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Two days Post-op (semi miserable)

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First let me apoloize about the spelling. I was banded on June 3rd, I spent the night in the hospital and I am so thankful for it. In pre-op my doctor was telling me he was going to send me home because I was the first patient of the day (8am was time of surgery) and he said "Oh, we send home 80% of our patients the same day." Thankfully my insurance covered an overnight stay because I couldn't have imagained coming home the same day. Besides there wouldn't have been anyone home with me the first night and to have someone there is a complete nessacity. I can't stress enough how much you need people there.

Other things I needed, one of those EZ grabbers. It's got a attached shoe horn and you can pick up anything. Unless you can pick these up off the floor without bending your waist, you'll need something or someone to pick things up for you. Meds for the nausea, I threw up 4 times post-op, of course nothing came up, but the dry heaving was horrible. I was so worried about my band slipping, but the doctor took a look at it yesterday and said it looked good. Extra pillows to sit up in bed or sleep sitting up. I tried to sleep lying down last night and ended up flat on my back which was the most horribly uncomfortable position. Took me forever to get up on my own from there. I stood up 5 pillows and slept sitting up the rest of the night, but I didn't sleep long (even with the vicodin). I was just really uncomfortable.

Everytime I move I feel as if the skin around my wounds are ripping apart. It's mostly just the biggest one that I worry about and have to hold a lot. The smaller ones I barely feel, except when I sit up or cough (which I've been doing a lot since surgery and the doctor said that was good). I walked a bit yesterday (just around my house and up and down the hallway in the hospital) and will walk again today (hopefully down the street and back). I walk slow and hunched over, but it does feel good to get out of bed. Everyone says it will get rid of gas, but I haven't really had too much gas. Burping a little here and there, nothing else.

Surprisingly, I'm not hungry at all. I haven't eaten since monday, but I'm not the least bit hungry. I did get excited about being able to have liquids yesterday because I was very thristy. I got home from the hospital and tried to have half a cup of chicken broth, I threw most of it up. My nausea was very bad up until last night and even now I'm still a bit queasy. I'm on prochlorperazine every 8 hours for it, but I don't think it's working. Late last night I had a ice pop and tried to eat an italian icee, I ate about 1/4 of it and felt like I ate too much. Or perhaps I just wasn't interested in it anymore since it took like half an hour to eat that much. That's a weird feeling. Since then I've been sipping on Water and flat ginger ale. The doctor put me on 90 cc's how much is that in oz or cups?

My back does hurt, but I think that's from my weird sleeping arrangements than anything else. I'm just not comfortable at all and I hate it. Then friends and family keep calling to see how I am and I just want to be left alone. I'm not a overally nice person when I'm in pain and uncomfortable and I can't wait to feel better. I know this post probably didn't make any sense, but please I need support, I'm not the only one who is a few days post op and feel like crap right?

Edited by YoungNy

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Oh I am sure you aren't the only one! I think a lot of back pain after the surgery is just from the surgery. Those operating tables aren't the most comfortable things and here we are strapped down flat on our backs.

It is horrible to feel sick to your stomach. I think I dread that the most and I have already told my doctor I get sick easily. I don't but I sure don't want to feel that feeling if I can help it.

I am sure you will get to feeling better really soon. Everyone just has a different experience with surgery.

Oh by the way the gas everyone talks about is the gas they extend your belly with during surgery so they can reach your stomach. It isn't like the gas we normally think of. It most likely will feel like a bit of chest pain and oddly enough shoulder pain later as the gas bubbles will rise to the highest point in your body. I have heard walking helps. Heard it just yesterday from someone who just had tubal ligation.

Keep your chin up! You will bounce back but just think there will be less of you to bounce already!!

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My surgery was May 30th. I also had severe shoulder pain and that has gotten better each day. However, I am having problems with being sick to my stomach also. I haven't eaten much since my surgery. My stomach growls but at the same time I feel sick to my stomach and know if I do eat I will throw up. I have lost 20 lbs since my pre-diet and 1 week post diet.

I am having a hard time getting through this liquid stage. I am a little depressed because it is my birthday today and I cannot eat. However, today is day 6 of my post-op and I feel so much better today. I took a pepcid yesterday and that seemed to help with the nausea. I am already looking forward to mushy food.

Hang in there! Hopefully we will be able to look back soon at this stage and say "it really wasn't that bad".

Terri in Michigan

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Howdy YoungNY,

I was banded May 8th & still don't feel that great. I was by myself when I got home & it was very hard. You do what you have to do though. I never threw up but I always used anti-nausea meds with the pain meds. I also didn't take vicodin since it causes me to feel worse than better. You should try to manage pain with something like Tylenol since it won't upset your stomach. I think pain meds make it worse anyway. Good luck sweetie...

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You should call your doctor and tell them you're having a lot of problem with the pain. Being in pain doesn't help you heal.

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Howdy YoungNY,

I was banded May 8th & still don't feel that great. I was by myself when I got home & it was very hard. You do what you have to do though. I never threw up but I always used anti-nausea meds with the pain meds. I also didn't take vicodin since it causes me to feel worse than better. You should try to manage pain with something like Tylenol since it won't upset your stomach. I think pain meds make it worse anyway. Good luck sweetie...

Vicodin makes me sick to my stomach too. I was banded May 13th and didn't take any pain peds once released from the hospital. I had a one night overnight and during that time they gave me a total of 1.5 ounces of Oxy (3 separate times).

Other than that, no pain meds and I didn't have a sick stomach.

Right after surgery is recovery I felt a little queasy, but they put a motion sickness patch behind my ear and I was good to go the rest of the time. Maybe switching pain meds will help. Vicodin is tough stuff and makes me feel like I've ridden a monster roller coaster a dozen times in a row. Major barf.

Hang in there. You just went through a major surgery. It does get better and you'll feel great before long. Congratulations on the surgery!

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Good afternoon I had my procedure on May 14th and felt like a truck had run over me afterwards. It really surprised me I thought I would not have been so miserable but oh well it's part of the life. I must say that I feel great now. I did not take any of the pain meds after I left the hospital they were making me so sick I just couldn't When I took the nausea medicine it made me so sleepy it was aweful then I couldn't sleep at night. Nights were the worst. Couldn't get comfortable but I can tell you that it does get better everyday and I am really looking for the first fill week after next. Now I am really never full or content but thats okay because everyone here says that will past. I am currently in what all the others before us call Bandster Hell. If is was too easy it wouldn't be worth the ride. Hang in there.


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I was banded May 29. On Saturday (2nd day) I felt awful. Like the truck mowed me down and then backed up, but I figured out most of what I was feeling was from the gas they put in you for the surgery.

I have been using the Gas-X strips for the bloating and "food" gas, and it seems to be helping me. I was given liquid loritab for the pain and I used it. I didn't skimp on the dosage the first three days, either.

By Monday I was still pretty sore around my middle (the incisions) but I did go to work - I haven't driven yet - my daughter is playing chauffer, thankfully.

I have found that broth makes me queasy ever since the surgery, but thankfully I haven't vomited. However, since day 5, I've been able to drink down strained hot & sour Soup broth, and it has been soothing.

The first 4 days or so, I stuck with Water, Ocean Spray cranberrry drinks (10 cals, 12 oz), skim milk, Carnation Instant Breakfasts (the sugar free kind), sugar free Jello, and sugar free ice pops.

Today is day 7 and I could eat a cow. Really. Just knock the horns off, skin it and give me a fork. :confused:

I'd give my dr. a call about the vomiting. I was told if I vomited just ONCE I was to call immediately.

It does get better, I promise.

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First let me apoloize about the spelling. I was banded on June 3rd, I spent the night in the hospital and I am so thankful for it. In pre-op my doctor was telling me he was going to send me home because I was the first patient of the day (8am was time of surgery) and he said "Oh, we send home 80% of our patients the same day." Thankfully my insurance covered an overnight stay because I couldn't have imagained coming home the same day. Besides there wouldn't have been anyone home with me the first night and to have someone there is a complete nessacity. I can't stress enough how much you need people there.

Other things I needed, one of those EZ grabbers. It's got a attached shoe horn and you can pick up anything. Unless you can pick these up off the floor without bending your waist, you'll need something or someone to pick things up for you. Meds for the nausea, I threw up 4 times post-op, of course nothing came up, but the dry heaving was horrible. I was so worried about my band slipping, but the doctor took a look at it yesterday and said it looked good. Extra pillows to sit up in bed or sleep sitting up. I tried to sleep lying down last night and ended up flat on my back which was the most horribly uncomfortable position. Took me forever to get up on my own from there. I stood up 5 pillows and slept sitting up the rest of the night, but I didn't sleep long (even with the vicodin). I was just really uncomfortable.

Everytime I move I feel as if the skin around my wounds are ripping apart. It's mostly just the biggest one that I worry about and have to hold a lot. The smaller ones I barely feel, except when I sit up or cough (which I've been doing a lot since surgery and the doctor said that was good). I walked a bit yesterday (just around my house and up and down the hallway in the hospital) and will walk again today (hopefully down the street and back). I walk slow and hunched over, but it does feel good to get out of bed. Everyone says it will get rid of gas, but I haven't really had too much gas. Burping a little here and there, nothing else.

Surprisingly, I'm not hungry at all. I haven't eaten since monday, but I'm not the least bit hungry. I did get excited about being able to have liquids yesterday because I was very thristy. I got home from the hospital and tried to have half a cup of chicken broth, I threw most of it up. My nausea was very bad up until last night and even now I'm still a bit queasy. I'm on prochlorperazine every 8 hours for it, but I don't think it's working. Late last night I had a ice pop and tried to eat an italian icee, I ate about 1/4 of it and felt like I ate too much. Or perhaps I just wasn't interested in it anymore since it took like half an hour to eat that much. That's a weird feeling. Since then I've been sipping on Water and flat ginger ale. The doctor put me on 90 cc's how much is that in oz or cups?

My back does hurt, but I think that's from my weird sleeping arrangements than anything else. I'm just not comfortable at all and I hate it. Then friends and family keep calling to see how I am and I just want to be left alone. I'm not a overally nice person when I'm in pain and uncomfortable and I can't wait to feel better. I know this post probably didn't make any sense, but please I need support, I'm not the only one who is a few days post op and feel like crap right?

YoungNY, I am one day ahead of you and I promise it does get better. I also chose to stay overnight as I would have had to drive myself home 2 1/2 hrs away. I wouldn't have made it! lol I warned them ahead of time that I tended to wake up barfing from surgery and they actually listened to me! They kept the nausea meds coming and I didnt have any problems with that. I feel so much better than yesterday. I even started out doing some upper body weights for a few minutes today. Sometimes its baby steps that get us where we want to be. Once you find a comfortable position in bed, you will rest better. I finally got turned on my side without pain last nite and it was wonderful! Hang in there and you will be amazed how much better you feel tomorrow.

Oh, and I know what you mean about the grabbers lol. I dropped my comb on the floor twice! trying to comb my hair. It took a while to get down there and pick it up! Also, be sure to keep drinking liquids, that will help and I hear its bad news if you get dehydrated. Hang in there!

Edited by strikeuptheband

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Thank you everyone for your kind replies and encouragement. It's so good to talk to people actually know what I'm going through. I have two friends, one who had a gastric sleeve and the other who had body recontouring surgery after losing her weight via weight watchers, they keep calling and giving me advice and instructions, and I'm trying to be nice about it, but they have no idea what I'm going through. If the gas I'm supposed to have is in the form of back and shoulder pain, then I difenately got that now. I went for a long walk this morning with my father and the dog and went for a short drive, it did help a bit, but I think I might have overdone it because I came home and passed out. I slept for like 3 hours in the middle of the day, woke up long enough to get down an ice pop and went back to sleep for another 2 hours. Anyway thanks again for the support, I appreciate it.

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I too was banded on the 3rd. I am so uncomfortable. My doctor told me I may have back and shoulder pain, it was from the gas. I have it tonight. I have been taking the pain meds, but this evening I swallowed it and it came up so fast I now have a pink bathroom, the meds were red. Boy, once that started, it vomited a lot. I also have heart burn now. I cannot lay down because it is so bad. My daughter just brought me some pepcid. I hope it works. Good luck to you.

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This is a good thread. I'm getting banded on July 16. I know it will be here soon, but it feels like so far away.

How long is it before you can take a shower?

Any good suggestions for Protein shakes? I have tried a few and they are really gross!

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If it is any consolation, I'm on day #8 and today is the first day I've woken up and not felt bloated and uncomfortable. I actually feel really good today, except for a little pain around my port area.

Don't feel bad about all the sleeping. All our bodies are different, and if you slept that much, then your body needed it in order to heal properly. I say sleep as much as you need to as long as you be sure to do your walking, which will help, I promise, and get in enough fluids.

I know it stinks, but just hang on. I promise it gets better!

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I was banded on the 3rd as well. That first day was very rough but it does seem to be getting better. I still have some soreness around the largest incision but keeping an ice pack on it seems to help. I was also very nauseated that first day & threw up twice. Now it seems to be better but I can't wait until Sunday when I can go on mushies.

I think I'm going to add a small amount of exercise today. We have a Wiifit so I'm thinking 1 or 2 rounds of the basic step game would be good. I don't want to do anything that requires bending or stretching at this point.

eyespy: I was told to take a shower the day after my surgery & to remove the large band-aids but leave the steri-strips in place.

Edited by cowgrrl
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I was glued, so I took a shower the very next day. When are you guys starting with more than the Clear Liquids? This chicken broth and beef broth is the worse. I am just drinking Water and Jello. At this point I would like to try something else but I do not want to do something wrong. Even a Protein Drink at this point looks good. Oh, and those adds for jello pudding......man oh man.......for the first time in my life that stuff looks good.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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