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Frangipani & TexasBecky get Reconstructed

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Hi Ladies!

How was everyone's long weekend? Wonderful I hope!

I was busy, busy, busy all weekend, but I also did pace myself and got some quality rest as well.

Frangi my dear, you are a ROCK STAR!!!!!! How you do it is just beyond me.... but I am happy to hear that you are doing so incredibly well! (OK, I can't actually believe I'm saying this....) I can't wait to see your new butt! Even through the swelling I bet it looks fantastic. You chose very wisely in doctor selection and it sounds like it has completely paid off!

Next time you consider books I HIGHLY recommend the Women's Murder Mystery series by James Patterson.... love those!! They are so good and popular I would imagine they come on tape.

Happy shopping and walking and prayers that you continue to heal so miraculously well :)

Hi Cori,

Thanks for the lovely compliments and the book recommendations. I will definitely check them out :w00t:!

Good morning ladies!

Frangi, it is so encouraging to hear once again how well you are doing. It gives all of us confidence that we can endure whatever is necessary to complete our personal journey.

How are you sleeping? Do you have to lay on your stomach?

I think the fact that you have a good appetite is an excellent sign. Your body is burning lots of calories as you heal!

Hi Becky!

Thanks!!! :tt2::smile::smile:

Sleeping is tricky. I cannot lie on my side comfortably because I have drains coming out of each hip. For whatever reason, lying on my stomach is not very comfortable and I wake up feeling very stiff and sore -- so I lie on my back with a pillow underneath my backside to take some of the pressure off. I also have my wedge pillow from the last surgery, which has really a Godsend (thank you Miss Karey for that wonderful suggestion!!!).

I've said it before and I'll say it again, plastic surgery like the kind we've had, is not for sissies, but I wouldn't hesitate to do it again, because the results are SO worth it.

Sounds like we should all put your doctor's number in our little black book. I know I have!!:tt2::biggrin: With all the successful results you have had so far I am sure this will be a success as well!!

Thank you so much Jody! :smile::smile::smile:

How was your weekend?

Glad you are surviving. 2 weeks to go for me!

Hi Karen,

Wow! You're date is coming up quick!!! I'm so excited for you and will be eagerly watching your progress. Are you getting all stocked up on your post-op supplies?

It sure has been quiet on this thread. Frangi, I hope you have been resting, relaxing, and maybe enjoying a few Labor Day Sales! Please check in and let us know how you're doing. How long will you be staying in Miami this time? I hope the next hurricane (Hannah, I think) slides right on by Florida. We expect Gustav to bring a lot of rain our way starting tomorrow.

LOL :lol: ! I didn't realize how quiet I've been the past few days. That has got to be a first for me!!!

Well, as I said before, I've been busy! As the late Ann Arbor legend, Shakey Jake used to say -- I'm on the move baby, on the move!!! :thumbup::tongue::(

Yes, I'm definitely keeping an eye on Hannah, but because I live in "hurricane alley," watching storms is just a regular part of my summer life. August and September of course, are usually the most watchful months, but I tend not to get worked up about things until I know for sure that something is headed directly toward me. That said, lets keep our fingers crossed that Hannah dies down and/or misses everyone she hasn't hit yet. I hope you're not getting hit too badly with the rains from Gustav.


Just wondering how your are doing. I feel you're pain (hope your not having any!) How do you keep from sitting on your backside? I've found the pain does change to a strange feeling of sitting on something that isn't there. It's an odd feeling. How about you?

Hi KD,

Thank you so much for checking in on me! :smile::smile::smile:

OMG!!!! My butt feels SO weird!!!! You describe it perfectly!!! My Dr. warned me about this in advance. It feels like someone stuffed a pillow into my backside. What a strange sensation!!!

I'm doing great, how are YOU doing? The pain is not bad really. At this point I would describe it as more of a stiffness or a discomfort. How about you?

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Hi Frangi -

I left you a voice mail on your phone that Becky and I were worried about you. You are truly amazing!!:tt2: Glad you had such a good weekend! We spent a good part of ours on the bike. It was gorgeous weather.

Glad to hear from you!!

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Frangi: Glad you had a good weekend. Did you hit the sale at Stein Mart? I wanted to, but we went up to our cabin. I'm wondering how much I should buy at this time. Becky, I know you said it took awhile for you to fit into a smaller size or that you even went up for a while? Frangi, do you think you're going to be a smaller size or just shaped better? My thighs fill out my size 8 pants, so hopefully that will be improved. Also, with the anchor incision I'm getting on my tummy, I'm not sure if I'll be smaller or just lose the upper ab pouch. HMM! I guess time will tell. Just wish I wasn't so nervous, but that is getting a little better. Keep healing.

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Frangi, good to hear from you and know that you are continuing to do so well. I'm still amazed at how quickly you bounce back from such major surgery!

Did your doctor just continue the incisions from the first surgery all the way around to complete the 360 lift? Do you have any thigh incisions? How are your first scars looking? Mine are getting smoother and more flat, but are still pretty red.

Karey, I would wait on buying more new clothes. I bet you will go down another size. I was so swollen for the first couple of weeks that my pre surgery 10's did not fit. Within a few weeks I was wearing 8's and that's where I've settled. At almost three months post op I still have swelling, but I doubt that I'll get much smaller.

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Frangi: Glad you had a good weekend. Did you hit the sale at Stein Mart? I wanted to, but we went up to our cabin. I'm wondering how much I should buy at this time. Becky, I know you said it took awhile for you to fit into a smaller size or that you even went up for a while? Frangi, do you think you're going to be a smaller size or just shaped better? My thighs fill out my size 8 pants, so hopefully that will be improved. Also, with the anchor incision I'm getting on my tummy, I'm not sure if I'll be smaller or just lose the upper ab pouch. HMM! I guess time will tell. Just wish I wasn't so nervous, but that is getting a little better. Keep healing.

Hi Karey,

Thanks! :)

I did go to Steinmart for a few hours one day, but the crowds were horrendous and everything was extremely picked over -- so don't worry, you didn't miss much. I did manage to find two cute blouses and got one for a whopping $5.94 and the other for $7.00, so I was pleased with that.

Where I really lucked out this weekend was BCBG

For the past few weeks they've been having a sale where you take 20% off of the sale prices. We have a store in St. Thomas and I picked up a few things there, but the other day I happened to hit the store near my hotel just as they were putting out a new shipment of sale merchandise. I ended up getting some gorgeous things at awesome prices. I was so excited about this because I just love their clothes.

As far as sizes, I have a petite frame and my size 6 pants were getting big on me pre-surgery. I was very conservative in purchasing bottoms before surgery, but did buy enough to get me through when I traveled up to Miami in July.

Even with the very swollen backside, and the capri-length compression garment, and the drains I am still able to easily fit into my pants, but I can tell that my shape will be totally different, so I will definitely have to invest in more bottoms. However, I will wait at least a month or so before I start shopping for that sort of thing.

As far as tops I have been buying those freely for the past few months because I am a size small (4/6) on top and because of the breasts, I doubt I will ever be an "extra small."

However, with all the work you're having done Karey I would definitely wait to purchase clothing because it sounds to me like your Dr. will be significantly changing your shape. Also you might find you taste in clothing changing with you new shape. I know I have.

Frangi, good to hear from you and know that you are continuing to do so well. I'm still amazed at how quickly you bounce back from such major surgery!

Did your doctor just continue the incisions from the first surgery all the way around to complete the 360 lift? Do you have any thigh incisions? How are your first scars looking? Mine are getting smoother and more flat, but are still pretty red.

Hi Becky,

Good to hear from you too! And thanks :unsure::smile::cool2:! I do seem to bounce back pretty quickly but the last time I "crashed" at three weeks post-op. I was very achy and tired and slept a lot -- I wouldn't be surprised if that happens again.

My TT scar sounds just like yours, flat, but very red, however I expect that to settle down as time goes on. As far as the new incision, my Dr. pretty much just picked up where he left off and continued it around all the way to the back.

Isn't it just SO weird to have 360 degree scar? I wonder if I will ever get used to that...........

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Holy crap Frangi!! You were in a size 6 pre surgery??? I didn't know that. There is hope for me yet!! Retro Fitness here I come!! Congrats to you and Becky! You two really worked HARD to get the weight off and the dedication to exercise was amazing. You deserve every minute of your success!!:)

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Thanks for the replies. I think I will hold off of buying more clothes. I'll get out my jogging outfits in case the swelling is bad and be prepared for anything. I'm getting really jazzed that it's all going to look great, so much better than right now. Everytime I weight lift, my trainer makes me look in the mirror to check my form and I see my arms flapping in the breeze, I can't wait for that to be gone. Now scars are a total subject in and of themselves. I guess I will adjust to the scars, but the ones on the arms do concern me and the anchor incision, and the 360 degree thing! Luckily my DH loves me! One thing that bothers me, is that any doc I see from now on, will know my sordid affair with plastic surgery! Oh well, I guess it will keep me humble!

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Holy crap Frangi!! You were in a size 6 pre surgery??? I didn't know that. There is hope for me yet!! Retro Fitness here I come!! Congrats to you and Becky! You two really worked HARD to get the weight off and the dedication to exercise was amazing. You deserve every minute of your success!!:crying:

Hi Jody,

Yes I was, but I had no backside to hold my pants up. However, I sure do have one now :lol::tongue::mad:! I'm really hoping this swelling goes down..........

Thank you so much for the very kind words!!!!


I really don't see anything sordid about plastic surgery. I view plastic surgery as just routine maintenance for the body and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

That said, I wish there was a way to fix our "issues" without so much extensive scarring, as I feel that the scars do detract somewhat from the results.

Have a great day everyone! I'm off to the Dr. soon and hopefully one of the drains will be removed today. The other one is draining quite heavily and I wouldn't be surprised if I'll have another long term experience with it. However, I'm very used to dealing with drains by now, so it's no big deal.

Edited by Frangipani

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Hi Ladies,

I thought I would check in. I hope everyone is having a good weekend!!!

Well, one of the drains did come out yesterday -- Woo Hoo! It's funny how quickly we get used to things, though. Having lived with a drain for five weeks during Round One makes having one drain still in no big deal -- nothing more than a very minor hassle.

What is a major hassle is caring for that backside incision. Wow! It's a very time consuming chore dealing with a part of the body that you can't see and reach very well. The incision has sprung a small leak, so I have to dress it twice a day now -- I will SO glad once everything heals up!!!

The backside is still very swollen (at least I hope this is swelling) and it is still HUGE!!! I have my moments when I look at it and get very nervous, however, I'm trying my best to stay calm and remind myself that I am just a little over a week post-op and will not be able to tell much of anything about my results for probably several weeks yet.........

Hurricane Ike is the talk of South Florida right now. So far, it's looks like he could very well be headed our way, so please send any prayers (karma, vibes......) that he will change course and lose strength. I was due to return home on Wednesday and have already been in touch with the airline about what my other options might be, but they can't tell me anything until they have a "storm policy" in place, which will hopefully be tomorrow.

Well, I will keep this short -- time to get off this big ole' backside and get it all nice and comfortably propped up on a pillow. More tomorrow -- have a great night everyone :lovechoc::smile::P!

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Hi Frangi, thanks for the update. You are becoming a pro at dealing with drains and incisions! I'm glad you are coping so well. Those drains and that "leak" are going to help the swelling, so they are a good thing, even if a bit of a hassle. Keep reminding yourself that it is too soon to tell about the actual size of your bum. The swelling is distorting your results right now. As good as your doctor is, I'm sure your results are going to be awesome.

I've been watching Ike too. It does look like he could cause a lot of trouble, but I'll send a prayer that he does at least weaken. I hope you get to go home on Wednesday. There's no place like home!

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Hey ladies,

I survived 4 days at work this week, but I'm really swollen right now. I've decided I'm going to take off work on Wednesday of next week and maybe the following week to break it up some. I have a desk job, but I'm totally wiped out when I get home.

I'm getting a fill next Wednesday, which I'm nervous about because the port was moved. I could feel it better before, so I guess that's why I'm nervous, but I'm looking forward to some restriction again. I haven't gained any, but I'm eating more. I guess that's important during healing though.


How long were you numb with your lbl? It all feels so weird. I think my back bothers me more than the stomach area being numb, but my stomach is itching today for the first time.


I still feel like I'm sitting on things that aren't there. I think the most unusual feeling was when I went to drive. My car seat is actually very comfortable. I felt like there was a rod across the botton of the backrest that I was sitting on. I kept feeling all around to determine if my car was starting to show age by things sticking out or something, but there is nothing there. Such an odd feeling!

I'm praying the storm stays away.

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Frangi -

I will definitely say a prayer that Ike slows down. I hope you make it home on Wednesday. You are only a week post op. I am sure that things will change soon. Glad one drain came out. Since you are still draining doesn't that mean there is swelling? Like Becky said, with your Doc, things will turn out great!!

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Frangi: I'm so glad you checked in. I wish you could see into the future and know that your bottom is going to be just the right size. I would be nervous too (and probably will be when it's my turn). What does your doc say? Have you expressed your concerns to him? I've been thinking about how to take care of the backside incisions. I still have a little suture reaction on the front that I pick at (must have been a knot there). I've been wondering how I'll take care of those on the back side. I guess I'll have to enlist my DH. How exciting for him! LOL! I bet your anxious to go home, I hope you'll be able too. Take care!

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How long were you numb with your lbl? It all feels so weird. I think my back bothers me more than the stomach area being numb, but my stomach is itching today for the first time.

It has been almost three months (hard to believe) and I'm still numb. It is getting a little better, but I understand that it takes months. It is very weird because I'll feel itchy, but when I scratch it feels numb so it seems like I never satisfy the itch. Does that make sense to anybody?

I also am surprised by the ongoing swelling. I shouldn't be because the doctor told me before surgery and continues to remind me that the swelling can also last for months. Some days are worse than others. I guess it depends on my level of activity and probably my sodium intake.

I finally feel trim! Before my surgery, even after having lost 100+ pounds and wearing a size 10, I didn't feel trim because of all the loose skin. I realize now that I would never have felt trim and normal, no matter how much I lost, had I not had the excess skin issue resolved. I am so thankful that I was able to do this for myself. Don't get me wrong, just losing the weight was fantastic and changed my life. I was very, very happy with what the lapband helped me achieve. Having the PS was icing on the cake and it has really made me feel better about myself than I have in decades.

Hope everyone has a nice, hurricane free weekend!

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Hey ladies!!

Frangi - I'm sending good vibes your way. Ike is not looking good.

I'm so glad to see you are doing well! Sadly, I haven't had much free time lately to keep up with everyone. I'm so jealous of your progress! :thumbup:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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