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Good Evening all....

Today I am still in pain!!! ouch, ouch and more ouch!

Even still went to a new class this morning. I woke up at 9 AM which was really 8 AM so....had plenty of time to make breakfast..walk the dog and get ready for the gym.

Dreamed last night about going to the gym and how much I got from it....must have been really hurting!! When I got up I knew even though I was hurting I had to go....So went to this class called "kick it up" I really liked it!!! Lots of kicking and punching. Arobics....for an hour!!! After I got home....I had to get into a hot, hot bath! It really did help..of course the Allieve did as well lol

Finished all my paperwork due this month...yea...Always on the 5th and the 8th. Due....so while I took Dassi to the shelter so she can volenteer...I did my paperwork in the car. Wont be able to do that come winter but now....it was okay. Need to remember to go physically and drop off the invoices tomorrow lol.

This week will be a busy busy week...have three meetings and need to think about the ABA homebased program and how im going to create and run that program. I dont like take on a project if I cant run it the best possible way....since there isnt much research on other programs of this type.....Its going to have to be....created and revamped as we go along....Ive got the basics of what Im looking for and will work from there.....its going to be a work in progress..excited about it...just sad that I have a full time job that needs to be attended to at the same time..lol. No matter my best thoughts and work come in the middle of the night anyways.

Hi Gang! I am pooped! The dinner was great! Well, I know why i have gained so much weight. I didn't know the color red makes you hungry.....lol.....another excuse...lol. I did not know the new color combination for Christmas is Red and Aqua. Yep, she had a tree with red and aqua poinsettas . I don't think I will be doing the "in" color scheme this year. All of the tables were gorgeous. Another "new" thing this year mesh ribbon. They loop it through the wire wreath frames and then add ornaments and greenery. It is really pretty.

I had several ladies compliment me on my weight loss. Several of us were in a weight loss bible study 2 1/2years ago before my banding.


Great.....have a wonderful time state "hopping"!!!

Laura.......so glad that Nels is doing so good in public school.

So sweet of you to give your cleaning lady Nel's toys. Doesn't feel good to give to those who really appreciate it? I bet her little girl lights up at Christmas.

Apples......I thought you were going to the lake. How's your mouth healing?

Joyce....so good to hear from you....we miss ya!

Julie.....I am glad you posted. I worry when i don't hear from you.

Linda......where are you? Miss ya!!!

Janet.....I didn't read the post, but I take you are closet cleaning today. I need to drag out the few winter things I have. I wonder if they still fit.

Okay, going to bed! Oops time changes tonight....I better stay up a little longer or I will be up at 4am.

Arlene.....this is so beutiful. What a fabulous idea....to decorate christmas tables..or thanksgiving tables....Gorgeous. Yours should have won. Unfortunately we dont have anything of the sort so it is especially interesting to me to see all the beutiful decorations that people make. Its a real talent. My shabbos table is the pretty traditional type...but people do pride themselves on setting a special shabbos table each week...but nothing like this!! Do you only use these items for Thanksgiving and Christmas? What a shame to use it only once or twice a year....but it does make it special and the memories attached are priceless im sure.

Are you going to use this setting or is it just for show? I hope not. Too beutiful not to!!

Im sorry to hear about your friends husband so sad.

Pretty table Arlene! Did you win anything? I didn't know there were 'in' colors for the holidays. Thought red and green were the norm. Shows what I know and how well I keep up with it. My goal this year is to open all my Christmas boxes, to first make sure nothing broke in the move and second to go through things and get rid of some. I have so much and so many boxes and so little room to put it out. May ask DD and DS if they want any of it that I don't and pitch it.

Jodi, good to get caught up with you. Are you and Jeff contemplating a move? Congrats on getting the position even though you didn't take it. sounds like you made the right choice for you but good to know that they wanted you.

Thanks..yes it was a good decision...interesting that you asked about Jeff at the same time as the position....you are wondering whether perhaps there is a connection there?? lol

Well.....you are a mother and mothers see these things dont they???

Well, Jeff would love for me to move to out to LV. Hes desperately trying to get me a job....hes come up with some really enticing ones so far....but none making me think yes....I can do this...however...however.....He is working on something really big and if he gets a contract with a major network...then Ill be moving real fast lol. Thats a job oppurtunity that I would not be able to refuse!! However.....however.....Im the extreme pessimist..until I see it in writing....with my name on it...its only a pipe dream and well until now...lots of pipe dreams..so im staying put!

But...yes, to that question he was deff a part of the "no thank you, not now" but, beleive you me..if they had offered double the salary I might have well considered it...maybe.

You're a trooper!! Can't believe what you've been through with your mouth!!

3_9_6v.gif 29_3_1.gif

That stinks!! GEEZ!! Hope you can find a better job SOON!!!



Sounds like you're having a GREAT time

and making GREAT choices!!



Your Christmas table was GORGEOUS!!! Loved it!

So sorry to hear you are still dealing with the aches and pain!!

And so sorry to hear about your friend's DH! So young! So sad!

You could never bore us with your farming stories!! It's so different from anything I've ever experienced. I find it all quite fascinating, really!

I would have found a way to eat that shrimp even if I had to put it in the blender!!! LOL! I LOVE my seafood.


Jodi... sounds like a good decision on the job offer!!

Laura... sweet of you to give the toys to your cleaning lady. Her little ones will enjoy!

Julie.... hope you're doing okay with the shoulder pain, etc.

That's all I can remember gang!!

Friend's memorial service was yesterday.. very nicely done. Wife asked me to take photos so some of you may have seen them on FB.

Really fighting a bad case of depression this week. Maybe the med changes are taking their toll, I don't know. But I'm ready for it to be over!!


I sure do hope you feel better....but you havent physically felt well lately...perhaps that virus is a part of feeling this way....Whenever I get physically sick I get depressed. So...perhaps this is why you might be feeling this way....you also are settled in for the winter so to say....also a possible reason??

Of course...loosing someone so close is a deff posibility. I know this only first hand but each person internalizes expereinces differently...so please accept my deepest condolences.

Laura...I don't know if the advertsing on LBT is a territorial thing but understand your "Pissedoffness". For about two weeks I've been getting pop-up ads for delectible bakerys in the Mpls area. WTH????? On LBT???? They actually show exquisite looking Cookies, cakes, mini-pies, etc. I don't understand. If you have a tendency towards sweets it would surely make a person go to the pantry and grab a bag of Cookies or dig into the cake that is in the freezer.

Nope...not all three of my trees are decorated the same, Laura. My big livingroom tree is LOADED with the decorations for sons and us. The kitchen tree is just tall and skinny but cute and the family room tree is big decorated rustic with pine cones, rustic ribbons and such. I have had pre-lit trees since they first came out. I think my first was in 1988. I will never forget salivating over it in the Speigel catolague and thinking there is not way I would spend $800 on a pre-lit tree (now they are cheaper than cutting your own). Well, DH surprised me and told me to just to buy it. It is the one in my basement which just got moved down there last year....so we got our use out of it and will for years. Invested in the new one for the livingroom last year.

I look forward to the Christmas holidays all year long. I am always so sad on Christmas night knowing I need to wait for next for all the happy feelings. Silly...but I have always been this way. So many different parties, family getting together. Ppl we only see a few times a year, shopping for special things for special ppl, making homemade gifts and baked goods....All in all just a very happy time.

You enjoy your few hours of alone time. We have such good memories or taking the boys to Kennedy Space center....they were both "science and aeronautics guys" and their eyes were the size of quarters.

Arlene...hope the pain in your back eases.

Apples...I have no dought that your trees and your decorations are absolutely gorgeous. I would love to see pictures of everyones trees. Three trees??? wow. And what fabulous creative ideas...to instill memories for generations to come....sounds like such a lovely custom youve started.

Good Morning Gang..

Yep Apples - I contacted Linda on FB she's been traveling working - life stuff nothings wrong - I'm sorry I forgot to tell you all..

Didn't do anything yesterday but watch tv read ate and napped.. I love the time change - went to bed 9ish - got up at 6 ish - ready for the gym ;0)..

Arlene - table was beautiful !!!

Joyce - You will be ok w/food - you got the right mindset.

#2 Janet - Welcome - I don't try to run on my 55 yr old knees - but I can jog a little -

Laura - glad you got to sleep in - it feels good to sleep - I needed it yesterday - ate way too much - but nothing too too terrible - it's just that when we do eat more than usual it bugs us - our minds have changed - I have gym at 10 may go a little early and do the treadmill..

Julie - Like I said it's good to sleep to me it's our bodies telling us to slow down - I know we don't feel older in our heads but the truth is we (well most of us) are 50+ and we need our rest to get re-energized.

Jodi - You sound like you have it under control (fill) - I back to reading my Holocaust books and on What would you do t.v. program on friday - it was about a guy dissing Jewish pple - I was proud to see so many Non-jews getting pissed and telling him off.. Like I said before I think I was Jewish in another life - reading these books helps me appreciate my life that we take for granted..

Phyl - We are on for shopping on Monday - just remembered I gotta p/u my tickets from AAA the open at 9 so I will be at your house around 10 ish..

Well gang need to move - I got my rest in yesterday and now I got stuff to do....


Janet,I have no idea what program you are refering to as I dont watch TV on Friday nights at all..lol. Antisemitism is well alive in this world and it will always be unfortunately....however Jews arent the only ones persecuted. Genocide happens all over the world to so many different people. We havent learned from our mistakes..we repeat them over and over. Something will give eventually....perhaps even the end of the world. Dismal as that may seem...until then "we fight and fight with all our might to make it right"! (thats my Dassis saying, stole it)

I dont know how you can read all those books....I cant.....Ive tried and I cant...I have nightmares and terrible feelings if I do....I think Im a soul that was tortured at that time and....I just cant watch or read about it. There was a fiction book that I read this past year...not sure if it was before LB or after....but it was an audio book..one that I was listening to in the car on the way to and from work.....called "Sarahs Key" Forgot who wrote it but I didnt know it was about that time.....until I started listening and was hooked so much that I had to get the book to read over that shabbat because i didnt finish listening and couldnt wait to get to the end!! You should get this book....I bet from what you say..youd enjoy it!!

Yeah, I think it is the Ads by google. So scary, it's like BIG BROTHER watching us. They have our zip code and put things that are near us. There is a CONTACT us at the bottom of LBT and I just sent a really expressive email about how horrible it is. I think it's great to have ads (especially new and improved products/services, etc.) and understand the need for the $, but when they start putting UNHEALTHY ads it crosses the line for me. Let's unite and have a ZERO tolerance for this B.S.!!! Everyone please hit the contact us and tell them how you feel.

So funny about our boys and their love of flight. : ) Nels will be sure to come home with a little space ship/shuttle and play with it for DAYS. DH was trying to go up there Friday for the last launch, but couldn't get off work in time. Lucky for us/unlucky for NASA- it got delayed until Nov. 30!!! We won't be able to go that day though. : (

I just posted some of my most recent pics in bikini and panties. No modesty. So proud of how far I've come!



Nice that the boys.....can do this together....I used to love when Ron would take Dassi places....thank god he did..as she now has all those memories that are special and hers.

Nels will remember these special times and he will create special times with his children because of it. It is great to see a dad take his children alone on trips...and handles things well...your husband is deff one of those!!! Kudos to him and you for letting him have this alone time for them to develop their relationship seperate and together with you. Special!!

Okay...well....food consisted of one egg for breakfast, lunch was a shake with a banana, blueberries.

Dinner was about an ounce of steak and salad.

Am cooking for the week. Stew....and chicken breasts in curry sauce....no sugar. I have left over steak for steak sandwiches and baked chicken....we are set for the week....made all the vegetables on Friday...and steamed cauliflower tonight. Im set for the week.....

I hope I stick to what ive made......and no deviation....meaning no forgetting the lunches!!!

Have a good week all...


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Evening ladies....

Sandy, congrats on the 5k run...I'm so happy you beat your record. It does look cold there, but hey running should have helped keep you warm (until you stopped).

Julie, it is hard to keep up if you don't post every day. Some days there aren't that many posts, but it seems when I miss a day or so...I've have to read pages and pages and I can't remember everything.

Arlene, your table is beautiful. It's nice you can indulge in a non-fattening project for Christmas....decorating will burn calories. Hope your camera come in too. That trip is coming up soon isn't it?

Apples, so you are downsizing are you? It's probably a good thing to slowly wean yourself off the massive amount of farming you do. It's pretty cool your son's business is taking off. Decorating after Thanksgiving was our tradition too...but it has sort of slipped over the years. This year it will be when I get back from Ohio around the first of December. I'm looking forward to it this year.

Laura, your pictures are wonderful. Glad to hear you had a weekend just for you. We all need it now and then.

Jodi, good for you sticking with your food plan. I'm trying to cook more at home and eat just that. Tomorrow I have to do some dividing and freezing for the week.

Phyl, I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well still. You are one of the most active and happiest people I've met. You can always come back to Tucson and we can do some retail therapy (at least window shop) and our dogs can play with each other.

Lori, have fun on your jaunt!

I know there are a bunch of other people I just missed, I'm sorry but I can't remember everything.

I went to a stamping convention yesterday in Mesa (Phoenix). We left after 7am yesterday morning and I got back around 3, then DH and I went back to Phoenix for an Elton John/Leon Russel concert. The concert was amazing. They played from 8 pm until after 11pm. Elton John is a gracious and very talented musician. I was quite impressed by his performance. Then we returned to Tucson this morning and my sister and her DH (from Phoenix) was in town so we met them for lunch and spent the afternoon visiting. They left and we met some other friends for the pre-party for the all-souls procession. THE ALL SOULS PROCESSION WEEKEND

It's a "day of the dead" sort of event and it's pretty cool. I'm just too tired this evening to participate. Maybe next year.

So hope you all have a great night! I'm going to go veg for a while.


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Thanks Gang, for all the compliments on my table setting.

Jodi, I am going to use the centerpiece. In fact, it is going on my table tomorrow along with a red cloth. So, I will get at least 45 days use out of it.......and probably for the next several Christmases. Do you decorate for Hanukkah? I have so been tempted to buy the blue and gold decorations. They are so beautiful.

Eva, I sure hope that camera comes in. My DH wanted to get the new Cannon, but I told him how gorgeous your pictures were of Argentina. So, Merry Christmas to me! He loves to buy stuff online. I know he wants the new Mac......you know the light weight one. Let's see......we have three mac's, ipad, and two iphones. Is he a Mac nut or what?

Tx.....glad you are healing well.......uh.....Chocolate shake!!!.........Sugar Free chocolate pudding.....no, no, no doughnuts!

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Good evening, posting from my phone in hotel room aka there will be typos. I can't type well on this thing. I made it to my three remaining states and have now stepped foot in all 50!!! I collect spoons and could not find an Alabama spoon though. Tomorrow Graceland and transferring to the Peabody hotel, anxious to see the marching of the ducks so need to check in by five.

Apples, i get depressed on Christmas night too

Arlene, new tree themes every year? Egads mine are are traditional and the same each year plus the new ornaments. It's what the kids remember their special ornaments from years gone by though the past two years it's been pretty themed with my pheasant feather balls.

Sorry just read three pages and now can't remember to reply.

Oh jodi, yep must be the mom in me. Lol hope i wasn't to prying. Good luck in your decisions for your future i know you will make the right ones

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Good Evening Gang..

Jodi - Yes we still allow genocide in 2010 - Darfur is one example. I would have been in the underground if I lived back then (1940-45) - What Would You Do - is a t.v. show that has play actors - like a guy abusing his GF - and they see how many pple will get involved. There are so many pple who don't get involved - That the problem now a day..

Yes the stories are more than terrible - but when we think we have something bad going on with our own lives - it's proof that other have it 1000000millon times worse and we have not right to complain ;0) - And the stories have to be kept alive - pretty soon no more holocaust survivors won't be alive and no one should forget.. I write to the President - Senators etc about Dafur all the time..

Last week it was about a muslim girl being berated - It's a good show - to see those who do stand up against pple who are wrong.. - I bet you could watch it on the internet on a non shabbos night ;0) ABC is the channel.

I dreamed about gym last night too ;0) and my flabby arms - hell I rarely remember my dreams - but I remembered that one..

Chris - OMG here come some tough love !!! You had surgery on 10/27 Just a little over 2 weeks ago. I doubt that you are on sold food #1 - #2 those freaking donuts are what got you obese in the 1st place they aren't healthy.. They are sugar & fat & white starch -

If you want some chocolate - try SF Dark Choc puddings - they are great - or get some Weight Watchers Fudgesicles or Healthy Choice Fudgesicles.. Or Pure Protein makes a ready made shake chocolate - mix it with some of the PB2 & 1/2 banana... Those things are healthy choc fixes..

You don't want to be pbing 2 weeks out - your stomach hasn't healed yet - Not Good...

Please keep your trigger foods out of the house - Would you keep a bottle of booze on the kitchen counter if you were an alcoholic. food is our drug of choice and you have to be so very mindful of that..

Laura - I will have to go ck out your pictures...

I don't get any food ads - the only ads I see when on lbt are lapband - bypass - sleeve ads - Isopure - if they are pop ups doubt it has to do with lbt - but w/your internet browser - turn on your pop-up blocker - I don't get any - here or on fb..

Cheri - Hugs on the gas issue - That just too much gas - I think I would ck w/my doc if I had gas 24/7 - LOL closing school...

Eva - I have heard that Elton John gives a GREAT concert.. Glad you enjoyed it...

Well - Here's my day...

Gym - walked 2 miles on the treadmill (I still can do it) then at 10 a.m. went to Pilos - Rose our regular teacher has left and Madelina has taken over the class - Which I am so happy about - Rose (who was my boot camp teacher) taught Boot Camp Pilos - Madelina class is paliates & yoga - a nice Sunday morning workout - not bootcamp style - you work up a sweat but it's not bootcamp...

Then went got nails done (yes I went all sweaty from the gym w/no make up - hair in a bandana ;0) Then came home showered went to Marshalls & Target - got home around 3:30..

Food today - BF 1 egg -lunch - zip as I was out and about - dinner will be BBQ & fresh green Beans w/a little bacon & red potatoes - Snacks - popcorn & ww fudgescile

I need a black leather purse for winter ;0) - I have printed 2 coach 20% discounts for me & Phyl -

Well that's my day - just had some coffee cuz it's only 6:30 and I know I will be ready for bed at 8 - but since I don't have to get up at 5 ;0) it sounded good - had some sf white choc Creamer w/it..

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Good morning! I have a busy day.

Janet, I would love to go shopping with y'all....I want to know the bargains you found.

Apples, I can't believe it, but after all these years I am hooked on oatmeal for Breakfast. I put a few raisins and walnuts in it......yummy!

I will check in this eve. I hope everyone has a great day!

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Janet and Phyll....enjoy your time together and hope you find the best bargain ever at Coach. I bet with Christmas shopping sales, you will find something.

And, keep in mind....if you have any little women to buy for on your Christmas list, maybe can find a little wallet or something for them.

I needed a red (blue red) purse for winter since I love that color with almost anything. I found the perfect one on sale. A Liz Claiborne that was last year's model for 80% off...is perfect size (big...I like big). I get excited about buys like that.

Hectic day yesterday. Not bad just a lot of time running to the field. No time to start things I wanted. Nerves with my two guys are a little frazzled trying to get things done b/4 the ground freezes. It stresses me so I just do any of the menial jobs and stay out of ear shot. They always take on too much.

I can only last a couple of days without getting off the farm. After I get things done around the house this morning and get my books caught up, the dog and I are going to take a drive. Had ordered (online) a gun safe for DS but found out yesterday it's backordered and worried it won't be here in time for Christmas. Cancelled order and just gonna drive the 2.5hours and go pick one up in the sports store. My two have plenty of guys lined up to help them so I am off the hook.

Great...congrats on getting all 50 states. You'll just have to order that spoon online and pretend. Hope you have a good time the rest of your trip.

TX...so how'd it feel to get your first A$$ kicking from Janet????????? She's good, isn't she? Bet you won't be nibbling on any chocolate donuts any time soon. You jumped on this train and we are not about to shove you off over one donut but we might make your ride a miseable one if you sabatouge yourself. It's all cuz we care. I always looked at those treats we should not have as "undoing" the good a person has done so far. Not only is it about the calories consumed, it's about staying on task and taking care on your new stomach and heading towards your goal. Band friendly treats are great and something to enjoy as long as you plan for them in your food plan.

Honestly, half the battle with trigger foods is to not have them in your house, truck, etc. The way I handled things around here was that everybody at the same thing and it was healthy. I figured if I was going to change my lifestyle, I certainly wanted my DH and DS to eat as healthy cuz I want them around when I am 100. I do make them a baked treat once in awhile but have learned to cook and bake low fat low sugar. They cannot tell the diff. Most of my baking does not even have any fat it in. My substitute is sugar free applesauce that I make in the fall and freeze in portions for baking. I also use whole wheat flour instead of white. The applesauce adds the extra moisture. DH raves more about my baking now than he ever did....not sure why but I think it's because he know how hard I worked to make his little treats healthier.

Arlene....those steel cut oats are just so satisfying, aren't they? And, they stick with you. I am still getting up about 3am for me feeding and oats are my food of choice. Makes me feel all satisfied and they don't sit in my throat once I head back to bed.

After DH's mother died I was concerned about is diabetic father eating the right things. When I make a batch, he gets enough for a couple weeks to put in his freezer.

Well...better get supper in the crockpot, hit the shower and get on the road. It's gonna be a good day. Sending the love.

Edited by Apples2

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Good Morning Gang...

LOL Apples - Janet's Ass Kicking - Well Chris - #1 thing you need to know about me - is that I give tough love - the operative word is love.. And I am a food cop...

You really gotta get it through you head - that you can't eat like you use to - how you ate pre-band is what got you fat in the 1st place..

My DGD is 6 yrs old weighs 87 lbs - her Mom is morbity obese - she has taught her child to eat unhealthy - ranch dressing w/pizza cuz it taste yummy - even my 16 yr old DGD who isn't heavy eats unhealthy - tons of white starches & cheese.. This is why a lot our kid in the USA are a over weight - just walk down the street - look at them - it's the foods they are eating - Kids now a day eat more fast food than they do home cooked foods -

I talk to my grandkids all the time to eat healthy and now a days they are teaching that in school too - which makes me happy

It's miserable growing up fat - it's awful to be made fun of.. I know - I was the fat girl..

Treats now an then are fine - but the thing is now and then - not 24/7.. During my weight loss phase - I had a few - but not too many - I wanted the weight off - I didn't have major surgery to keep eating the way I use too.

I still limit my treats - once a week - once every 2 weeks - but again - no adays my body craves healthy foods - and as the weight comes off you will look at how others eat - the kinds of foods they eat and think omg - I use to eat like that - no wonder I got to be so big..

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Yes, Janet, that's why we are all here...to get the love. Whether it be tough love or the just the love you throw our way every day...thanks for the love you give all of us....(tears)

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Apples, how are you going to hide a gun safe until Christmas? It's not like you can slide it under the bed. Have fun in your travels today.

Still no work today so far, at least, so I'm going to work on the kitchen, need to clean out the fridge and a couple of things, then start on my office. I'm so sick of this mess.

And in between all of this I'm going to stamp. I've got to start on Christmas cards or they won't get done.

Great, have fun at the Peabody....ducks? I collect ducks...sort of. I don't have too many and don't want too many, but it was a theme a long time ago. We went as "ducks for President" one year at Halloween. We won the costume contest that year because there were 10 of us with duck bill, duck feet, feathers, and signs saying "Vote for Ducks" I'll post the picture.

Janet, one of the FNSC members is an NP and she lived in Haiti and has worked on the relief there. She also just got back from Liberia where she might get a job setting up a nursing program at the hospital in the capital. Her view point of the rest of the world is very interesting. She's actually seen some of the prejudice and discrimination that leads to genocide and the other horrors that occur around the world.

Okay....I need to get something done.

Later ladies.

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Eva....ducks for Prez...cute. I went as Pat Paulsen for Prez one year.

I have many places to hide a gun safe and am very creative. We have three large storerooms in our house and almost anything can be stored under a tarp that is strapped.

Have a fun day cleaning. I need to get out of here so I am back by 8pm to feed my guys. I can find more things to do to delay myself.

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Hello All~

Well Apples invited me to join you folks over here, and I am taking her up on it.:) Sounds like you folks have been friends a long time!

My name is Kelly I am 49 and 1/2 years old, and next year I'll be 48:thumbup:! I live in California, in the foothills of the Sequoia National Park. Lots of cattle ranches and orange groves, then just 20 minutes up the hill are pine trees, and snow.I have lived up here and grown up on a ranch. A small one, with lots horses and sheep, cows, etc,etc.

Now i live on a country road, in a little secluded spot with my mother. She is retired and I am starting school to become a cna in Jan.:thumbup:

I'm almost 14 weeks with my band, and have never been happier. The main reason is I'm not "starving all the time" Makes a huge difference when you are not thinking "when do I get to eat next?"

I have had two small fills, and go for my third fill in two weeks. At first it bugged me how long everything took,but then after my second tiny fill, and averaging 10 pounds a month, I kinda quieted down and decided I totally cool with how I am doing!:thumbup:

Well, time for my morning walk, I take my little weiny dog "Sophie",and she has to trot the whole way!:thumbup:

Take care,


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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