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Frangipani & TexasBecky get Reconstructed

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Karey, Congrats on setting your date. That is so exciting! I can't wait to follow round two for Frangi and you. You both are going to be masterpieces!

Frangi, its just a week away now! I know you must be getting really excited. When are you heading to Florida?

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Okay, I went to see my ps today and I have a date for my surgery! Whoa! October 16th! I'm going to have a lot more work done than I previously thought. I have lost more weight since my TT, so I have a lot of loose skin on my upper abdomen. Dr. Saltz wants to do an anchor incision and revise my lower one to get everything tight. Also, going to do my arms. Also, going to do my thighs and a butt lift and lots of Lipo. He said it would take about 6 hours. I'm actually excited about all this. He is going to do the same thing that Frangi's doc is doing with the butt lift, he will add my own back fat to my bottom to round it out. (Sounds reall appetizing, doesn't it). My journey is almost finished. This is exciting stuff. I couldn't talk him into the horizontial thigh lift in front like Becky had. He said it would be too much. But I'll be so close to being the best that I can be! Four weeks after all this surgery, I'll get my knee done and then rehab for the entire body! I'm glad that Frangi is doing this soon.


It sounds like this will all work out perfectly for you! I'm so glad to hear that Dr. Salz does that same buttocks augmentation procedure -- it sounds to me like more people are doing that procedure than we know about.

I hope your "before" backside is in better shape than mine. I was looking at my backside after I got out of the shower today and I really cannot imagine that the Dr. will be able to make it look good.

What a saggy, baggy MESS it is back there!!! I am in shock!!! I just don't know what happened because I have always had a very generous behind. I see my Dr. on Monday and I'm going talk to him in detail about my expected results because I'm VERY concerned about this.

oh frangi & karey - the booty is the ONLY thing not shrinking on me; i'd be happy to share...:cool2::tongue: i got enough padding to supply you both...LOL.

keep the thread alive - i keep following you both onto the next phase.


LuLu dear, at 125 pounds you cannot possibly have very much booty left to share. :):biggrin::tongue2:

But thanks for the offer and the encouragement!!!!:lol::smile::clap:

Karey, Congrats on setting your date. That is so exciting! I can't wait to follow round two for Frangi and you. You both are going to be masterpieces!

Frangi, its just a week away now! I know you must be getting really excited. When are you heading to Florida?

Thanks Becky. I'm headed up to Florida very early Saturday morning. I'll be there by 10:30 AM, which is good because I have lots to do to get myself all set up and ready for surgery on Tuesday.

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Hi Becky and welcome back! It is very good to see your smiling face. I hope your time in Chicago was truly wonderful!

Frangi, you blow me away!!! GO YOU!!!!!! You are going to look too hot for words and your poor hubby will be needing new hankies to wipe the continual drool off his chin. Oh. That sinful shopping site. Bad you!!! I broke down and bought that darling crocheted cardigan and a few cami's. I justified by telling myself a girl has needs :thumbup:

I agree with the others.... keep the post here for the next round of surgery. It will be fun to read through and see the differences between rounds 1 and 2. I hope Becky stays here too when she is ready for the next go round.

Speaking of which, I agree. I've not even had PS yet and I'm already addicted! I still need to lose 20 pounds or so, and my backside is getting as flat as a pancake (though not my belly.... what's up with that?!!!) but I've promised myself a boob lift and Tummy Tuck (with Lipo as needed) so I'm going to stick with that. For now. Probably.

So good to see you all here, chatting!

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Frangi, you blow me away!!! GO YOU!!!!!! You are going to look too hot for words and your poor hubby will be needing new hankies to wipe the continual drool off his chin. Oh. That sinful shopping site. Bad you!!! I broke down and bought that darling crocheted cardigan and a few cami's. I justified by telling myself a girl has needs :cool2:

I agree with the others.... keep the post here for the next round of surgery. It will be fun to read through and see the differences between rounds 1 and 2. I hope Becky stays here too when she is ready for the next go round.

Speaking of which, I agree. I've not even had PS yet and I'm already addicted! I still need to lose 20 pounds or so, and my backside is getting as flat as a pancake (though not my belly.... what's up with that?!!!) but I've promised myself a boob lift and Tummy Tuck (with Lipo as needed) so I'm going to stick with that. For now. Probably.

So good to see you all here, chatting!

Hey Cori,

Good to hear from you! White House Black Market is great -- go to a store, it's even better! I've shopped there for years, but for a while there when I got fat (the dark years that I'm calling them now.......) I couldn't wear their clothing, but now I'm back to being hooked on the place again!!!!

I bought the crocheted sweater too in black! I also bought the "Gilded Safari Jacket" and the pic doesn't do it justice, I LOVE it. It has very subtle, snakeskin buttons that give it just a little punch. For me in my climate, and traveling to back and forth to the states this is the perfect piece for me and I know I'll get a lot of use out of it.

Because I belong to their "Black Book" I got the additional discount and also had a coupon so I ended up getting the jacket for $29.98! I also bought the lace camis you bought because I have some already and they're awesome -- high quality and go with everything (including my new jacket). I got the camis for $8.46 with my coupon and discounts -- they run $35 in the stores. Sign up for their Black Book -- it's free and it will get you even better deals!

You're doing great with your weight loss -- only 20 pounds from goal???? That's FABULOUS -- Congratulations :thumbup::thumbup::sneaky:!!!!

I'm laughing about your comment -- yeah, why is that? The butt goes flat, which we don't want, but the tummy which we want to be flat, isn't. So we have to pay to plump up our butts up and flatten our tummies.

It seems to me that God has heavily stacked the game in favor of the plastic surgeons :thumbup:!

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LuLu dear, at 125 pounds you cannot possibly have very much booty left to share. :thumbup::biggrin::thumbup:

But thanks for the offer and the encouragement!!!!:sneaky::smile::cool2:.

you WOULD think - but no; got booty for days. in the reverse of cori's comment, i think my gut got replaced to the backside. so i just run to keep it from needing it's own zip code.

i'll be thinking of ya tuesday!!:blink::smile:

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Got a question. If you have lost all your weight--what exactly is there to Lipo away? I guess maybe the fat cells shrink but are still there? I would love a boob lift someday. How low can they go!!!???

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Hey Ladies,

This is not PS related, but for all of you looking for (or needing like me) new clothing. White House Black Market is having a sale where they are taking 40% off the sale prices. I just came back from their sale and I got 6 gorgeous blouses, 1 sweater, and a pair of shoes all for $153!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Check it out -- they also have a good selection of merchandise online, and if you're a "Black Book" member you an additional 5% discount and free shipping. (Note: The online sale prices reflect the additional 40% discount -- in the stores they will discount the sale price you see on the tag 40%.)

White House | Black Market - Home

They ship quickly too. I ordered a few things online yesterday that I knew I wouldn't be able to get here, and I received a shipping confirmation within hours.

Happy shopping! :cool2:

Oh no Frangi!! First Stein Mart now this!! I will need a part time job soon!:) Maybe my DS can get more hours at the gas station!!:w00t::lol: He is rolling his eyes laughing.

Keep the great shopping tips coming!:eek:

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Oh no Frangi!! First Stein Mart now this!! I will need a part time job soon!:thumbup: Maybe my DS can get more hours at the gas station!!:lol::lol: He is rolling his eyes laughing.

Keep the great shopping tips coming!:)

How do I keep getting these PS threads derailed off the main subject lately?


Jody you're looking at this totally the wrong way. Yes, I give you shopping tips, but I always tell you how to get bargains at the various places I recommend. So you won't need a second job at all, in fact you and DS could probably retire on all of the money you're saving. Think about it :lol::tongue::tongue:!

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Fluffy Cat: Well, I still need to lose about 15 pounds, but I just carry my fat in my thighs. Not sure how much they'll get, but my doc likes to do it with a lift because it helps loosen the skin and he can contour it better. Also have some fat pockets on the inside of my knees, that are going to go!

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Got a question. If you have lost all your weight--what exactly is there to Lipo away? I guess maybe the fat cells shrink but are still there? I would love a boob lift someday. How low can they go!!!???


I thought I would make a quick comment about this one also.

I believe your comment about fat cells shrinking but still remaining is true. I've also read that empty fat cells tend to sabotage our weight loss efforts by sending desperate messages to our bodies to be filled back up again -- which is another reason why it's good to have as many removed as possible........

Based on my own experience as well as others, breasts don't tend to survive the battle very well. Even my pathetically small breasts went south, and having them hitched back up again (as well as plumped out with an implant) was one of the best things I've ever done!

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Okay, I need you gals opinions. My lapband doc called with my CAT scan results yesterday and I'm really more confused than ever. She said that I had Fluid collected in my pelvis, but that was probably alright? Really? No explanation why. (I have a huge swollen lymph gland in my groin). After all they did perforate my stomach in the surgery. Then she said that my band was sitting in an awkard position and that we should take out some of the fill. Really? I don't have a fill! It's a new band! She said, well I thought we already put 2 cc. in it. No, nothing yet. (Plus she told me the first fill would 3.5 cc, it's a large APL band because my stomach was so swollen when they did the surgery). Then she said, well your band will probably be alright. That was it! I told her that I'm still nauseated and she said that I should get another barium series (which I will have to pay out of pocket for). I said that my food is not getting stuck, I don't feel any restriction. She said if I'm still nauseated next week, we should get the test anyway. Okay, I'm not feeling very confident about my doc or my band. I told her that I was going to come and get a copy of my scan on a disc and she said fine and then she said, oh, it's at the hospital, come tomorrow. I think that I should have some one else look at my scan, but not sure who. My internist would be glad to read the report, etc., but he doesn't know that much about bands. How can I find out if my band placement is messed up? I'm getting very frustrated here. Tired of feeling like crap, plus I'm scheduled for ps in two months. I've got to feel better. Sorry for monopolizing the thread. What do you think I should do?

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Wow Karey,

That's a tough one and I can totally understand why you are having doubts about your Dr. right now.

My first inclination would be to get a second opinion, but I'm wondering if it will be difficult to find a bariatric surgeon willing to give you one (????). What I might do is give a copy of the report to your Internist and in the meantime, try to find another Dr. who will consult with you.

Chances are your current Dr. did everything just fine, but I think since she has planted some seeds of doubt in you right now, you will feel much better about moving forward with her once you have gotten that second opinion.

Alternatively, perhaps you could sit down with her in person and just be very frank and honest with her regarding your doubts and concerns (if you haven't done so already) and see what she has to say.

I feel so badly that you're feeling badly and that this has been such a struggle for you and I hope this all resolves very soon.

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How do I keep getting these PS threads derailed off the main subject lately?


Jody you're looking at this totally the wrong way. Yes, I give you shopping tips, but I always tell you how to get bargains at the various places I recommend. So you won't need a second job at all, in fact you and DS could probably retire on all of the money you're saving. Think about it :wink2::tongue::tt2:!

Frangi - you always make my day when I need it most!:cursing::biggrin:

That store happens to be right in the mall by me. I went and bought the most beautiful clothes too. They are a bit tight so I MUST work to get the proper fit. That is great incentive!!

Karey - I can't comment much because I am not up on the subject but I really do keep you in my thoughts. I hope everything works out the way you want it too.:smile:

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Karey, reach out and touch someone! Really and truly. There have to be other bariatic surgeons in the SLC area and if you go about it the right way you can surely consult with one of your choice. Maybe rather than voicing your doubts about your current doc you could approach the subject of a consult with just wanting a 2nd opinion, to verify reults and options. That happens ALL the time with orthopedic surgeons, oncology docs and general surgery as well. Docs seem to be more hesitant to say "this doc was wrong" but if you just want another opinion, well, that's an entirely different approach. But do pursue this. You need to be feeling better and hopefully you will, very soon! Take care of yourself my dear.

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Karey, I think that now might be a good time for you to start a bit of written communication with your doctor. Ya know along the lines of, can you please confirm that the collection of Fluid in my abdomen is in your opinion of no concern. Could you please Explain why you thought that my band is in an awkward position, and needed unfilling when I have no fill. Could you please explain why you feel that a barium series would be beneficial and what you expect it to show?

Doctors as a rule like written communications as much as they like lawyers.

Do not let this doctor fobb you off, you have paid good money for this surgery and it aint right, so they have to sort it out! Go and kick some white coat ass!

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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