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Frangipani & TexasBecky get Reconstructed

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It sounds like you are doing great!! By the way, did you ever tell your parents?

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Becky: I did have a lot swelling, but I was smaller immediately. I had a Tummy Tuck (hip to hip), Lipo of the hips and flanks and breasts done. I was immediately smaller without the pannus. The swelling seemed to come and go, but was pretty extreme the 2nd and 3rd week. I had to get an unfill and my doctor could hardly find my new lower profile port. When I went back about week 6, she easily found it. Now at 3 months, I can feel the port and it's starting to stick out a little. I'm sure you'll be a lot smaller with time, so don't get freaked out!

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Karey, thank you so much. I have been totaly freaked out. I just assumed that my clothes would be immediately looser, not tighter. My logical mind knows that it has to be swelling, but emotionally it has been very upsetting. Getting into size 10s was a major milestone for me and I felt like I'd exceeded my wildest weight loss dreams. Having that suddenly yanked away just put me into shock.

I have no idea where my port is. It was sticking out like a sore thumb before the surgery. My ps moved it and I haven't even thought to ask where it is now. I've felt around, but there is no sign of it. I will try to exercise a little patience and I know I'll be thrilled when the swelling subsides.

Jody, I never did tell my parents. I've managed to skate around the truth. They believe that my sister and I went out of town for a few days, which was true, because my surgery was in Dallas and I actually live in the suburbs. Now they just think that I've been under the weather for a few days. I may come clean, but I'm not sure there really is any reason now. Good thing I did tell the boys, since one of them decided to come home this weekend and mom is obviously not her normal spunky self.

Cori, thanks again for checking in and being so sweet. My second surgery will include a breast lift and my arms. Then I'll be done. Lord, knows I could stand to have all kinds of stuff done, and when you spend much time around a plastic surgeon's office there are temptations. They can do some amazing things these days. I'm really just interested in correcting the damage from years of obesity and losing and gaining, losing and gaining. The rest is a natural part of aging in my mind and something that I want to learn to do gracefully.

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Karey, thank you so much. I have been totaly freaked out. I just assumed that my clothes would be immediately looser, not tighter. My logical mind knows that it has to be swelling, but emotionally it has been very upsetting. Getting into size 10s was a major milestone for me and I felt like I'd exceeded my wildest weight loss dreams. Having that suddenly yanked away just put me into shock.

I have no idea where my port is. It was sticking out like a sore thumb before the surgery. My ps moved it and I haven't even thought to ask where it is now. I've felt around, but there is no sign of it. I will try to exercise a little patience and I know I'll be thrilled when the swelling subsides.

Jody, I never did tell my parents. I've managed to skate around the truth. They believe that my sister and I went out of town for a few days, which was true, because my surgery was in Dallas and I actually live in the suburbs. Now they just think that I've been under the weather for a few days. I may come clean, but I'm not sure there really is any reason now. Good thing I did tell the boys, since one of them decided to come home this weekend and mom is obviously not her normal spunky self.

Cori, thanks again for checking in and being so sweet. My second surgery will include a breast lift and my arms. Then I'll be done. Lord, knows I could stand to have all kinds of stuff done, and when you spend much time around a plastic surgeon's office there are temptations. They can do some amazing things these days. I'm really just interested in correcting the damage from years of obesity and losing and gaining, losing and gaining. The rest is a natural part of aging in my mind and something that I want to learn to do gracefully.


I think I remember LJM commenting that her waist was something like 5 inches bigger after surgery than it was before surgery. I am sure it is swelling, but thank you for mentioning this. My doc thinks that I am going to lose at least 1 size after surgery so I can just imagine the horror that I would have felt if I couldn't fit in my clothes now. Actually I just cleaned out my closet and I have 1 pair of pants and 2 shirts that fit. The last 2 weeks of school were not fun clothing wise. I looked like Bozo the clown!

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Nothing new for me to report today. Still swollen, sore, and achy, but trying to get on with things.

Karey, do the lymphatic massages help with the swelling? I wonder if putting ice on my tummy would help? I wish I'd asked the doctor these things, but don't think they warrant a phone call.

Salsa, I too am very limited on clothing options now because I gave away almost all of my larger things. Hang on to a couple of those Bozo outfits just in case you need them during recovery.

Frangi, can't wait to hear about your doctor visit. I hope you are drainless!

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You ladies have been more helpful than you can possibly know! Understanding the nitty gritty details of getting up and down, what clothes you can wear, what clothes you NEED to wear and how moving/shifting/lifting can be limited and restricted REALLY helps when thiking about and planning for surgery. Also knowing which procedures were most beneficial and which offer the best long term results, as well as which procuders go well together also makes planning and preparing much easier.

Frangi, you are just a delight and I thoroughly enjoy your exuberant personality and joie de vivre. I hope you continue to heal quickly and are able to have those drains removed tomorrow!

So, bottom line, thank you ladies and prayers to you both for continued recovery.

Thank you very much Cori. That is truly one of the nicest compliments I have ever received. You made my day with that one :smile::smile::smile:!

I'm glad that others are learning from us because we learned so much from the ladies who have gone through this before us and so generously shared their experiences.

becky - your legs look AWESOME, truly they do!!

frangi - your such a trooper, seriously - can't wait till ya join the exercise threads again...

you ladies are special for sharing your experience.....cheers~~

Another incredibly lovely compliment. Thank you so much LuLu!!! I miss you guys on the exercise thread too, but I still keep up with it, and I know that you are having another rockin' month. Great job :tongue::thumbup::cursing:!

I can't wait to rejoin you guys over there either. The Dr. tells me that I can return to light aerobic activity around the second week of July -- although I will probably start taking some walks before that.

Frangi, can't wait to hear about your doctor visit. I hope you are drainless!

Hi Becky,

You're doing wonderfully with your recovery. With as much as you had done at once, I'm sure being a bit achy is quite normal. Just keep reminding yourself that's it's all worth it because from your pics it most obviously is plus a whole lot more!!!!

Well, the Dr. only removed one drain because the other one was still draining. He hopes to remove the second one on Wednesday or Thursday. I would have liked to have them both out, but I will say that one drain is still much better than two. WOW!!! What a major ouch when the drain came out!!! It only hurt for a few seconds, but man!!! Did you have pain when yours came out Becky? For me it was a rather intense burning sensation.

I told my Dr. that the two worst parts of the surgery were having drains and the "bowel cleanse" that the GYN's office had me do the day before surgery (which nearly killed me I kid you not -- I would rather drink cyanide than Fleets Phospho-Soda, and probably will, if asked to do a "bowel cleanse" ever again).

Everything else went really well. I actually tried to schedule my second surgery today (I know, I truly am crazy :tongue:), but my Dr. wouldn't hear of it. He told me to come see him toward the end of July or early August and he will take a look at how everything is healing and will tell me then when we can proceed with the second surgery. I also asked him about a few other things I wanted done and he said no, no, no!

I knew this before about him, but he is really into doing the minimum amount of surgery possible and according to his staff, he frequently tells patients no. I guess that's another thing I really like about him -- he's incredibly honest in that way.

I think you will all be happy to hear that I have been resting and taking it very easy the past few days -- listening to books on my iPod, watching movies and napping. I have gone out but only for a few hours at a time. All of this R & R really feels good, I just hope I don't turn into a lazy slug by the time I get home :)!

Well, that's my update for now. I will check in a little later or tomorrow. Have a great evening everyone!!!

Edited by Frangipani

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Frangi, well I'm with you, two drains out would have been better, but one is sure an improvement. I think you can stand two or three more days with the lone drain and then you're going to feel like a new woman! Only one of my drains was painful when removed, because it was extra long apparently, and yes it was a doozy. I remember JulieNYC (one tough plastic surgery veteran for sure) reporting that she actually fainted when one of her drains was pulled out.

Yikes on the bowel cleanse. Glad I didn't have to do that!

I'm glad you have a really good, sensible PS or you would probably be having your second surgery next week, you crazy girl!

Good that you are actually enjoying a little R & R. I really don't think there is any chance that you, of all people, are going to become a lazy slug.

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I told my Dr. that the two worst parts of the surgery were having drains and the "bowel cleanse" that the GYN's office had me do the day before surgery (which nearly killed me I kid you not -- I would rather drink cyanide than Fleets Phospho-Soda, and probably will, if asked to do a "bowel cleanse" ever again).

LOL Frangi. When I had my colonoscopy, I had to do a bowel cleanse, and I had to drink about 8 oz of some godawful magnesium something - thick, gooey, and wretched tasting. I tried to chug it, but my stomach hurled it right back up. Of course I was told I had HAD to drink it so I caught it in the glass, sucked it up with a turkey baster, and squirted it down my throat. I was very relieved to see that they now have a PILL on the market that does the same thing. You should ask for it if you have to cleanse again. Glad the recovery is going well. It is great fun to read about.

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Becky: Ice will really help. Lymphatic massage will hep with the swelling, too. Your lymphatic system was disrupted in a major way. It's not like our heart and pumps on its own. The lymphs move with our movement and our dependent on us. I'm sure that the doctors office told you to pump your legs up and down while resting in bed. This helps to stimulate the lymph system. So, long story short. Get a lymphatic massage. I had about 6 or 7 during my recovery. It felt good and it really was helpful.

Frangi: What surgery do you want for round 2?

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Becky thank you for the encouraging words. You are such a sweetheart always. How are you doing today?

LOL Frangi. I was very relieved to see that they now have a PILL on the market that does the same thing. You should ask for it if you have to cleanse again. Glad the recovery is going well. It is great fun to read about.

Thank you so much for the nice comments Foofy and thanks for the information about the pill. If I ever need to do this again (God forbid), I will definitely be looking into this new pill. I see my GYN today and I am going to ask about this new pill just for the heck of it.

I understand the need for a bowel cleanse, but Good Grief! Why make people go through such an ordeal the day before surgery? I could handle the running to the bathroom every 10 minutes for a few hours, but drinking that God Awful stuff (two vials plus 32 ounces of water) was pure torture!!!! There has got to be a better way, and apparently there is.

Frangi: What surgery do you want for round 2?

Hi Karey,

Great to hear from you! How was your trip to Montreal?

My original plan was to have a full circumferential tuck (or LBL) first and then the breast lift with augmentation later, but when it became apparent that I needed to do something about my fibroid tumor(s), the game plan changed. My Dr. would not consider doing the circumferential tuck along with the myomectomy and as it was, I had to lobby fairly hard to have the breasts done at the same time (an excellent decision in retrospect considering how well I seem to tolerate surgery).

I carried the majority of my weight in my lower belly and upper thighs and I seriously need the full circumferential tuck, and I will not be fully satisfied until it is complete. As I expected, my saddlebags and buttocks are driving me crazy now, and I am very eager to finish this whole thing out.

I don't know if anyone remembers me mentioning that wearing a tight tee was one of my the first things I wanted to do after my Tummy Tuck BUT I found the cutest tee shirt at Stein Mart yesterday (50% off too Yes!!!!:thumbup::thumbup::cool2:). It's a mossy green (my color being a redhead) with a cute little flower pin on one side. I love it!

Anyhow, I tried my new tee with my fitted capris, and with the breasts and the flat tummy it looks pretty good (even if I do say so myself :smile:). I can't wear this outfit until my last drain comes out, but I plan to wear it home on the plane. I think my husband will be fairly shocked at my tranformation when he sees me because I have never been able to wear this sort of thing before.

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Thanks Karey, I'm going to look into a massage today.

I'm feeling a little better every day. Mornings are better because I have less swelling. As the day goes on I just get more blown up and by the evening I feel like you could stick a pin in me and I'd pop.

Cheers for the cute new tight tee, Frangi. What fun to go home with a new look that hubby hasn't been able to see yet! You better be careful. There are post-op rules and restrictions!

I know I'd be feeling better if I could get into some new clothes. I'm waiting anxiously for the tucked in shirt! I expected by now to be strutting around with my flat stomach. It is pretty flat in spite of the swelling, but my pants are still too tight, so I continue to be limited to a rather sloppy "workout" look. I am going to buy some new undies today, just to make me feel better.

Have a great day. Becky

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Ok ya'll, panty shopping is a whole new experience. So many choices that I could never have considered before. I was thoroughly overwhelmed with the options and uncertain about what would cover the scars, but I did manage to pick out five new pairs and they all work beautifully. Panties just may become a new shopping obsession for me. This little shopping trip definately lifted my spirits.

Frangi, I bet you had the same fun with bra shopping. BTW, you didn't tell us what the doc said about sleeping in a bra. How much longer?

I called about the lymhatic massages. They are $180 each at my doctor's office and they didn't have an opening until the first week of July. I need to do a little more research because my doctor's office is about a 45 minute drive for me and apparently they need to be scheduled in a series of six to 10. Karey, did you get yours at your doc's office and were they that expensive?

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I don't know if anyone remembers me mentioning that wearing a tight tee was one of my the first things I wanted to do after my Tummy Tuck BUT I found the cutest tee shirt at Stein Mart yesterday (50% off too Yes!!!!:w00t::thumbup::thumbup:). It's a mossy green (my color being a redhead) with a cute little flower pin on one side. I love it!

Anyhow, I tried my new tee with my fitted capris, and with the breasts and the flat tummy it looks pretty good (even if I do say so myself :tongue:). I can't wear this outfit until my last drain comes out, but I plan to wear it home on the plane. I think my husband will be fairly shocked at my tranformation when he sees me because I have never been able to wear this sort of thing before.

Go Frangi!! I agree with Becky you better watch DH when he sees you!!:tt1:

I actually found a Stein Mart in South Jersey that I plan to shop at. Frangi - keep the updates coming to keep me motivated! I would like to have my surgery next year!:sad_smile:

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Ok ya'll, panty shopping is a whole new experience. So many choices that I could never have considered before. I was thoroughly overwhelmed with the options and uncertain about what would cover the scars, but I did manage to pick out five new pairs and they all work beautifully. Panties just may become a new shopping obsession for me. This little shopping trip definately lifted my spirits. /quote]

Becky - You go girl!! You and Frangi will be the next Victoria's Secret models. I can see you two in wings now!!:sad_smile: I am so glad the shopping lifted your spirits. You deserve it! As I told Frangi, keep the updates coming to keep us all motivated to one day be in your shoes!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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