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NJ June 2008 Chat

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Hi guys. I'm alive. It's been crazy busy here for the past few weeks. I adopted a dog last week, and he needed some TCL. I'll attach a pic at the bottom of this post.

I was in a car accident last week. I'm ok, but my car...not so much. I missed a day or so of work from being sore but other than that I'm good. Dave and I went shopping and I bought a scooter. It's 125cc, but we are doing some mods to make it 150cc. It can do 60mph and gets 90mpg. I love it. I spent all weekend out on it.

Today was my last day of work until aug. The last day of school is tomorrow, but it's only part of a day. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself this summer, but I'm sure I will find trouble somewhere. I promise to try to be here more often. I don't get emails so I forget to check in.

Here's the pup his name is Louie:




and the scooter:




Edited by piercedqt78

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Mandy! That scooter is soooooooooo cool! And louie what a cutie! so good to hear from you again and that you're ok. Sorry to hear about the car accident!!! What happened?

Trish, my before banding surgery jitters was "though the roof"! Afterward, I was so glad! relaxed and jut took it easy to heal. I did move around quite a bit though because I had a history of blood clots. sorry to hear about your knee though :party:. Please come back and post as soon as you feel able....we'll all be thinking about you. See you in bandland! :party:

Pat glad to hear about the new office help working out for you. that's great! I DO feel sorry for the roofers....and the pavers....and anyone else whose job prohibits hem from getting out of the sun. Has the crew be alright? I hope so.

I don't know about being off for 3 wks. Jessica....but I sure would like to try it!!!!!

Sherry, how was the party? Have fun?

Kat, you doin' ok? Hope everything is going alright for ya! :P

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I was in the left lane and this guy decides to make a right on red, right into my car. My front quarter panel, bumper and front passenger side rim is all messed up. ~Mandy

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awwww mandy sorry about your accident. Glad your ok but not your car :-( didnt you just get a new car? or was that someone else here? im so bad at remembering things!!

and the puppy is SOOO cute!! so is the scooter but that thing scares me!!

I am so excited to be gone for 3 weeks but im going to HATE coming home. my first trip there was 1 week then my second was 2 weeks and now my third is 3 weeks so lets see what happens on my next one!!! :-)

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Hi my friends, sorry to go MIA. We made a sudden trip to TX, and things have been a bit crazy.

To top it all off, I lost my mind I guess-----not sure what my excuse is---or that I even have one. DH made me mad, and I said horrible things, I have never been in question of my relationship, and I really am now. I know our marriage will survive, but it feels like I killed a vital part, and I cannot seem to salvage it. So emotionally I am shot.

Physically I am healing. I do have some infection, he told me to expect it with the fat necrosis thing, and the size of the incision. It looks wonderful from the pubic bone on either side to the hip bones. It is the straight incision across the top of the pubic bone that is infected, and looking pretty rough. I see the Dr. tomorrow, I have finished my anitbiotics, so am anxious to hear what he thinks of it. Insurance is being a pain in the ass, some how a # got screwy and they are balking at my surgical center bill-------so, trying to deal with that too.

I am still comfortably wearing my 12's over the bandages and compression.....10's go on, and zip without a problem, but they are snug on my hips and with the incision extending onto the hip, it makes them uncomfortable. I am still sitting at 177. I have to get down to 169 to be in the normal BMI range. It seems like the last is going to be the hardest.....isn't that about right?

I am so sorry to hear about your accident Mandy. Snuggle with that cute pup, maybe you will feel better.....if so I may need to borrow him!!

Sherry, got the boy graduated did you?? Good for him!!! I was so glad to get ours out of school, dealing with this school system was working my last nerve!

Betty, so good to see you posting again each morning, I missed them so much!

Jessica, have a great vacation!!! I couldn't be gone that long either, am too much of a home body. Especially with the cost of gas, I am seriously becoming a home body!

Pat, I have not taken any pics, and keep saying as soon as the infection clears I will. Maybe by then someone will be speaking to me to do the pictures!

Diane---thanks for the concern--I am doing my best to hang in there today.

Trish best wishes on the surgery today!

Well I am off to change out laundry, and keep busy----keeps my mind from overworking, or at least gives me the hope of it.



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Kat its good to hear from you and I hope you are doing better emotionally and physically. HUGS!!!!!

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Kat...the ups and downs of healing and the aftermath from such a drastic surgery will get your emotions all in an uproar. Remember that and I hope your DH understands that. No matter what was said, you two have been through alot together and you'll get through this too...one day at a time my friend. Sorry to hear about your infection I'm sure that's taking a toll as well. Take it easy and I hope you're doing better today.

Mandy - I must of jinks the room with my accident. Sorry to hear about yours. Are you getting your car fixed? I just got mine back last week and they did a wonderful job on it. I'm still going to the chiro myself, he says I'll have to go for quite some time but, we'll see. Its feeling better but, I get really stiff in between visits unfortunately. Sometimes I'm still getting headaches too. How is your knee doing? I like the scooter too but, didn't you get a motorcycle? Are you riding that?

Jetti - You're memory isn't bad......do what I do hahaha go back and read the threads. Hell I can't even remember what it is you said in your last one hee hee. It's hard sometimes isn't it? Are ya starting to pack for your trip yet?

Betti - My pool is still cloudy. DH upped the PH and now it's too much so now he put chemicals to bring it down. It's been difficult because of the extreme heat and all the pollen. I checked though and I can actually see the bottom a little :) So we're getting there. How are you doing? Is that foot all healed up now? I haven't been out riding because of the accident. I'm hoping to get out there this weekend though.

Diane - The party was actually fun. I had a good time....I was nervous because it was my work client's house but, it was totally different outside of work. We had a good time and stayed pretty late.

Eileen - Are ya peeking in ? yooo whooo heh heh. Miss ya goilly.

Pat - Yooo Pat....so did you get yourself a "good" employee this time? I just got notice from another one so I'm back having to interview UGH. Just hate that job! Everyone comes in nice and perfect...you hire them and all down hill. Not all of them but, some. We're struggling with a few now...not sure they'll make it but, we'll see. I had to do the hiring for the whole company so I hired quite a few. So hard right now.

Well ladies....gas hit $4.05 here today. UGH. Some stations have $3.99 that's about the cheapest. They say Massachusetts is one of the cheapest states for gas right now but, I'm not sure about that.

Son is all graduated.....getting ready for college. I'm having his Graduation party on the 21st and you're all invited :cool2: Don't I wish you could make it! I'd love to see ya! I'm also having a cookout for family and friends on July 26th and you're all invited to that too :w00t: Plenty of room for sleepin if ya wanna stay here and you don't mind a futon or air mattress :lol:

We got the good news that my biggest account is staying with us doing their billing. That was good to hear! I really like working with them so I was happy.

Ummm dinner is calling my name and then the pool. Then we have to measure the deck to price out the floorboards that need to be replaced. The previous owner did something fancy in making the deck board cut so that it shapes like a diamond. Unfortunately that means more end surfaces to dry up and curl...big dummy. So now we have to replace them all and we're just going with the straight boards. I'd love to do that plastic composite stuff but, wow that's pricey. Can't do that this time around...not with these gas prices!

Stay cool my friends.

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Well here it is another day, and thankfully a much better day! My DH come in, and simply showed me yet another reason to love him like I do, he did not say a word, just opened his arms. We have totally different ways of dealing with issues, I rant and rave and have to talk it to death, and he withdraws into himself, and works it through in his mind, finding a logical reason for what was said or done, and he makes peace with it---often times never saying a word. I totally HATE that! I do not deal well with the unknown, so I want to hear what he is thinking, I want to hear his reasoning....and he simply does not care to discuss it, he says doing so always leads to other arguements, and so then we fight about how to fight!!

Well yesterday when I was in such a horrible place.....I read a thread began while I was in Texas by one of the Shrinking Violets called Forgiveness. In it, was a section about if you are the one needing to be forgiven. And without question that was me. I said horrible, mean hurtful things---and knew even as I said them that they were not true----but.....no excuses. Anyway the article said, if you were needing forgiven, to allow the person to do it on their own, not to force them to relive a hurt, to make yourself feel better. It said all kinds of things that felt like it was talking straight to me! So I said a little prayer, and went with that, let him guide me.....I did not call to tell him my excuse for saying this, or a backup for why I said that, or simply to hear his voice because I was scared. I let him work through it. He come home, and he still loves me in spite of my Bitch Outburst. I know it still hurts him, but he does understand that I really have been stressed....between the surgery, and even going to Texas and spending sooooo much time with just his Mom.

So today I had my Dr.'s appt. and while I was in the waiting room, I got these visual disturbances I used to get with my Migraines. I did it last week too. I have not had migraines since my hysterectomy, except for a couple the first month after I was banded. My migraines have always been from estrogen surges. So I ask him about it today, and he said it is pretty common, that especially with my fat necrosis issues, I am probably getting a pretty big hormone surge in my body....he said it will be a week or 2 of PMS type of mood swings. I dared to look up at Rick and he had this half smirk on his face, like "No shit?" So he has not said anything to me about it, but he is loving, and is back to himself. I am VERY VERY lucky.

My infection is still there. I am on another round of antibiotics, and see him again on the 23rd. He said it is looking good, and the drainage is actually not a bad thing, that it is keeping the infection from building on the inside.....so let it drain, and if this round of meds does not kick it, we will put in a PIC line, and hit it twice a day with IV antibiotics. I do not want that!!! So thinking positive!

I got a wonderful, helpful PM from Pat--she is so great!!!

I wish I had a pool----and I wish I was rich, I would go to Sherry's party just to shock her!!! LOL, instead I guess I was born just incredibly beautiful---LMAO!!!!!

Sherry, sorry you are going through so much with your accident!

Mandy, are you still feeling ok following yours??

Not long after Rick got home last night, one of his guys called and he had locked his keys in the truck. So he had to go get the spares at work----and ask me if I wanted to go. We decided to ride, and it was absolutely perfect riding weather, no wind, warm, but not hot, not cold. And it also allowed us some time to "be" with one another, and close enough to touch----I tend to rub his shoulders when we ride--he throws a hand over my leg, and rubs my calf! But it is not exactly conducive at 60 mph to be talking.....which was probably good!!

But it was such a perfect ride, we hoped to do it again tonight, and the wind is roaring! Dammit!

Jessica I keep meaning to tell you how great your new avitar looks----you look wonderful!!!

Diane---where ya at today???

Well I better go get some things started for dinner, I planned to grill---will take a chance and see what I can burn down in the wind!!!

Talk to y'all soon! Thanks so much for the support!


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Hello Y'all!

It is hot and muggy here today. I just got out of the pool, and I am nice and cool now. But, now I have to cook supper so it will probably make me all hot again! Never ends! I did get some exercising done while I was in there, so that is the good thing about it.

I finally rode my bike to work yesterday, everyone threw a fit over it. This morning I drove the car and everyone was wanting to know where my bike was. I like to get out of there during lunch, and it's not easy to go do something on a Harley.

Mandy - Sorry to hear about your accident. I have to say I love your little scooter though. What is going on with your bike though?

Kat - Glad things are working out with you. I am anxious to see some pictures. Men, mine is like yours, he never talks about the problem so we never get to the bottom of it and then a few months later it comes right back up again because nothing ever got solved.

Pat - Enough strutting you stuff and get back here! lol We need some updated pictures too!

Sherry - It won't hurt to swim if it's cloudy, that usually is just the shock or etc and it won't hurt you. I love that new composite stuff they have for the decks. When we were building ours I said that is what I want so we never have to worry about it again. Well, after pricing it, I changed my mind.

Jessica - You look great! Don't forget to take lots of pictures with you in them so we can see when you get back.

Diane - What's new chickie?

Eileen - the weekend is almost here and I'm looking forward to your post!

Cindy - Miss you missy!

Trish - Welcome to bandland! Give us an update when you feel up to it.

Well, hope I didn't miss anyone, if I did it's just the old age kicking in. lol

Well, I have to go get some work done, like cooking and cleaning the kitchen again.

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First of all, Trish, I'm thinkin' of ya gal!!! You're gonna be feeling better in no time! AND you got lots of folks to talk to that know just what it's all about! Post when you can!

Hello sweeties,

well today was kind of a down day....seems like a lot of down days lately! (at least at work anyway!!!!!) You see, the dynamics of the place that I have worked at for the last 22 years has changed. I've seen my employer divorce twice, and marry twice. Wife #3 started working as a subordinate back in about spring '07, then they married in dec. 07. a few months later er 19 yr old son started working there too. Most recently, she cursed at me in front of my other subrdinates.

All I can think of is quitting!!!!! That incident was almost two weeks ago now, and things are icy to say the least. can't talk to the boss, wouldn't do any good (I have learned how he i after 22 yrs.!). Besides that, remember: "...when a man loves a woman, she can do no wrong."

Well, Whew!!!! glad to get that off my chest! Now I just need to rework my resume, network, pray, "suck-it-up" and work there until I hopefully can hook up with another job!

Thanks for being there girls. It DOES mean a lot!

Oh, and BTW.....I gained a pound too!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!

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Good Morning,

Just a quick hello, I am running really late.

Diane - Just remember everything happens for a reason. I know you have a better job waiting for you right around the corner. hang in there, it takes time but the job of your dreams is waiting for you.


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Good Morning Ladies, err, I mean girlfriends!

Diane, I'm so sorry it's not any better at work :teeth_smile:. I hope you're researching your options of being your own boss. With 22 years experience, the sky is the limit. Go for it, what have you got to lose, except a few $$, DH is a businessman, you can be a businesswoman as well. Start small, work from the garage and go from there. Maybe pick up some side jobs at first and work with DH, be his helper or start your own crew. I had to laugh at the thought of being my hubby's helper, OMG, he was sealing the concrete around the pool Friday, in 100 degree weather and I was trying to help, again, OMG, he was so difficult, that's putting it mildly. Still after 37 years of being in business together, ppl will say, "Oh, you work FOR your husband".....NOT, we're partners 50/50 baby. I'd last about a day working FOR him, LOL. Anyway, Diane, from our talks, it sounds like you have the energy, potential, and contacts to do it, so put a plan together, check with the small business exchange, GO FOR IT! I still believe you could talk to your boss, like I told you, we bosses do not want to lose a trusted, dedicated employee, especially to a competitor.

Sherry, interviewing is the absolute worst part of hiring someone. I always let them do more of the talking, LOL, it's amazing what you find out. I hate it when they say, Oh, I know so and so that knows you, well there goes that one, I don't want my office info and personal files being discussed at the dinner table when they're out with so and so.

Trish, hope you're healing well, we'd love to hear from you.

Ladies, I'd like to introduce a new lapband friend, her name is Dj_Bryan, aka Donna, she's being banded soon. Her name is Donna and lives just down the road from me, she's a school teacher, like our missing Cindy, AND, she's actually from NJ, isn't that a hoot. I've invited her to join our happy LB family.

Betty, were you nervous dring your Harley to work? I'd have been a nervous wreck, but you're a pro, so I'm sure you enjoyed it. It's actually work for me. Betty, I don't have any new pictures, I take such horrible pictures, and I'm such a critic, I usually delete them as soon as I download them.

Kat, I'm so glad you and Rick have worked things through, he sounds like a great guy, you're blessed and it's good that you know that. I'm going to look that thread up, I've got a few people in my life I need to forgive. Kat, I wish I could go and surprise Sherry at her party too, LOL. I know what you mean about the ride out, we went for a ride again last night, in the Corvette, with the top down, it was awesome, too bad it's not the "cheap" thrill it use to be, gas $3.83 here.

Jessi you do look awesome, have fun, lots of fun, but be safe.

Mandy, your scoot is cute, what great gas mileage, you go girl.

Sherry, I so wish we could all get together, wouldn't that be the bomb.

OK, gotta go, hubby is giving me dirty looks, we're supposed to head to our beach house today, I told him I'd be ready by 10:00, well maybe 10:30, lol. They were supposed to deliver our pool at the beach house today, but now it's been pushed back till Monday :biggrin:. They're delivering it by truck and lifting it over the cottage with a crane, I think that will be awesome to see done.

Heat must not agree with my hubby he's been quite a jerk lately. That's another entire story, lol.

Hugs everyone!

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Good morning ladies!!!

kat - great to hear that things are getting better with you and Rick!!

Diane - I hope things get better at work or that you find something better for you!

I am so jealous of all you ladies with pools! we have one but by the time I get home eat dinner then go to the gym come home and shower it is bed time!! Maybe this weekend I will get to spend some time out in the pool...fingers crossed!

and as far as packing that is not even on the list of things to do until the night before we leave!! and we have to be at the airport at 5am so there will be no sleeping that night but it will be well worth it!. I have bags and bags of clothes and bathing suits that I have bought for vacation sitting in my closet that I am afraid to open it! Just trying to get stuff little by little so that when Karolina comes back home our shopping can be focus on getting her stuff and all the Walmart stuff like Shampoo, soap, lotion, etc. I also dont want to buy to much for myself right now because I am still losing and hate the guessing game of if it will fit when I leave. and I am trying to be as cheap as I can because most of the vacation clothes will be just that because I cant wear them at work. I did find some crops on clearance at target for $3.47!!!! check it out ladies that is an awesome price!!

well i have rambled on long enough...have a beautiful day chicas! hugs and love to all

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Well good morning all!!

I am off to take my Mom shopping today--Pat you will pleased to know I am making this a MOM day----focus is all hers!!! Shopping, mani, pedi----spoil her all I can! Thanks for the heads up!!!

Betty---years ago, (lotsa years!!!) when I was a young teenager, I heard my Grandma (Moms mom) and my Dad discussing something about forgiving. She said "When you forgive a man his sins, you do not reheat them for his breakfast"--my Dad laughed and agreed, saying he sure was glad she taught my Mom that lesson. And jokingly ask if I was listening. I said yes, but that made no sense. So they explained how unfair it is to say you forgive something, then use it as amunition at a later date. That when something is over, it is over. Through the years, I have without question done my share of throwing old hurts into someones face....but that quote is still burned into my brain, and I seriously try to live by it. Way back when Rick and I were dating, it come up, and he said his ex could recall, and name every single thing he had ever done wrong, and did so regularly. So I decided then and there, not to ever do that---and he on his own even---actually noticed!! He has never brought anything up to me after it happens, he works it through and it is over....working it through sometimes takes awhile!!!

He told our son one time something and brought up some other infraction he had commited---which were frequent for awhile! He said it even felt wrong then!!!

I would hate to lay in wait for him to hit me with my screw up again.......especially this one! LOL

I want a pool.......so now I am going to go pout!!!

LOL, seriously, Mom called and is ready, so I gotta run....will pop in later to catch up with the rest of you girls!!!



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Hi all, I'm home. Thanks so much for the positive notes. I am banded, hurting and just wanting to feel stronger. This was definitely not as easy as some make it out to be. And, if you knew me, would know I am not a whiner. But, I guess everyone's experience is different. The gas pain is horrible and its moving no where (I know TMI). I had one of my sons place his hand on my tummy and he was shocked. Had some issues with shallow breathing and very low BP in the hospital (I normally run high), but things have stabilized. (Okay, maybe I'm whining now a little bit).

Thanks again. I'm off to get some rest.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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