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NJ June 2008 Chat

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Kat, you've always got the best answers, I'd have never thought of Rosacia, surely could be.

Oh yeah, my Harley is a Heritage Softtail..tell hubby it's got one heavy front end. I can't back it up, way too heavy, I just pull up to where I'm going to park, snap my fingers, (after hubby parks) and yell, "Valet" and he comes and parks it. It's a nice bike, much easier to drive than the smaller ones, but a B to park.

Donna, glad you're through with the 3 hr class, I know I was so excited, then they had to postpone my surgery for 2 weeks, I was so upset. It will be here before you know it.

Woohoo, Sherry, Betty, Diane, Mandy, where are you? We know Jetti's packing, LOL.

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Hello Y'all!

I'm here, just been busy cooking supper and cleaning up. We are supposed to get some nasty storms tonight, I hope we get the rain but not the storm. We need some rain really bad!

Kat - Get back on that bike and ride, you will be back on your own and comfortable with it in just a few minutes. It is so much better when you are on your own and your butt is not killing you all the time.

Pat - I'm tracking! ROFLMAO! You need to try it! My Harley is tuff to back up too, but I am getting more comfortable with it each time I ride it. I would much rather ride a big bike too, I just feel better being on it. I'm glad to see you riding yours again.

Jessica - Is it time for you to leave????? I can't remember when you are leaving. I just hope you have the best time! Please have a good drink for me!

Donna - I can't give you anymore advice, but I hope you find something to help you out.

Mandy - Where are you girl???? I know out riding your new scooter!

Diane - Hope the job scene is getting better for you. Keep that resume updated!

Sherry - Hey chickie! What are you doing tonight? I just can't keep up with everything you do! My DH is watching the NBA game and I am on here. I am still trying to get used to this laptop, I'll be typing away and I have hit something and I am totally on something different. I always did have a heavy hand.

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Opps, I guess I used the quick reply and ran out of room. lol

Either that or I hit the wrong key again!

Well, I am going to get off here and get ready for bed. Catch you all in the morning.

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Hello everyone...it's 1:26am and I'm up with acid in my throat again. Makes me cough myself awake. I thought maybe I'm not hydrated enough and so my body can't wash away the acid naturally. So I tried to drink more Water today and bingo I'm up again. Last night was terrible with it and it kept me up most of the night. Got so bad in the middle of the night I ended up crying and telling my husband if this keeps up I want to have them rip this fricken thing out of me. Yeap...I even said it...almost screamed it :drool: First time I've said it in the 2.5 years I've had it. Honestly......I can eat more than I should yet I get this reflux so really am too afraid to have it tightened more. I'm ok all day long because I'm standing or sitting straight up but, at night even with the head of the bed tilted this happens. It's been happening alot lately and I don't understand why. I'm not doing anything different that I can see than I was a month ago. Yet it seems pretty bad. Just getting tired again I guess and crankiness is coming with the lack of sleep.

So yesterday was Tuesday and we ended up on a motorcycle ride (me on the back of DH's bike) that lasted about 4 hours. Went to get a bit to eat with a friend. It was a nice ride but, we were dodging the rain clouds for sure. It poured on our bikes while we ate lunch.....lunch for me was 1/2 a cheese burger with only the bottom bun and about 6 fries. I couldn't eat more if I wanted to. Then while I was out there DS called to say he was done with his college orientation and on his way home. He beat us home and as beat as he was from the lack of sleep....I'm sitting here typing this while he's on the phone with friends talking about the basketball game. Cripe! Tomorrow he'll probably sleep until noon. Craziness but, he's 18 so how much can I yell?

Speaking of...one of the other things I did yesterday was take 3 HOURS to clean his freaking room! I made the mistake of thinking.....ok I'll change his sheets while he's gone. Oh my goodness...that lead to seeing some paper on the floor and then to me ripping apart his bed and finding more trash under his bed then I ever imagined. I even took a picture of it so I could give him a WHAT FOR! Cleaned that mess up then moved around the room picking crap up and dusting (yea like he'd ever dust his room!) and in general I ended up with a trash bag full of crap and another bag filled with stuff I was too afraid to throw away that he needs to go through. I gave him a what for when I finally saw him and told him no way no how it would get that way again. No eating in his room anymore either. Of course when he's eating during the night I'm not up to give him hell....although right now he just made something to eat and I'm going to have to yell at him. GRRRRRRR. AND i"m wondering why I'm having acid problems? lol Yeap just caught the...Well what the heck is this going to do to my room if I eat it in there. Ummmmmm maybe because he leaves the packages plates and forks and cups in his room after instead of picking them up and putting them away? Had to pull the "there is no way I'm arguing with your stepfather for the rest of my life because you're a slob that doesn't know how to pick up after yourself." UGHHHH men! I laugh typing this but, man it drives me insane. He's trying to argue that his staying up late shouldn't be a problem. Ummm maybe because you'll get up after noon time tomorrow which naturally causes me to tiptoe around the house and I'm not doing that. Oh boy the lack of sleep is getting to me! I'm turning into a book writer for sure! Sorry folks.

Well I better end this now before I really depress you all. Today we're suppose to pick strawberries, that is after DH gets back from an early morning fishing trip. He's taking the boat out at 6 says he'll be back at noon and go with me. Surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre that is if I can catch him before he sits on the couch and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Salt Water does that to him pretty quickly. Oh yea....TOM is due at the end of the week...great combo this lack of sleep, acid nights and TOM due whew...can't stand myself lol

Love yas

Edited by SherryW

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Sherry, no, no, no...peeking in the sons bedroom. I used to walk by and if the door was open, immediately shut it. To this day, I don't think my 34 yr old son closes a drawer. I've got pictures of his room with every drawer open and clothes hanging out. Not to mention clothes all over the floor. I got to a point I'd just put his clothes on the bottom step, when he ran out of clothes he'd take a stack up with him. We both survived, LOL.

Have a great day ladies, getting the gray out this AM at 9:00, my wonderful hairdresser is coming in early just for me :drool:.

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thanks for all the tips for my back! I got another pad/cream from the store yesterday - actually my mom got it since she is the one that has been helping me out...the back is the hardest place to reach - so I will try that and see what happens. If it doesnt help I will contact my PCP to see what he thinks but that may have to wait until after vacation. I have had occasional breakouts on my back maybe one or 2 every once in a while but nothing like this. and it makes me mad because all of the dresses I have for vacation sit just at my bra line and all of the redness mess on my back is just above my bra line! Im hoping that maybe the sun will help too. Im more self conscience about it showing here then I will be when im on vacation. I have been trying to find something cute to wear out on saturday to Celebrate my bday and didnt want anything that showed the top part of my back :-(

Betty I leave on July 8th - YAY less then 3 weeks!!! I dont drink but I will have them put some fruit and an umbrella in my Water for you!

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Hi there everybody,

Just thought i'd take a moment to check in.

Pat, I loved the picture! thanks for posting it. I keep looking through all the photos hoping to find something i could post,but s some of you already mentioned about yourselves, i don't take very good pictures, and i'm not in a lot of them either!

Kat, I was thinking....sure seems like it would be a blast to experience the whole rodeo, cows, horses life for a moment.....I'd love to be able to see what hat's all like "up close & personal". How are you doing, tho'? all healed-up? I hope so :thumbs_up: you got too much to do!!!!!

Donna how was the nutrition class? My DH came with me to mine. I think just to learn what I could and couldn't have so to keep me from "cheatin'" LOL! we actually had a pretty full room of folks. Mustuv been about a dozen or more.

Sherry, thanks for askin' about the job thing. My brother in Georgia just emailed me a current resume so I could use it as a template. I have had a fierce headache since monday...then yesterday, I felt nauseated AND had the monster headache!!! I left work 1-1/2 hrs. early and went home and straight to bed. went out like a light for about 5 hrs!!!! slept so so last night and called in sick today. (so unlike me!!!!) even tho' i still had the headache, i felt dizzy and oh so tired.....soooooooo tired (sick or depressed?) Fridays and Saturdays aren't bad, but come Sunday, I start getting that crappy feeling about going back there on Monday!!!!!!

I'm so sorry to hear about how bad the reflux has gotten, you poor dear....maybe an opinion from another doctor? I wish I had the answer for ya.

Jessica, how is the back doing? Found anything to help it?

Mandy & Eileen....how're y'all doin'?

Well, guess I'll get a bite to eat, and relax for the rest of today. Tomorrow i go back there....ugh :lol: (yeah, i know... have some cheese with my whine :smile2:)

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Hi there everybody,

Just thought i'd take a moment to check in.

Pat, I loved the picture! thanks for posting it. I keep looking through all the photos hoping to find something i could post,but s some of you already mentioned about yourselves, i don't take very good pictures, and i'm not in a lot of them either!

Kat, I was thinking....sure seems like it would be a blast to experience the whole rodeo, cows, horses life for a moment.....I'd love to be able to see what hat's all like "up close & personal". How are you doing, tho'? all healed-up? I hope so :biggrin: you got too much to do!!!!!

Donna how was the nutrition class? My DH came with me to mine. I think just to learn what I could and couldn't have so to keep me from "cheatin'" LOL! we actually had a pretty full room of folks. Mustuv been about a dozen or more.

:cursing:The nutrition class was okay. A bit boring, but I think that was because all of you have kept me so well informed that there was not much new information. There were quite a few people there, because they combined the lap band patients with the gastric bypassers for two out of three sessions; maybe about 20 people. The Hampton Roads WLSC really makes sure their patients are as prepared as possible.

I'm so excited that I have only a week to go.

Pat, I'm going to try and take your advice and have a juicy cheeseburger before then. :drool:

I'm hanging in with the pre op diet. I was a few lbs down when I went for my pre op session yesterday. I'm forturnate that we can eat a bit. I don't know how I would be with all liquids for so long before hand. I am only allowed liquids the day before the surgery. I'll be so excited that I won't be thinking much about food.

Question everyone: I feel like I have a bit of nesting syndrome.. if you've been pregnant you know what I mean. I am cleaning like crazy! Did anyone else experience this?


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Hi ladies,

Here I am, 1 week + 1 day post op! Hurray! This liquid diet is getting old all of a sudden and hunger has appeared. I know this is an absolute "no no", :cursing:, but I just sucked on 1 1/2 wheat thin veggie crackers. OMG, just the salt and seasoning was worth it. I have my post op follow up on Friday so hopefully I will get the go ahead to have mushy foods. Just seeing that you all have survived this really helps!


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Trish, hang in there! You can do this :cursing: I think I was on liquids for 2 weeks post-op....I sure was ready when I got the go ahead to have mushies!! LOL

Donna, "nesting" is the exact word I used! I just needed to know everything was as "in order" as it could be, since I thought I'd be out of commission for a while....and also, so I could devote my thoughts to my healing and not to what bills needed paying, or that a mess somewhere would try to hijack my calm!!!!! lol :biggrin:

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Good Morning Y'all!

I can't wake up this morning, all I want to do is crawl back in bed for a while.

I guess I have to look back because I missed a picture of you Pat!

I too made sure my house was in order and food was in the fridge. I guess I figured I wouldn't be able to go or do anything for a while.

Trish I used a lot of Popsicles and Jello along with my broth etc. It saved my life I think. lol

Diane sweetie you sound so depressed. If you have any time left for a few days off, why don't you get out of there for a while. At least for a long weekend. Call in sick or something, just get some me time for yourself.

Sherry - I'm sorry you are having such a hard time again. Did you try not eating anything after supper? Try making sure you drink a glass of Water and rinsing out your pouch before going to bed.

Well, going to go check for a picture I missed and get in the shower. Maybe that will wake me up some.


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Good Morning Ladies,

Trish, hang in there, it will pass, it's not going to be easy, but you will make it. I remember I got so hungry, I'd stand at the kitchen sink with that Campbells Soup in hand and chew the bits at the bottom, then spit it out in the sink, I know yuk, how disgusting. I also ate SF hard candy, jsut for something to "BITE". Have you tried that soft serve "ice cream" at costco, yummmm. I had that on my 6th day, couldn't eat much of it, but it helped.

Are y'all talking about the picture on the 3 Wheeler? That picture was awful, except for the hair, LOL. Over the last 6 months, I was back to a blonde, due to the sun, but as of yesterday, I'm red with blonde chunks and short in the back, hubby loved it. I told him I thought he might want some ....strange, hahaha, ok Eileenie, I know you'll go crazy with that one.

Donna, I'm glad you've joined our "family", we'll be here for you for sure.

Betty, I did the popsicles too, only I hate that stick in there, like scraping a blackboard to me :rolleyes2:. Also, the only Jello I do now is in those little cups, homemade with Vodka, LOL.

Sherry, how was last night, have you tried Tums, I know that sounds trivial, but I swear by them.

Later girlies..

Diane, call me later.

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Hi ladies! Thanks to all of you for making me feel so welcome.

Diane, I appreciate you sharing with me. At least now I know I'm not crazy or pregnant! (I hope you're feeling better)

Pat, your new do sounds adorable; very fresh for summer. Oh.. and are you sure you're not the one that wants some! LOL Go for it! (a Jello shooter sounds good about now)

Jetti, where are you getting to go on vacation? I LOVE to travel!

Trish, it sounds like you are holding it together. Don't worry about the crackers; I've licked worse things! LOL

Have a terrific Thursday!


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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