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New today - lots of concerns

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Hello everyone. I have so many questions and concerns. The message board has already been very helpful to me.

I'm 46 and have been considering the surgery for about an year. My bmi is 39.5, so I think I can put on the extra couple of pounds to qualify for the surgery without too much trouble. :wink2:

I went to the doctor's seminar the other night. It ended up discouraging me more than anything else. The doctor who spoke is the head surgeon, and he's not very supportive of this procedure. He is top in his field in gastric bypass surgery, and he highly recommends it over Lap Band. He has surgeons in his practice that perform the Lab Band surgery though.

A couple of his thoughts (my paraphrasing):

1. It does nothing to relieve the constant hunger.

2. Over the many years he's practiced medicine, he's seen several restrictive surgeries come and go, and he said in Europe, where Lap Band has been used for several years, it is falling out of favor do to its less than favorable results.

After reading this message board, one of my concerns is the inability to drink fluids during meals. I can give up my diet coke addiction, my rare beer, and bread, but having no fluids during meals is going to be hard.

I also was under the impression that the surgery was much easier to reverse than it seems to be. I'm worried that like all the other diets I've tried, that I'll not lose, and I'll be stuck with the Lap Band.

I'm self pay, so I won't be needing a insurance authorization. My doctor's evaluation is scheduled for next month.

Thanks for reading ~ Kiz

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Kiz, welcome, and good for you for asking questions before you jump right in. Your doctor seems to be a little biased (that's not always a bad thing). I love my band, but I'm biased in my own way. Here are some things for you to consider:

The constant hunger - This is a bit tricky. There are really two types of hunger.....body hunger (when our bellies are empty and need re-stocking) and head hunger (when we are not really physically hungry, but eat out of boredom, habit, anxiety, compulsion, etc.). The band does a really good job of controlling body hunger. You'll feel more full with less food. However, it doesn't really do much for head hunger. There is no magic switch that shuts off your head. Bandsters lose weight because we learn to listen to our bodies and stop eating when we feel "not hungry" (which is different from "full", but that's another story). If you continue to graze and nibble and eat when you're not feeling hungry......the band does very little to stop that.

European trends - I could care less what they do in Europe. I want what's gonna work for me where I live.

Drinking with meals - Yes, you have to learn to not drink a little while before meals and a little while after meals. It's kind of a pain...but it helps the band work and helps me to lose weight, so I can live with that.

Reversable - The band is the most easily reversable weight loss surgery there is. Period. It's a matter of removing some hardware from your body, as opposed to re-working some of your "plumbing", which is what the other types of weight loss surgeries are.

The band does require that you put some effort into it. So, do your research, look into all types of weight loss surgeries, and decide which fits you the best. Don't take the advice of just one person (even me!) as to what the "best" surgery is. Good luck on your journey!

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I totally agree with "plain" on every point. I was just banded in the middle of May (Dr. Kuri, TJ) and I am only really learning how not to drink with my meals, and for about an hour after. Its taken me awhile but I have the hang of it now. I was a self pay also, and my BMI was 37.2. I have dropped 22 lbs in the 3 weeks and would do this again in a minute. I have never been physically hungry. As 'plain' said the head hunger is what we have always tuned into in times when we need comfort, or love. I am just learning to love me again so the head hunger will become less and less. Lots to think about. I wish you luck on your decision.

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Plain and Lakemom,

Thank you so much for your replies! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I almost feel like this is my last chance to be thin again, and I want to make the right decision.

Your answers about the hunger issues is very comforting. I'm not an emotional eater ... I just eat too much, the wrong foods, and I really have bad genes on top of it. When I've lost weight in the past, I just couldn't get past the constant hunger. So, when the doctor said the band would do nothing to combat hunger, that was almost terrifying. I'm sure I'll have cravings now and then, but that's *one* thing that hasn't been one of my eating issues, thankfully.

My doctor's evaluation is set up for July 1, so I'm very happy to have this amazing information resource. I can't imagine going through this alone.

Again, thanks, and may you both enjoy continued success!

~ kiz

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I am new to this site, and am grateful to have found it. I was banded February, 2008, and have a 2cc fill. ("Banded" still sounds like a catch and release program to me!) I'm not losing as fast as a lot of you lucky guys. I've only lost 27 pounds, and I'm also into clothes several sizes smaller, including jeans I haven't worn since before my 16 year old was born. I can't sit yet without doing myself bodily harm, but at least I can zip them without lying down! I've been able to cut my diabetes meds in half, and have dropped one blood pressure med. So, that is progress.

However, I would love some ideas on how to make the lbs. come off faster. My dr. says this is not a sprint, but a distance run, and it's the numbers at the end of a year that are important. Still,I'd like it to be quicker.

I look forward to getting to know some of you fellow travelers in this adventure.

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Kiz- I am a lot older than you, and spent my whole life fighting my weight. I see a common thread in our experience. I researched the bypass and the lap band for at least a year. I, too, was strongly discouraged by American doctors who seem to think there is no option but bypasses. Last summer I ran in to an old acquaintance that had shrunk. She had banding in Houston. She loved it. She told me that the only thing she missed was drinking her tea with meals, but could live with it. Then we hired a new secretary in my office last October. She was one year out from a bypass. We are a small group, and rather intimate in sharing our bathroom. Less than a week after she went to work with us, I was horrified to realize she spent at least 20 minutes in the bathroom after every single thing she ingested, whether it was a meal, snack or fluids. She literally spends more time pooping than working. Yes, she had lost over a 100 pounds and loves her new look, but so what? She is horribly saggy, and spends her life on a toilet. There are 5 people at my workplace that are post bypass, and all of them ragged on me about my decision to have banding. They all used the same doctor, and he preached exactly what you wrote, and they all believed it. 4 out of the 5 have chronic diarrhea. They all say it is a small price to pay for their new bodies. I say I would rather lose 8 pounds a month, avoid the sudden sags, and not sit on a toilet all day. There are good and bad with both surgeries. Don't let yourself be talked out of it unless you truly have evidence that a lapband is not for you. Why are you even thinking about having it removed? I see mine as a tool, not a fix all, and I very much like having some control. I don't know what your surgeon is talking about when he says you are always hungry. You are not, once you are healed and filled correctly. Yes, when you are on your post op liquids, you do grumble loudly, but that passes, and the rest of your life begins. I don't know this doc, obviously, but I don't like him. He is pushing a more expensive procedure that is more lucrative, I think, by working on your fears. Go to Mexico and have Dr. Rumbaut band you. He is excellent, the care is superior to American care, and he won't let you have the surgery until ALL your questions are answered. Good luck, dear one.

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entwife, I'm so glad that you posted. I'm learning so much from reading about other people's experiences. I have one person that I know personally that had the lap band, but she lives out of town. There's no way I would have gathered this much info without this site. I hope you get some tips on how to lose a little quicker, but it sounds like you're doing very well. Going down several dress sizes and getting your blood pressure under control is wonderful. I know I'll go through times of feeling discouraged too, and I hope to lean on this community to get me through and for encouragement to continue.

anitaj, you've given me a lot to think about. I wouldn't consider gastric bypass at my current weight, although I have a lot of weight to lose and fear the continual upper climb in pounds as my metabolism slows with age. I really do see that a last resort proposition, and I had no idea of the bathroom trouble that people experience. I really can't decide what that doctor's motives in not supporting the Lap Band treatment. I do think he truly believes in the gastric bypass as a life saver, but it seems like a sledge hammer solution for someone like me.

As far as questioning about the Lap Band removal, I'm not going into this with a defeatist attitude. I just want to be sure I understand all the ins and outs. If I were to have an adverse reaction to the band (erosion, slippage, etc), I want to be sure I understand what my options will be. If I decide to get banded, I'm going to be 100% committed to success. For one thing, this is coming from our savings (our insurance doesn't cover it), so I really want to be sure this is an investment that will not be wasted. I think after trying Weight Watchers several times, physician assisted diet meds, plus all the self inflicted yo yo dieting it's easy to become cynical of ever keeping off the weight.

As you were able to tell from my post, I am very concerned about hunger. I'm so glad to hear that it hasn't been a problem for you. I know everyone will have different experiences, but I left the seminar with the opinion that hunger was going to continue to haunt me indefinitely.

~ kiz

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Thanks for the reply. I must tell you that I thought long and hard about the band befoe I actually went and did it. I chose the band over the by-pass because it IS reversible. The turning point for me in the decision was my diagnosis of diabetes. I then began researching options because I was afraid of the potential long term damage to my only kidney. I knew what I was doing (nothing) wasn't working, and I was slowly eating myself into oblivion. I had a nurse friend who was also doing research for her hubby, and she had access to doctor's statistics I didn't have. We chose the best doctor in my city, because he offered not only the procedures we wanted, but lots of support tools, including this site.

My side effects have been minimal. I've none of the sliming or bathroom issues. Post surgery discomfort was minimal - I took two additional days from work tacked on to a long weekend -for a total of 5 days recuperation, and I think a lot of that was just recovery from anaesthesia. I can say this was a great option for me. (My friend had the gastric - he's lost 50+ lbs. since his surgery in late April.)

Physical hunger is never an issue for me. For me, it's a mind game, because I eat for emotional reasons.

I encourage you in deliberations. It's a life changing event, but I think it is worth it. If you are anywhere close to Houston, I can recommed a great dr!

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entwife, I live in VA, but thanks for the offer for a doctor's referral. I've done the layman's research for the doctor I'll be seeing, but there's nothing like insider's information to really put your mind at ease.

I'm glad you've not had some of those nasty side effects. I finally found a link that described sliming, and I can imagine that would be *very* unpleasant.

I'm almost in tears here with the support I've received already from all of you. This is not only a medical procedure for me, it's an emotional one as well. I'm just so thankful I found this board so early in the process.

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I'm approaching three month out from my surgery.

I started with a BMI just a little above yours.

My decision to have the band instead of bypass was based on the fact that the band does not require permanent re-routing of my digestive system. I was never comfortable with that concept.

As for hunger....even though my band is only at 2cc in a 10cc band, I rarely feel true hunger. When I do, I stop to think and it's usually been four hours or so since I've eating....a small snack, such as a handful of grapes or a string cheese stick, will hold me nicely until my next meal.

I do constantly battle with the 'head' hunger.....boredom, snack attacks.....but that's getting better as well.

Fortunately my doctor was/is very supportive of the band. She does both procedures almost equally, but gives each patient the pros and cons for both procedures.

The outcome, a ways down the road, with lap band and bypass is practically identical so it made no sense for me to have the more invasive procedure.

I am also a self-pay.....the difference in the price between the two procedures wasn't a major factor, but certainly lap band is less expensive.

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I'm very encouraged to hear you and others are able to successfully cope with the hunger issues. I've been reading posts about it on several threads, and I think that I'll be fine with it. The doctor that led the seminar I attended really had me discouraged. In fact, I've found another surgical group out of the same hospital that appears to be more Lap Band friendly. I've made an appointment to go to their seminar next week. I've read very good things about the Lap Band specialist from the original group, but I'm hesitant to follow through with them due to the program their gastric bypass specialist presented. I know that doctor believes in that procedure, but with just squeaking in the BMI range and with no other complications that are apparent, I wouldn't consider that drastic of an operation for myself.

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Lucky you to live in VA! My younger brother and his family are in Lynchburg - I have 4 of the most beautiful nieces and nephews in the entire world. We get together two weeks a year with them - summer and Thanksgiving - and I have to say, going to that part of the country is the highlight of my year.

I'm glad you are going to go to another lap band seminar. I hope this one will be more positive for you. As HarleyGirl says - the end result a year or two from now is about the same for both. It'll be interesting to hear what they say.

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A lot of people that are very high in weight and bmi's get lapband and are successful too. I am getting lapband in november, and I started at a bmi of 61 and a weight of 419 I am on a 6 month diet for insurance and I am down to 407 after just 1 month. Either way no matter what size if you work hard and have willpower you can be successful with lapband

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I love this forum. I read and read and read and it help me decide to go the lapband route. My surgery date is 6/25 -self pay. I'm excited and nervous. And .... I'm cleaning out my closet this weekend.

Will I really wear what I haven't been able to wear in years after I loose the weight? Heck no! I'll get some new stuff!

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kiz--when I was deciding on doctors, I was wary of the doctors that said they did lapband but, as it turned out, really only backed Gastric Bypass.

I ended up going with a wonderful doctor who has a wide array of WLS experience (he does Lapband, Duodenal Switch, Gastric Bypass, Vertical Sleeve, and VERGITO). He also specializes in Revision surgeries (revising WLS on patients from other surgeons that didn't work). His motto is "If you only have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail." That is, if a doctor is only skilled at one or two surgeries, then he/she may only see patients as fitting into his/her skill set.

Please do your research on everything available to you so you know you got the surgery that is best for you in the long run. You deserve the best!! Two good websites for more infor are ObesityHelp and also my Dr's site, www.johnhustedmd.com .

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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