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LB Haters!!!

Guest Leslie2Lose

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Maybe I'm sexist but I think all DH's are babies when it comes to anything, worse yet a "cold"! But surgery he's going to milk this one for quite a while. I hope you can get him a day/night nurse to take over shifts for you, you'll need one, good luck brandyII!

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I see strugglers and haters as two totally different things. Very recently there was a poster who come on to WARN anyone considering the band--it was a time bomb inside us, and he was going to go on talk shows and the truth was coming out.

He went on to describe how within a week he figured out how much he could still stuff in, in spite of being banded. But he was not the problem, the band was, and someday he would tell us the rest of the story. Meanwhile NO ONE should consider being banded!!!

That is a hater. He failed, so he tried scare tactics to try to avert others from the band. If he could not meet with success, no one else should be able to either.

I for one have no issue with someone coming here and saying they need help figuring out what is or is not going on with their band. Heck we are all relatively new at this, and it is different with every one of us. Sometimes different every day!

I went for 2 years without issue, and out of the blue one weekend (Spring break weekend of course!) I got sick and closed off my band, and could not get in touch with my surgeon, who was out of town! I would have been scared to death without being able to come here and yell for HELP!!! I did not consider myself a "hater" for simply hating how badly I felt.

To my way of seeing things the 2 are far different. Discussing why you might hate your band today and what you could or should do differently, or what might be interfering....is far different from coming here and predicting doom and gloom for anyone stupid enough to have a plastic device wrapped around their stomach! Which has been done.....repeatedly.

Over the years, there have been those that come around and ask for answers because the band killed their Mom, or wife, or daughter. And those are hard, if the stories they tell are true, then I am sure they DO hate the band---even though it was likely the surgeon not the band itself at fault, or even the persons health upon being banded. But you cannot be rude, this is someones loved one!

But to those of us still hoping and trying with our bands these stories are really scary!

I think to compare the 2....strugglers and haters is like comparing Apples and Limes..........nothing alike at all.


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No malice here, I see your point and maybe if I were in your shoes I'd feel the exact same way and probably would! Sounds like we're both passionate when it comes to our causes! When I told Froggie it could get "worse" I didn't mean this thread I meant others I've been too that go on and on and on and I think you know what I mean.

Anyway people like you are the ones that we look at and wish we were doing well also. We haven't given up and those people that get the surgery and two weeks later want it ripped out have other issues to deal with and that's not what I'm about.

I have thyroid, diabetes II, high blood pressure, and I'm perimenopausal and on antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds. I was able to lose 25 pounds on my 5 week liquid diet and then gained it all back after some fill issues and can't get back there. My thyroid is fine, was tested a few weeks ago but don't see my endocrinologist until July or August, not that many around here!

Anyway I wish you continued health and success and I'll let this one die it's natural death, at least from my side, take care brandyII:smile:

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Guest Leslie2Lose

I have to agree with Leslie but I love you all (just stating opinion)
...love you too!:drool:

And Jacut - (sorry can't figure out the mutli-quote thing), I hope your DH comes through with his surgery okay. My DH gets a runny nose and it's call the fire brigade and ICU - It's the flu or some huge epidemic! Men are such babies!! I wish they could go through 1/3 of what we do...PMS, Childbirth, Childbirth...Childbirth (just for a little bit).

I'm turning into a pumpkin and gotta head to bed (it's way after midnight here). BrandyII, keep us posted on your progress. Hopefully when you see the endocariologist (I know I spelled that wrong), you may be able to find out what is going on. I'd be frustrated if I were you as well.

Love ya all - I'm really going now. Gotta move DD to her bed (she wouldn't go to bed in her room tonight).

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I see strugglers and haters as two totally different things. Very recently there was a poster who come on to WARN anyone considering the band--it was a time bomb inside us, and he was going to go on talk shows and the truth was coming out.

He went on to describe how within a week he figured out how much he could still stuff in, in spite of being banded. But he was not the problem, the band was, and someday he would tell us the rest of the story. Meanwhile NO ONE should consider being banded!!!

That is a hater. He failed, so he tried scare tactics to try to avert others from the band. If he could not meet with success, no one else should be able to either.

I for one have no issue with someone coming here and saying they need help figuring out what is or is not going on with their band. Heck we are all relatively new at this, and it is different with every one of us. Sometimes different every day!

I went for 2 years without issue, and out of the blue one weekend (Spring break weekend of course!) I got sick and closed off my band, and could not get in touch with my surgeon, who was out of town! I would have been scared to death without being able to come here and yell for HELP!!! I did not consider myself a "hater" for simply hating how badly I felt.

To my way of seeing things the 2 are far different. Discussing why you might hate your band today and what you could or should do differently, or what might be interfering....is far different from coming here and predicting doom and gloom for anyone stupid enough to have a plastic device wrapped around their stomach! Which has been done.....repeatedly.

Over the years, there have been those that come around and ask for answers because the band killed their Mom, or wife, or daughter. And those are hard, if the stories they tell are true, then I am sure they DO hate the band---even though it was likely the surgeon not the band itself at fault, or even the persons health upon being banded. But you cannot be rude, this is someones loved one!

But to those of us still hoping and trying with our bands these stories are really scary!

I think to compare the 2....strugglers and haters is like comparing Apples and Limes..........nothing alike at all.


Yeah, that one was a doozy!

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I dont have any particular passion for the lap band per se, I get heated in these threads because people just cant see their own destructive thought processes! Because of course, I'm God and I know everything.

I've realised that sometimes I could be wrong about what people actually mean, the typed word can be a bit hard to interpret.

But its simple to me, I dont care of someone's fat, thin, round or square, I love go getters, people who are positive, make things happen, stick to the commitments they make. People who remain positive in the face of problems.

Point in case, I am quite possibly going to kill my DH tonight. He is getting banded, my daughter had croup last week and yesterday my son had a bad tummy bug. DH is in a complete panic about his surgery. Every 2 seconds its "oh my god, I think I feel sick" followed by "ooooooooooh, aaaaaaaah, groooooaaaaan" because poor baby has a little cold. Its a sniffle. He will be in surgery Friday. We've already HAD the stomach bug that Ewan has, all of us had spells of feeling dizzy and nauseous last week, only poor old Ewie has copped the vomiting. So DH is not going to get sick again. So I have sympathy yes, but do I want to be kept awake by a grown man acting like a big baby, who cant sleep because every twinge in his body he thinksw he is about to get really sick?

No, I dont. Adults say "oh, sh$6t, that is ROTTEN luck, if I develop gastro or a chest infection, I'm going to miss my surgery on Friday". That would suck. But its not the end of the freaking world. So you reschedule it, here in australia in the private system, that might mean 2 weeks. Grown ups do not carry on like gigantic babies makign life miserable for all around them. I'm going to bloody stab him with a kitchen knife if he doesnt shut the hell up soon.

Relevance?There's more than a few of those on this board. Its rare, but they are around. Its not as easy to ignore as it should be because they're in your face the whole time driving you NUTS.

And Brandy, that most definitely does not mean you or anyone else who has a genuine problem. Its the ones that dont, that dont try and then panic about why the band isnt working or complain that it doesnt work that I mean and I think that's what Leslie meant too.

Yeah, I'm a bitch, I know. But YOU try living with my hypochondriac DH. I am absolutely DREADING him being banded, he'll be a puker for sure.

HAHAHAHA!!!! OMZ, I'm LOL in real time here! If you knew where I was and what I'm do'en, you'd realize how much I needed this laugh tonight!

I relate to every damn word you are saying and I understand every single frustration you have right now.

All I can say is... Men! sheesh...

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HELP....what does DH stand for, yes I should know by now but I just don't.

Thanks to those of you that appreciate my thoughts, and Brandy is actually a very positive poster. Don't mistake her understanding of her body and medical issues as negativity. She is well informed and painfully honest in acknowledging what is not working for her.

I have deciced that I may indeed be a HATER...you have to read to the end to see why

My ideal WLS would be the one where I exercise when I have time (about 3 days a week) and am satisfied with a few bites of food. My weight loss would be between 3 and 5 lbs a week. For me personally with the band I am only successful if I eat less then 1100 calories a day and do 1 hour of exercise a day 3 days a week, and 2 hours of exercise for another 3 days, with one day off. When I am exercising that much I feel great, sleep better, and am generally happy with the added bonus of not being hungry, soooooo an 1100 cal day is not a problem.

Ladies I want to meet all you success stories in person and pick your brains. I would love to understand what it takes to take a few bites and be finished eating. If I am not exercising six days a week then I am a foodie battling the near constant thoughts of eating......I suspect with proper band adjustment I would have an easier time. The bummer is that my life it not 100% my own. I can't exercise that much and keep my house running and my adolescent out of trouble. I also have a health plan that is not "partnering with me" so I am looking under different stones for solutions..... I have a different post out there on this.......

So why do I think I am a hater? - well I don't personally know any living breathing banders that have lost as much as I have (now 90 lbs, but at one point 120 lbs). And then I had my out the blue too tight band. This is completely unexplained and I am hearing that it is not all that uncommon after 2 years. I have come to the conclusion that the RNY is a more sure fire way to go. When I meet (in person) prospective banders I remind them that the band does not have the element of malabsorbsion that RNY and the sleeve has. Assuming there are no unforseen complications the malabsorbtion almost guarantees success..... ya ya ya less calories AND less Vitamins, AND less nutrition, all true, but did I mention LESS CALORIES. I am not a newbie bander bummed that I did not lose 100lbs overnight, I am seasoned bander and what has pushed me over to the hater side is that I have yet to have a doctor explain to me why my band got too tight. I hope that in the not too distant future there will be more studies on 3+ year banders and this too tight issue, and then I bet I will switch sides again and be back to the - hey everybody take a number, get in line the band is awesome (GAWD its tru I really was like that)!!!

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Well, see I wouldnt call you a hater. That's a genuine problem. And I'm perfectly aware of the fact that that could happen to me.

Its a bit naive to insist everything about the band is all wonderful and there's no risk involved. I fully expect to have my band replaced in my lifetime, for instance. The band DOES have problems that other surgeries dont.

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Well, see I wouldnt call you a hater. That's a genuine problem. And I'm perfectly aware of the fact that that could happen to me.

Its a bit naive to insist everything about the band is all wonderful and there's no risk involved. I fully expect to have my band replaced in my lifetime, for instance. The band DOES have problems that other surgeries dont.

Wow you expect to have to replace your band? - did your surgeon suggest that was a probabilty and not merely a possibility?.....I was only warned about this in rare case, just like slippage was rare.

:(:wink2:And of course neither of these things would ever happen to me, I mean aren't the odds the same as winning lotto, and I yet to have that happen

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well slippage and erosion are pretty rare - but all the information I got from my surgeon and from research indicates that they have no way of knowing whether this piece of silicone will last a lifetime. Its thought to be most likely the balloon part will fail at some point in time.

I knew that going in, so if/when it does happen, I dont see the point in moaning about it. I also knew that it *might not* work well for me and that slippage/erosions are possibilities. I didnt just sweep all that under the carpet only to bitch and moan if it happens. Nothing is guaranteed. No evil will have been done to me, I will not have been misled, I will have taken a chance on something that is likely to work but not guaranteed. So why would I go round bitching about it and playing humbug, telling all and sundry its a big con and it wont work for them?

That's what a hater is, in my humble opinion.

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I dont have any particular passion for the lap band per se, I get heated in these threads because people just cant see their own destructive thought processes! Because of course, I'm God and I know everything.

I've realised that sometimes I could be wrong about what people actually mean, the typed word can be a bit hard to interpret.

But its simple to me, I dont care of someone's fat, thin, round or square, I love go getters, people who are positive, make things happen, stick to the commitments they make. People who remain positive in the face of problems.

Point in case, I am quite possibly going to kill my DH tonight. He is getting banded, my daughter had croup last week and yesterday my son had a bad tummy bug. DH is in a complete panic about his surgery. Every 2 seconds its "oh my god, I think I feel sick" followed by "ooooooooooh, aaaaaaaah, groooooaaaaan" because poor baby has a little cold. Its a sniffle. He will be in surgery Friday. We've already HAD the stomach bug that Ewan has, all of us had spells of feeling dizzy and nauseous last week, only poor old Ewie has copped the vomiting. So DH is not going to get sick again. So I have sympathy yes, but do I want to be kept awake by a grown man acting like a big baby, who cant sleep because every twinge in his body he thinksw he is about to get really sick?

No, I dont. Adults say "oh, sh$6t, that is ROTTEN luck, if I develop gastro or a chest infection, I'm going to miss my surgery on Friday". That would suck. But its not the end of the freaking world. So you reschedule it, here in australia in the private system, that might mean 2 weeks. Grown ups do not carry on like gigantic babies makign life miserable for all around them. I'm going to bloody stab him with a kitchen knife if he doesnt shut the hell up soon.

Relevance?There's more than a few of those on this board. Its rare, but they are around. Its not as easy to ignore as it should be because they're in your face the whole time driving you NUTS.

And Brandy, that most definitely does not mean you or anyone else who has a genuine problem. Its the ones that dont, that dont try and then panic about why the band isnt working or complain that it doesnt work that I mean and I think that's what Leslie meant too.

Yeah, I'm a bitch, I know. But YOU try living with my hypochondriac DH. I am absolutely DREADING him being banded, he'll be a puker for sure.

ROFLMAO!! I don't know whether to confiscate all your kitchen knives or offer to help bury the body! :thumbup::lol::frown:

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Guest Leslie2Lose

Lizzy - DH stands for Dear Husband.

I can understand your opinion of the band. If I'd gone through what you have I'm sure I wouldn't have such a polyanna opinion myself. However, I came into this with my eyes wide open and know there can be complications and side effect to the band. Those chances are small, but the do occur. I hope that you can find a doctor to help you resolve the issues you are having and can move forward. You may have a problem with your band that can be corrected...Maybe one day embrace your band again? If things don't work out, they don't. The band isn't for everyone.

As for RYN - I cannot advocate something that I know causes malaborption and has devastating side effects. I personally know two people that have died from RYN complications. I know two others who have gained back the majority of the weight they loss (yes over 100 pounds) within a few years of having the surgery. It doesn't make you eat correctly or control your portions. Yes it will make you lose weight, but at what cost?

I have to have accountability to stay on track. I'm weak and love to eat, to the point it took over my life. The band makes me accountable and helps me control my unruly eating behavior. Yes, I have to exercise several times a week and no it isn't always fun, but it is what is best for me and my overall health. I'm glad I can only eat small portions - eating like a pig is what made me fat to begin with.

I wish you luck with your journey and hope everything works out for you. Take care.

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I for one appreciate your HONESTY with the difficulties you have had with the band. I do not want rosy painted pictures of the procedure. I would be gravely disappointed if I didn't get the good, the bad and the ugly. Period. That is how folks make an informed decision. Having ALL of the facts... not just the ones we all want to hear.

My opinion only... and it was free! :-) :-)

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My ideal WLS would be the one where I exercise when I have time (about 3 days a week) and am satisfied with a few bites of food. My weight loss would be between 3 and 5 lbs a week.

This is considered not to be a safe rate of weight loss though. 1 to 2 lb. is easier on the body and what diet programs are geared towards. It's one of the problems with surgeries like bypass -- the rapid weight loss actually causes problems in some people.

And then I had my out the blue too tight band. This is completely unexplained and I am hearing that it is not all that uncommon after 2 years.

Have you been checked for slippage? In the complications section there are a ton of people who had slippage after 2-3 years and their symptoms sound like yours.

:lol::wink2:And of course neither of these things would ever happen to me, I mean aren't the odds the same as winning lotto, and I yet to have that happen

Actually the odds of winning the lottery are much, much lower. Slippage rates for the band are actually pretty high. They are around 3% world-wide according to the latest published stats. That's 3 people out of every 100 that get banded!

I have to say that slippage is the one thing about the band that concerns me and has me continuing to search for alternatives. I prefer a solution that does not have such a high failure rate. I think complications should be under 1% for an elective procedure. Unfortunately, I have not found one yet that I think will work as well for me and I'm too old to wait another decade for more advances in combatting obesity. So right now getting a band in the Fall is still my plan.

I didnt just sweep all that under the carpet only to bitch and moan if it happens. Nothing is guaranteed. No evil will have been done to me, I will not have been misled, I will have taken a chance on something that is likely to work but not guaranteed. So why would I go round bitching about it and playing humbug, telling all and sundry its a big con and it wont work for them?

That's what a hater is, in my humble opinion.

I don't know if I'd call those people haterz, but many of them are freaking annoying! :lol:

The guy who was going to go on tv and write a book and wanted to warn us all of the evils of the band and how he's found the "real" solution (even though he still hasn't lost all his excess weight yet let alone kept it off for at least 5 years with his "real" solution) was annoying. So was the one who wanted to know if the band was a "hoax" because it "didn't work" for her.

The other annoying thing are the people who come here post about how someone they know got the band and THEY DIED, few details are supplied and what details are supplied seem unlikely, and then they disappear. I'm not talking about things like Denyell's dh ... telling Denyell's friends what happened was very sweet of him. I'm talking about posts that appear to be about nothing but trying to stir up trouble and it's pretty clear the poster doesn't really know anyone who had a lap band and died.

When I first opened this thread I thought that kind of poster and also the people in real life who go on about how WLS is cheating was what it was going to be about, in fact.

Edited by MacMadame

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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