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Post Surgery check in here

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Hey all! I was banded yesterday :smile:

Everything went really well for the surgery. We got there on time yesterday (6 AM) and everything went exactly as scheduled, no hold-ups at all. There was a little confusion with the anesthesiologist about whether or not I have a CPAP machine, but it didn't hold anything up. I wasn't nervous at all most of the morning while I was getting ready, but once they separated me and my fiance, Matt, and had him go wait while they took me to the holding area, THEN I got nervous. My anesthesiologist spoke a mile a minute and I could barely understand what he was saying, and I was praying none of it was important for me to know! My surgeon came and spoke to me for a very few minutes. They wheeled me in for surgery after hooking up my IV at 7:30 exactly, and after a few minutes of strapping me to the table and everyone running around, I just passed out, no warning at all. Hehe. When I woke up, it was after 9 AM and my stomach HURT. Not horribly, but enough that I kept asking when the pain meds would kick in. Morphine is so wonderful. I had to stay in the recovery room until about noon, and I kept fighting off sleepiness because I wanted them to move me up to my room ASAP so I could see Matt again. I slept most of the afternoon after they moved me and made sure everything was okay and sending Matt to go eat some lunch. He wasn't allowed to stay overnight with me since I had a roommate, and I was really lonely since I was only sleeping on and off during the night. The nurses kept forgetting about me when I needed things, like the IV bag changed or when I could have ice again. My mouth was soooo dry and they only let me have a medicine cup of ice every 4 hours.

They wouldn't weigh me before my surgery yesterday, so I have no idea how much weight I lost with the pre-op diet. They only weighed me today, and according to that, I gained 2 pounds, but they said that it was because of the 4 bags of fluids that they kept pumping into me and that nobody says they lost weight when they are weighed at that point. Pfft. I need to order a scale this week so I can keep track myself.

The sorest spot on my stomach is where I think my port is, and I think I was expecting it to be on my left side, but it's on my right? I dunno. My bandages are in a nice little row, 4 all next to each other, and then 1 is kind of under my breast. I went home around 1:30 today and they made me wean off of the morphine all this morning, so I'm very sore and the liquid Tylenol isn't helping. I tried to take a nap with Matt, but since I can't sleep well on my back and it hurts too much for my side or stomach, it didn't work very well. I might end up sleeping on the couch until the pain goes away so I can be propped up.

They had to take blood from my artery in the wrist for blood gas levels and for the two samples they needed, yesterday and today, they poked me a total of NINE times. If you've ever had this done, you know how painful it is since they didn't numb me for it and they had to keep poking around. Ouch!

I'm on my liquids today, and I thought I'd be hungry with only 2 oz. of liquid at a meal, but I just have more of a dry mouth than anything. I hope the soreness goes away before I have to go back to work Monday. I have to go see my surgeon again in 10 days for the check-up. So far, everything seems to be on track, though. My vitals have been really good everytime the nurse checked, they were impressed with my recovery, especially since they were expecting me not to be able to walk around very well because of my size. I don't have any problems walking and they were really surprised when I just got up, and the only problem I had was a little dizziness and nausea. They didn't make me do a swallow test, though, which seems strange when I read everyone else having to do it. Ah well. I don't really feel anything around my stomach area itself, is that normal? I only really feel the incisions and port.

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Angelco!! Good for you. I heard the port side is dependent on if the surgeon is right or left handed. Not sure there's any truth to that or not. Also I did weigh before my surgery and was down about 4 lbs. since my pre op a day before. However, when I got home and weighed I was up 8!!! That was gone in a day or two!

Today was my first big challenge. We went out to lunch with some friends. We went to the Islamorada Fish Company inside Bass Pro Shops. I thought that would be a good choice as today I could add soft foods and fish was highly recommended. I did great, but all the other food looked so good. Tonight they are having a poker party here and my daughter is making up all the goodies. They look good but yet not that appealing. So maybe that is a good thing.

I just tried putting on my jeans as I hadn't worn them in a week for fear of rubbing the incisions. They are so big already!!! I am down 30 lbs already (10 was before my first consult with my dr.)

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Here is my experience for everyone.......I had surgery yesterday around noon. I woke up in recovery, and they took me to do an X-ray to make sure they didn't completely block my stomach so I had to drink that yucky stuff first thing (no Water or pain meds until the X-ray was checked). Then I was wheeled into a cubicle and my husband was called. My surgeon came by and said my X-ray was clear, so I finally got to have some water and pain meds. My stomach, upper back, neck, and chest hurt, which they said was gas. They told me not to bother with GasX, that the gas has to be absorbed by your body. After that, I got to go home and some of the pain went away, and I thought I could get by without taking anymore until I laid down to go to bed at midnight.....it hurt! I took the Lortab and immediately felt better. I was awake at three thirty, my four year old threw up in her bed so I changed her sheets, cleaned her up, and got her some meds and water. I felt good enough to do it too! My husband and parents were here to help, but I didn't even wake them up. Then this morning I got up and made Breakfast for my parents and family and did the dishes afterward. Most of the gas pain is gone, my neck still has a little pain once in a while, and my stomach is still sore but other than that I'm good. I'm even planning on taking my daughter to a birthday party tomorrow and then she, my husband, and I are going to poker night at a friend's house. I'm just so glad it's over, I don't even care about eating anymore! Oh yeah, and they never even weighed me either......I had to do the two week Liquid Protein diet and I don't even know how much my hard work paid off. Oh well, I have a post op appointment in two weeks so I guess I can be even more suprised! Good luck to all of you who go next!

Edited by gina s.

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I went in for surgery June 10th at 6am (surgery at 8am). The wait did not take too long before they had me in a room and changed. The nurses came through and asked all the same questions and took vitals, then started the IV. Then the anesthesiologists came through and each asked a few questions and then a visit from the bariatric nurse. She really was helpful in explaining everything I would be going through during my stay (she also added I would be staying overnight, something I was not originally supposed to do, but apparently Aetna required it- I guess that is actually a good thing). My husband stayed with me until it was time to go in the OR. Dr. Davis showed up on schedule and asked if we had any questions and answered a few. I went in a little after 8am and they put the oxygen mask on and I was out! I was woken up at 10:10a in a recovery room. I was really groggy and disoriented and my husband was already with me. My stomach looks like an Edward Scissorhands project! I then was taken for the swallow test and chest xrays and then to my room. After about 1 hour, I was asked to walk around the floor and that it would help with the gas. Drymouth and the air pressure was the worst. The larger incision is the only one that was really sore and made it hard to get comfortable. I met with respiratory for spirometer exercises. I was brought lunch at about 5pm and took down a couple spoonfuls of broth, but that was it. After making sure I was using the restroom regularly and speaking with the dietician, respiratory tech, and bariatric nurse, and Dr. Davis' PCA, I was cut loose the next afternoon. I am still sore, but feel best when I am walking around. The gas pains have pretty much went away, but I tire easily. I haven't had any shoulder or back pain, but the incisions are sore and itchy. I am down 14 lbs. since my pre-op appt. on June 2. I go back to work Monday so I hope this weekend goes well!:P

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Good morning to all! It's 3 days post-op for me and I am feeling fine. I stayed overnight in the hospital - I was glad cuz I have never had surgery and I would not have known what to do with all the pains - gotta love a morphine drip! 4 outta 5 of my incisions are pretty small (less than 1/2 inch), so there's pain but minimal. The morning after my bariatric nurse, the surgeon, and bariatric nutritionist all checked in on me - at that point the pain had subsided and I was ready to go home. I was tired of pulling myself in/out of that hospital bed.

I am on a full liquids, of course. My nutritionist's diet is 1 oz of liquid every 15 min. for 2 wks - so I am never far from the kitchen. I took four 10 min. walks yesterday - which was nice. I have been peeing like a madman, but yesterday the diarrhea came in. I'm not far from the kitchen or the bathroom now. Everything gurgles in my body now - I can't figure out if that is all the liquids talkin' or if I am actually hungry. I did figure out yesterday that "full" doesn't feel the same anymore. Before surgery, "full" mean a bloated feeling, now it means a tightness.

My DH and I got out and about last night for a few little shopping trips. I am going to short concert this afternoon, so I shouldn't have cabin fever too bad. Just keepin' the Water bottle handy and staying close to the bathroom. So far, so good.:P

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Thank you for sharing your story.. It wasn't too long at all.. not for us in PRE OP stage.. I am 'digesting' (no pun intended!!).. everything I can read about this surgery and post op.. so I am very grateful to you for sharing..

Congratualations! and keep up the good work!.. I will join you on the OTHER SIDE on Wednesday!!!!

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Hey all! I am on day 6 post surgery and feeling SOOO much better than I did earlier this week. Like Cathy - my tummy wasn't so happy but I was allowed to take chewable immodium and it's been fine since. Thank God for chewables. I am so glad that there are so many chewable/liquid versions of things now!!! I am allowed to eat creamy Soups (I have been VERY satisfied having Campell's Fat Free Heart Healthy Cream of chicken with just Water added to it). I think I'm also allowed some thing others of you aren't yet - pudding, Jello, etc. I am feeling like there is def. more room for food now, but if I eat just a bit more than I think, I feel full for at least an hour or so. I actually bought Progresso fat free Clam Chowder yesterday that I'll cook and then hit with my stick blender to get rid of any real pieces. I've made sure to keep up with my Protein shakes and Water so I "treat" myself when it comes to Soup. Still careful of carbs, though.

For those of you still pending surgery - I highly recommend getting access to a recliner for those first few days. I had a horrible time sleeping in a bed at first and ended up in my recliner every night. It was definitely better. A heating pad also helped the gas pains in my shoulder and if you can get access to a "vibrator" (ok, not all of them are for "fun" :cursing:) that actually helped work out A LOT of the gas in my shoulder and neck. I'm still getting gas in my tummy but my dr. wants me to take 2 tums a day for the Calcium so it's helping a lot. The Gas X strips really didn't help anything that I noticed. It was more body position and once I was able to get onto my sides more, the pressure in my stomach was relieved.

I already had a dr. appt. since my surgeon is out of town next week. He said everything looked good and I go back in 3 weeks for my first fill most likely. I start solids this Thurs. I'm also wondering why every commercial seems to be for Domino's pizza. I think I'm going to try to make my own version with possibly a matzo cracker, little sauce and some cheese. Has anyone seen something similar? I was also told to eat 5-6 meals a day since there will only be 1-2 oz. at a time and to keep up with Protein above everything. Meals do include Protein Shakes, etc. I really want a scrambled egg. I did have a 15 lb. loss since my last visit there which just doesn't seem possible since I ate before my surgery except the day before. Is it most likely just water loss right now? Nothing seems particularly loose at all....

I've been able to watch food shows this week and not get upset or hungry. That was a nice change. I am limiting my access to Food Network but that's ok. :biggrin2: It was needed.

Good luck to you all!

Oh - does anyone have a good home scale that they use? Mine is SO old and I haven't personally used it for years so I wasn't sure if I should upgrade. Thanks!

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A heating pad also helped the gas pains in my shoulder and if you can get access to a "vibrator" (ok, not all of them are for "fun" :cursing:) that actually helped work out A LOT of the gas in my shoulder and neck.

I laughed at that, but I think it's a great idea! I would just hate to have it on the coffee table and forget about it when Mom comes to see how I'm doing!

I start solids this Thurs. I'm also wondering why every commercial seems to be for Domino's pizza. I think I'm going to try to make my own version with possibly a matzo cracker, little sauce and some cheese. Has anyone seen something similar?

I'm not sure if this will work, but I used to use an English Muffin with Tomato sauce and grated cheese on top. I'd microwave it for less than a minute. You can also get a jar of pizza sauce. I thought they were tasty and I know they make whole wheat English Muffins now.

Oh - does anyone have a good home scale that they use? Mine is SO old and I haven't personally used it for years so I wasn't sure if I should upgrade. Thanks!

I actually had hubby hide my scale. I'm totally going to go cold turkey. I figure that I'll reavaluate that decision after my 2 week follow-up. I'd like to be able to just base it after that on how my clothes feel.

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Yeah, my husband thought I'd lost it when I went to see if it would work. I thought for sure that I'd still feel horrible the next morning. But, I felt so much better which is why I am risking embarrassment to share it as a tip! All the shoulder rubs didn't do a thing. Just make sure to do it in private (HA HA!!!).

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I think I'm going to try to make my own version with possibly a matzo cracker, little sauce and some cheese. Has anyone seen something similar?

While I realize many docs have different recommedations for diet, I wouldn't be allowed the cracker or anything like it for some time yet. HOpe you find something that works for your craving though.

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Hi, I Was Banded On The 11th. Had A Swallow Test Next Day, Then An Xray To My Stomache, Had A Cath, Got Home About 5pm. Slept, Slept, Slept. I Have Been Trying To Get In The shakes, But Feel Like Everything Is Sitting On My Chest. Top Of My Legs Are Still Numb, Generally Feel Weak. Anyone Else Feel Like This. Is It Normal???

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The weight of the world on your chest is exactly how I felt for the first 2-3 days. It subsided and then I woke up this am with it again and also feel like I pulled all my upper stomach muscles. It hurts when I take a deep breath. I think I just over exerted myself this weekend. Hopefully, you'll start to feel better soon. I think the pressure just moves itself around the body for a while. Make sure you are still walking as much as you can. I kept my compression stockings on for 2 days after so maybe that helped my legs not feel so numb.

I hope you feel better soon!!!

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Hooray finally my turn to announce that I am banded!! I went in yesterday and came home today, and I feel GREAT! I seriously only have a bit of tenderness in the middle of my belly. I only took one vicodin last night so I could fall asleep, and one again this afternoon so I could get good sleep in my bed. It was heaven to sleep in my bed! My surgeon said that I was his easiest patient yet! :)

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Hello all. I had my surgery Tuesday morning. It went much easier than I expected. I arrived at 7 am, was rolled into surgery @ 8:56, Dr. Carter told my family I was done @ 9:56 and I got home @ 11:40. I kept an ice pack on my port site most of the day. Other than that I don't have much pain. I did have some heartburn in recovery that got a bit better when they sat me up. I was able to sleep in my bed last night instead of the chair as I had planned.

Today I'm feeling the "I've done a billion situps" discomfort in my stomach, but that is something I can deal with.

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THanks for the Soup info. The only problem is I have milk allergies, so I will have to add Water or soy. Will will try the other Soups though! Thanks!

There is a brand called Imagine Soups and they are incredibly good and soy based. You can find them at some supermarkets and most natural stores. I stay away from dairy and they have been a godsend!

By th eway-Banded the 13th! Doing great. Walking has made the biggest difference in how I feel. i walk, then I crash for 2 hours.

Edited by KatW

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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