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Calling all Dr De Bruyne Patients - Uk - Belgium - Eruope

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I hope I have posted this request in the right place :thumbup:

Hello There Dr De Bruyne does Weight Loss Surgery for people in Europe -

I want to ask if people could signMy Dr De Bruyne Guest Book - So that when I go onto my page It will remind me that I am not the only one who had the operation from him.... Some How knowing others have had success makes you feel better :thumbup: Thank you sooooo very much for taking the time.

If you do add comments - Please! Please! Leave details of the Forum Name & Your User Name you come from, so others visiting my site who may be inspired by you will know where to go and who to ask for .........


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Ive not been banded yet, I've got my 1st consultation with Dr de Bruyne next week. I spoke to him on the phone today. I was hoping to get some feedback on him too! just out of interest do u know anything about the life of the band and why some places do bands with a lifetime guarantee and yet he says up to 15 yrs?


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Hi Julia,

Dr De Bruyne did my surgery on the 14 Jan 2008, When you have your consultation you will be given dates to choose from there and they are not too long to wait either. It was ver successful the hospital in Belguim will blow you away and he visits with you to check your after care.

He is a very professional man - He is very clam and will be firm if he does not think the procedure is suitable for you he will say.

Dr De Bruyne is my life saver but you know when I went for my consultation, my mum came to she developed type 2 diabetes when she was 36 and had hell with it ever since - Her health was stable when we went to se Dr De Bruyne . He asked all the questions for her and advised that she was not suitable for the surgery further more he advised that 'if it was my mother I would not let her consider this operation' . He knew that there are surgeons out there that would have done this operation on her. Another reason I reccomend Dr De Bruyne is because he worked in other fields of surgery - Heart . Finally his history with no mortality rate thus far is amazing.

I cannot reccomend this surgeon enough and I wish you the very best in your new exciting journey. I have just started my own personal web journey and although it has only been up and running two weeks when other Dr De Bruyne patients hear of it they will sign the book . Who Knows it could be you signing my success book..

The bands used to be 10 years life span but the newer ones are more durable and if Dr Says 15 years I would trust him, His rep is a good one he would not go around messing up is future career I am sure.

Bye Julia <<<<<< Big Hugs >>>>>>>>

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Dear Honeyduen

I am thrilled to have heard from you! Congratulations on your success to date, I'm so pleased to hear all your feedback, I am very encouraged. Your website is excelllent by the way, very clever and a great idea. When I've been done I will sign your book.AnywayThanks so much for taking the time to reply. I am feeling much better about seeing Dr Chris. Its so great to be able to talk to someone who's a patient of his.

Do you mind if I ask you some questions about it all? I was wondering if you were in a lot of pain after the op and how long did it take you to fully recover? i'm a bit woried about travelling home afterwards if I'm in pain. Would you recommend staying an extra night in the hotel afterwards like they suggest?

Also, can you actually feel the band in your stomach? There are so many things I want to ask you!! Hope u dont mind!

What aftercare does he offer? Thats another of my concerns. If I need help or advice where do you go?

I think I've bombarded you with enough questions for now! Thanks again! Hope you have a great week!

Julia x

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Hi Honey

Its me again! the price I've been quoted for the op with Dr de B is 3950 euros. When you had yours, where there any hidden extras? I dont know if I will need to budget for pre/post op visits in Brussels or anything like that.

just a thought!

Julia x

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Hi Julia,

You Do put a smile on my face it was not so long ago when I was in your shoes - Spent hours mulling over pictures of success stories and doing research on a surgeons. I am happy to help.:) xxx

Okay! lets go to - Firstly you asked was I in pain? - I have had 2 c sections and it was better than that , I have to admit I am the worst for pain I hate, hate being in pain and am one big baby - If there is a lowest threshold in the world put me there. I did not find my c sections painful due to mentioning to them about this worry of mine and therefore was well looked after--- I do Laugh at myself sometimes as I have man flu --- Quite shameful - Moving swiftly on:~:

The operation. I have to say again I did mention that my pain threshold was low so regardless of what I felt when the four hours came about I asked and got the pain relief < which was given by drip> .. I remember the pain relief theory for kids keep topped up then if you don't you wont have to catch up ... This Hospital in belgium where you would be going is soooo clean and when you ring the bell for any concerns they are happy to help I have never ever come across anything like it .... You will truely be amazed the place and you have a lovely bathroom - I tell you I will put some pics of my room on my site so you can see .... You are also in with others having the op the same day so you don't feel isolated and you know and see everyone going through the same thing. I was lucky and was put in with two friends that had tummy tucks with Dr De Bruyne and they were fab when they walked out and had the op on the same day as me... It was truly fab....Here I come in two years... and will have a boob op too I think. Hell give me it Alllllll - LOL...

So to conclude just ask every four ours for your pain relief and keep topped up. You can't go wrong there. Also I did need the lav in the night and got help and the next day I was walking the corridors to get rid of the wind... it does feel uncomfortable but nothing major, and can easily be releived.

About traveling - Welll now that is a tricky one - if you are coming by air definately stay an extra 2 days because of the health risks - thrombosis.

If you are coming by car I would advise a pillow < for the bumps - to put under your seatbelt < someone advised this when I was asking around must say it was good advice too, I had no pain at all> I would treat myself for an extra day if I was you. But is is not neccessary. Just get the pillow.:)

If by train well I guess it is the same advice as the car. Personally I DID have an extra 3 days, my family enjoyed Belguim for the first day of my recovery and on the second day I went out for the morning then on the day went out for 6 hours and had a good time. So I guess this one will be up to you no hard fast rules here :).

Wow when you have had the op I am telling you the protien drinks you have you only can manage 3 mouthfulls it is FAB you will lose about 7 lbs for the recovery period. Sadly this is the honeymoon period you really do have to wait to get restriction for major weight loss, I am half way there>. Therefore I suggest you get to grips with a good diet now - less the bread, Pasta, rice - none of these I can eat. The diet you choose now will be good . Don't wait like I did to just work with the band because until you get ristriciton you are pretty much in the same boat you were before you started. You will need a couple of fills to start wow losing - But Girlie IT IS WORTH IT... Cause the pounds you lose you lose forever -< well until the band is out of course - I am having another one> lol. As for feeling it yes you can but it does wear off and becomes unnoticable. The fills are not painful either by the way my last fill I did not notice at all.

The aftercare that the doctor offers is that he is on call 24 hours a day so if you are really scared or something has gone wrong you can just call him. < I think this is FAB!!! - even now should, I need him he is there. I don't know of other surgeons that offer this service.> . Nutrion wise he gives you advice on what you should not eat and what the band does not take - bananas, bread, Pasta, rice ect......... But he is respectfull and pretty much lets you decide on your own diet afterwards - AND don't forget your Vitamins... you can have tablets until ristriction, then you have to have liquid Vitamins I will be listing those on my site with time so when you get there check my site out. lol ... I have not got there yet but have tried one liquid Vitamin which you can get from a health store - I am Rubbish with names and date really . It is a surprise I remember when I was born lol..

Well that pretty much covers it all if you think of something else you are not a pain just let me know :)

Have a good week too -BBFN < Hug> x


As for the aftercare one more thing I can tell you is that when you go for your fills - Say now you were overfilled and you need an emergancy fill there is a Saturday open surgery that Dr De Bruyne has got with another Dr so you don't have to worry about that.

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Hi Honey

Its me again! the price I've been quoted for the op with Dr de B is 3950 euros. When you had yours, where there any hidden extras? I dont know if I will need to budget for pre/post op visits in Brussels or anything like that.

just a thought!

Julia x

That is a good question - There is always room for something going wrong and you needing extra care - BUT this is very rare and you know you will have time to pay him back. Something you really need to broach with the Dr.. As Mentioned he is pretty much very flexible and will accommodate if he can.

No Hidden extras with him -

Hotel wise I stayed at the Eurovalley - They provide meals and they can be extra - But that is pretty much it.

You will need to see him the night before the operation and he does charge around 55 euros that is it but it is not something that crops up out the blue. He does not work like that.

Also with fills they are £80 and you can pretty much get your first one as early as 4 weeks .....

Good luck honey xxx

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Dear Tanya

oh my goodness, your info is fantastic, I'm very grateful. I have been laughing though becoz we have more than a few similarities! its a standing joke that I am the biggest wooss when it comes to pain, and as for your manflu comment I laughed out loud! you could be describing me!

Im in a rush right now so cant reply properly but just wanted to say a big thanks.

Julia x

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That is a good question - There is always room for something going wrong and you needing extra care - BUT this is very rare and you know you will have time to pay him back. Something you really need to broach with the Dr.. As Mentioned he is pretty much very flexible and will accommodate if he can.

No Hidden extras with him -

Hotel wise I stayed at the Eurovalley - They provide meals and they can be extra - But that is pretty much it.

You will need to see him the night before the operation and he does charge around 55 euros that is it but it is not something that crops up out the blue. He does not work like that.

Also with fills they are £80 and you can pretty much get your first one as early as 4 weeks .....

Good luck honey xxx

Hi Tanya

Well i saw Dr Chris on Thurs and am booked in for the op on 4th July ( thats 3 wks!! and it cant come soon enough!) I think the way I am going I will be a stone heavier by then, I cant stop eating and it's all the wrong stuff I dont usually eat. I think at the back of my mind I'm thinking 'well i'd better make the most of it before I get the band.' I'm embarrassed to admit that! I need to get a grip.

Anyway, I'm wondering what to stock my cupboards up with for after the surgery. I know Dr Chris said fluids for the 1st 10days, any advice on specific do's and don'ts?

One other thing if it's ok to ask, what should I expect emotionally after the op? I've only considered the physical side effects but really I think I ought to be prepared for the emotional side aswell. What do you reckon? Just wondered how you coped?

Thanks again for all your sound advice this week, wot a difference it makes being able to chat to someone who's been through it.

I hope you've had a good week and are enjoying your weekend.

Love Julia x

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One other thing if it's ok to ask, what should I expect emotionally after the op? I've only considered the physical side effects but really I think I ought to be prepared for the emotional side aswell. What do you reckon? Just wondered how you coped?

Hello Julia,

I am sooo excited about your news you are in the right hands. . . As for the eating well I had the decision over christmas and had my last christmas if you like... I too realized I was over eating and had half of what I wanted and gave the rest to my man or if I was just wanting it and having a bad day I would get my treat then hope back on and only had a bad half an hour in stead of a bad day....Hope this helps - I lost more than I expected as I started my milk diet early. So I had semi skimmed for Breakfast lunch then dinner time I would have a small meal or I would swap it all around - on the milk diet you not supposed to have a meal but I would of died otherwise I too had some choc mouse yogurt things from Aldi - dont know if you have one but you will see it on my blog ...... on the website.:smile:

Anyway to the emotional side of things - It is a bit of a roller coaster but then so is dieting - You really have to work with the band and find a diet if you don't dissappointment will set in and you will have a hard time emotionally - this is what happened to me. I just thought I would have some sort of ristriction after fill 1 or 2 then when I hit three and still not as much ristriction as I would like is frustratiting... But as I mentioned I am on my low carb diet soon and when that kicks in I should be doing really well..... SO to conclude get on a good diet now!!

Lol - I am soo excited for you because every little pound until restriction you will lose forever....

I will do a little video and show you what I took to with me :mad: xxx Got to go Hubby is out of the bath .... we are taking him out will leave more later xxx bye Tanya..:frown:

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Hi Tanya

thanks for the encouragement. I need it...ive put on weight this week, not surprising with all the rubbish Ive eaten..Now I'm calming down a bit I hope my food will too.

Just been looking at your website, it's quite something. clever you! When Ive had my op I will be pleased to sign your book

Hope you've had a good day on the milk!

Talk to you soon! Julia x

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Hi All

Please could you give me the web details of Dr Chris, can i ask what the stipulations are in terms of BMI etc to be accepted.

I read somewhere else on this site that he turned someone down as they didn'yt have a lot to lose.

I'm very new so got lots of questions.

Thx xx

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Ok third time lucky! I hope I manage to send this post this time. I keep pressing the wrong flipping button and sending half a message!Anyway here are the websites i found. i dont know if there are any others

www.obesity-assist.co.uk and www.europesurgery.co.uk

Dr Chris is one of the few doctors who will operate if you have a BMI of 30 plus. most of the others are 40 or 35 with 2 co morbidities. I saw him for my 1st consultation 3 wks ago.My BMI is 32 ish and actually I'm going to brussels tomorrow for my op on Fri. I've had a few questions I ve needed to ask him over the weeks and he replies to his emails immediately which is very reassuring. I have found him to be very upfront and helpful.If there's anything else you want to ask me im happy to help although I'll probably be in a better position to answer questions once Ive had the band. I'm home on Sunday.

All the best with your investigations.I'[m sure this forum will help loads.


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Thanks Julia, and Good Luck with the surgery for this week - you must be so excited.

I am curenly saving every penny and am hoping to have enough by early September for mine done, I can't wait. My BMI is currently 37 ish and rising.

Would you be able to give me a break down of all the costs and what and when you pay etc, I can't wait to hear your progress, I will probably mither the living daylight out of you.

Thamks for the web sites. I will look in more detail once the children are in bed !!!:lol:

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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