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Frangipani & TexasBecky get Reconstructed

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So nice to see you both in such great spirits :(

Frangi, please, oh please, post a pic of you in your adorable new outfit. We want to cheer you on (OK, and live vicariously through you!) and hoot areen. How much longer before the last port is out and you can fly away home?

Becky, good for you! I ALWAYS hate panty shopping because, well, they are panty's and a girl has got to have them! VS is fun, but when I shop there the garments aren't intended for normal every day wear.... I just thank God for the Jockey outlet store. Glad you had such a great time.

Keep on taking care of yourselves ladies and here's hoping the wonderful healing continues.

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Good morning everyone!

Ok ya'll, panty shopping is a whole new experience. So many choices that I could never have considered before. I was thoroughly overwhelmed with the options and uncertain about what would cover the scars, but I did manage to pick out five new pairs and they all work beautifully. Panties just may become a new shopping obsession for me. This little shopping trip definately lifted my spirits.

Frangi, I bet you had the same fun with bra shopping. BTW, you didn't tell us what the doc said about sleeping in a bra. How much longer?

Becky, panty shopping sounds like a lot of fun. I haven't done it yet, but I really need to. I'm sure that I don't look as good as you do though, because at this point I am only half done -- I hate my backside right now, even more so than before. I bet you are looking really awesome now -- especially since you are so tall.

I have shopped for bras, but I am holding off for a while longer before I do it in earnest because I know that I'm still very swollen. That said, later on today I really need to go out shopping for some things to take home. As you can probably imagine lingerie is very expensive and the selection is not that great back at home.

Can you believe it? I forgot to ask the Dr. how much longer I need to wear my bra, but I will touch base with him regarding this in the next day or so. Right now I have to wear a special strap across the top of my bust which was a new instruction that I just got on Monday.

Go Frangi!! I agree with Becky you better watch DH when he sees you!!:tt1:

I actually found a Stein Mart in South Jersey that I plan to shop at. Frangi - keep the updates coming to keep me motivated! I would like to have my surgery next year!:tt1:

Thanks Jody! Have you been over to Stein Mart yet? What did you think?

Becky - You go girl!! You and Frangi will be the next Victoria's Secret models. I can see you two in wings now!!:tt1: I am so glad the shopping lifted your spirits. You deserve it! As I told Frangi, keep the updates coming to keep us all motivated to one day be in your shoes!!

Jody, LOL :lol::lol::lol:!

And you watch, this time next year (or even sooner) we will be posting on your thread!!!


When do you return home?

So nice to see you both in such great spirits :)

Frangi, please, oh please, post a pic of you in your adorable new outfit. We want to cheer you on (OK, and live vicariously through you!) and hoot areen. How much longer before the last port is out and you can fly away home?

Keep on taking care of yourselves ladies and here's hoping the wonderful healing continues.

I'm still planning on returning home on Friday, but I might not be able to wear my new outfit. I'm still draining more than would be allowed to have the drain removed. In fact, I am draining even a bit more now since the other drain was taken out. The other thing is that there has been a noticeable difference in my swelling since the one drain was take out. My Dr. told me that if need be, my PCP could remove the drain and there is really no need to delay my trip home because of this.

I would very much like to have that last drain removed, but I don't want to push and will live with the drain for as long as it takes.

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I hope it works out that your drain comes out before you leave. You still have to post a pic of that outfit whenever you wear it!! I had to laugh that I would buy the same color given we are two red heads!! I need to post before and after pics.


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I forgot the most important thing! I did go to the Stein Mart and I LOVED it!! Since I travel the state a bit with my job it is not going to be hard to wind up down south for those great sales!:tt1:

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I had to had an unbelievably complex myomectomy when my beloved plastic surgeon found my fibroids. No really, my PCP or OB/Gyn never had a clue.

(I'm single, never had kids, not one symptom of fibroids - they had been growing happily under layers of fat for years - until I lost the weight and they had no where to hide anymore.)

Anyway he was kind enough to open/close me and give me a much-needed 'mini-skin-and flab tuck' during my myomectomy. He did his bit, let the OB/Gyn's do their thing and then after they finished, he did a bit of tucking & snipping to tidy things up down there. Since this was a medically-necessary fibroid removal, I wasn't at goal yet so I didn't take that opportunity for Lipo and breast re-fluffing [:tt1:] but those will come now that my weight loss has slowed. I surprised myself by actually going past my goal (quite accidentally and painlessly, I'm happy to say) so it's good that I'm taking my time to get "The Works" done later.

This was especially important because:

1. My fibroids were advanced (like I said, they had been growing undetected under layers of flab) so once removed, I would have had additional sagging.

2. I believe that OB/Gyns are great at delivering babies but often, are not as good as scars as Plastic Surgeons are. So although I had a C-section like fibroid removal (Grrrrr, recovering from that procedure really sucked and I sure don't look forward to ever having a full C-Section if I had kids) I ended up with a nicely flattened mid-section.

3. If I did ever have kids (again, statistically unlikely since I'm single right now, with little prospects of marriage, LOL) - but if I did have a C-Section, the OB/Gyn only has to use the incision line my PS left.

So I totally sympathise with the journey that you've made and I've been watching your progress. You Go Get 'Em, Girl! :tt1:

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Hi! Tomorrow is two weeks since surgery and I'm feeling pretty darn good. I think I could return to work if I had to, but I'd be wearing a potato sack I guess, thanks to the ongoing swelling. Other than that, I'm coping just fine with the other, now minor, aches and pains.

Jody, you crack me up. I'm sure Victoria Secret is looking for somebody just like me to model their stuff. I do already have wings, just not the angel kind - more like the bat kind. I may be even more excited than I am now, when I get my arms and breast fixed.

Frangi, I hate that your drain is still flowing, but I think maybe the longer it does the less swelling you'll have to cope with. My swelling got much worse after all my drains came out. When the body has to start reabsorbing that Fluid, swelling naturally results. If it does save you from swelling you'll be glad you had it for a few extra days.

I know you must be anxious to go home for a while. When will you have to come back for a follow up?

NewSho, thanks for your post. Like Frangi, you have had a very interesting experience. I'm glad it turned out well for you too.

Hope everyone has a beautiful summer day to enjoy. Becky

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Becky, how are your thighs?

Mine are killing me. Very tight and swollen. Were or are yours? I am just on OTC pain killers (by my choice).

Now I am getting twinges of pain everywhere - my guess is that everything is "waking up". Was that your experience too?

If you have any pearls of wisdom that you haven't already shared (Becky or Frangi) lay them on me. :)

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Hey Steph, I wish I had something brilliant to offer. Unfortunately I think time is your best friend. My thighs (mostly just the incisions now) are still by far the worst source of pain and discomfort, but at almost two weeks out, I'd say they have improved significantly.

My thighs have not been as swollen as my torso. I have no idea why that is but am thankful because by this time of day my stomach really does feel like it could pop. Actually, my thighs never were too swollen after the first few days.

I stopped the prescription pain meds pretty quickly too, but did go back to them at night a couple of times. I'd say that if the RX pain pills make you feel better, then don't hesitate to take them. My doctor had expected me to take them for a couple of weeks and was surprised that I'd stopped them so soon.

Have you tried a cold pack? I recently started that on my abdominal area and it seems to help some. Definately keep your legs elevated as much as you can.

I really do sympathize for whatever that is worth. I hope you feel better soon. Becky

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I almost forgot.

The panty-shopping and Victoria's Secret comments - reminded me of the coolest coupon I got. :embaressed_smile: This is a Banded girl's dream. FREE PANTIES! No, really.

Remember I've lost a zillion sizes so I've had to replace every single pair of undies. Victoria's Secret has been a lifesaver.

Don't give up on Victoria's Secret yet, ladies. Their cotton panties (and thongs and V-strings) are very comfortable and NOW (now that I've finally peeled off the pounds) the classic cotton panties come up to size XL in the store. They have tons of neat colors (perfect for summer wardrobes) and styles. No I don't work there, but I am a frequent shopper and if you sign up via e-mail, you get cool coupons from them.

So here's a coupon - use this for a:

1. A free pair of cotton panties (worth up to $8.50). NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. All free. Just pick out the cotton undies, and take them to the register with this coupon.

2. $10 off any regular-priced bra in the store. Great deal - bras now come up to Sizes D & DD in the store. (Larger than 40 and DD's will still have the catalogue as an option.)

3. Or both. Use it for a bra, panty or both. Either way the panty is always free.

Now - you can only use ONE coupon per person per visit. But hey, print out a couple. (I went 4 times last week - it's absolutely OK as long as you only use one per visit, per store, per day.)


This is a great deal. I have a new drawerful of sexy, comfy, cute panties, thongs and V-strings. ALL FREE. And you can use the coupon with out any purchase. (Of course,I sometimes end up picking up something else while I'm there - oh, gee, that's how they get us, right! :lol: )

Enjoy, my fellow Banded gals.

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Hi Ladies,

Real quick note because I'm on the run today getting ready to go home.

Becky, thank you as always for your nice thoughts. I agree that drains are a real hassle BUT, I've decided that I would rather deal with that than excessive swelling. As it is now, I have noticeably more swelling after removing the one drain and I am hesitant to remove the second one until the time is just right.

So, after talking all of this over with the Dr. I've decided to return home with one drain still in. Hopefully it will only need to stay in for just a few more days, but even if it ends up being a little longer than that, I'm okay with it.

New Sho. WOW!!! I was SO happy to read your uplifting message regarding your myomectomy. Thank you so much for posting, I have not talked to very many women who have actually had a myomectomy.

Do you realize how hard it is to get a Dr. to willingly even do this procedure??? I had to consult with 5 Dr.'s before I could find one 100% on board with what I wanted to do. For whatever reason (excessive caution probably, and let's face it money, among other things......), most GYNs prefer to do a hysterectomy rather than a myomectomy. I am just so happy that I stood my ground because for me, the myomectomy was a total piece of cake, and I had the added bonus of keeping my uterus.

BoSteph, hang in there you're doing great! My word of wisdom is as Becky said, to take your pain meds for as long as you need to. Your Dr. prescribed them for good reason and your body will tell you when you no longer need them.

Well as I said, I'm on the run today. Lots to do -- will check in later. Have a great day!!!!

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Frangi: I think you were reallly wise to keep your uterus. Life is much better with it! I had a hysterectomy at 35 with my ovaries removed and it was the worst decision of my life. I got really bad advice. You were wise to fight for that procedure! I didn't know you are a red head?! So am I am! Redheads have to stick together! LOL!

Becky: I didn't pay that much for lyphamtic massage. That is a lot! When I had them at the docs office. The first one was $120 and then they were $80. I found some one that my regular massage therapist knew and she charged $65 an hour. I think I had about 6 of them, but my doctor never said that I needed a certain amount. Not sure how to find one, yellow pages, massage school? I don't know that I would wear myself out with a 45 minute drive either. I do think it would help with all the swelling your experiencing, but maybe even call some plastic surgeon offices or medical spas in your area and book something with one of them.

Glad to be back from my trip. It was awesome to see our son do his thing in the cirque. He was great and I think he appreciated the attention. Never can tell totally with boys!

I'm about to start a big push to get up the last 20 pounds. Am really trying to decide if I should do my back side and thighs. I want to, but my family (older children and DH), had a "come to Jesus" meeting with me and think I look fine and they don't want to see me go through another surgery. Seems my pain was hard on them. Oh brother! I will do what I want about this, since it's my body, but I'm just not sure if the results will be worth the pain. I'm very interested in seeing everyone's before and afters. Was really impressed with your pictures Becky! My saddle bags and thighs look horrible. My butt really isn't that bad. I'm not sure what to do. Anyway, glad we can talk about these things without judgement.

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Welcome back Karey. I'm glad you had a good time in Montreal and got to enjoy seeing your son perform. I'm planning a trip to Canada in August. That's the perfect time of year to get out of Texas and head north.

I know you will do great with the last 20 pounds. You seem to be so focused and goal oriented that I'm sure you'll have great success. I understand what you mean about dealing with the family on future plastics. I almost didn't tell my sons at all because I didn't want to worry them and I didn't want their opinion, but everyone who knew I was having the surgery encouraged me to tell the kids since they are both adults. I ultimately did tell them, but I haven't mentioned a word about a second surgery and I already dread having to have that conversation. They will think it is absurd. I have already made up my mind though. I will be having a breast lift and brachioplasty; I'm just not sure when.

Karey, the ice has helped with my abdominal swelling. My doctor never mentioned it, but as soon as I read that it helped you, I started applying a cold pack several times a day and today I was able to get my size 10 jeans buttoned and zipped. They are still snug, but I'm making progress. Hope to take some pictures soon.

Frangi, I hope your trip home is completely uneventful. Flying these days is enough of a drag without having to deal with delays, etc., not to mention that you are still recovering from major surgery! We'll be anxious to hear that you are safely back at home.

Steph, I hope you're feeling better today. If you haven't tried the ice, I highly recommend it.

NewSo, thanks for the VS coupon link. I'll have to check that out. I haven't stepped foot in a VS in years!

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Hi Karey,

Thanks! Yes, I'm very glad I made the decision I did and honestly if the fibroids grow back, I plan on just having another myomectomy.

If anyone else reading out there ever faces this decision, the key is to find a good Dr. who is comfortable with operating on (not removing) the uterus. I chose a gynecologic oncologist because A) I figured such a person would do a great many complicated surgeries on a regular basis and :party: just by virtue of his chosen profession he would not be the type to take the "easy route."

It turned out that my instincts were right about this. So my advice to anyone out there is to not give up!

Becky, thanks for the well wishes. It feels like phase one of our journey is now officially over, but it was quite and adventure for us both -- wasn't it girlfriend :blushing::smile::hurray:? I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better -- keep up with that ice and we will look forward to photos soon. I will also try to post some photos as soon as I can.

I ended up seeing my Dr. today after all (drain still in though). He is supposed to be on vacation BUT he made a special trip in to his office to make sure everything was okay with my incisions before I went home. He is an unbelievably talented, caring and thorough Dr. -- I am SO happy I found him.

Well, my flight leaves at 6:00 AM which means I need to be on the road by 4:00 AM, so I better sign off. I have a short layover in Puerto Rico and if all goes well I should be home by 10:00 AM. I will check back in tomorrow!

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