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NJ June 2008 Chat

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Hey there Donna - You're welcome and you'll get to know us real quick. We're a bunch of goofballs but, we're all here for each other anytime it's needed and even when its not hahaha :)

Pat - Ummm why did ya throw it out? Hell you went through enough to make it and clean up after it hell.....why not drink the rest of it hee hee. I had myself a nice Frozen mudslide today. It was sooo yummy. My band is acting weird so I couldn't finish my french onion Soup but, I certainly finished my mudslide lol.

Betty - I'd love to try crawfish...is it more tender than lobster? Cause I don't like lobster because every time I've tried it's been chewy. Definately NOT a band food for me anyway. I saw on the Foodnetwork someone was trying different restaurants...I think it was with the guy that rides his motorcycle...forget his name now. Anyway he found this cajun place that had crawfish and they showed him how to slide his thumb on the tail to get the meat out. Looked pretty cool and sounded yummy they way he described the flavor. Some day maybe I'll be able to try some.

Eileen - You sound tired my friend. They still working you to death at that job? Did your position there ever change? We've had rain here today that was pretty heavy for a while but, we didn't get any big storms.....although I could of slept through it hee hee

Diane - I have tried the yoga on my wii yet. I haven't been very faithful lately using it either UGH. My son took the wii into his room to play a few games and it hasn't been brought back out again. I have to drag it back out so I have it in my face making me feel guilty for not using it. Eh...that might not work either I get over the guilt too fast lol.

Jetti - Whats the countdown now for your wonderful trip. Can i tell ya I'm jealous:tongue_smilie:. Did you find all the clothes you wanted to bring with ya? I have to look for some summer shorts myself...I just hate clothes shopping though.

Sunsett - I'm with Eileen, after working on a computer all day I don't care to be lurking around much at night on them. I can't imagine talking about the band all day and then wanting to post again at night either. Hope all is going well.

Soooooo...lets see.....I did the Relay for Life walk with my DH Sunday morning from 3am until 5:30am and man I'm sore today. Chrispy was there all night so I was glad we could relieve her and her friends for at least a couple hours so they could sleep. I have to say it was so touching to see the luminaries and all the caring folks out there. So many are touched by Cancer every single day. The 3-4am shift was Jimmy Buffet hour so I was in a straw hat, flowered lay (how the heck is that spelled), Luau shirt, and grass skirt with an oversized plastic margarita glass in my hand...dancing around like a goofball. Hey at least I made Chrispy smile even though she was draggin butt. Finally convinced her to go lay down!!!! (stubborn girl lol) Hubby had on the Luau shirt, LED blinking lights, margarita glass and a lay on his baseball hat lol. It was alot of fun while we sang the songs walking around together holding the teams Lois' Guardian Angels banner. Then the 4-5 shift was backwards hour so you had to turn around and walk the track the other way. We were suppose to wear everything backwards but with everyone sleeping we didn't want to disturb them so we just kept the same garb on and kept walking. Come 5 we were starving and sick of wearing that stuff so DH took his off and I carried it back to the campsite while he kept walking with the banner. Took all that off, raided the coolers for some ice tea and made some quick ham/cheese rollups and walked back to the track. Joined him again until 5:40 and we had had enough. DH had a motorcycle ride planned for 11am so we had to get him home to sleep before he had to leave. It was alot of fun...we're glad we helped out and we'll be there again next year for the same 3-5 shift :) If you've never been to a Relay for Life...you should really consider it. It's amazingly beautiful and heart touching.

Saturday after the relay and getting home at about 6:30am DH slept soundly but, I was wide awake until I laid down to watch some foodnetwork. Zzzzz on and on for a while then at 9 my mom called. Told her give me an hour to sleep then I'll go out with her shopping. Got up and went shopping with her...man my feet hurt. blisters on a toe on each foot. Went out with her for about 4 hours then crashed again. Then out again with my son to pick up groceries and supper UGH. Bringing an 18 year old to the grocery store is expensive...don't do it lol

Today...pretty much lounged around the house today. Slept until 9:30 YIKES but needed it. Lots of food network today and watching Worlds Deadliest Catch. The guys are watching the basketball game now so I'm in the computer room for a bit. Getting ready, it being 10pm and all, to go hit the sack. We're on vacation this week...nothing down pat planned but, we'd like to do a few things. My son is going to his overnight orientation at college Monday to Tuesday so we're thinking we'll go to Hyannis/Cape Code Monday night to walk around and eat dinner if the weather is nice. We'd like to go pick strawberries and make jam this week and on Thursday, we're suppose to ride with friends to Laconia, NH for Motorcycle Week. That's a good 3 hour motorcycle ride...my butt is gonna kill me but, it's fun people watching up there. If you've ever been to a motorcycle rally you know what I mean. How many chicks walk around with chaps and gstrings or those leather halter tops is amazing. it's funny because they think their sexy and you can hear the guys all around saying things like "I won't eat for a week now" or "I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole". Yeap...the got attention...not sure it was the attention they wanted. Me...i go in my jeans, tshirt and riding boots lol Hoping to pick up a leather vest to wear when I ride my bike and some chaps...you know the kind that GO OVER my jeans and Tshirts lol

Still struggling with my weight unfortunately. IT seems the reflux is back but, not as bad. It is terrible though I wake up coughing and my chest really hurts from the acid. The only thing that makes it stop is getting up and sitting at the computer playing games for about 30 min. Then I go back to bed propped up. Helps the reflux but, then kills my back. Man oh man I'm getting old. I can eat too much...yet getting another fill will make this so much worse. Losing battle I feel I'm fighting. I'm really getting frustrated........sad...down on myself. Yea, I know I've done well but, at the same time when I'm walking past a store front window...I can see myself and that side view really sucks :) I'm thankful for what i have lost, angry because I was under 200 and now I'm back up way past that again so much so I've decided to change my freaking weightline in my signature again. Might as well face the fact that I'm no longer until 200 and won't be for a while. As my signature line says...livein the present moment wisely and earnestly so better be honest about what my weight is. OH lordy....ok now that I've totally depressed myself....I'm going to get lay down.

Love you gals!

Edited by SherryW

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Sherry, you're so funny, also don't go for groceries when you're hungry, that's always way too costly, not to mention, I end up with all this stuff I'll never fix, LOL. That's so awesome you AND hubby went on the walk, you're great people.

Kat, where are you? Hope you're ok, please check in.

Will check in later girlies.

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I'm here girls, was just a busy few days!!!

We rode to the mountains --to Telluride Colorado for a Blues Festival. It is soooooo beautiful up there, but still snow on the passes!! Got a bit chilly on the bike, but it is such a great ride! We listened and shopped the tons of vendors. Then we did a dinner at a place in Durango called Steamworks, they do the seafood ---where it is all cooked, them dumped on the table. I pick out the shrimp and order a salad, the guys love it!

One of the VERY best things about not having any fill at this time, is I was able to drink a beer! While at the blues festival, it felt soooo right!

I had 2 meetings in the last few days for the rodeo planning....it is getting close, and chaos is settling in! This is for the National High School Finals Rodeo. We will register over 1500 competitors, bringing a total of over 7000 people to house, coming from, so far I think it is 40 states, 6 Canadian provinces, and Australia....as well as 2000 horses, and we were shy 200 stalls/corrals/pens, so they are being constructed. There is also all the event stock---such as roping calves, bulls, broncs.....all have to be housed. The kids coming from Australia, borrow competition horses.

We have a huge RV city, we set up portable pools and portable hot tubs, and there are hundreds of food vendors, all trying to get green tagged and up and running. All animals have to be vet checked.

Now through all the prep----the place is up and running a huge casino with live horse racing. They will run the last race the 29th of this month and we have less than a month to set 2 competition arenas, with electricity and phone service in the centerfield, and fill the track with more seating!

It is the little things, trying to schedule enough portapotties with frequent enough cleaning, and where to haul all the livestock waste.....and they cannot have one meeting and make a decision, they have to committee EVERYTHING!!!

I love it--but they make me crazy!

I'll be back able to ride in another week! YAY!!!

Riding was always my "escape" when I was at my heaviest I all but give it up. Then when I lost weight, I began again, but it was the absolute worst thing for causing me to have rash and break down problems with the skin under my belly fat. It would rest on the leather saddle---and not breath, and become chaffed. So I am sooooo excited to get back on!

We also had company come in from California last night, so were up late. He is off with family....this is Ricks best and oldest friend, and his 2 kids 14 and 11. They have family, but they stay with us.

Trish I am so glad surgery went well for you---I am sorry you are hurting....it was a relatively easy surgery for me. Hope you feel better real soon!

Welcome Donna!!! Hang out, get crazy with us!

Thanks for worrying girls, just a crazy time! Not to mention daily care of a 3 year old granddaughter and often times a 2 year old grandson. But being Granny is great.....they go home at night!!! Love em---but love my quiet time sometimes too!!!

Will try not to go MIA again!!!

Dianne---GREAT to see you check in!



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Hey Sherry, my DH and I did Relay for life for the 2nd year in a row and it really is touching. I don't think we have as many activities as you do, though. Of course, we have taken the 6-8pm shift on the Friday night, so things are just really starting to rev up about then. It sounds like you have a really good group.

I had my pre op testing this morning, which went well. The only problem was it took three sticks to get my blood and they finally had to go in my hand. :biggrin: Tomorrow I go to that 3 1/2 hour nutrition class. Does anyone know how that is? I hope its not too boring because I'd hate to start snoring in the middle of it! I also have my pre op appt with my surgeon tomorrow, so I'm getting excited that things are moving so quickly now.

Have a great day everyone!


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Hello Y'all!

It's damn hot here! I think it hit 102 today! I do believe it is going to be a hot summer this year. I came home and jumped in the pool. That always seems to make it easier to take for some reason.

Kat - You sound busier than a bee. I forget, do you have your own bike?

Donna - I met one on one with mine, and actually found it kind of interesting. Of course I cam home and did what I wanted to anyway. Not everything, but a few things.

Sherry - I've never had tough crawfish, but then maybe you had some (lobster) that overcooked? It has to be cooked right with lots of good spices. It is so yummy! I want a Wii! I like it fried too, it's so good. Of course I like it anyway I can get it.

Well, DH just brought me a bowl of strawberry shortcake so I guess I best go and eat it.

Hi to everyone I missed!

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Betty---yes and no!!! I have a bike Rick is working on, he is convinced when he finishes it I will ride my own again----not too sure about that!!! I laid my last one down avoiding another bike, so it was not fast, I was not hurt bad-----but have rode with him ever since.

All together, now we have 8 bikes! Just bought the 8th a couple of days ago, it is an old classic that Rick is going to turn into a chopper. So......hoping that project pushes mine out of the way for awhile, I am happy with the status quo as it is!!!

Off to yet another meeting--this one with a local school board group, trying to get bus rentals for transporting people from Farmington to the rodeo grounds which is less than 10 miles, but saves parking issues----and with gas being $4 + a gallon----we will see what can be worked out. I keep telling them, that yes gas is $4 a gallon, but diesel is $5!!! We will see how it goes!

Today is 4 weeks since my surgery. I still have some minor draining, from one area on the incision--the lower right, but I feel fantastic! I am slowly getting used to reaching in my closet and choosing what to wear based on whether I like it, as opposed to what gives the most coverage! I still have 10 pounds or maybe 15 I'd like to lose, but I am not going to make myself crazy over them. Where I am now, is something I only dreamed of 3 years ago----so I am just thrilled!

Mandy, you ok?

Well I need to find something for Breakfast, so I can take my antibiotic---they are tearing up my stomach, so I am going to seriously try to eat well when I take it.....see if it helps.



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whew Kat just reading your posts makes me tired!!! you are one busy bee but sounds like you are having a blast!

Donna when I had my nutritional class it wasnt that bad because it was just me and one other person so we got more of a 1 on 1. Im sure I would have dozed off if there were more people and it was just someone talking and me listening. hope it goes well for you!

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Jetti, I had to laugh, just reading Sherry and Kat's posts always tire me out. I have a post like that once in a great moon, when I've been away from the site for a while. I love reading their posts, heck I love reading all my gfriend's posts here, speaking of which, where is everyone?

Donna, when I had my nutritional class, it was all based on RNY patients and the woman that gave it was about a -0 in size and ate nothing, but tofu and soy, and that's all she fed her kids...as Eileenie would say...WT??

Going to take my mom to lunch, will chat later.

Oh yeah, Kat, tell Rick we have a 1966 servie car, it's a Harley, that was used by the police dept as a meter maid vehicle. Obviously, before the boob job or Tummy Tuck.< /p>


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do any of you dear ladies have a remedy to help my back that is breaking out? It started about 2 months ago and I think it might be from working out. I have been using clearasil wipes and clean and clear ointment but its not really working. It will dry them out a bit but the redness is still there. I dont know what else to try. I dont want to spend a ton of money on something that is not going to work but I will try what I can.

thanks for any info.

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No Pat NO!! It will just give him something else to want!!!

He is rebuilding mine....it is a Heritage Softail, with a Springer front end....ice blue, I love it.....but....well, just but........not too sure! LOL The bike he is chopping is a CB750 Honda---late 70's model.....think Peter Fonda!!!

I don't mean to write novels for y'all!!! Promise!

As for busy, it seems so some times, other times, my life seems slow and boring. But right now it is busy, I am off to the post office, and them coming home to mow the lawn--will the fun never end?????


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Kat, don't stop your mini novels, I cherish all of your posts, same as Sherry :).

Jetti, I don't know what to tell you about your back, sounds like sweat glands may be clogged or something, not sure.

Ooops, got company, gotta run.

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do any of you dear ladies have a remedy to help my back that is breaking out? It started about 2 months ago and I think it might be from working out. I have been using clearasil wipes and clean and clear ointment but its not really working. It will dry them out a bit but the redness is still there. I dont know what else to try. I dont want to spend a ton of money on something that is not going to work but I will try what I can.

thanks for any info.

Jetti, my daughter had that problem and used the same Proactive that she uses for her face and it worked.

The nutrition class was fine... it was actually in 3 parts with an RN, a nutritionist (Pat you're right...zero butt), and the psychologist. It was okay, although a bit repetitive for anyone who has done their homework. :lol: I'm just happy the day is getting closer.:)

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Jessica I have heard that rosacia can be had on the back, the chest, & the shoulders, even the butt cheeks as well as the face. Maybe you could check with your PCP. I have a friend with it on her face, and she takes a simple antibiotic for outbreaks, then has something she takes every once in awhile to keep it clear and the redness down. She had had occasional redness, and outbreaks for years, but when she began working out, it hit hard. She said she told the Dr. the acne was as bad as when she was in High School, he told her it was not really acne, and she probably had the same issue then because was exercising in PE, and something about the release of some chemical or hormone causes it to flare with activity IF that is the form you have.

Guess it gave her away that it had been 20+ years since she had done any serious exercise!!! I am not poking fun at her I was right there by her side doing nothing!!!!

Might be worth asking about


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