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NJ June 2008 Chat

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Thanks SOoooo much everybody for the kind words, advice and concern! I spent tonight getting a resume together. Too hard for me to walk away from even a bad job situation, without having another one lined up first.

You guys are the greatest!!!!!

Donna, I'm thinkin' of ya gal! Won't b long now....and IMHO, the before "waiting" time, was worse than recovery! LOL!

How're you doin' Trish?

TTYL :ohmy:

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Hi all,

I’m doing fine. Moved on to mushies. Yum. I’m down about 18 lbs since my pre-op visit on 6/6. Doin’ the happy dance here!!!

Saturday I hosted an 8th grade graduation picnic/swim party for my twin sons. There were 40+ friends, family, etc. I had it planned before I had my surgery date and didn’t want to cancel. Although I tried to make it as easy as possible (had contracted with a company to pitch a 20x20 tent canopy, got a caterer for the main dishes, etc), there was still so much work to be done. Friends pitched in to help wherever possible. By the end of the day though I thought I was not going to make it! By then, I started walking like a little ‘ol lady all bent over. What a sad sight! Took 2 pain pills, heating pad and went to bed! It was a great day though and beautiful here in southern NJ.

I didn’t eat really at all on Saturday. I’m finding that its sometimes easy to forget to eat. THAT’s a surprise! I did take a few sips of a light beer though because I just was too hot at one point. That was one time when I did think about missing Diet Coke. (actually I’m a TAB soda retro girl, i.e. TABaholic, rather than Diet Coke girl and did a pretty good job of still finding it up until surgery).

Sherry – it sounds like you had a busy party day too!

Diane – I’m an HR veteran, so if you need help with your resume or anything, let me know.

Jessica, Eileen – Trying not to stray from my diet too much. Thanks for the encouragement.

Donna –You’ll do fine with the surgery. Stay calm, follow orders, etc. When they offer pain meds, take them! I tried to be fine without them after the first few hours passed from surgery, but I think I made it harder on myself. So, take the drugs! (This is why I had pain pills still left over to take after my picnic…)

Kat – Believe it or not, we have a Rodeo in my town here in NJ. Runs every Saturday night in the summer. I just moved here 1 year ago and haven’t attended yet. It’s tiny and looks no bigger than a highschool football field and has wooden bleachers. A local public tv station broadcasts the rodeo. One of my sons’ friends from our former home area (an hour or so north) wants to come down and Celebrate his birthday there, so we’ll check it out. I went to a rodeo once in my life just 2 years ago in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It was a fun night!

All – Thanks again for the “hang in there” encouragement. It truly helps!


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Hey y'all!

Pat, I too swear by the bar of soap under the sheets for nightime leg cramps or RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome). IN fact when we take the first rides of the year, Rick gets cramps in his groin muscle---always has. He will break one of the little hotel bars of soap in half, and drop half in each pocket....no cramps! Do not use Dove or Dial. Dove is too much cream, and Dial for some reason is not working.

As for Kinsey dragging things out--that is different. I have her here almost everyday--so Granny has rules!!! She has a playroom here, and she has some toys that are not allowed out of the playroom, her doll house etc. If she brings others out--she has to take them back before dragging something else. Now there are always things around--her waterbottle (she mimics me---always has a bottle of Water with her!!!) and we read lots of books, so there may be a stack of books, and usually a baby doll---one we take everywhere. But she knows as does her Mom, they do not leave in the evening without putting it all away, and checking the playroom, and picking it up. I babysit for my daughter, but she can do the pick up!!! LOL, my DIL and DS do not ask me to babysit often, they think I am too hard on the kids. Difference is, I can take Kinsey anywhere, and she is polite and minds. I cannot handle Connor to take him anywhere, he is an absolutely adorable, yet wild child. He is unfortunately the child everyone cringes when they see him coming. He is turning into a bully, using his size to push through and get his way. He is 2, they do not even try to make him talk, not even please and thank you----I push for it! I am a mean Granny.

Sherry, try to find Walmarts generic Prilosec OTC--Omipro something....it is smaller than the Prilosec. My DH's internist has had DH on it steady ever since his bleed, he is not concerned with him taking it without a break. He said Tums on top of it for acid breakthrough will not hurt.

You and Trish sound like the party Queens!!! Will call on y'all for my next bash! Last year we did the huge Luau for my folks 50th, followed by the vow renewal and church party. This year I did nothing!!

Jessica---I could not be gone 3 weeks! I would be home sick! We go to our own place in TX occasionally for 2 weeks and I wanna go home after a week max!! I used to go to Hawaii for 2 weeks to see my DD, but even that was pushing it!

Well Betty, I have been riding every day for a couple of weeks, but I want the pool!!!!

I will catch the rest of you, but I have to get my butt in gear, I have an appointment with my PS this morning. Will let ya know what he says. I had issue with the antibiotics he give me.......so not sure how this is going to go. Wish me luck!


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Good luck with your visit to the PS Kat...hope all is well with your new belly!

and I cant wait to be away for 3 weeks!!! Im not sure if I will get homesick or not but all the cute dominican men might help ease that :-) and I will have alot of catching up to do with Karolina - have not seen her since she was home for a few days during Christmas time so we will have alot of talking to keep us occupied. and we will be celebrating it up in DR so I dont think we will have time to miss home!!!

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Diane, when do you go for another fill? I'm looking forward to "liquids" afterwards :biggrin:.

Donna, I was anxious to drive, so I only took 1 pain pill after I got home, but remember I stayed one night in hospital, came home the next AM.

Trish, I should have thought of that for my gson, he "graduated" 8th grade this year. I've always wanted to let him have a pool party, but his birthday is in December. He had his Little League end of year team party here once, that was a lot of work and they weren't my kids, LOL.

Kat, I've got an appt with PS today or tomorrow, glad you mentioned it I need to go check. Supposed to do after pictures, but probably won't when he finds out I'm not real happy with the "girls".

Hey does anyone know anybody that's had the sculpting laser lypo?

Sherry must be really worn out, but then again, when you have to get up due to reflux, I'm sure that doesn't help. Rather than reread the posts, did you say whether your doctor has checked you out or not?

Jetti, I'm like Kat, I hate to be away from home, (all my toys are here, LOL). Hubby wants to travel all the time. I'm ok once I get there, but just all the packing and securing the house, etc, ugh! My niece wants to house sit, last time it cost me $200.00, but this time she said she'll sit for free, she likes my pool more than I do.

Woo Woo Martini, anyone had one? OMG, we went for brunch yesterday, one more and I'd have been trashed, going for some cranberry vodka today :lol:. I've never made a martini before, but what the heck.

Betty, I'll try the soap, I tried before, but I must have used Dial or Dove. I hate taking the meds for it, especially, since it sends signals to my already strained brain :grouphug:.

Eileenie, come play with us. How was the "virgin" pedicure? Cute, quick story, one day when my best friend's son was little, she was leaned over, making the bed, he reached up and goosed her in the crotch and said, "gottcha, right in the virginia". Kids are adoreable.

Ok kiddies, going to do a little shopping, looking for a patio set for my gson's mother, she just graduated college, while working a full time job and I'm really proud of her. She's like a daughter to me, but I'm going to kick her a$$ if she doesn't stop running up those charge cards. She said she only uses them to buy groceries...WTH, I can't have!

Later girlies!

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Eileen - thanks for the well wishes. I'm sure everything will be fine.

Diane - Thanks for thinking of me- I'm sorry the job is so awful right now. You have done a fabulous job on your weight loss despite all the stress. I am a terrible stress eater, which I am hoping to get under control with the help of the band.

Trish - I'll be fine.. oh--- don't worry, I have no qualms about taking drugs! LOL

Sherry - thanks for sharing about the reflux. I'm currently on 40mg of nexium which seems to keep it in check. I do worry some about it getting worse, but I'll deal with it if and when I have to.

Betty- yes, I'm very excited and surprisingly not nervous (yet!) considering it's only 2 days away. :grouphug:

Kat - you sound like a terrific granny! You are doing your grandchildren a favor surrounding them with books and teaching them manners. It sounds like Connor may be using his bulk because he can't communicate yet.

Pat- I'm not surprised that you drove so soon. You seem to be always on the go! I'm sure I'll be anxious to do the same. :lol:

Everyone, thanks so much for all the support. It's comforting just knowing you are only a few clicks away.


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Donna this will be my 3rd trip to DR but I have not been since 2004 so im super excited. We are staying Occidental Grand Punta Cana and we actually stayed there on our first trip in 2003 and loved it! the area outside of this resort is not that bad there are shops and bars that we might go to since we will be there 3 weeks but they have a club right on the resort that everyone including locals can go to. Its great because you get to meet so many different people. 2 weeks to go and I will be sitting on the beach all day and dancing all night what can be better then that??? :lol:

Jetti- your upcoming trip sounds fabulous! It will be wonderful having all that time there to relax, shop and party. Have you stayed at the Occidental before? I was recently researching the Occidental in Costa Rico and it looked wonderful. I am always looking for recommendations for future trips! In my next life I'd like to be one of those people that writes the travel books. That way I could travel and write it all off on my tax return!:grouphug:

Enjoy, Donna

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I have stayed at this Occidental resort once before and I loved it! My friend that I am travelling with has been to DR probably 8 times and this is her favorite resort. I remember reading bad reviews last time about the food, people, room, etc you name it and people complain about it. I mean really some people just have the idea in there mind that they are going to the Ritz. yeah most of the resorts are 4 or 5 stars but you are also not in the states or Europe so things are going to be different. Some travellers just dont have an open mind. I do would love to be a travel writer in my next life. I love reading travel books especially about the islands. I have read 2 true stories about cuba and i loved them and wish I could find more.

good luck on the research for Costa Rico

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Trish, thanks so much for the offer to help me with the resume, that's so thoughtful (and helpful). I have been "rough drafting" it this weekend, then emailing it to my brother and his wife. He called me today, and said that for a first attempt, it actually wasn't too bad (yea!). As soon as I finish posting here, it's back to the resume. Funny that something soooooo short can take soooooong long to get right! LOL! Might just take you up on that offer, though :thumbup: YEAH! Trish is on Mushies!!! (nice WL too...that always brings out the Happy dance :crying:)

Sherry, you crack me up girl! I was LOL about the 300+ miles on the back of a bike makin' your butt "spread out"....so funny! I too am having a hard time with the weight loss lately...and just like you, have to admit that "it's me" messin' up. I've been trying to get a minimum of 30 mins. exercise in a day, even tho' it's laughable (wii fit), Hey, better than nothin'! go get that thing back gal, and work it 'til the little timekeeper "piggy-bank" celebrates 30 minutes! LOL :thumbup:

Betty, I felt so bad for you when you said you'd lost your long post....boy oh boy, have I been there before!!!!! UGH! Actually, I don't think I'll mention, to the boss, that things at work have caused me to start looking elsewhere. I think I'll just continue being a dutiful employee ( while compiling my resume :lol:) Then give notice, if/when I have something else lined up. Oh, has your company arrived yet? They staying for a while?

Donna, how are you doin' gal? got your shopping done? Rx's filled? Wrappin' it up about now, huh? things are gonna be great! Even tho' I've not been as great with the weight loss as some folks we know ( hottie with the collar bones :thumbup:), this band thing has made me feel so much better, with the weight I've lost so far, and with the hope of loosing more..... and, oh yeah, it's GREAT having support "only a click away!

Pat, great talkin' to ya!....'til that bird sh*t on my leg!!!! TOO CRAZY! Just sittin there relaxin, then plop YUCK!!! UGH!!! Anyway, teach me the recipe for those butt-kickin' martinis :blink: BTW, I was relieved to hear that you understood just how unorthodox things are handled there. Thankx.

Well folks, I've had no less than 4 phone calls, while I've been trying to post here AND I still have to revise the resume! so I'm gonna hafta stop here, it's getting late. Kat, Jessica & Eileen, thinkin' of ya....

Everybody, have a good night. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Good Morning Y'all!

I'm tired this morning and don't want to even move to get dressed. lol

I have to take my car in this morning and see if we can get it fixed. We have been trying to get the check engine light off so I can get it inspected and we have spent so much money doing everything they tell us each time. Enough already, I am taking it to Chevy this morning and see what they tell me. I took off work a half hour early last night thinking I could get it in for a quick diagnosis but even though they say they don't close till 6 and I got there at 5, there wasn't anyone there to check it. So back this morning and late to work. I hate taking off work, but I have to get this done.

Diane - No, I only had company for the evening. I am supposed to be getting some over the 4th from out of town for the week, but I don't think they are going to make it as I haven't heard anything more. I am so ready for a long weekend.

Pat - They had an article about making frozen martini pop with olives in the paper this morning, it made me think about you! lol

Sherry - I used to feel like my legs were bowed after riding on dh bike, it took me a while to walk after getting off there. One more reason to ride your own.

Trish - It sounds like you are doing great! You will even feel better once you start eating again. Mushie, good for you!

Donna - It won't be long now! Keep busy so you won't get worried. Just remember we are all there with you, and waiting to see how things go. Make sure to let us know when you can.

Kat - Just come and use my pool! I'll share with you!

Well, got to get dressed and get to the dealer. He said he would take me as soon as they open up so I can get to work.


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Betty, you're gonna be late anyway, stay and play :cool2:.

Sherry, my problem with riding with hubby is I'm so short, I always get my leg caught on the sissy-bar.

Mandy, get in here, you're always posting on your myspace, don't forget about us here, LOL.

Diane, I guess you were sitting in the bird's chair. Are we meeting for liquids after your Dr appt? I bought all the stuff to make that Woo Woo Martini yesterday, but didn't try fixing it yet. Went by boat to my son's house and he met me at the pier with a Margarita, it was actually pretty good.

I was just checking prices for flights to Ft Lauderdale, we can go for $89.00 each way x 2, wow, talk about a deal!

Donna, I'm thinking about you, especially, when I drive past Steve's Radiator, LOL. Maybe we can meet for lunch one day....for liquids, LOL.

Sherry, did I understand Diane, you took your wii fit back? I'm still trying to find one. I've got the wii, just need the fit, do you think your son could get me one? I can send $$.

Hey Jetti, let the countdown begin...oh yeah, ya already did, you're gonna have a blast, careful with those liquid calories, oh what the heck, you're only young once, have fun.

Kat, I put soap under the bottom sheet last night, I actually slept pretty well, except when I kept bumping into these lumps under my sheet, LOL. I was reading about the rx I've been taking and they're all pretty scary :thumbup:, addiction and all types of side effects, and I don't take them on a regular basis, just when I'm desperate.

Kat, email me some pictures of the new tummy, I'd send you a few of mine, but not sure if you or Rick would get it, LOL.

Later girlies

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No need for me to worry about liquid calories since I dont drink. that just means I get to save all my calories for all the yummy food that will be served on the resort all day and night!!! Goodthing I have my band or I would gain 50pounds. Im hoping that I dont gain to much weight while im away. I will be bringing some workout clothes and my sneakers so that I can do a little workout here and there. but I will also be swimming all day and dancing all night so im sure that will be enough to burn some calories too. This time 2 weeks from now I will be on my way to the resort and I cant wait! Not including today I only have 7 more days of work!!! And Karolina comes home this coming sunday so that is something to look forward too. we will be shopping and chatting the entire week before we leave so the time will fly by...I hope!!! The island is not going to know what hit it when we arrive. We will be having a belated celebration of both of our birthdays while we are there so we are sure to get in some trouble :-)

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Hi Pat...no I didn't return my wii or wii fit. My friend asked my son just the other day if he could get her Wii Fit and he said the store isn't allowed to take anymore pre-orders because they have so many they can't keep up with the demand as it is. So unfortunately mom's don't get any priviledges with it either otherwise I'd do that for ya. Have you gone anywhere to reserve it?

Can't remember where I left off on my posts. Oh yea...recovered from my son's party. Friends stayed until 10:30pm then on Sunday DH and I got up early and started prepare the 15.5 pounds of strawberries to make jam. We did 6 batches which made 48 half pint jars. House smelled like the smuckers factory :thumbup: Came out yummy too. I brought some to work with me to give to some friends and I gave a jar to my chiropractor :tongue: I enjoy making it...it relaxes me if you can believe that.

Getting back to work is tough..trying to catch up on all the emails and work that needs to get done...that and the babysitting and refereeing you have to do :tt1: It's good though.

Anyone watching Hell's Kitchen? I really like that show. There is a special on the SPEED network tonight at 8 eastern time on Ridley motorcycles. Those are automatic motorcycles and thought of much like Harley Davidsons. Made here in America and priced like a Harley. Ouch! I was looking into them because they are automatics and 750cc engines but, I just can't spend $18K or more on a motorcycle but, mannnnn they are saaaa-weeeeeeet! hahaha

Ok so I'm lost as far as what's going on with everyone. Too brain dead to go reading everything. How is everyone doing with these gas prices? man on man it's killing this house. I commute 350+ miles a week just to work and back so it's costing about $100 just in gas for that never mind weekend driving :sad_smile: My friend and I have decided to commute together so at least we're each saving about $200 a month. Problem is if one gets sick or had to leave etc. Fortunately that hasn't happened but, I had to work through a hell of a headache today.

Speaking of headache...what is everyone using for them? Liquid tylenol doesn't cut it and the childrens' chewable tylenol cripe I have to eat 6 of those damn things and it's still not the strength for adults. I sooo miss my Tylenol Go Tabs booo hooo. I really liked those and they worked so well. Throw me some hints.

I started taking my prescription prilosec again because I can take the little balls out of the capsules easy enough. It worked and let me sleep two nights but, last night I was up again :w00t: So freaking weird really. I'll keep taking it to see what happens though.

Well I have to get going....headache is sneaking back up on me.

Kat how are you feeling? Your infection gone now?

Welcome to the newbie bandsters...hoping you're healing up ok and if you haven't had the surgery yet....hope all goes well.

bye for now. HUGS

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Pat you better email me some of those pictures. I am the only one here that uses the computer so you are safe.

I was wanting a wii too, but it just has to wait for now.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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