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LB Haters!!!

Guest Leslie2Lose

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Wow----how did your quote reverse all my capitalization??? Too wierd!!!!


I have no idea. I just hit the quote button. :laugh:

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I've said it before and I will again here too - there's such a thing as a fat mentality. Some people are fat just because they're negative, they make excuses, they dont take responsibility for their own actions, and this shows in their decision making re the band. They're always the ones that think the band is going to do it all for them, who respond to constructive support with "well if I could do that I wouldnt have needed a band" (that is quite possibly the DUMBEST and most annoying thing you ever hear on this board, it drives me freaking insane". They get negative and down on the band becuase they dont want to pull their finger out and put in the work, they want it all done for them - and they feel the need to "warn" all us poor souls out there that the band doesnt work. No, it doesnt if you're a lazy excuse maker.

Plenty of people share less positive stories because they have genuine problems, entirely different kettle of fish. We need those stories, to gain a balanced view.

I like the anchors and motors analogy, pretty true.

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Whoa there Leslie....I might be one of those people you call band haters, and I think you are missing something. I’ve had my band for nearly 4 years and I come to this site and get totally freaked out by the overwhelming success. I know 6 other banders and NONE of us have had success like this. We are only acquaintances at a monthly support meeting so I have no clue if they eat or exercise at my level, and I know we all have different doc’s and different fill histories……Of the 7 of us 3 would do the band again, 3 would do something different – and then there is undecided me….so here is my deal…..I was slightly successful for two years….some weight loss, no regain and I was happy with that…….Then I took control and dieted and exercised and presto I was hugely successful, lighter then I ever thought I would be – and then bam out of nowhere I could not keep anything down…..I had not had a fill in 3 years – so what is that about. That is when I came to this site and too see what others said about this. I think it is very important for people to hear to “hate” stories because it is not all good. The Haters give those of us struggling a point of reference, and some ideas about what to do. Call me stupid but with only 1 fill 3 years ago I had never even thought to get an unfill to fix my issue. It was the haters that sent me back to the doc. And it is the haters that have me understanding that my current failure with eating too much and having to lose added pounds it not unheard of and I am not in this alone……just a haters view

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I also think it's a little more complicated than dividing us into two groups "lovers and haters". I think we all entered into surgery with the same expectations of losing weight. Well for some of us it worked out a little better and easier than for others. We all want the same thing weight loss and good health.

Unfortunately it's not working out as we all had liked but I don't think because we need to chat and work out the issues doesn't mean we're band haters. It's good for people to be informed on all aspects of the band before they choose this as their WLS.

One size does not fit all and many things affect our rates of weight loss with the band, sex, age, size, diabetes, PCOS, addiction, depression, medications and many more. Saying eat less and exercise more does not work for all people or we'd all be thin now wouldn't we?

I think a lot of people are more afraid to hear others are not doing well because they're afraid it maybe contagious. You may not be able to relate to those types of people having problems with the band but don't call us haters because we're not we're strugglers and tryers and attempters but not haters:thumbup:

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I've said it before and I will again here too - there's such a thing as a fat mentality. Some people are fat just because they're negative, they make excuses, they dont take responsibility for their own actions, and this shows in their decision making re the band. They're always the ones that think the band is going to do it all for them, who respond to constructive support with "well if I could do that I wouldnt have needed a band" (that is quite possibly the DUMBEST and most annoying thing you ever hear on this board, it drives me freaking insane". They get negative and down on the band becuase they dont want to pull their finger out and put in the work, they want it all done for them - and they feel the need to "warn" all us poor souls out there that the band doesnt work. No, it doesnt if you're a lazy excuse maker.

Plenty of people share less positive stories because they have genuine problems, entirely different kettle of fish. We need those stories, to gain a balanced view.

I like the anchors and motors analogy, pretty true.

I like this post. Kudos to you.:(

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I also think it's a little more complicated than dividing us into two groups "lovers and haters". I think we all entered into surgery with the same expectations of losing weight. Well for some of us it worked out a little better and easier than for others. We all want the same thing weight loss and good health.

I agree with this more nuanced view. Sure, there are times when it seems like every new thread is something negative, and that's no accident. I daresay it's because one thread gives others who may have been reluctant to say anything permission to come out of the closet, as it were. So yes, these things are indeed cyclical. But why attack people for admitting they may have made a mistake? In the vast majority of cases no malice is intended, it's just an honest (if frustrated) sharing of experience. Every single piece of information becomes someone else's research.

Let's not bash anyone, much less be hard on those who have hit a rough patch or are doubting the wisdom of their decision. If there's nothing in a thread that is meaningful to your experience, simply move along.

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Okay I have to get this off my chest. There have been a lot of LB Haters on here lately. They have to get their band removed, hate their band, hated their band, had their bands removed...I could go on and on. I have to comment on some of this that really bugs me. This is not directed to those who are on here for help and need support, or those who have had a medical necessity, we've all been there and need a shoulder to cry on. It is directed to those who give up without a fight...

1. If you have had your band a month or two and start squalling that you hate it and want it off, why in the world did you get it to begin with? Did you not do the research and realize this was going to be a complete change to what you are used to? HELLO? You'll never be able to eat again in large quantities. You need to work out these issues before you go to the time and expense of being banded and then change your mind because you can't handle the change. liquid Hell Sucks! Mushies Suck! Band Hell Sucks! We've all been there, deal with it!

2. I've been banded X amount of time and have lost nothing. I want my band off. Have you had a fill? Have you gone in for checkups and appointments? If you have quack doctor that isn't supportive and doesn't care of your progress - find another! Are you eating the right foods? Are you exercising? The band will not make anyone lose weight - you have to do that. This is not a quick fix, wave your magic wand, make everything okay and you're instantly thin. You have to change your behavior too.

3. I can't eat, I can't drink or hold anything down...I keep throwing up...I want my band off! Again, HELLO? Have you thought about calling your doctor and asking for a little help? Did getting an UNFILL cross your mind? That's the first thing I would have thought of. Maybe then you could eat and drink something.

I've seen more negative on here than positive lately and it seems to be the same thing over and over again. I love this forum - it has been a lifesaver for me. I've come here to bitch, cry and have my hand held at times too. We've all had bad days. I love my band and am still a "newbie" and I may one day have complications that cause me to have my band removed, but I can't forsee having or wanting to have it out because of something I could have prevented or foreseen.

Leslie, I agree!

Lizzy and Brandy

why would you think she was referring to you? She clearly stated that this was aimed for the people who give up without fighting or trying. Unless you didn't even try, you don't fit into that category. She never said anything about slow losers. We all lose at different rates. Again, it's the people who DO NOT make an effort that are annoying.

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Guest Leslie2Lose

Lizzy - First of all my rant wasn't directed at you. You didn't give up and from reading your post you found out what was causing you to have problems with your band. You didn't throw your hands up in the air and yell - take my band out! and blame it solely on the band. Some of the recent posters (Yes, I refer to as haters) have done just that. You admited yourself that you weren't successful for two years because you didn't eat right or exercise. The complainers on here that do think it is an instant weight loss surgery - they get upset because they haven't lost anything and expect more - even though they put nothing into it. They hate their band because it hasn't worked out. That is who my rant was directed to. They just give up because it may require a little work on their parts.

I want to hear the bad stories and the good as well. I've learned a lot from reading other people's experiences and am thankful for them. I have a problem with someone that comes and posts that they hate their band and want it removed after a couple of months because they can't eat anymore. Isn't that the point? Not because they are sick and vomiting, but because they miss eating large quantities and want to continue eating the way they did before having their LB. I have a problem with someone that didn't come here looking for support, but came just to bitch about how unhappy they are and want everyone just as miserable as they are. I'm glad you are finally having success with your band.

Brandy - No, the band isn't for everyone. I'm not saying it is, nor have I ever said that. Not everyone on here is looking for support - I wish they were, but unfortunately there are people that are negative and can't be open minded for the rest of us.

I would say the majority of us come into this with a lot of emotional and health issues. Don't assume that I'm afraid of anything or that I can't relate to people that have had problems or side effects from surgery. I've had problems myself and this hasn't been a smooth, perfect ride for me either. You aren't in my shoes so please don't assume anything about me either, but I don't come on here and bitch that this hasn't worked out. I come looking for support and hopefully find someone that has been through what I'm going through. My port flipped, did I get pissed off and say just take my band out because it's not worth going into surgery again to fix a mistake (which is exactly what my DH said)? I am one of those unforunate souls that has a thyroid condition which adds additional obsticles to losing weight, I have to work my ass off even harder than someone with a normal metabolism to lose weight. So yes we are all different and have different issues. I've never assumed we are all the same, but I don't blame our trouble soley on the band. I'm calling a spade a spade and a hater a hater. There's a difference between a strugler and a hater. I'm sorry if you can't see the difference.

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I've seen these posts before and feel that the people that are struggling sometimes get put into the "lap band haters club". So in essence I am trying to stick up for "my peeps" and let people know that even if we complain once in a while about the band that we are not haters, if there are specific posts in particular that are from haters I'd like to see them.

So basically if we're diagnosed with antibanditis we're okay because we have a medical slip from our doctor saying that we have a preexisting medical condition whereas the lap band will not function correctly. Otherwise we're lazy people who don't exercise and eat twinkies and therefore deserve lap band failure.

I really think anything that is not "I'm doing great on the lap band" or "I love you lap band, let me count the ways" is considered to be some crazy form of propaganda against the lap band and it's not.

We all did our research and went through various pre-screening processes, paid a boatload of money and are still struggling to lose weight and it can be a bit disheartening to say the least.

So if I take it personally I'm sorry I do, brandyII.

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Lizzy now I'm wondering how many people have been banded that many years ago like you have and have fall through the cracks as they say. I think it says more of your strength and belief in yourself that has made you not give up and try to take charge once more of your life. I don't know if I could be that strong after that many years. Kudos to you Lizzy!!!

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Guest Leslie2Lose

Lizzy now I'm wondering how many people have been banded that many years ago like you have and have fall through the cracks as they say. I think it says more of your strength and belief in yourself that has made you not give up and try to take charge once more of your life. I don't know if I could be that strong after that many years. Kudos to you Lizzy!!!

I also wonder how many have been successful and don't come to post because they are happy and content with their lives. They have no issues to COMPLAIN about. There are two sides to every coin.

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Like Leslie said, there is a difference between trying strugglers and people who don't make an effort. No one is saying you are lazy and eat twinkies all the time. I could see your point if it wasn't pointed out clearly that this was for the people who don't try or give a flip, but it was. It's okay to complain sometimes, we all need to. But it does get annoying when it's the same people ALL THE TIME. To my knowledge, you don't fit into that category. I've seen enough posts to know that some people think the band is going to do all the work and are shocked when it doesn't.

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To be honest with you I've found these people that you speak about to be a very rare occurrence and probably why I take it to be directed towards anyone who is not doing back flips.

Look at Leslie's response to my post about Lizzy after four years on the band and still struggling to lose weight and I mention that she's fallen through the cracks and instead of acknowledging that as a real problem she says what about the people that are doing well and don't come on this site. Some how feeling the need to counter balance Lizzy's issue. So that does tend to make me think she's sensitive about people like us who are struggling. Can you understand my reasoning? brandyII

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Guest Leslie2Lose

Lizzy admitted herself that her behavior was part of the problem and I did acknowledge the fact that she is losing (albeit slowly) and am happy for her. However, you failed to notice that I've had my own struggles.

Everything, I mean everything I've read from you appears to be negative. You can't even see the positive side either. You've had your band how long? All you can do is bitch because things are going perfectly for you. Get off the cross honey, somebody needs the wood!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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