for now am on.. Soups, fresh juice (no pulp), Jello, ice pops, Water, tea, milk (fat free or soya) and I can even have some coffee with my warm milk and sweetner .. so not too bad at all!..

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Thank you!!!..

Feeling sore.. but you know what!!.. it is great!! as I know that pain is the beginning of new and wonderful opportunities to gain back control!!..


good luck to you .. it will come and go SOOO quickly!!!.. !! a wonderful experience!

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OH by the way. I have to give myself 'heparin' shots everyday for 15 days.. I remember reading someone else having to do this too..

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Congrats to all of you recently banded!

Today is my 2 week anniversary! :thumbup:I am amazed at my progress.:biggrin: I am now eating a few solid foods, :lol:I am adding them very slowly. I was about to starve :thumbup: on the liquids and wanting more and more to eat.:couch2: I have found that if I eat a little fish or meat of some kind (protein) :smile: I can feel the restrition.

I read on a post somewhere that the band works best on solid food.:couch2: That the liquids slide right past it.:party: I don't have any fill in my band and the doctor said my band was not tight at all,:tt2: but I can definately feel the difference in before and after being banded, so I know this is going to work for me!:biggrin2:

When you first have surgery you are swollen and sore and that keeps you from eating. :couch2:

That is why you MUST follow the doctor's orders and stay on the diet he gives you. :tongue2:

If your band is tight to begin with you will be allowed less food at first, :angry:and longer periods on the liquids and soft foods before you move to solids. :smile: Then as you heal you will add the solid foods . :lol: They say to avoid the liquid syndrome.:thumbup: My mentor, IndioGirl,(aka Janet) suggested this article. It does have good information. check it out!:smile:


I was beginning to stop loosing weight on the liquids and found that the solid food really is helping me! Of course be sure your Doctor is in agreement!:party:

Anyway! I hope everyone has a good weekend! :thumbup: I am off work for the next two weeks and return to classes on July 7! I hope to return a little smaller and a little tanner! :smile:

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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