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True or False ????

Guest WieghingOptions

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Guest WieghingOptions

Hi, I have been thinking about WLS for a little over a year now. I recently decied for sure..yes! I am going to do this. My problem....

I am still undecided as to which way to go, band or by-pass????

I have a huge pros and cons list and I was hoping for some help with my undecided areas. I have been reading this board a while now as well as others that are more partial to by-pass. I was hoping though, maybe those of you who also did a lot of comparison shopping (LOL) could answer a few questions for me.

True or False? --- banding is better for large eaters, by-pass for those who eat normal amounts of junk food or sweet tooths.

True or False? --- banding has a higher long-term success due to the ability to re-fill versus a weight loss window.

True or False? ---- you do not lose your hair with banding.

True or false? --- banding requires much more will power and ability to avoid fattening high calory foods like chips, sweets, carbs. which could prevent any weight loss.

True or False? ---- if you don't lose the weight within your 13-15 month period with by-pass, you are stuck since your body will have become efficient at working on less caloriesand make it near impossible to lose more.

True or False? --- many people with banding only lose a small amout of weight in the first two years and often require up to four years to lose 100 or more pounds?

Thanks so much.

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The local band doctors in Vegas hold regular seminars. Their WLS center offers both Lap Band and Bypass, and the seminar discusses the pros and cons of each surgery. You might want to ask your local surgeons if they can recommend a seminar in your area (I understand most surgeons offer some type of seminar.)

Here's my personal opinion after being banded a year:

True or False? --- banding is better for large eaters, by-pass for those who eat normal amounts of junk food or sweet tooths. NEITHER. Once you have the band you can't eat large any more. Also, once you have the bypass you can't eat certain foods anymore, like chocolate for example, because your body isn't equipt to digest it, so you go into "dumping syndrome" where you get really sick and the offensive food comes out either end. After a period of time, you can retrain your body to eat certain foods. With the band, your intestines aren't changed so you digest just like before.

True or False? --- banding has a higher long-term success due to the ability to re-fill versus a weight loss window. TRUE. The bypass cuts and changes your anatomy and leaves you with a small pouch. That pouch can't be adjusted. With the band, you can have a "fill" where additional saline is added to tighten the pouch.

True or False? ---- you do not lose your hair with banding. FALSE: In the beginning, I lost a huge amount of hair but it grew back. They said the Hair loss was from a sudden drop in weight (hormonal.) I'm not sure why bypass patients lose their hair (maybe from malnutrition.) With bypass, you absorb all your nutrients. With the bypass, the normal digestion process has been altered so you don't get all your nutrients since they don't get absorbed.

True or false? --- banding requires much more will power and ability to avoid fattening high calory foods like chips, sweets, carbs. which could prevent any weight loss. FALSE: Both procedure require an enormous amount of willpower. These are just tools. They change the way our stomach feels, but we still need to use willpower to make better, healthy choices.

True or False? ---- if you don't lose the weight within your 13-15 month period with by-pass, you are stuck since your body will have become efficient at working on less caloriesand make it near impossible to lose more. NOT SURE. I know people who have gained back all their weight after bypass. One girl told me she stretched her now pouch out so much that it could hold the same amount of food as before surgery.

True or False? --- many people with banding only lose a small amout of weight in the first two years and often require up to four years to lose 100 or more pounds? TRUE: Most people lose most weight in the beginning, then it could take much more time to lose the rest. With the bypass, you lose a huge amount within the first year because the bypass is two surgeries in one: First they make a small pouch, but they also "re-wire" your intestines so that you don't digest the food and it passes out quickly. With the band you are absorbing all the nutrients from the foods you eat. With the band you can eat almost any type of food without having "dumping syndrome" but if you eat too fast or take a big bite it could cause a problem.

Keep in mind, this is only one person's opinion. Good luck making a wise choice.

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Guest WieghingOptions

thanks for the reply .

To give a little more personal info...

I'm 5'4", 34 yrs. and my high weight was 298 (possibly more as I avoid scales..LOL!) I have been on every diet imaginable as I am sure ya'll have been as well.

Well, about four years ago I went to my millionth or so weight loss doctor for yet more pills. With this one, I signed an agreement stating that I understood the meds I would be given may or may not be safe, approved, in safe combinations, etc. I said, where do I sign!! LOL( The desperation of being overweight.) Well, I did lose eighty pounds over an 11 month period but felt less healthy than at any time in my life. I was seeing spots all of time, dizzy, weak, nausous, shaky, memory loss, hair loss, not good. I finally stopped when I found out what some of the meds were...did I mention the bottles were not labled, LOL. Add to that...this program stately clearly that he did NOT want you to do any excercise at all! well, that was fine with me, LOL.. I had been waiting to hear that all my life, LOL. so a lot of what I lost was muscle. My body fat (According to the machines) was higher at 210 than at 300#. What this proved however was that I am capable of losing weight. Something I had long questioned!

Since then I have been on a constant diet for four years trying to lose the rest of weight but have managed to gain 35 pounds back. So now back up to 245, I am walking 1-2 miles 3 to 5 days a week and now doing yoga (as well as someone my size can do yoga) 3 to 4 days a week. so, It also proved since I haven't been able to do it since being off all of the meds, I need some help.

This was the point when I said, it is time to realy do something about this! It is time for the surgury I have been contimplating for so long.

I understand this is only a tool no matter which way I go. I am just trying to figure out which tool is better suited to me. I do have some degree of self control (meaning I understand I can't try to find ways to cheat or graze all day) I was just wondering if one surgury over the other is better for the different eating behaviors.

I look forward to learning more from all of you.



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As DeLarla said, all you're going to get here are opinions, which are really worth what you pay for them. :D But we have a lot of collected experience and I hope you'll find what we have to say valuable.

True or False? --- banding is better for large eaters, by-pass for those who eat normal amounts of junk food or sweet tooths.

IMO banding is better for anyone who needs some help eating less. No WLS is an operation on the brain, and if someone has a real problem with an addiction to sweets the band may not provide the negative reinforcement the person needs. But RNY may not either--I'm frequently told that only 20% of RNY patients experience the dumping syndrome. So if someone chooses RNY on the assumption that they'll be unable to eat sweets, they may be sadly disappointed. People who are morbidly obese EAT TOO MUCH. The band helps us EAT LESS. Ergo, weight loss.

True or False? --- banding has a higher long-term success due to the ability to re-fill versus a weight loss window.

I can't quote you statistics but from everything I've learned and heard it seems like the results 3 or more years out are about the same. I'd be very interested to hear about even longer-term results, like 5 and 10 years out.

True or False? ---- you do not lose your hair with banding.

I think people may experience a bit less dramatic Hair loss after banding, but I know I lost enough to inspire a haircut at one point. The same thing happened after I had my babies, though; so it may be just the bodily trauma that does it. My hair all returned, all three times.

True or false? --- banding requires much more will power and ability to avoid fattening high calory foods like chips, sweets, carbs. which could prevent any weight loss.

False. To my mind there's less will power involved if one is banded. When it's adjusted properly, the mechanical device in our bodies exerts powerful negative reinforcement when we eat too much or too quickly. (Some foods are indeed easier to eat than others, but not being hungry takes away a lot of the temptation.) If the restriction fades over time with weight loss, it can be recreated by having the band tightened. Of course, lots of people get impatient or angry with the adjustments required to find the perfect restriction with the band--the place that will keep us from overdoing it but allowing consumption of reasonable amounts of healthy foods. It takes patience and effort, but I see that as a good thing since the treatment is truly personalized. With RNY, if you don't have the dumping syndrome, there's very little negative reinforcement and what there is fades over time and can't be recaptured. I see the band's adjustability as providing a fresh start each time.

True or False? ---- if you don't lose the weight within your 13-15 month period with by-pass, you are stuck since your body will have become efficient at working on less calories and make it near impossible to lose more.

I think the "window of opportunity" may extend to more like 12-18 months, but the principle does seem to hold true. The malabsorptive effect of the surgery will eventually disappear, but only with regard to calories! RNY patients will have to deal with the malabsoprtion of nutrients for the rest of their lives.

True or False? --- many people with banding only lose a small amout of weight in the first two years and often require up to four years to lose 100 or more pounds?

I don't think this is fair to say. With banded patients the weight loss is definitely more moderated than with RNY, with the average loss being 1-2 lbs a week over the losing period. The length of that period depends on too many factors to make generalizations about. But the bottom line is that this pace of weight loss is the healthiest pace for our bodies, and avoids the negative physical, emotional, and psychological effects of sudden major weight loss. 1-2 lbs a week is 50-100 lbs in a year, and most bandsters I'm aware of do fall into that range.

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Start with the Band. If it doesn't work and you hate it, go with the RNY.

I'm not saying you would want to plan on two surgeries, but the point it, the Band is reversible. RNY is not. I would definately start with the less invasive, and then MAKE it work to avoid the RNY, know what I mean? If gastric bypass were my only option, I'd stay fat and get over it. My opinion. :D

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True or False? --- banding is better for large eaters, by-pass for those who eat normal amounts of junk food or sweet tooths.

I think banding or the bypass can help either.

True or False? --- banding has a higher long-term success due to the ability to re-fill versus a weight loss window.

Yes, but we can't indefinitely get fills. There does come a point where some bandsters get reflux. I do agree with this statement overall. The weight loss with the bypass does slow after about 18 months.

True or False? ---- you do not lose your hair with banding.

Some do; some don't.

True or false? --- banding requires much more will power and ability to avoid fattening high calory foods like chips, sweets, carbs. which could prevent any weight loss.

I think it does require more will power. But you'd be AMAZED how much will power you can have when you aren't starving!

True or False? ---- if you don't lose the weight within your 13-15 month period with by-pass, you are stuck since your body will have become efficient at working on less caloriesand make it near impossible to lose more.

Eventually this is true.

True or False? --- many people with banding only lose a small amout of weight in the first two years and often require up to four years to lose 100 or more pounds?

Many people lose 80-100 in the first year. I am a weird case because I took a year off to have a baby.

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I am a weird case because I took a year off to have a baby.

Do THAT with RNY! Not!! Okay, it's been done I guess but not so easily! My hubby is always amazed at the women having babies with the band. It's one of the things that convinced him it's the better option. There is no malabsorbtion.

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True or False? --- banding is better for large eaters, by-pass for those who eat normal amounts of junk food or sweet tooths.

True or False? --- banding has a higher long-term success due to the ability to re-fill versus a weight loss window. True in my opinion and al lthat I have read on the subject

True or False? ---- you do not lose your hair with banding. False I lost hair

True or false? --- banding requires much more will power and ability to avoid fattening high calory foods like chips, sweets, carbs. which could prevent any weight loss. I eat pretty much what I want, It's all about quantity now with the band

True or False? ---- if you don't lose the weight within your 13-15 month period with by-pass, you are stuck since your body will have become efficient at working on less caloriesand make it near impossible to lose more.

True or False? --- many people with banding only lose a small amout of weight in the first two years and often require up to four years to lose 100 or more pounds? False, I have lot 91 lbs in a year and 3 weeks.

These answers are from my experience only

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Hi Options -- you've received some great answers. Bear in mind, of course, that our web site is frequented by a lot of people who reached their own conclusions and chose the band, so you won't hear many pro-RNY opinions here.

True or False? --- banding is better for large eaters, by-pass for those who eat normal amounts of junk food or sweet tooths.

I don't know. Both surgeries affect how much you can eat, and I know bypass patients often have trouble with sugar in any amount.

True or False? --- banding has a higher long-term success due to the ability to re-fill versus a weight loss window.

True, from what I've read and heard.

True or False? ---- you do not lose your hair with banding.

I haven't lost any hair, but to judge from the other responses here, other women have. I think fewer of us lose hair than with the RNY.

True or false? --- banding requires much more will power and ability to avoid fattening high calory foods like chips, sweets, carbs. which could prevent any weight loss.

Willpower? Good question. The band can't make food choices for us, so people who are looking for a quick fix for food issues may be disappointed in the band. But one of the reasons I chose the band was so that I could get out of "diet mind." Yes, high-calorie foods can slow or prevent weight loss. They're also one of life's pleasures! With the band, you can enjoy most foods; you don't have to feel like you're sentenced to a restricted diet for your whole life.

True or False? --- many people with banding only lose a small amout of weight in the first two years and often require up to four years to lose 100 or more pounds?

I don't know. That 1-2 lbs. a week answer sounds right to me. I hope to lose 80-100 lbs. in 16 months. People who were heavier to begin with tend to lose more weight early on -- but that's true of any weight-loss surgery or diet program. From checking everyone's statistics in our signatures you can get a pretty good idea of how we are doing.

Good luck in your search for information. Check out the "sticky" posts in our many forums, where you'll find answers to many FAQ.

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