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Frangipani & TexasBecky get Reconstructed

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Hi Ladies,

Thanks for all the well wishes and the encouragement!

Well, it looks like Ike will skirt just south of here, but my heart goes out to those affected by the worst of this storm. Definitely time for me to get back onto the Red Cross website and donate some additional $$$ to hurricane relief. When I get back home I'm going to check into seeing what else I can do as well.

Hi Frangi, thanks for the update. You are becoming a pro at dealing with drains and incisions! I'm glad you are coping so well. Those drains and that "leak" are going to help the swelling, so they are a good thing, even if a bit of a hassle. Keep reminding yourself that it is too soon to tell about the actual size of your bum. The swelling is distorting your results right now. As good as your doctor is, I'm sure your results are going to be awesome.

Thanks Becky! The encouragement and the reminder helps alot!!!

Hey ladies,

I survived 4 days at work this week, but I'm really swollen right now. I've decided I'm going to take off work on Wednesday of next week and maybe the following week to break it up some. I have a desk job, but I'm totally wiped out when I get home.

I'm getting a fill next Wednesday, which I'm nervous about because the port was moved. I could feel it better before, so I guess that's why I'm nervous, but I'm looking forward to some restriction again. I haven't gained any, but I'm eating more. I guess that's important during healing though.


I still feel like I'm sitting on things that aren't there. I think the most unusual feeling was when I went to drive. My car seat is actually very comfortable. I felt like there was a rod across the botton of the backrest that I was sitting on. I kept feeling all around to determine if my car was starting to show age by things sticking out or something, but there is nothing there. Such an odd feeling!


I think your idea about breaking up your work week is a good one. It does take a little while to get your energy back for sure. Take it easy and gets lots of good rest!

I haven't had a fill since any of my surgeries either and my port was also moved, so I am a bit concerned as well. I'm really feeling like I need a fill right now, and will be anxious to hear how everything goes with you on Wednesday.

Frangi -

I will definitely say a prayer that Ike slows down. I hope you make it home on Wednesday. You are only a week post op. I am sure that things will change soon. Glad one drain came out. Since you are still draining doesn't that mean there is swelling? Like Becky said, with your Doc, things will turn out great!!

Hi Jody,

Yes, I am both draining and swelling. The swelling in the lower legs was bothering me the most in terms of how it looked (thick ankles are not in style this fall), but thankfully that's going away. I do have an area in my lower back just above my butt that's swelling up in a weird way. I don't like the way that looks either -- I plan on asking my Dr. about this tomorrow.

Frangi: I'm so glad you checked in. I wish you could see into the future and know that your bottom is going to be just the right size. I would be nervous too (and probably will be when it's my turn). What does your doc say? Have you expressed your concerns to him? I've been thinking about how to take care of the backside incisions. I still have a little suture reaction on the front that I pick at (must have been a knot there). I've been wondering how I'll take care of those on the back side. I guess I'll have to enlist my DH. How exciting for him! LOL! I bet your anxious to go home, I hope you'll be able too. Take care!

Hi Karey,

Yes, it would be great to have a crystal ball and to see just how this is all going to turn out.

My Dr. tells me that it's way to early for me to be concerned about this, and to just try to be patient with the swelling and healing process.

It has been almost three months (hard to believe) and I'm still numb. It is getting a little better, but I understand that it takes months. It is very weird because I'll feel itchy, but when I scratch it feels numb so it seems like I never satisfy the itch. Does that make sense to anybody?

I also am surprised by the ongoing swelling. I shouldn't be because the doctor told me before surgery and continues to remind me that the swelling can also last for months. Some days are worse than others. I guess it depends on my level of activity and probably my sodium intake.

I finally feel trim! Before my surgery, even after having lost 100+ pounds and wearing a size 10, I didn't feel trim because of all the loose skin. I realize now that I would never have felt trim and normal, no matter how much I lost, had I not had the excess skin issue resolved. I am so thankful that I was able to do this for myself. Don't get me wrong, just losing the weight was fantastic and changed my life. I was very, very happy with what the lapband helped me achieve. Having the PS was icing on the cake and it has really made me feel better about myself than I have in decades.

Hope everyone has a nice, hurricane free weekend!

OMG what you describe about the itching and the numbness is very familiar. What a strange feeling that is -- it's enough to drive you absolutely crazy at times, isn't it?

Even though I have a butt the size of Montana, I know exactly what you mean about being trim. Finally, after this last surgery I am starting to feel normal again!!!

Hey ladies!!

Frangi - I'm sending good vibes your way. Ike is not looking good.

I'm so glad to see you are doing well! Sadly, I haven't had much free time lately to keep up with everyone. I'm so jealous of your progress! :)

Hi Candle,

Great to hear from you!!! You're doing great with your weight loss. Is your back all better now? I hope everything is going well with you, and update us when you can!

Well, time to get myself up and going. I slept until noon and lazed around the hotel this morning. I have some laundry in now, but plan to get that finished up and out for a few hours today.

Have a great Sunday ladies!!!! :biggrin::smile::scared2:

Edited by Frangipani

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Hi Everyone!

Well, today is two weeks post-op for me and I feel fabulous!!!

I am having a few issues, though -- my incision opened up in another spot over the weekend. Fortunately my Dr. explained to me in advance that the backside incisions can be a bit more troublesome because of the amount of tension our body movements place on them and he did prepare me for this -- so I am handling it, even though I would much rather see everything healing and completely closed up.

Also my second drain is out. It actually came out much earlier than it would have otherwise because I was still draining 100 cc's per day, but I accidentally somehow pulled it out partially to the point to where it was useless, so out it had to come. Of course, it's great not having any drains in BUT I hope I don't end up in "swell hell" (so far so good though :biggrin:).

I'm feeling a lot better about the booty now! Since I am now drainless, I spent a little time this morning trying on some clothes without my compression garment and I have to say that the booty gives me a very nice and shapely look in clothing! Woo Hoo!!!!

Naked though, things still look very raw and bruised, so the jury is still out on that. However, I'll know better once the "jury" (DH) sees me. One thing I appreciate about him is that, even though he is truly one of the most diplomatic and tactful people I have ever met, I can also always count on him to give me the brutally honest truth when I need (want) it!

Apparently Ike will not cause too many problems here in Miami for us, but I did delay might flight home by two days simply because I didn't want to take a chance of having problems and being stranded at the airport. Also, with this incision opening up more, it will give me peace of mind to have my Dr. take one last look at it on Thursday before I return home.

Have a great day ladies, and thank you for all of your wonderful support and kindness!!! :D:smile::frown:

Edited by Frangipani

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J-Lo better look out Frangipani is coming to town!! I bet the booty looks great!

LOL Shalee!!! :biggrin::lol::D And thanks!!!!

Everything good with you?

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Frangi: So glad you're feeling better. I know that back incision can be problematic. You know I still have a few knots that are working to the surface on my front incisions. Wondering how I'll pick at them from the back side. Guess I'm going to have to work on my flexibility! Are you having to put dressings on the back side? Glad you are liking the shape. That's a relief. I'm sure when all the bruises and swelling goes away, you're going to be smokin! How do the legs feel?

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I'm so jealous of your new booty!!! Mine is .... gone :thumbdown:

I'm doing GREAT! Thanks for asking. I just posted some new pics in the Aug thread.

My back is doing soooo much better!!! My doctor seems optimistic that things got better so quickly and it sounds like I might be able to hold off on surgery for a long time. Years even. It's a compression issue so we'll see.

With that new body, are you shopping like a crazy woman? :cursing:

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frangi - so great getting caught up on the "reinvention of you"...!!!..

you still amaze me w/your candor & spunk...you and the new booty will have a party shopping.

be safe heading back home,..



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Hi Everyone!

Well, today is two weeks post-op for me and I feel fabulous!!!

I am having a few issues, though -- my incision opened up in another spot over the weekend. Fortunately my Dr. explained to me in advance that the backside incisions can be a bit more troublesome because of the amount of tension our body movements place on them and he did prepare me for this -- so I am handling it, even though I would much rather see everything healing and completely closed up.

Also my second drain is out. It actually came out much earlier than it would have otherwise because I was still draining 100 cc's per day, but I accidentally somehow pulled it out partially to the point to where it was useless, so out it had to come. Of course, it's great not having any drains in BUT I hope I don't end up in "swell hell" (so far so good though :thumbup:).

I'm feeling a lot better about the booty now! Since I am now drainless, I spent a little time this morning trying on some clothes without my compression garment and I have to say that the booty gives me a very nice and shapely look in clothing! Woo Hoo!!!!

Naked though, things still look very raw and bruised, so the jury is still out on that. However, I'll know better once the "jury" (DH) sees me. One thing I appreciate about him is that, even though he is truly one of the most diplomatic and tactful people I have ever met, I can also always count on him to give me the brutally honest truth when I need (want) it!

Apparently Ike will not cause too many problems here in Miami for us, but I did delay might flight home by two days simply because I didn't want to take a chance of having problems and being stranded at the airport. Also, with this incision opening up more, it will give me peace of mind to have my Dr. take one last look at it on Thursday before I return home.

Have a great day ladies, and thank you for all of your wonderful support and kindness!!! :smile::smile::smile:

So glad to hear that things are going as well as they are. Both drains out...WooHoo!!! I know the area that has opened up is a drag, but just a minor (and common) part of the process. It will be all healed up in no time. Remember, I had the same issue on my left backside. Two different places opened up, but they didn't cause any problem and they look great now.

I think it works out perfectly that you are delaying your trip home for a couple of days. The peace of mind that you'll get from one last visit with the doctor before you go is priceless. Are you prepared this time for the messy house that you're sure to find when you arrive home? I'm sure DH will be trying to put things in order on Friday morning, LOL.

You know we can't wait to see some pictures, so get hubby to take a few in some of your cute new outfits and get them posted ASAP!

I'm glad Ike is going to miss FL, but it sure is looking like Texas will be the target. Let's hope it weakens over the next couple of days. It has been one hell of a hurricane season hasn't it? My heart really goes out to those poor people in Haiti and Cuba. They really need our prayers now.

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OKay, I don't want to take this thread over, but I need your opinions! I finally went and had the upper GI today and a fill under fluroscopy, both of my surgeons were there to see how my band was sitting. It was doing great and they put in some restriction, which will be nice. While I was there, I told them about my upcoming plastic surgery and they both said, don't let him do an anchor incision on you. Your tummy looks great, etc. They were adamant about it. Now, I know that it's not really any of their business, but it really was kind of upsetting. I told my DH what they said and of course he agreed with them. I know that I need to make this decision and I have to admit that I really don't like the idea of a long scar down my mid section. It kind of shook my confidence. I also don't like the roll of skin on my upper abs when I sit or exercise. Maybe I need to attach some pictures so you can see what I mean? I really don't mind the scar from my Tummy Tuck at all. I'm going to have scars down my arms and all the way around, so I don't know why this is bothering me so much. In a way, I just feel sad that it's even necessary. I keep dieting and have lost another 6 pounds, so I'm 13 from goal. I don't think that the weight loss is going to make the situation any better. What are your feelings on scars and all this?

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Hi Karey, First let me say that I'm glad your band is looking good and that you were able to get a fill. I hope everything continues to go very well in that area.

Now, is the only reason the band docs oppose the anchor incision because of the scar, or do they think it will have a negative affect on your band some how? If it is the scar only then I really don't think it is their business. Perhaps they are just trying to give you a reality check. Maybe you perceive that your stomach looks bad and it really doesn't to anyone but you. Is that possible?

For me, the scars are a small price to pay to correct my loose skin issues. My lower body lift scars don't bother me or DH (the only other person who sees them) at all. I will be having the long arm scars too and probably will not wear clothing in public that lets them show. My main concern is the way my clothing looks and fits.

If I "needed" (like Salsa) the anchor incision I wouldn't hesitate. However, I do think you have to weigh the results against the scaring. I had the small horizontal thigh incisions even though I could have gotten more "perfect" thighs with the long vertical cut. I just didn't think the results would be that much better to warrant the big scar.

Post some pictures and I will give you an honest opinion (for what its worth, LOL) of what I would do if I were in your shoes. I do totaly understand your sadness that all this surgery is even necessary. Regrets don't get us anywhere, but I wish I hadn't wrecked my body in the first place.

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I think that my lap band doctors didn't think I didn't anymore done and also said that healing is more difficult with a vertical incision. It's not their decision of course, but it seems that everyone wants to give their opinion! Okay, I took some pictures, you can see the flash in them, but it will give everyone an idea. It's helped me to see the pictures, especially the handful of skin that I can grab. Okay, this is humbling, but here they are:post-62698-13813667264054_thumb.png






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I know that you didn't ask my opinion, but here it is anyway. You look faaaabbbbbuuuuulllllooooouuuuuusssss! I would spend that plastic surgery $$ in ten or fifteen years when you want to get your face lifted.

Like me, I think you may be struggling with feeling 20 years younger, but waking up with a middle-aged body. I know that I feel 20 years younger too since I've lost 147 pounds, but we need to remember that we're "middle-aged". Yipes - there I said it. We are middle-aged. It's normal to have some wrinkles and some soft spots. Do you remember hugging your own Grandparents and feeling bones, or did they feel a little bit squishy and warm? It's time to be a little bit squishy.

I hope that you can find some peace with your beautiful:thumbup:, average-sized body.

Take care.


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LOL Shalee!!! :sad::lol::) And thanks!!!!

Everything good with you?

Hi Frangipani,

Yes all is good, I met with 2 more PS's and then Again with the very 1st one. We have decided to go with him. After the 2nd consolt and seeing how much upper tummy skin I have in addition to the lower skin, he did decide on the Anchor cut with my extended TT and my breasts aren't all that saggy, just flat and he believe's with a high profile implant I will get good results. So I have booked Oct 23rd for my makeover!!

Can't wait to see pix of the new you.

Kelly :-D

Edited by Shalee04

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Hi Karey! You did ask for my opinion so I'm going to be totally honest, as promised. I think you look wonderful just the way you are. Seriously, no one would ever know that you were once obese. You look like a woman who has taken good care of herself by eating right and exercising. If I were in your shoes I would not get an anchor incision. Not only because of the scar, but because you already really do look great.

I know you say you aren't happy with the excess above your waist, but almost everyone has some of that. It is normal, especially for women our age who have had children.

I know others may say "if it makes you feel better about yourself, go for it", and I do agree with that to some extent. I would just caution against getting too hung up on trying to get everything perfect. It is just not possible.

Ok, that's my two cents worth. Hugs, Becky

Edited by TexasBecky

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Hi Frangipani,

Yes all is good, I met with 2 more PS's and then Again with the very 1st one. We have decided to go with him. After the 2nd consolt and seeing how much upper tummy skin I have in addition to the lower skin, he did decide on the Anchor cut with my extended TT and my breasts aren't all that saggy, just flat and he believe's with a high profile implant I will get good results. So I have booked Oct 23rd for my makeover!!

Can't wait to see pix of the new you.

Kelly :-D

Congratulations on setting your date. You are going to be soooooo happy! Keep us posted.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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