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Frangipani & TexasBecky get Reconstructed

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Good Morning Everyone!

I'm back and feeling 1000% better. I'm having a nice big cup of coffee as I write this -- Ahhhhh the joys of caffeine!!!

I just returned from (yet another) trip to the Miami airport to get DH off for his flight. He just called and it looks as if this flight will be taking off at 7:30 AM as expected.

Anyhow, it might take me a day or two, but I will get caught up on all of the threads and postings that I want to respond to. It is a bit hard for me to sit for long periods of time -- how about you Becky? I'm much better standing or lounging luxuriously in my very comfy bed with my amazing wedge pillow (thank you Karey for the suggestion, I love my wedge pillow, it's the perfect thing.)

Becky, of course you are going to have days that you want to whine. You had an amazing amount of surgery just seven short days ago. So please, whine away.

I am however, wondering if you are being a bit premature in weaning yourself off of the pain meds. If you still have pain, it seems to me that you should still be taking your pain meds. After all the Dr. did prescribe them for a reason -- to keep you comfortable while you are recuperating.

I also think Karey gave us some great insight into what might be happening to us right now (Thank you again Karey :rolleyes2:). I never thought of it, but this surgery might very well be wreaking havoc with our hormones. I don't know about you, but general anesthesia always puts me into a major funk -- less so this time, but I do find myself getting very annoyed and short-tempered at times. So no worries, this will pass quickly. I wish I recuperating closer to you because I think a little trip to Stein Mart would do us both a world of good. Can DH at least take you someplace for a little while today?

Well, I think I need to sign off for now, my back is a bit stiff from sitting at the computer (and in not-a-very-comfortable chair either) so I need to give it a little rest, but I will return in a few hours.

Talk to you soon :thumbup::smile::smile2:!

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Good morning all. Today is one week since my plastic surgery. At this time last Thursday I was already knocked out and beginning to be made over. I am happy to report that I feel better than I expected I would at this point.

Karey, thanks for your last post. That was some really good info that I'd never considered. As always, you are so wise and helpful. Just another example of how useful sharing our experiences really is. This is a unique sisterhood that I value tremendously.

Frangi, I'm thrilled that you are past yesterday's troubles. I can't believe you drove, and had such a harrowing experience no less. Sounds like one hell of a day from start to finish! Today should be a piece of cake by comparison.

I am still weaning off the pain meds, primarily because I can't cope with the sluggish bowels and I want to be released to drive by Monday.

My pain is pretty moderate at this point. The thigh incisions are really the main problem. By the way, I will try to post thigh pictures later today. I had DH take a couple this morning. Since they are causing the most discomfort I wanted to try and see for myself if they were really worth the extra trouble. Sometimes seeing a picture gives me a whole different perspective.

Yes, sitting at the computer is fairly uncomfortable, but this website is my main source of entertainment right now, so I've got a pillow in my normally comfy office chair and I get up and down every few minutes. You'd be surprised how long it takes me sometimes to actually finish one of my lengthy post, lol.

I am going to the grocery store later today. Woo Hoo! Something to look forward to.

Frangi, what is your drain situation? How many, when do you expect to get rid of them, etc.?

What about your binder? What kind and is it comfortable? I was given two at the hospital, which has worked out well so I can have a clean one everyday, but as soon as I get rid of my drains, I'm going to be wanting a different style and material. I'd love to hear what all of you have done regarding compression garments.

Okay enough for now. I'll check in later, hopefully with some pictures!

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Ok everybody, I've obviously got too much time on my hands and I'm on drugs or I wouldn't have screwed around with these pictures so long. I think I've got them postable finally though, so hopefully I'm about to attach before and afters of my thighs. Now remember, I am almost 51 and the legs are still swollen, so be kind.

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So, it didn't work out like I'd planned. Obviously I wanted the pictures to just show up side by side. Can ya'll actually open each attachment and see them? I'm too tired now to mess with it anymore but maybe I can do better later.

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You look wonderful!! The drains are scary looking to me. I am so glad you feel better!!

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Becky, I was wondering what old lady you got to stand still and lift up her skirt so that you could take a picture of her legs?

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WOW!!!! :biggrin::tt1::lol:

You look AWESOME!!!! Totally worth it I would say -- you have the legs of a 30 year old now!!!


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Your before pic is what I've been living with for several months. :biggrin: The after is a major, major improvement!

I have a question, if you don't mind. I also have what I call "knee brows", loose skin draping around the top of my knees when I stand. Did you have any of that, or any problem with skin around your knees?

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You girls do not need to apologize for anything you are saying or feeling!! Karey really has offered some great insight and advice.

I'm so proud of both of you and only hope I can be as brave and inspiring when my time comes!

Frangi - are you traveling home alone or is your hubby going to return to FL again, before you leave?

Becky - OMG!!!! Your thighs might be causing you the most pain but OMG! they look amazing!!! :lol: (I'd never be able to wear a bathing suit next to you in Vegas! :biggrin: )

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Frangi, I do not know how you have done all that you've done and lived to tell about it. I went grocery shopping today and was completely wiped out for hours afterwards, and that was with DH driving me and doing all the bending, lifting, etc. I really, really am shocked at how little I did and how tired and sore it made me. I had more energy and stamina on Monday when I went to the doctor and went out to eat with my sister. I think that may have been because I was so high on pain pills that I couldn't feel anything. Today was another story entirely.

Haven't you been to the airport like three times now and to the doctor twice, plus you're managing all by yourself now? You are a better woman than me. I sure hope you have rested today and feel like reporting in later. I miss your regular posts.

Thanks to everyone for your comments on the thighs. I do think it was worth it even though they are really quite an ordeal. My doctor said that he is only able to do the particular type of thigh surgery I had on about 1 in 10 patients and get good results. According to him, if your thighs are much bigger or saggier (is that a word?) than mine were, he has to do the long vertical incision to get a good outcome.

Legster, in answer to your question about the "knee brows", I don't really have those too bad. I do still have a little knee sag, which this type of thigh surgery can't fix, but not so much that it actually does drape over my knee. I asked my husband to get my knees in the picture, but as you see, he didn't. I'll make sure they are showing in some photos I'll take later. For me the thighs are my only rather "instant gratification" from all this surgery. Although they hurt like crazy, the scars are hidden pretty well, there is no brusing and the swelling is less there than anywhere. Everything else is still pretty ugly, so those pictures will be "down the road a piece" (that might be a Texas saying, but hope it made sense).

Jody, the drains are a major drag. I hope he takes out at least one more tomorrow.

Candle, if I don't get my arms done, I won't be wearing any bathing suits anywhere. If you thought my thighs were bad, you should see my arms. Breast and arms - that's phase II. I hope plastic surgery is like childbirth, the memory of the pain fades fast enough that you're willing to do it again, lol.

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Hello everyone!

Still working on getting caught up on my postings!......


It was wonderful to be your "reporter"!!!


Thank you so much for doing the updates for me while I was in the hospital. I also really enjoyed our phone conversations. You are a delightful and very funny lady!!! :smile::smile::smile:

Hi there. :smile: I've been following this and many other blow-by-blow accounts of PS experiences. I'm a somewhat shy poster, but when I saw the above, I just had to congratulate you on your b00bs! I laughed out loud when I read your enthusiastic report.

Best to you and Becky in the coming days.


p.s. Maybe you could get a small hamster to live in your bra to help with clean-up after meals. :tt2: (sorry, I couldn't resist)

Thanks Legs! And thanks for posting!!!! My aim is actually starting to get a little better now and a little less food is going down the bra with each passing day -- although I must say that this a great way to save on calories :biggrin:!

Okay, I don't want to blither on about my chest yet again, but I am SO happy with it. I actually tried to take a few photos to post, but I will have to wait until I get home because when you're taking a photos of yourself, and holding the camera there isn't really a good way (that I know of) to get a good, clear shot of the chest. Also the flash in the mirror obscures things as well (I am not a photographer as you can see). Anyhow, I will try to put some photos up when I get home in a week or so.

What are you ladies wearing right now? Are your binders/compression garments obvious? The reason I'm asking is that if I have surgery in early August (which is when I'd like to have it), I'll probably be going back to teaching while I'll still be in a binder or garment, and I don't want everyone and his brother to know that I'm wearing one.

Frangi, what is your drain situation? How many, when do you expect to get rid of them, etc.?

What about your binder? What kind and is it comfortable? I was given two at the hospital, which has worked out well so I can have a clean one everyday, but as soon as I get rid of my drains, I'm going to be wanting a different style and material. I'd love to hear what all of you have done regarding compression garments.

Laurend and Becky regarding the garments,

Right now I'm wearing a bra that looks like a sport bra, but velcros in the front. I'm also wearing a binder that is just a large band that wraps around the waist and tummy. My drains (I have two and I hope to have at least one removed on Monday) safety pin to the binder. My Dr. does believe in compression, but not too much. He doesn't seem to stress it as much as some Dr.'s.

Once the drains come out I have a wonderful compression garment that I bought several weeks ago from a great company called Nouvelle. Here is the link to the garment I purchased. Nouvelle - Compression Garments & Post Operative Recovery

Mine is the sleeveless version of the full body contour and it stops at mid-thigh -- as opposed to the one pictured which goes nearly to the ankle. Dawn at Nouvelle is great to deal with, the prices are reasonable (as these things go), and I received my order in the Virgin Islands within three days. Great company, I highly recommend them!

As far as what I'm wearing out and about. I am primarily wearing linen slacks with a drawstring waist and various types of loose fitting linen blouses. This is working out well for me. The linen is cool and comfortable, but heavy enough to conceal all of the drains and plumbing that I'm wearing.

Frangi - are you traveling home alone or is your hubby going to return to FL again, before you leave?

Becky - OMG!!!! Your thighs might be causing you the most pain but OMG! they look amazing!!! :thumbup: (I'd never be able to wear a bathing suit next to you in Vegas! :tongue2: )

Hi Candle,

Congratulations on hitting goal!!! That is SO awesome!!!! You did an amazing job :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:!!!

I will be traveling home alone. DH has a very busy and stressful job and he spent about as much time with me as he possibly could. As it was, something unexpected came up with his work and I had to change his flight two hours before I went into surgery on Friday (he would have done it, but I wanted to get it done so that I knew that everything was set and in place before I went into surgery).

I'll be just fine though, I'm getting around great. The only thing I will need a lot of help with is my luggage that day, but I will figure that out as I go along. I am going to try to mail as much back home to myself as I possibly can.

Frangi, I do not know how you have done all that you've done and lived to tell about it. I went grocery shopping today and was completely wiped out for hours afterwards, and that was with DH driving me and doing all the bending, lifting, etc. I really, really am shocked at how little I did and how tired and sore it made me. I had more energy and stamina on Monday when I went to the doctor and went out to eat with my sister. I think that may have been because I was so high on pain pills that I couldn't feel anything. Today was another story entirely.

Haven't you been to the airport like three times now and to the doctor twice, plus you're managing all by yourself now? You are a better woman than me. I sure hope you have rested today and feel like reporting in later. I miss your regular posts.


I feel great. Much better than I ever expected to, that's for sure. I probably have to thank genes somewhat for my stamina. My maternal Grandmother (who I strongly resemble) is 85 years old and still teaches an exercise class that she has taught for decades.

I have been running all over town and I was bad again today. I went out shopping for several hours, but I need to cool it a bit. Since I'm not home, I feel like I'm on vacation, and I feel this "pressure" to do things. But it's not good. I took a nap earlier this evening and when I woke up I was in "swell hell" -- probably from doing too much.

I am really going to try hard to take it easy tomorrow (she says :smile:). Feel free to give me hell about this anytime -- I need it!!!

Well, another novel. I still have some more postings to catch up on, but will work keep plugging away at this tomorrow.

Talk to you soon everyone!!!

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Fran and Becky! Congratulations ladies on the transformations! I am glad you are both feeling better!

Becky I have to say I am so jelous of those hot legs baby! WOO HOOO!

Fran--you are a rock star sister for sure!

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