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Will this ever get better???? Help

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Hey Folks, I was banded last Tuesday April 19th and Life has been Hell since then. I see so many people on this forum that are so happy with their band but I can't imagine why from sitting in my seat. I feel I am the poster child for someone to not have this done. I have suffered from Nausea for several days and Phenegran and Zofran doesn't work. I started maxing out on Water and that helped with the nausea but has left little room for nutrients. Last friday I was admitted to the ER on doctors orders because of the Nausea. My doctor actually came to the hospital and took me back to radiology. He then proceeded to draw 1cc of Fluid out of my supposedly empty band. He said that the factory sometimes leaves them with some fill in them. After that I felt a little less restriction with my breathing and swallowing. I then took in a Liter of IV for dehydration and went home 4 hours later. Saturday I felt like a new man all day long. I was told to stay on Clear Liquids and not to get back on the Protein until sunday. Saturday night I was back at the closest sink breathing through my nose and out of my mouth trying not to hurl. Cause when I hurl there is nothing there. It is gas that won't go up nor go down. So I took my gas-x chewables and my liquid lor-tab. Finally things stablized enough for me to go to bed. Yesterday Was a Fantastic day physically. Emotionally it was a wreck but what the heck. I drank more water yesterday than I ever have been able too, 45oz plus I had about 20 more oz of Soup. But at 10pm I felt this restriction (or constriction) I should say around my throat. It was as if someone hand their hand around my throat at my adams apple and was just slightly squeezing. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FROM???? Another miserable day after all. So I have a few questiosn that I would like you seasoned veterans to answer if possible. Cause I have to tell you folks that I am wondering what my options are as far as getting this thing taken out.

1) what does it feel like to have to no restriction with an empty band? Do you have the ability to eat as you used to? Same portions and same bite sizes.

2) Should I feel restriction with soup with a zero filled band? Shouldn't fluids just go right though?

3) Do you ever get to the point where the band is not your primary focus 24 hours a day? I want to enjoy life and not be thinking about this device all of the time. Yet if I always feel this restriction then I can only think I would be focusing on the band all day every day.

4) what are some of things you ate during your mushy food stage. I have a week left of liquids and then I can move to mushy food but I don't think I will be able to with this feeling in my throat.

5) How long did it take for you to expel thegas from your surgery?

6) if you have complications like a slippage and youhave to have surgery to correct it do you have the option of having the band removed?

I know this is a lot to read and ask for a response on and I do apologize. But I am kicking myself for doing this when it took me three years to get it approved.Perhaps I focused too hard on the fight to get it and didn't think enough on the effects of the change. I did expect to feel different but not to the point that I am an emotional basket case. I realize too that there are others out there going without the band who really want it and are fighting for it just like I did as well as some who have paid for it out of their pockets. I am not trivializing anyones efforts at all.

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Guest kathant1

Please bare with this. It does work. The gas you are feeling could be making you sick to your stomach. That will fade in time. I personally did not have that problem with my banding on 4/4 but my friend did. She had it done twice the first one prolapsed and she had it removed and a new one put in place. You could be sick from the anastetic. That stays with you a long time. I still feel pain and a lot of it in my Left Shoulder from the gas from surgery. Some things take time.

You will never again eat like you did before. Don't have any illusions about that. Even if you don't ever get another fill you stomach is smaller and when you eat big bites or don't chew you little bites you will feel as if a you just ate Thanksgiving dinner and it's all stuck in you chest. Remember Chew Chew Chew. Your meals you order out will be shared or taken home for one or two more meals.

When I had my band first put in I could not drink more than 16 oz of Fluid a day. I didn't drink Water, I had cream Soups (strained) and boullion and any thing that I could get with calories. I am on the ground meat stage and no bread yet, it isn't bad. I feel full . You will get to know when you are hungry. Stick to 3 meals a day.

Don't think just because your a man that you can eat more because men need more. Take things slow. It will work out for you.

Good luck


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1) what does it feel like to have to no restriction with an empty band? Do you have the ability to eat as you used to? Same portions and same bite sizes.

I had a totally empty band when it was placed. Because there is swelling from the surgery, and the band alone will give you some restriction. Everyone is so different right out of surgery. I felt like I could eat about 3/4 of what I ate before if I took small bites. It just took a couple fills for that to change.

2) Should I feel restriction with Soup with a zero filled band? Shouldn't fluids just go right though?

You will feel restriction because even the unfilled band is restricting. What you probably have going on is swelling and gas. I've said this a million times but try cream Soups instead of broth based soups. My surgeon had me do that when I had lots of swelling after a fill. The cream is heavier than broth/water and goes through the band easier.

3) Do you ever get to the point where the band is not your primary focus 24 hours a day? I want to enjoy life and not be thinking about this device all of the time. Yet if I always feel this restriction then I can only think I would be focusing on the band all day every day.

I've been banded a year and a half and am now at the point where I don't think about it all the time. It's a part of my life. I know what I can eat and what I can't. It's always in the back of my mind, but mostly because I get so many compliments and feel so much better. It's amazing what we get used to.

4) what are some of things you ate during your mushy food stage. I have a week left of liquids and then I can move to mushy food but I don't think I will be able to with this feeling in my throat.

mushy food stage- I pureed my dad's chicken noodle soup and that was the best thing I've ever eaten. Mashed potatoes, mashed squash, cream of wheat, Protein Shakes with banana and Peanut Butter, refried Beans, and anything else you can blend up in a blender.

5) How long did it take for you to expel the gas from your surgery?

This is very individual for people. I had gas after surgery but not for very long. I soon discovered, though, that my body handles gas a lot differently now. I burp all the time. Other people fart all the time.

6) if you have complications like a slippage and youhave to have surgery to correct it do you have the option of having the band removed?

Some people have another band placed, others have it removed all together.

I just want to say that you need to be tough. You need to think of this as the best thing you've ever done for yourself and in a few days you will feel better and better. Try not to think about having it removed, at this point you are in the worst place...and it won't be long until the swelling goes down, the gas goes away, and you're eating yummy mushy stuff.

You've fought for three years to get the band, now is the time to fight your urges to give up. That's the beauty and the beast of the band. You can't give up. If this was any diet or program, you would have been able to as soon as day 2. Not with the band.

take lots of gas x. drink cream soups and warm beverages. rest. tell yourself that this is only temporary and this too shall pass.

Most of all, be proud of yourself for making it this far.


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I'm so sorry you're going through this hard time!! I'm sure things will resolve as time passes. Some people do have a lot of postop swelling and it sounds like you're really having a very hard time with the anaesthesia working itself out too. Not fair!! :)

I can tell you that YES, the day will come when your band is not the primary focus of your day. Of course that seems impossible to you now because you're suffering, but it's not too far off, I promise. Your liquid phase should last as long as YOU need it too, and I wouldn't suggest trying anything beyond really mushy things until you're completely comfortable.

As I recall there were times in the immediate postop period when I felt a little like I was choking, but it was all related to the surgery itself and faded as time passed. The presence of the band itself became indetectable once I healed from surgery. Yet even without any fill it makes itself known if you eat too fast. It creates a bottleneck in your stomach even without Fluid in it, and that bottleneck WILL slow you down. And that's not a bad thing!

I hope you're feeling better with each passing day. It can be hard, but once this healing phase is over you'll definitely be able to forget you're banded. Until you eat too fast or too much, that is! :D

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I was banded on January 12th, 2005 and felt the same way as you did. I felt horrible, like I made the wrong decision from the moment I got home. I was sick for atleast a week and my husband was going to take me to the ER if I didn't start coming around. My incisions hurt, I slimed all day, I was dizzy and sad. I think people react differently to surgery especially as we get older. I am 41 and I had my gallbladder out 12 years ago and that was a piece of cake. I remember feeling like there was no end to feeling so miserable. I couldn't even worry about food or drink. It takes quite a bit to dehydrate a person so just sip liquids as best you can. I think it took a good 6 weeks before I felt totally like myself again. I began to stop thinking of the band and about how good I was feeling. Now it has been 3 1/2 months and the only time I think about the band is when I eat too fast or too much. It doesn't take much to remind me that I have to eat small amounts and very slowly. I like ordering a salad from Chilis and having it for dinner and lunch the next day too. That is sweet. The best advice I could give you, is give yourself some time. Try to focus on getting well and not so much on what you can and can't eat. Try ice pops and campbells Soup at hand is good too. Soon you will look back on the past couple of weeks and find it hard to believe you are feeling so fine. Good luck and hand in there.

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Oh Mark, don't give up yet!!! Re-read my OMG I didn't die thread and have hope. I have had a dickens of a time with post-op swelling. I am no longer following my doc's menu, but am WAYYY slower than everyone else my "age".

I have recently added in some milk/yogurt/eggs (as in egg drop Soup, not fried or scrambled!) and until I can feel things going down better and better, I am being WAY conservative. I did venture to creamy potato soup at a restaurant, smashed the potatoes with my fork, and left chunks on the bottom of the bowl that didn't have enough soup to mix with.

Drink Boost or Ensure or something similar, I agree with Megan that the creamier stuff goes down a little better than the Water or broths. Switch from water to gatorade, too. That helps for a few days.

Gas-X did me no good. I quit it altogether, ended up PBing it one day when I couldn't swallow my spit. And for the next few days, I seriously considered having the darn thing taken out. I hated it. I felt so stupid for having done this. I wasted a bunch of our money and regretted putting my family through this. Wished I had just left myself fat and miserable since I deserved it. Then, things changed...

Prilosec...AHHHHHHHHHH:) now THAT is a godsend. I got the OTC 24hr slow release kind that you only take once a day and can't crush. I told my doc that, and he said "Crush it. Twice a day" So there. I did and I do and what a relief!!! Try it. Get a little pill crusher and promise the pharmacist if you must that you are not crushing the Prilosec and go home and crush it. Twice a day. I won't tell but your poor swollen stomach will sure feel a difference. I mix it with a little chocolate Boost in the bottom of an OJ glass.

Today, I ran some errands and got together with a friend I do some volunteer work with and we had lunch at Jack-in-the-Box and I had a blueberry milkshake. Not ONCE did i nibble a fry, chicken strip, NADA but my milkshake and it feels good that I didn't put extra dumb calories and fat in my mouth. I came home and heated up some veggie soup and I'm stuffed. I can live with the milkshake. And for a moment, I was doing my thing and felt blissfully, normally, ME! WITH a Band. It was lovely. And you will feel that way, too.

Take care of that swollen stoma. It's your problem, and it WILL heal.

OH! Another technique, take a sip, then swallow it in 2-3 swallows, just to keep the amount going down smaller. That helped me.

Keep us posted!! Can't wait till you are on the other side of this!!!

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Mark....It sure sounds like a lot of what you described could be from the anesthesia that was used during surgery. My son had knee surgery a few years back and had the same reaction from the anesthesia. He was nauseated for 3 or 4 days. Also, I have no clue but maybe the throat thing....did they use a breathing tube on you when they did surgery? Just grasping on that one though. I just hope that things improve quickly for you! I hate knowing how depressed you are right now....after I had gallbladder surgery I hit rock bottom with a blue funk beyond belief. Maybe some of what you're feeling is that....plus you're in pain! I've already lectured you once on being strong so I won't torment you with another one! Just know how many good thoughts are coming your way (yeah, I know that and a quarter won't get you a cup of coffee but it's positive!)/

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Mark, one more thing, I had an Upper GI done and swallowed the contrast Fluid and watched it go down, pool in my pouch, and then actually saw my pouch squeeze, trying to get the liquid down. And THAT's when it hurt. Rather than going down through a very small opening (because of the swelling) it was pushing back up into my espophogus. I posted these still X-ray pics on a thread I started called "Is this slippage?" so you might want to take a look.

I'm no doc but I'll bet the pain you have in your throat is reflux, because you are swollen and too tight.

Get the Prilosec, allow the area to heal and the swelling to reduce. The misery will be gone before you know it and then, just go easy on the area. Stay with "very easy to swallow and get past the band" liquids.

I'm anxoius for you. I'll keep checking in for an update!!

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I feel so bad your having problems. I am 9 months out and have lost 99 lbs.

..It does work!!! Don't give up!!! Just listen to your doctors orders and hang in there! Its worth it...

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I want to thank all of sweet kind people for your words of encouragement. reading all of the above gives me so much hope. I have never had surgery in my life except for wisdom teeth and that was 18 years ago. So needless to say I can see where the age factor could play a part in it. I am depressed and an emotional wreck. My wife, Luckily, works at home and has been the greatest help to me. I just got a card from my Mother-in-law and it said to take it easy and give it time and that I have the best nurse on earth. After reading which I welled up in tears and thanked the lord above because she is the best. I did try two new things today and so far haven't had any bad side effects. I bought some Isopure Protein mix at Smoothieking. This stuff packs over 50 grams of protein in one 8 oz serving and it tastes great. It was thin too so it went down OK and settled fine. I also am having my first bottle of gatorade since surgery and it seems to be holding it's own too. Another good sign is that I went into my doctors office weighing 370 pounds over 3 months ago. I now weigh 334 one week post op. I am sure a lot of this is Water but it makes you feel good though.

on May 14th my Family is going to Scarborough Faire in Waxahachie Texas. This is a renaissance festival and man the food is everywhere. So much that you couldn't possibly have everything in one day. So we all buy something and share. This will be about the time I am assuming I may be able to have solids. So maybe that day will be a good mental motivator for me. Or maybe I will have to stick to the lemon chill rather than have a piece of turkey leg. :-)

Thanks to all of you

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Slow and steady, you are doing it!!!! Good call on the Isopure and Gatorade. Your'e doing fine, and you can do this for another day or two or more, even, and next thing you know, you are on to mushies!!! Stick with what works for a while before trying something new. Just get the fluids in. It's working!!!! :):D :D

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I'm so glad to hear you've had a good day and were able to get some Protein and calories in. You'll feel better in no time...sounds like you've turned the corner!


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You will feel a heck of a lot better now that you are getting some Protein in. Before you know it, you will be eating Fat free yogurt and pudding. Keep in mind that even these things must be eaten slowly. I am glad to hear you are feeling better. The next few days will be a welcomed change. Before you know it, you won't even remember this time post op. I still can't believe I felt the same way you did. Now, I feel great. You have a lot to look forward to. Good luck.

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Mark, when you go to the Faire, you might want to pack ahead and bring a can or two of protien shakes, just to make sure you have something band friendly.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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