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Frangipani & TexasBecky get Reconstructed

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Sue and Becky: Thanks for your responses. After taking a long look at myself and taking the pictures, I was almost too embarassed to post them. When I could grab a handful of skin, I felt sure I knew what your response would be. I guess I still don't have a good idea of my size and shape, because I thought, there is no question really, that I should get this TT revision. Now, I'm not sure. I think I will look better with clothes, but the scar down the middle is kind of a big deal. Well, I'm going to keep thinking about this. Maybe, I'm not as big as I think I am. Even though I'm middle aged (or past), I still what to look as good as I can. I'm going to have so many scars any way, what is one more? Well, I guess it's one more, big one, is what it is! Not sure what I'm going to do...

Edited by kareyquilts

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You look great! I don't think you need a revision either. I think it's good that you're giving it some additional consideration. When you've decided, you'll know it's the right decision for you.

Edited by KD8888

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Hi Ladies,

Sorry I've been AWOL the past few days, but I've been busy trying to get everything wrapped up before I leave town. My incision is not as far along in the healing process as I hoped would be, but the Dr. looked at it again yesterday and told me he felt I was ready to return home, which I will be doing later this afternoon.

I will respond more fully to your lovely comments when I get home, and thank you so much.

I am sending my very best thoughts and wishes and prayers to those in Texas who are bracing themselves for Hurricane Ike. I'm hoping and wishing with all of my heart that the storm passes quickly and with a minimum of damage.

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Hi Frangi -

Let us know that you made it home okay. I hope all is well with your surgery. Sounds like things are fine.

Becky - are you doing okay with with Ike?? I hope you and your family are fine.

Have a great weekend everyone!! I am actually making it to the gym these days. The only thing that DOESN'T hurt is my fingers to post!! My son says I am the Number One Woosie...Smart ass huh??? I tried to ground him but it didn't work!!:lol:

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Hi Everyone,

Well as per Jody's instructions I'm checking in -- to let you know I got home okay. Everything went pretty smoothly, the flight that I usually take back home, which is almost always anywhere from 1-3 hours late was only running 30 minutes behind schedule and we actually ended up getting back to the island 15 minutes early.

This time with my incision problems, I was extremely careful not to handle my luggage, and I asked for (and got) lots of help along the way.

DH is currently on the East Coast at a conference, and yes Becky, the house is trashed (to be expected when a man is home alone for more than 24 hours -- right? :):tongue::thumbup:). However, I expected this and my energy level is good, so it's fine.

The one thing that is just so weird is that I've had this new body for nearly three weeks now and my husband hasn't even seen it yet. I'm very happy with it so far. The thighs are still very bruised and the backside incision is not healed up, however, I'm very glad I went with the buttocks augmentation -- that combined with the breast augmentation gives me a very curvy, hourglass, look that I am loving!

The "pear" is dead, and the hourglass has arrived! Woo Hoo!!!!

In fact, I've decided that I don't want to lose any more weight -- I am really pleased with my new curves, and I like this very shapely look. Once DH gets back I will post some pics. It's a bit hard to nail him down to do this with his busy schedule, but I know my pics are long overdue, so I promise to get some up ASAP.

Now onto more serious matters........I was just heartbroken to read this morning how hard Ike hit in Texas and my thoughts and prayers are with all of those affected by the storm. If anyone has any suggestions as to what those of us from afar can do to help, please let us know.

Becky, I hope everything is okay with you in the DFW area, post when you can and let us know how things are going.

Well, there are some other posts I want to respond to, but I don't want to turn this post into a novel, so I'll stop now and be back later. Have a great Saturday everyone!

Edited by Frangipani

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Frangi -

Glad your trip home was okay. I have to laugh at your post about hubby being home and the house is trashed. It is the opposite in my house. If Frank were away for 2 weeks he would feel the same way!!!:thumbup::tongue:

Don't over do it until you are healed up. We know you are a Super Woman but be careful!!:wink_smile:

Becky - hope you are fairing well with Ike. We are all thinking about you and NanaRenan.

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frangi - curves are a GOOD thing:tongue:!! glad you made it home safely, look forward to the booty pics....LOL

Ike is has not produced so much problems here in DFW. it's raining/windy - but nothing like predicted & hopefully stays that way. i just heard the warnings will last till monday - but i think this might just peter out; hopefully at least. sun just poked through, but i can't get any of my dogs outside; they're my best weathermen..

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Hi everyone. Like luluc said, things are ok in DFW. We have lots of folks here in shelters and lots of high anxiety about loved ones who have been impacted to our south. My son is in college in the Houston area. He is fine, but has no power, so that is a developing story.

My mom is very ill again and in the ICU. Lots of stress here. I just spent an hour on the treadmill trying to relieve some of the tension. Better than eating for sure!

Frangi, I'm glad you made it back home safely. Keep healing and taking care of yourself. Remember that the exhaustion may hit now that you're home. Listen to your body! Can't wait to see the curvy new you.

Hi Jody! Glad you're getting to the gym. Make yourself number one on the list. You deserve it.

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Becky: I hope that your mom will be alright.

Frangi: Glad you made it home safely. Don't try to conquer the whole house in too short of a time! I need your vote on the anchor incision.

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Oh Becky -

Thoughts and prayers are with your Mom at this time. You are doing a great job at changing those life long habits. Before last year the refridgerator was comfort. Now you are trying to relieve stress with exercise. I am really glad that Ike is not impacting you too much. You don't need that on top of your issues with Mom.

Again - only the best wishes and prayers to Mom. ;)

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Hi Ladies,

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

There are several posts that I want to respond to, but I need to keep this very short for tonight. The problem area of my incision is not doing so well, and I've decided to slow things waaaay down, take it very easy, and put my full focus on healing.

I spent the afternoon getting caught up on grocery shopping (a long slow process on an island that always involves a minimum of three stores........). There was lots of movement, bending, lifting, etc., and I can feel myself at my physical limit right now.

SO! I am going to fix myself a high Protein meal, prop the booty up on a pillow in bed and listen to my book for the rest of the evening.

However, I did want to send big hugs to you Becky and let you know that I am thinking about you. I hope your Mom is out of the ICU and resting comfortably. Please update us when you can.

Talk to you tomorrow lovely ladies and thanks for all the excellent support! :smile::smile::thumbup:

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Becky -

Hugs and prayers that Mom is okay. Please give us an update when you can. By the way, did she notice a HUGE change in your appearance? I know you did not tell them about surgery.

Frangi - PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take it easy. Things can wait until you are up to the challenge. You have already turned the Miami economy into the black....that is enough Lady!!:cursing::tongue: Download some more books. I am actively on the September Exercise Challenge thread because of you (I am thrilled by the way). You can relax and heal and let us know any new books you are listening too!! :lol:

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Hi Ladies,

As promised checking in. I had a very relaxing evening and am taking good care of myself. The house isn't where I want it to be at this point, but so be it (that's what I get for leaving a man home alone for nearly three weeks, right? :embaressed_smile::tongue::mellow:) I'm just taking it very slow and listening to my body because I want this incision to heal.

Basically, I have an area where the incision opened up and the fat died (you know the famous "fat necrosis" that we all seem to know and love). This incision opening is very ugly and scary looking to me, but the Dr. assures me that everything will be fine. Twice a day it needs to be packed with gauze dampened with a certain type of prescription saline solution. It's a lot of work and a lot of hassle and I want this healed!!!!

So now I am on a big push to get myself healed. I am eating lots of Protein, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese, eggs, soy, etc. and I have also started taking high doses of Vitamin C which I have read can help with wound healing. (Don't know for sure about the Vitamin C thing, but I figure it can't hurt -- right?).

So that's what's happening with me. I can't help but blame myself for this, I wonder what would have happened if I had just stayed in bed and taken it easy for several days post-op. However, the Dr. tells me that wound problems happen frequently and I that I shouldn't blame myself for this, still I really am and am having a bit of a hard time pushing past this..........

There are several of your lovely posts that I want to respond to, but I think I will put up a second post so that this post isn't so huge.

Be back soon............

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Hi Ladies,

Okay I'm back. Thanks for all the lovely feedback and support!

Frangi - PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take it easy. Things can wait until you are up to the challenge. You have already turned the Miami economy into the black....that is enough Lady!!:tt2::tongue: Download some more books. I am actively on the September Exercise Challenge thread because of you (I am thrilled by the way). You can relax and heal and let us know any new books you are listening too!! :embaressed_smile:

Jody LOL :lol::lol::lol: -- and big hugs to you. You are so cute!!!

I am taking it easy now and I promise to until this incision heals up. Thank you so much!!!!

frangi - so great getting caught up on the "reinvention of you"...!!!..

you still amaze me w/your candor & spunk...you and the new booty will have a party shopping.

be safe heading back home,..



Awwww Lulu, thank you for the wonderful compliment. You made my day/week/month/year with that one!!!! :smile::smile::smile:

I'm so jealous of your new booty!!! Mine is .... gone :bolt:

I'm doing GREAT! Thanks for asking. I just posted some new pics in the Aug thread.

My back is doing soooo much better!!! My doctor seems optimistic that things got better so quickly and it sounds like I might be able to hold off on surgery for a long time. Years even. It's a compression issue so we'll see.

With that new body, are you shopping like a crazy woman? :lol:

Candle, in fact I was shopping like a crazy woman -- how did you know? Scary how well you seem to know me :bored::tongue::tongue:!!!! I felt a little guilty about shopping so much, but I really needed an entire new wardrobe right down to the underwear, so that's the way it had to be. That said, I managed to catch some wonderful sales in Miami so I feel very good about that!

So glad to hear that your back is better. I need to post on the August Pic thread, but you look absolutely adorable!!!! You could easily pass for a college student!!!! Congratulations!!!! You've worked very hard to get to this point I know, and it has totally paid off and then some!!!! :cool2::thumbup::w00t:

Frangi: So glad you're feeling better. I know that back incision can be problematic. You know I still have a few knots that are working to the surface on my front incisions. Wondering how I'll pick at them from the back side. Guess I'm going to have to work on my flexibility! Are you having to put dressings on the back side? Glad you are liking the shape. That's a relief. I'm sure when all the bruises and swelling goes away, you're going to be smokin! How do the legs feel?

Hi Karey,

Thanks! Looking forward to getting past this incision problem and onto the Smokin' part -- for sure :mellow:! Yes, I do dress the backside twice a day. It's time consuming, but it does get easier with a little practice.

You pics look great! I think you look great now and I'm struggling a bit with which way to vote. If it were me, I might be inclined to go with the anchor but, ONLY IF I had some very concrete assurances that it would give me the result I wanted. If not, I don't think I would risk it. You look excellent now!!!! I hope this helps....

Hi Frangipani,

Yes all is good, I met with 2 more PS's and then Again with the very 1st one. We have decided to go with him. After the 2nd consolt and seeing how much upper tummy skin I have in addition to the lower skin, he did decide on the Anchor cut with my extended TT and my breasts aren't all that saggy, just flat and he believe's with a high profile implant I will get good results. So I have booked Oct 23rd for my makeover!!

Can't wait to see pix of the new you.

Kelly :-D

Kelly, I am SO excited for you!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!! I can't wait for you to be past the surgery and loving your results!!!!! I will be eagerly following your progress!

I have high profile implants and I love them. If it had been up to me (which it could have been, but I gave the Dr. carte blanche to make all the decisions regarding the breasts because he does such a wonderful job), I probably would have gone with a low or a medium profile, but in hindsight, I'm sure they wouldn't have turned out as nicely.

Well, I have to look back through the posts now -- I'm sure I still have a bit more catching up to do, but I'll stop now and be back later!

Have a wonderful day ladies!!!! :smile::smile::smile:

Edited by Frangipani

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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