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Good Morning Girls and TX. I hope everyone is doing well today. I still have the crud and I am home from work again today. I have slept 20 of the last 24 hours and am still tired.

Welcome CSOLO and congrats on you upcoming banding.

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Csolo...welcome. I will let Janet respond to you (Indiogirl). Just wanted to tell you to jump in with any questions you might have.

As far as you friends are concerned. You wont be doing this procedure for them. If they want to support you in your decision and be there for you, that would be wonderful. If not, just go about doing what you feel is best for YOU.

Wishing you the best!

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Good Morning Girls and TX. I hope everyone is doing well today. I still have the crud and I am home from work again today. I have slept 20 of the last 24 hours and am still tired.

Welcome CSOLO and congrats on you upcoming banding.

Ewwww....Poor Girl! Hope today is better. It's not the stomach flu, is it?

Stupid, stupid Doctor. Cannot believe what he prescribed for me as a prep. NOTHING...until 11pm and I drank what I was supposed to early in the day. And his recipe didn't do much except for keep me from sleeping. Tired, hungry, feeling sick and pissed is not a good combo.

I might just get turned away. I had extreme nausea (upper stomach) all day long. I am not a person to ever lay down during the day. I could barely get off the couch after 5pm...that's how sick I was from that Miralax. Never again. And, he'll be lucky this morning if he can get the boot out of his A$$ after I tell him what I think of his cooked up plan of action.

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Good Morning Again - Lost my freaking post....

Apples - hugs - did the doc prescribe this concoction (sp) cuz of your band.. I don't know why they can't just develop a pill that does the same thing as the go-light...

Sandy - Hope you feel better today -

Csolo - Congrats on you date - Don't worry about what your friends say - you are doing this for you - not them - this is your life not theirs..

Our bands are only tools - they don't lose the weight for you - you have to do that by changing your eating & exercise habits.

It's truly a lifestyle change - the band helps but isn't going to do the work for you..

Prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery...

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Also, I lost weight while taking Flexerall. I doubt it caused your or Arlene's weight gain. It worked on my trigger points which allowed me to sleep comfortably and move freely throughout the day. Remember I'd had that bad fall and it took at least 6 months to heal. All my trigger points were triggered and firing. Moving freely and sleeping well helps you lose weight. Eating the wrong things triggers my appetite and consequent weight gain.

Cheri, I gained weight because I gave in to the hunger it caused me. I take one when Tylneol doesn't work. I haven't had to take one in about six months.

Chris......wow....you are getting your range of motion back. Good for you!

Janet.......I agree. i was joking about eating in Vegas. Hopefully, DH and I can share a meal.

Yesterday I told all of the kids that we are eating out for Thanksgiving because I can't handle the cooking(sample too much). They were okay with it. I will cook for Christmas, but we are having it at DH's house. NO leftovers are coming home.

It is cool here. I am packing a heavy coat for the Grand Canyon. The Protein bars are 170calories, and the Protein drinks are 150. We are taking them so we don't eat junk. I am really trying to stay in my calorie, Protein range. Next will be a 50gram carb limit. This is definitely a lifestyle. If you don't think so......just start eating the old way.

I haven't been to Water aerobics this week. I hope to go on saturday and get back into the groove. I have missed it.

Apples, I hope everything comes out good. Rest!

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Apples, Hugs on your issue.

Sandy, hope you are feeling better.

Csolo, congrats, you can do this. Just ask any questions and these ladies will help you.

Tx/Chris, glad to hear you have quite a bit of movement in your shoulder.


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Good morning. Feeling a little better today. It's weird, I have had this feeling like I am coming down with a bad cold feeling for 3 days now but so far not a horrible cold, just a general blah feeling, headache, and runny nose. Maybe my flu shot is keeping me from getting it worse and it's a touch of the flu or something. DH left today for TX so I am just taking it easy. Do have a hair appt later this morning which I will keep.

Darn it all, I did so good on my carbs yesterday and then last night there was one bag left of microwave popcorn and I made it and ate it. But still had a good day overall.

Apples, hope they were able to do your procedure today, let us know how it went. So important to get those colonoscopies at our age. I had the strangest dream last night. DH got transferred to Minneapolis and you drove over to help me look at areas to live in.

Arlene, enjoy the Grand Canyon, take a pic for me since I'll probably never go. LOL

Linda, missing you!

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Hi everyone, I'm still not caught up in reading but did want to check in. I'm fine -- just still busy. I did start a 5 day pouch test last Friday so today is last day -- what a great reminder of how we're supposed to eat!! It's been enjoyable -- I really need to jump start and get back to basics. I feel so much better -- feel cleansed. Hoping to try to lose my last ten pounds before January 1 -- even with the holidays -- at least if I try I might make some progress. Some is better than none. I feel more inspired than I've felt in awhile.

I'll try to cbl. Have a great Tuesday everyone!


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1. 3 hour breakfast...if I could keep my A$$ in bed beyond 5:30 on a Sunday morning, we wouldn't have such long ones.

2. Went to church...been missing it. Has been 15 yrs since I went to a church service other than weddings, vow renewals and funeral.

3. Met DH for lunch. Couldn't get him to go to church with me but he was very happy to have lunch after.

4. Flagged for youngest DS as he flew his boss in from LV. Helped him refuel the plane, drove the 4-wheeler as it pushed the plane into the hanger. Fun.

5. Took him out to dinner and dropped him back at the airport for a flight to Atlanta. Taking a doc out there for a conference.

6. Home and had a beer with DH....him 3 beers. Me a capaccino with three scoops of Benefiber. I think I'm tipsty.

7. Shower and heading to bed.

Sleep tight. Love to all

That was a BUSY Sunday!! What prompted you to go to church after all those years??


Jewel - i love your new hair color it is so cute.

Well 1:00am am I can't get to sleep I took an ambien 3hrs ago and nothing my head will not stop chatting. I have not really felt good today nausea, headaches, I have had night sweats the last two nights something is not right. I think I have been messing up my stomach with all this acid problems and I need to get the Dr to loosen my band so I can rest my stomach. I sure it it a combo of stress, emotions an other stuff but I have never had acid so bad before and I do not want to take any more stuff for the acid the band needs loosened. Somehow I need to stay home from work in the morning and begged the to work me in I cant take it no more I have been eating sliders and gained weight plus I have been pbing so much even on broth Soup I need HELP

Definitely need to get to the doc! I may be behind here as I started this post yesterday morning!! Maybe you've already been. But... sounds like my problems of last spring and a 30 day rest w/no fill did the trick for me.

Hey there, I seem to be doing my posting during the night a lot lately..... I slept way too much today, so am not tired yet...... Yesterday was a very bad day.... But my stomach issues seem to have lessened and that's a good thing... I was able to eat a bit more today without pain.... I will still take Laura's advice about seeing my band doctor asap.... will call early in the morning to see what chance I have of getting in soon..... Hope everyone had a great weekend with some fun and relaxation.... Now on to another week..... Sweet dreams and hugs to all..... love ya..... Julie


Good morning gang! After standing out in the cold greeting people at church my FM kicked in. Even my teeth were aching last night. So I took two tylenol. I usually take one. My heart was racing for about three hours till I took a xanax. I finally fell asleep at 1am. Anyway, I am better this morning. i am not going to Water aerobics because I don't want a repeat of last night. It is cool and damp. I can't wait to get to Vegas where the humidity is lower. I am going to buy me a cap and gloves with my Kohl bucks. Then come home and start packing.

I did not weigh today. I may do that tomorrow. I know one thing. I NEED A FILL! I am going Dec 9th. If she says no......I will ask to speak to Dr. Davis.

I had oatmeal this morning. I think I am going to make Soup today.....probably taco.....the low cal version. I will check in tonight.

I know you are looking forward to that Vegas trip. You will enjoy the warmth!! And of course, HAYWIRE!!


Jodi, thanks for the post that is great. Apples, you can whine all you want. You are the least whinny one. I'm sure I beat you in that dept. Arlene, good luck shopping. Where's Janet? LauraK

Any more dating updates??

I have a bunch of errands to do today...but I've already sorted my t-shirt and jeans closet. I moved summer shirts out and long-sleeved shirts in. It's finally cool enough to justify the long sleeve weather. I'm also trying to pack for the trip. So far it looks like the weather is going to be fine...meaning no snow.

Tried to install the new Office 2007 I got and it's messed up and won't install so I need to deal with that and deal with my insurance. Always something. Will try and check in again later. Eva

Any luck with "Office" yet??

Ooops...forgot to post the "tip of the day". I cannot take credit for this one...got it from another bandster on another thread.

Was getting tired of my Viactiv chews. Once in awhile or every other day would be fine but have been chewing those things every day since b/4 LB surgery. Need a change and found one. Also, wanted a change from my flinstone gummies. The following were recommended and they are wonderful. Soft and no rotten Vitamin taste to pick up on.

I went on Amazon.com and ordered them.

Vitafusion Calcium 500mg...130 gummies. They are sooooooo good. The orange taste like a dreamcicle. (variety of flavors in the bottle). 25 cals/2 gummies.

Also ordered Vitafusion Fiber gummies (20% of required Fiber in 2 gummies). 10 cals/2 gummies and are sugar free. They also taste great and not vitimin taste.

I was taking chewable Omega-3 for a while and then couldn't find it again! So I asked about it at costco and had a clerk recommend this liquid stuff to me. You take 2 tsp a day and it tastes like lemon meringue. I like it. Put it on top of my low cal puddings.

Feeling a little under the weather still today. So I did not go to the gym (shhh don't tell Janet) HOWEVER, I DID WORKOUT! I did one of my P90 DVDs at home. These are what I did during my entire weight loss phase and lost over 100 lbs on them, I got so tired of them, but after today I really missed them so think these will become a big part of my routine again. I hate going to the gym so will supplement my routine with these and go to gym as well but not as often. I hadn't done these DVDs since my knee replacement surgeries, some moves were harder but was able to improvise. Oh the power yoga about kicked my butt! I will be sore tomorrow.

Hope you are feeling better SOON!!

Books this morning and then off to coffee with a friend. Gotta stop to pick up some steel cut oats and some other diabetic friendly treats for my cute little FIL. Will make the oats up and freeze so he has them at hand for his breakfasts. He is heading to AZ in his motorhome on the 29th and want him to have a supply of healthy foods. Since MIL passed away a few months ago, he's kind of been like a kid in the candy store. He thinks he needs to eat at every restaurant in the 50 mile area and it makes it tough for him to keep track of what he is eating. He has lost 10lbs (he's very little...5'tall (or short) and maybe weighs 125lbs...but, still, he needs to watch is sugars. 87 yrs old and ready to hit the road. One of DH's sisters it taking the trip with him and flying back. He was insisting on do the drive himself.

WOW!! I was going to say... gee, that means we could be still motor homing 20 years from now!! But I may need to rethink that!!! LOL! You should send him our way and we could watch over him for the winter!


Thanks for the recipe, Phyll...looks like a good one and will make sure I have the ingredients on hand to make for tomorrow night's dinner. Num

Did you try it??? Looked good but haven't actually tried it yet.

My meeting went very well with the producer. If she is someone who is going to produce this show....ill be very happy to work with her. Jeff was happy as well...so on to the next step of finding the right network to pick it up. Again not holding my breadth until contracts are signed. lol Im not changing my life at all...and certainly making no plans for anyones future.

Phyl I love that roasting recipe....what a great idea for shabbos for me....can put the roast in the oven before leaving for work and which on Friday is early early...day. Home by 1:30 and then the chicken would be ready...Have so little time after work since shabbat starts at 4:00-4:30 for about three months starting daylight saving time. Been looking for recipes like this for the winter!!!!

Thank you Thank you!!!


1. Thou shalt not enter a party feeling hungry

2. Thou shalt not thing about the holidays being about food

3. Thou shalt not arrive at a party empty handed

4. Thou shalt not feel exhausted during the holiday season

5. Thou shalt not be unprepared during the holiday season

6. Thou shalt not EVER accept leftovers

7. Thou shalt not drink less than 80 ounces of "good Fluid: daily after reading this post

8. Thou shalt not disobey the 5% rule

9. Thou shalt not ever feel guilty

10. Thou shalt not forget their goals or the hard work they have allready accomplished


Ideas to get you through the season

1. Always be prepared

2. Location is everything! "Hang out" in a safe zone

3. Avoid leftovers at all costs

4. Its just another meal attidude.

5. Protein, Protein, protein!

6. Half of the time, food cravings are the thirst in disquise.

7. Increase your exercise during the season.

8. "Buisness as usual" attidude.

9. No guilt- Relish ion your success.

Happy Holidays all.....

Waiting to hear more about this new opportunity for you!

Glad you liked the recipe.

Love the Holiday tips!

Okay everyone back from the LB Dr took 4.5cc out of my band. I am going to be on Prilosec for a while to get my stomach to settle down due to it is most likely irritated under the band from the acid, PBing and so forth. I have 3.3cc in my band like in the begining liquids till Wed. the soft/ mushie then start solids this weekend. I get to start over and this time follow correctly. Oh he was not surprised at the weight gain because of the issues.

I am go to my reg MD shortly cause I have had such a Migraine for two days and have not slept so she can give me a shot of toradol it is the only thing that really works. I might take tomorrow off to so I can get some rest I will keep you posted.

AH... you DID go!! Very good!!

Good Evening Peeps - Drive by cuz I am just too pooped to type...

Apples - can't beleive they didn't give the the golightly - it's suppose to be Water before the exam... Hugs - I got 7 more yrs till I have to have another one

Charlene - Have fun in Vegas - watch out for those pt bars - high in calories and not filling (well at least for me) You know what to watch for - and I agree w/Apples don't put off for tomorrow what you need to do today ;0)...

Great - Yep routine - I like to be spontanious - but I like my routine too - or I flounder - ..

Well didn't mean to miss anyone but just read (scanned this page) Love to all... Hugs Janet

I was so tired last night I went to bed at 9pm!! About 3 hrs early for me!!

Yeah, Apples.... terrible decision on the colonoscopy prep. I bet they don't do it!! I had to take little pills last time.... 4 at a time every few hours the day before, and it worked great. I can NOT stomach that golightly stuff!!

Well had my first PT apt. today. Everything went ok. I have about 80 degrees of movement right now. It looks like I am in for 3 times a week for 6-8 weeks

You are doing so well!!! Keep up the good work! 80 degrees is great for a first PT appt!

Stupid, stupid Doctor. Cannot believe what he prescribed for me as a prep. NOTHING...until 11pm and I drank what I was supposed to early in the day. And his recipe didn't do much except for keep me from sleeping. Tired, hungry, feeling sick and pissed is not a good combo.

I might just get turned away. I had extreme nausea (upper stomach) all day long. I am not a person to ever lay down during the day. I could barely get off the couch after 5pm...that's how sick I was from that Miralax. Never again. And, he'll be lucky this morning if he can get the boot out of his A$$ after I tell him what I think of his cooked up plan of action.

UH OH!!! Suspect we'll be hearing more on this later today!!

Cheri, I gained weight because I gave in to the hunger it caused me. I take one when Tylneol doesn't work. I haven't had to take one in about six months.

Chris......wow....you are getting your range of motion back. Good for you!

Janet.......I agree. i was joking about eating in Vegas. Hopefully, DH and I can share a meal.

Yesterday I told all of the kids that we are eating out for Thanksgiving because I can't handle the cooking(sample too much). They were okay with it. I will cook for Christmas, but we are having it at DH's house. NO leftovers are coming home.

It is cool here. I am packing a heavy coat for the Grand Canyon. The Protein Bars are 170calories, and the Protein drinks are 150. We are taking them so we don't eat junk. I am really trying to stay in my calorie, protein range. Next will be a 50gram carb limit. This is definitely a lifestyle. If you don't think so......just start eating the old way.

I haven't been to water aerobics this week. I hope to go on saturday and get back into the groove. I have missed it.

We are going away for Thanksgiving, so no leftovers here either!

Well, gang, I am 10 minutes late for getting ready for water aerobics so I better run!!! Hope everyone has a GREAT day!

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Phyl, Do dating updates. It is now deer hunting season here. Most men are gone for the week. It's called hunting brain.

Maybe I'll have some news after next week. If all goes as it did in my family. All kids born in August. You do the math. lol Oh I'm not saying that's going to be happening. lol


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Well...Janet, you were right. Not the prep that I was supposed to do. I was by no means cleaned out and did not have the "urge" at all as I stated till 11pm. Went a couple of times and did not even go this morning b/4 I left house. (TMI...sorry) They did not give me all the instructions. They did do the procedure (after a couple of hours of very harsh lax trying to get me cleaned out) and had one pollyp and filled me with LOTS of gas due to not doing the correct prep.

The doc's nurse sent me one page on instructions with the 15th of Nov as the day to do them. Well, came to find out the big blue folder they send to patients was omitted from my instructions. I even called his office yesterday and asked about their prep sheet.

Anyway, correct was was to not eat anything after midnight on the 13th (Sat), do the prep I did yesterday with Miralax and dulcolax and then do the regular harsher prep stuff starting at 8am yesterday. I'm good to go for 5yrs and I am thinking I will be travelling to the clinic in Alexandria for that. It's done.

Phyll...have not had the chance to try the chicken yet but thinking that tomorrow I will make it. I always stand my chickens up in a roasting pan when I do them. I open a beer and shove it up the cavity. I have a similar recipe for a BBQ roast chicken that is slow roasted that I do the beer thing with. Also do it on the grill that way. I am thinking I will like the combination of herbs/spices in this recipe you posted. Thanks.

As far as going to church...I've been missing it. We never missed a Sunday for years and years and we had something (bad...preist sexual abuse thing) go on in one of our local Cath churches and both DH and I walked with the intention of finding a diff church but could never get him to go. When we married I told him that I would not go to church alone...wanted and needed to go as a couple. Long story short...missed going, missed the involvement I used to have and the social aspect of it also.

As far as FIL goes, we will be close enough to him in AZ that we can see him a few times a week. He is going back to his old neighborhood and still has some friends there. He is as spry as they come for his age. He could pass for 65 yrs old.

Jodi...thanks for the holiday tips.

Arlene...have a good trip. Make the best choices possible and just enjoy yourself.

TX...nice to hear of how much movement you have in the shoulder. Keep it going.

Linda...I think the pouch test should be an annual requirement with a banded person and also it can be such a good thing for struggling bandster to help them get back to the basics. Miss you.

Lori...if you ever do get to MPLS for some reason, I would have no problem making the 4 hour trip to have lunch or to shop. MOA and I would take you just up the road to my fav shopping center.

Gotta go take a few laps around the yard. They blew me up like a nickle balloon and pretty uncomfortable. Need to get rid of it.

BTW...a big thanks to all for listening to my B&Ming yesterday and this morning. Loves

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Hey All,

Surgery on the 18th, feeling excited and anxious! Never thought I would be excited to say 'hey, I'm having surgery' but I am. I have a totally supportive family so its helping to make this journey easier. I've enjoyed reading a small chunk of this thread, thanks for all the good advice ;)

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Hey All,

Surgery on the 18th, feeling excited and anxious! Never thought I would be excited to say 'hey, I'm having surgery' but I am. I have a totally supportive family so its helping to make this journey easier. I've enjoyed reading a small chunk of this thread, thanks for all the good advice ;)

Hey Bwhitty...your date is approaching quickly. Are you on a liquid diet prior to surgery? Nice that your family supports you.

Just jump on with any question you might have. Nice group of ppl here in all stages of the LB journey. Stick around prior to and after surgery. It's nice to be able to talk to ppl that have been down the road you will be taking.

All the best to you!

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Apples - I swear - doc's have diff preps for colonoscopies as they do for the band.. I think if I remember correctly Thursday nite at 4 ish had to drink that crap (my colonoscopy was on a friday)-I know I was cleaned out before I finished the crap - think I could have broth that nite along w/popsicles - but nothing after midnite..

Well at least 5 more yrs - and I would go somewhere else too..

Phyl - so they do have pills - when I have mine in 7 more yrs I will be sure to ask for those..

Ok Jodi - I missed something - going to have to go back and catch up - good luck though - always wish you the best - love your 10 commandments..

I won't be cooking for Thanksgiving - I will eat my normal stuff - not a big fan of Turkey day too much - (a lot of work and after all that work I don't want to eat at all) - - it's ok but nothing I just die for

I rather have lobster than turkey - oh that's an idea - I'll have a lobster dinner while everyone else is stuffing their faces w/turkey - gravy - mashed potatoes - stuffing, green bean cassaroul and pie... Just lobster/butter and some veggies ;0)..

Great - I got this from FOODPICKER - A Diabetes website

Pop Secret snack Size 100 Calorie Butter Popcorn

red_girl.gif Choose this snack: Less Often food_pyramid_h125.jpgFat: 3.5 g

Your selection contains 29% fat. Strive to consume less than 30% of your calories from fat. This item contains 12% saturated fat. Limit saturated fat to 10% of total calories daily.

Carbohydrate Choices: 1

73% of calories are from carbohydrate. Your doctor or a Registered Dietitian can tell you how many Carbohydrate Choices are right for you.

Sodium: 300 mg

People with diabetes often have high blood pressure. Sodium intake can affect blood pressure.

If you choose this consider...

blue_girl.gif popcorn is a high fiber snack. It can also be high in sodium. Choose lowfat varieties without added flavoring (e.g. caramel or cheddar) to help limit carbohydrate and/or sodium.

To burn this off...

  • Walk for 22 minutes
  • Jog for 10 minutes
  • Bike for 14 minutes
  • Swim for 12 minutes

Based on a person weighing 175 pounds exercise_bike_h150.jpg

For more information regarding this product visit: generalmills.com

green_girl.gif Blood sugar and diet are directly related. It is important for those with diabetes to learn as much as possible about nutrition.

Analyze another snack...

I live on 100 cal snack packs of popcorn - didn't have one last nite - but most nites I do..

Bwhitty - Welcome - go back to page 1 and read forward.. You really will learn a lot about all of us..

Chris - Missed your post too - glad you are doing so well

Julie - what did your lap band doc say

Linda - Love the mindset !!! WTG

Charlene - Enjoy your mini Vacation !!! You know what needs to be done ;0)- You can do it ;0)

Eva - How you doing - adjusting to working from home/retirement ;0)

Well gotta get a cert out before lunch - I'm hungry

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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