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NJ June 2008 Chat

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OK Donna--NONE of that! Licked worse things??? I almost snorted salsa out my nose!!! Cracked me up!!!

The rodeo is a blast, the kids are amazing as a general rule--some of the girls especially tend to be a bit snobby to the other girls, and the flirting is outreageous----but these ARE High School kids!! We go from it, right into the Connie Mack Baseball World Series, where teams from around the country, Mexico, and usually a couple of other countries make it as well, compete in the High School age World Series of baseball.

Between the 2 it gives me hope for our future---all in all these are good strong minded, well behaved, smart, kids---I think it eases my mind to know they are out there, because on the news all you hear is how kids are killing others!

It is a fun time, busy, but worth it!

Well Rick has the new front tire on his bike and is ready to ride, so guess I will go be nice and help him clean up his mess, so he can take a spin!!!

Catch ya all in awhile!


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Thought I'd "pop-in" for a minute to say Hi! i'm feelin' a little better today. headache is still hangin' on tho'.

Well, I had a situation today where (long story short) my boss told me to tell his wife to do something differently than she wanted to. I told him that he needed to tell her ,because we have had "issues". I continued to elaborate, about how his wife got cussy and loud toward me in front of the rest of the crew. He wasn't fazed, at all. When work was over i went to talk to an old associate about coming onboard with them. He has to talk to his people and see what they think. And ya know what? If that doesn't work out ,I'll just keep trying til something does work!!!! But for right now, think 'll fix a little :confused_smile: :crying:

Hugs all around!!!!!!!!

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Diane I hope that things turn around for you and that you start feeling better soon!!! Sending HUGS and love your way!

Donna im going to Dominican Republic in a few weeks and I am happier then a pig in sh!t :-) I also love traveling and wish I could do it more!

Trish - I too cheated a little on the liquid stage. my last 2 days while having my broth I put in one cracker and let it get soggy and kind of dissolve. I probably ate only half the cracker but it made me feel better. good luck on the rest of the post op diet - it does get better.

Hello to everyone!! HAPPY FRIDAY

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Good Morning,

Wow, its good to see this board all chatty again.

After today I will no longer be a virgin.... (((trying to figure that one out eh Pat))) haaaaaaaa I'm getting my very first pedicure AND manicure. Yep at the ripe old age of 43. My DD who's almost 7 has had 2 of them already ROFLMFAO !!!! Kids.

Trish... I used to suck on goldfish crackers...pizza flavor saved my life haaaaa !!!! Just don't go to crazy now LOL

Donna welcome :redface: this is a great group. Ohh the PITA nutritionalist haaaaa what a joke. When I went the woman nutjob told me that all I'd ever be able to eat was the size of a small teeny babyfood jar. Yeah right!!! Well I should go to her office today and bring a 6" sub and show her a thing or two. They are clueless when it comes to wls. But thats jmho.

Jetti Happy Birthday :smile: Have you tried a steroid cream OTC on your back? that might help. Ohhh vacation, have a great trip.

Diane glad your feeling better hon.... musta been the drink eh :smile:

Kat did you post pictures of yourself somewhere... I gotta go nosey around.

Pat that bike is awesome, the trunk is big enuf to fit my fat ass yowzers !!!!! Hey... river is fine... is it closer? I'd love for us chicks to have a meet up soon.

Betty boop! how's every little thing in Tx? Have you heard from Beanie at all....gosh I wonder how she's doing, I really miss her. Cindy too.. wonder where they went to. Does any one have their addy's?

Sherry toots, I know you've tried everything for the acid....but I guess I have to ask... are you eating to fast? I am and I have acid too. i'm taking to big bites and eating way to much. I just finished two weeks of Prilosec... it helps alot. Feel better sweetie.

Everyone have a great day... ttyt.


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Eileen...you're able to take the OTC Prilosec? The pills don't get stuck? I just might consider taking that, it's worth a try. Most of the time, I still get it even if I don't eat past 6 and I go to bed at 11. I swear I've tried so many things it's just nuts. I really REALLY don't want an unfill because I can already eat too much in my opinion. I hate a whole hotdog in the bun with chili and cheese yesterday :redface: Yet other days I'm lucky I can eat half. I just don't know. I really do think this thing flops around in there when it's not tight with fills. I think right now I'm at 1.75 in my band. I see him again in August.......just not sure what to do. All I can say is I'm back up there again and with that said I haven't lost anything since October 2006 because what I weigh now is what I weighed then UGHHHHH. My fault....my fork....my hand that's raising that food to my mouth and my head that's making all the wrong choices. Plus I can't seem to keep my lazy ars moving enough. It was hot as heck for a few days used the pool but, that's about it. Haven't been walking, no DVD's. Soooo what is it that I need to kick my ars to get me to move? Ohhhh I know it's my son's graduation pictures flashing on my TV right now for his Graduation party today OMG is that really me? grrrrrrrrrrrrrr Congrats on the pedicure and manicure you're going to LOVE it!

Pat - I've tried tums before bed, while its happening etc. The before bed helped for a while but, then it stopped. It's the first thing I grab when I wake up with acid and it does calm it down but, I end up having to get up and play solitaire on my computer for 30 minutes to let everything go back down again before I can go back to sleep. THAT alone isn't helping with weightloss because I'm not getting the sleep I need. Thank you for the suggestions though I really appreciate it. I'll find something to help this out...hmmm maybe I need some of those screwdrivers lol At least I'll be relaxed...maybe then I won't get so aggravated and what this band ripped out because I can't sleep. Oh poor hubby had to listen to that the other day and me crying. I was so freaking tired I couldn't help it.

Betty - I went to Laconia, NH for Motorcycle week this past Thursday. I didn't drive my own bike though hopped on Hubby's and we went with 2 other friends. It was about 380 miles total riding that day. My butt should be flat after all that but, all it did was spread out lol I got myself a leather vest while I was there and had a pretty butterfly patch sewn on it and I got a couple of those do-rags for your head since I end up with helmet head and man my hair is terrible after that. Man what a biotch trying to find a female looking vest that fits. The people that make them must all be shrimps because their 3X is even tight. I got one with the leather strings down the side so I could let it out a little. Cripe! Anyway, I feel better having something on my back while riding. I rode my own bike to the chiroprator yesterday 36 miles total....that's alot for me. I haven't driven my own motorcycle since before May 15th because of my accident. I was a bit wobbly the way up but did much better on my ride back after getting used to the throttle :smile: Of course I re-ran over some squished squirrel or something in the road...didn't see it until it was too late because I was too busy looking 12 seconds ahead of me lol Fortunately it had been there quite some time and wasn't gooey ewwwwwwwww lol

Well my son's graduation party is today so I have to get going. I've been getting things ready since yesterday. Yesterday scrubbed the patio furniture, cleaned up the house, did laundry, went grocery shopping, made potato salad, macaroni salad, brownies and a dessert platter...today running around setting it all up and threw in getting my car inspected after for all the damage repair. Can't afford for my insurance to think I didnt' get it done when it was $6500 worth of damage and that was a discounted rate geesh!

Ok time to get moving setting more up. sorry I missed lots of personals on folks. I love ya though :smile:

Miss you all and hope you're doing better than I am weight wise. God I'm getting so discouraged and to boot I know it's my own doing! Anyone have any ideas on how to kick ars and get moving again? Please send the ideas along :lol:


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Hey ladies, four more days until I'm an official bandster! I'm excited.

Sherry, did you have acid reflux before the band? I currently take nexium for it, and I'm a bit worried it will get worse after surgery when I read so many posts about it.

Jetti, I think you will really love the Domincan. I was there at the end of March. We stayed at Dreams resort in Punta Cana, and it was terrific. The people were really nice. We didn't go off the resort though, and it looked a bit rough and dirty on our way from the airport to the resort. Are you staying in an all inclusive also?

Pat, there was a really good band last night at Yorktown beach. They have free concerts there most Friday nights. We bring a smaller cooler with our choice of alcholic beverages and maybe a snack and enjoy!

OH>>>I think I'm going through bike envy reading many of your posts! :redface: Have great day everyone.


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Hey girlies,

Skipped the Harley today and profiled in the Corvette, I told hubby I was gonna have to get me one of those things, he said it looked like I'd taken his over, I told him, NOT,I want a red one, hehe. Top down and the AC just a kickin, gas $3.93 a gallon, well ya gotta spend it on something, LOL.

Sherry, so sorry about the reflux, yikes. I woke up yesterday morning, had dry heaves, (no, I wasn't hung over), I thought I was going to heave my band. I got back in bed and stayed there until 2:15, then I was all better. I think it was a RLS pill I took, it's not the type I usually take, and I break them down into 1/4's, only I took a whole one, on an empty stomach, won't do that again.

Betty, you out riding today, or floating?

Diane, oops, so sorry I didn't call you back, but I didn't think you'd want me calling you after 10:00, but then I saw you were on line.

Kat, where's that busy woman?

Eileenie, you're always in the gutter with me :redface:. I see Donna's gonna fit right in with you and I, licked what, hahaha.

Donna, I'm so excited for you, I couldn't hardly wait, then I got bumped for two weeks.

Be back later, driveway sensor went off, must be the kid drop off, Nana's daycare, an all nighter.


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Well so far the party went well...i say so far because the family has all left but my son's friends haven't. I have a slight reprieve for now as they all went to play mini golf but, when their back I'm stuck entertaining again. Man they make a mess! Fortunately my mom whipped up 75 chili dogs so thats what the boys will have to have when they get back because DH is sleeping on the couch so I highly doubt he'll be getting back up to cook more on the grill lol.

It was a great day so far...beautiful weather, lots to eat and lots of laughs. My friend my the house I previously owed came and told us a story that had me cracking up to the point of tears. I love it when he and his wife come over because there is always a story with their boys lol. This one was his oldest went to a friends so he dropped the kid off and told him and the other kids father I'll be back to pick him up at 9. Ok so 9 rolls around, he pulls into the driveway no lights on in the house but he knocks on the door. No one answers - dogs barking. 15 min later he's getting ticked because no one is home yet. 40 min later he's ticked to no end, calls his wife she comes out there. He sees a couple walking so he asked them if they had the guys cell phone because he's not home, he told the guy he'd pick up his kid at 9 and here is now 9:45 and they aren't home. What the hell kind of guy is this and the couple said the same thing. Geesh who the hell would do that knowing you were going to pick up your kid. So his wife pulls up she's frantic...their kid doesn't have a cell phone and doesn't think to call so He sends her next door at 9:50 to ask them if they know this guys cell phone. He's fuming in the driveway...she knocks next door which the house was lit up like a Christmas tree. Every light in the house on...the guy answers the door she asks for the number and the guys says...we were wondering when you folks were coming to get him. Yeap....my ex neighbor was at the wrong freaking house for 50 minutes HAHAHAHAHA. Here he is ready to deck the guy that comes home hahahah. He said thankfully the house owners were out to dinner and didn't come home because he probably would of been arrested. As it is now....the guys neighbors now think he's a jerk along with a few other people that heard this guy yelling about what a jerk he was for not being home hahahah. OMG too funny they way he told it.

Anyway...too boot I just freaking stubbed my two little toes on my right foot BOOO HOOO. I was cleaning up in the kitchen and forgot i moved the dog dishes to feed the dogs while the kids were gone and crash! Water everwhere, toe nail polish even got knocked off that's how hard I kicked it OWEY. Well....suppose I need to go finish picking up after these slobs before they come home and make more of a mess. Great bunch of guys really but, man typical teenage boys!

Donna - Yes I did have reflux before my surgery occassionally. Then it went away right after surgery and came back about 9 months after surgery. I ended up with a 1/2 unfill leaving me about .50 in my band for about 6 months to let things settle down. I had a few fills since and a few slight unfills as well. Right now I think I'm at about 1.75, 2cc's tops in a 4cc band. I really can eat too much, I'm hungry in between but, with this reflux I'm afraid to get another fill. Still, I have lost about 65 pounds..in 2 years...but without the band I believe I'd be bigger instead of being 65 pounds lighter. So no regrets in my decision with the band...but I really do wish I didn't have this reflux issue. I need to figure out something...time for me to see my pcp again I think.

Pat...What is a RLS pill?

Might have to ask my doc for something other than the prilosec 20 mg the doc has given me. That just doesn't seem to do the job. Doc told me to take Mylanta at night on top of this too yuckkkkkooooooo. That stuff is horrific to swallow.

Oh well...better get back to cleaning :redface: Hopefully tomorrow I can rest for a bit before heading back to work for the week. EWWWW lol

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Good morning,

Sherry glad the party is over, its always alot of work isn't it. Yes I can take the OTC prilosec ...they are pretty small but you can only take them for 14 days and then not for another 4 months ??? thats what the package says. I didn't have acid reflux before surgery but am now getting it. Last time was about a year ago, now its back and I'm it seems to be lasting longer.


Edited by NJChick

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My stinking post was wiped out...wholey crap !!!!!!!!

Donna since I only check in on the weekends I wanted to say good luck wednesday.

Sherry glad your party is over with, its so much work. Yes OTC prilosec is small and easy to take, they are flat and thin. I never had acid reflux until last year. It went away and is now back which makes me scared to get a fill which i so need.

Pat ...?? ... gutter ??? what ever are you talking about :ohmy:

Looks like a sucky day out, its cloudy and looks like rain. I went food shopping already this morning, 7 AM when the doors opened lol. I hate crowds. So now I'm ready for a nap...no energy I tell yah. Oh well.

Chicks.... see ya next weekend. Behave now ;)


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Good morning, thank goodness for SpongeBob, right Kat!

I told DS at 4:00 when he dropped the 2 yr off, "EARLY PICKUP, you know I don't like all nighters as it is", of course it's almost 10, no sign of AH..DS. I'm sure he's hung over.

Sherry, when they're 30, the parties are much more intense, and grilled hot dogs is not what they've got on their mind, wellll, maybe in a way, LMAO..(Eileenie, that one was for you).

He's such a great little guy. He's good as gold, but my house now looks like tornado went through, toys and stuff everywhere.

Kat, when your granddaughter is there, do you just leave everything she pulls out, where it is, until she leaves?

Diane, hope your head is better today.

Sherry, RLS....restless leg syndrome, it has gotten worse over the years. It's like this, if someone told you if you moved your legs again, they'd have to shoot you, you'd say, go ahead and pull the trigger, no way to stop moving the legs, its so very annoying, esp when trying to go to sleep or it wakes you up.

Eieenie, we've got great weather this am, but calling for lots of storms this afternoon, hubby WAS supposed to take me to VA Beach today, just to hang out. I think we're going to Fort Lauderdale next week to check out more "snowbird" properties for us old folkers.

Hugs to all.

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Hello Y'all!

Gosh it's good to see everyone posting! I love it.

I was so upset, I typed a bunch and then the whole thing was gone. I hate it when it does that!:ohmy:

Eileen - I miss Beanie's posts too, I haven't hear anything from her at all. I wonder if she is alright? I do keep in touch with Cindy so she is fine, just busy.

Pat - You lost me with a RLS pill, what is that? I am both riding and floating! We went up to Harley yesterday and then came home and jumped in the pool. It was so hot and I was miserable. I was glad to see the pool when we got home. I went inside Harley to cool off, then I couldn't find the old man when I came back outside. I walked the place three times, then went back inside and went upstairs and then back out again. Still couldn't find him so I just left and came home. He wasn't far behind me though about 5 minutes. lol

Donna - You are almost there I bet you are excited huh?

Sherry - That was a funny story. I have heard things like that happen other people too. That's great you rode to work! Once you get back on, it is much easier to keep on riding. Have you checked to see if you might have a hiatal hernia? I had one and they fixed it during surgery. Since you had heartburn before banding, I though maybe you might have one. I hope you start feeling better soon. I know the vest you are talking about, we have one like it too.

Kat - You sound too busy! You need to share some of that work with others!

Diane - I'm glad the boss can see some of what his wife is doing. NOW, you need to let it be known that it is causing you to think about leaving and going somewhere else.

I can't remember what else I read, and it won't let me go back again.

It is hot here today 98, I have already been in the pool and back in the house. I made a few salads up and I'm going to have some chicken with it. I don't plan on cooking much today. I am getting some company soon and if that isn't good enough for them, then they can go eat somewhere else. lol

Well, going to get off here and see what else I need to do before the company arrives.

Oh yeah, they are selling the house across the steet from us, anyone interested???????


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I guess I didn't read all the posts and posted from the previous page! lol

Pat - Put an unwrapped bar of soap in you sheets, under your legs. It is supposed to really work for that. I don't know why, but lots of folks swear by it and won't go to bed without one in there.

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Donna this will be my 3rd trip to DR but I have not been since 2004 so im super excited. We are staying Occidental Grand Punta Cana and we actually stayed there on our first trip in 2003 and loved it! the area outside of this resort is not that bad there are shops and bars that we might go to since we will be there 3 weeks but they have a club right on the resort that everyone including locals can go to. Its great because you get to meet so many different people. 2 weeks to go and I will be sitting on the beach all day and dancing all night what can be better then that??? :ohmy:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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