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Good Evening Gang...

Great - Yep I figured you hadn't been to the gym ;0) - the finger thing is ok - it's your index finger and you put in your cell # - I do it - and yep in 6 weeks the classes do change up... I know that ours does - they had 24 lift - now it's called Body Pump - Kick Boxing Boot Camp is now MMA Boot camp (mixed martial arts) and a little diff - I know my boot camp is suppose to change too - name anyway - they are doing some les mills (I think that's his name) programs..

Cheri - LOL on your gas - you an a lady from my work would get on well w/each other - she thinks farts are funny too.. I was brought up to ignore them - I don't have that much gas normal at bed time and in the a.m. so I am safe ;0) - since I live alone ;0)

Apples - Ya not being able to eat can cause you to be a bit grouchy - Hopefully your mouth will be better in a few days..

Ya I don't think Linda has been on FB either - I will ck it out..

Eva - We didn't discuss our issue - she said it was Water under the bridge- I know I made a passive aggressive comment about her son's bad influence on my son - that's what she was pissed about.. We're cool - she called tonite to thank me for coming to see her and making her Soup -

Well gang I'm hungry - need to go cook - CBL

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Apples, I think (sounds weird I know) the change in the weather. You know .....the IBS. The weather was nice and sunny this afternoon and I was hungry again. It had been raining.

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Hi there, I tried going to bed at 10:30, but my shoulder just won't let me lay down flat I guess.... Got up and thought I would wait it out here on the computer.. I got most of what I wanted to do today done, so that is a good thing...... my floors were terrible and got them done... dusted my office and vacuumed the floor.... I baked DH an apple pie, his favorite..... and then he didn't eat any...... because he ate too much fresh cinnamon swirl bread.... I had to make a pan of sweet rolls for my nephew and brother who are leaving at 4:00 am tomorrow for an elk hunt in Colorado.... This is my time of year for my family to want me to make rolls for everyone... I just did a small batch today with my mixer.... got one pan of rolls and one loaf of bread.... Next week I have to do the carmel rolls for the other nephew...... I'm fine with it now that I figured how to use my mixer's dough hook.... I don't have to hurt myself to make the dough.. I just have to do smaller batches..... and that's okay... As for apples, DH and I did get a bunch put in the freezer on Sunday so that is done... Still one big box in the garage along with the boxes he has in the garage fridge that he saves to just eat....... We didn't get so many this year, but what we did get are just beautiful.... and so big.... took 4 apples for a 10 inch pie.....

This "flatulance" problem seems to be an epidemic lately... I have been suffering for days now and don't know why.... I spend a lot of time alone at home so done't have to worry too much.....

Laura K, can't wait to hear about your date.. fingers crossed that he is a nice guy... Where are you meeting these lucky gentlemen...??? Are they new in your life since your weightloss, or are they just noticing you now??? I hope they are new because I hate to think that a few pounds kept them from asking you out before..... You are the same lovely woman, just must slimmer now.... I wish you good luck finding a wonderful guy to treat you like a queen......

Yes, Linda has been absent.... I, too, worry about her DSD..... and that sweet little girl...

Lori, have fun in Memphis.... I'd love to go there.... Your goal will be complete if you make it to all three states......

Janet, so nice that things are going so well with your sister now... Those old problems lose a lot of power when health issues get involved... It was so nice of you to go make her feel special to you.....

Arlene, yes, your mindset is changing... I notice that about myself very often.... Even watching food commercials on TV or some of the food network shows I like... I watch those people taking big bites of something huge and sinfully ful of calories and almost feel nauseated by it... I can't imagine stuffing anything like that in my mouth anymore..... Have you ever seen Man vs. Food on the Travel channel??? How that man can put that much food in his stomach is amazing to me.... and why doesn't he weigh 400 pounds... Tonight he ate a meter long sausage with two side dishes in 26 minutes... made me want to gag.....

Sandy good luck with your 5K run.... I don't believe I know what state you live in....... Is this your first race.? That's a lot of people..... and for such a good cause... I hope you make yourself proud......

Eva, my DH has always made his own coffee...... I don't drink it so don't even think of it... and with these strange sleeping habits I don't even hear him grind the Beans in the morning.... That's very odd for me... I ususally hear everything....

Well, I've made a decision for myself.... Besides my pain issues I have noticed that I don't feel very well lately... Nothing specific, but just not right.. I know my addiction to popsicles is partly to blame... so I'm going to wean myself off of them and go to all sf ones.. I don't like them as well, so that should just normally reduce the amount I have in a day.... and I'm going to call and schedule a check up with my NP here.... have some blood work done... I've noticed my hair has begun falling out again... I find that a bit odd for now... My finger nails are doing better and feeling a bit stronger finally.... but I think maybe there are some things going on that I don't know.... Best to check it out.....

Well, you other ladies who haven't been on today, I hope your day went well and you are resting up for a new day tomorrow.... Nothing on my plate,.... just plan to do a little more housekeeping... get the top layers of dust off... We live very near the town grain elevator... This time of year with beans and seeds the dust just rolls off those trucks and my house suffers badly.... My bedroom is in bad need of dusting and polishing... I may make some supper and invite our friends in tomorrow night... She is the one with the brain aneurysms.... Yesterday she stepped in a hole and fell and broke her foot.... Maybe she'll appreciate not having to cook...... I still have some leftover turkey from the wedding to use.. It's in the freezer..... I thought maybe some turkey tetrazinni would be good... with a nice salad. some steamed broccoli, and of course apple pie for dessert..... We'll see if she is up for it...

Well, the pain pill kicked in so maybe I can sleep now... Stay safe and snug in your beds.... Nightie night... Love you guys... Julie

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Sandi, my daughter, her husband, his sister are all in the chocolate run. I think their kids will be with them. David can run the whole way, he's 6. Josh will probably be in the stroller. Rachel ran last year. So if you meet a Jeff, Rachel, or Karen Miller, that would be them.

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Arlene, before my final fill, I could be tight some days with some things, but overall I could eat a lot, especially at night. It astounds me that you can eat two eggs. Or your egg-white pancakes. I can't eat eggs or egg whites at all. I'm off this morning, then go in at noon and work till eight for parent/teacher conferences.


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Good Morning gang!

I am planning to walk this morning before I take my DGD to Mommy's Day Out. I have an appt to get my toes and nails done. Would you believe My sparkles from Vegas have stayed on my toes. I am changing to Red......go figure...lol.

Not good.......turned it on QVC this morning. Dr. Perricone is the special. I love the stuff I bought last time, but he is expensive.

For the first time in many months I ate oatmeal w/walnuts. Very filling.

Julie, the doctor offered to prescribe Lyrica for night pain. Did you ask the doctor about it? She said it really good for nerve pain. I didn't get it because my pain is not everynight. You do need to get bloodwork especially since you have had so many infections in your gut.

HUGS and Prayers for you!

Sndy.........good juju on the 5k run!

Apples and Great......are y'all gone for the weekend?

Janet.......just wanted to know if the sheriff is in town this weekend? One of your deputies will be here. lol.

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Arlene, the Atkins Protein drinks do give me gas but so do their soy nugget Protein Bars. Actually the shakes have Fiber in them too. Both also constipate me. Any Fiber bars give me unbelievable gas and don't seem to help with the Constipation. So, even with all the fiber I still need my Miralax and even with that I can have trapped gas. Can't burp because of the band and can't always let it out the other end in a controlled way either.

I suspect that the very severe bend or twist I have somewhere in my intestines is responsible. They had trouble giving me a colonoscopy some years back cause they couldn't get it to twist with the intestine. I kept waking up and going "Oww!" and they kept having to give me more drugs. LOL. I remember it very distinctly and you aren't supposed to remember anything from that. TMI, but, since we're on the subject....

I actually have been constipated since early childhood. I BM'd often only once a week on Sunday after I'd had a big Sunday dinner that helped push it out. LOL.

I only ate cooked veggies, but I did eat fruit. Not much whole grains. Wonder bread. Didn't like cereals that much. Still don't. Not that we had whole grain ones in the house.

Still, I was the only one with constipation problems. I'm hoping the Kefir cultures will regulate the gas. If I have that for Breakfast instead of a Protein shake I might avoid some of the issues.

Been eating very little since getting the stomach bug, so I lost a couple more lbs. Well within my range now so I think I'll have no trouble losing the other 2 lbs by Thanksgiving.

Basement is almost done. Just needs the ceiling. Doing the bathroom downstairs later. My son has said he'll do that. It'll save us much money. Just putting a door on it and a toilet in it so guests can use it when we have a lot of people over. I'm having Thanksgiving here hopefully and a work Christmas party and Ken's family Christmas party. Now I have somewhere to put them.

Very cold out, but I'm going to bundle up or go to the walking track at the community center. It's free.

Have a great day.


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Good Morning Gang..

Cheri - You rarely post in the a.m. ;0) hope the tummy issues quit ;0)

Charlene - Yep I'm home this weekend ;0)... I'm home till I go on vacation - don't have any plans - May go to air show tomorrow morning..

Apples hope you got some sleep and food ;0) we can't have you being grouchy..

Well not much to report since last night - it's Friday - always a good day for us who work ;0)....

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Cheri...enjoy your morning off. Have you ever tried charcoal capsules for your gas issues? I started using them once in awhile this summer. I love fruit and grapes would blow me up like a nickle balloon. Made me look pregnant. The capsules are taken 2-3 times a day and really to calm down the gas and make the distended tummy go down. Might be worth a try.

Sandy...have fun doing your 5-K. Admire you for doing it. Didn't even notice that you had braces. The GF I met yesterday for her bday luncheon just got braces yesterday morning at the age of 35. She got the clear and I could hardly tell they were on. I bet she has a tender mouth this morning.

Janet...nice to know you will be around this weekend. Yes, I slept some. This mouth will tame down and it's just something I have to go through to get to the end result. No big deal really. Just had to do my share of complaining about it. I figure by Monday I will be eating like normal.

Watched DH scrape frost off his work truck windows this morning. I just hope both DS and DH can get the jobs done that they want to b/4 ground freezes. DH is spreading fert and DS in tiling like made. One of his employees didn't show yesterday and does not answer his phone so think he is short one. I'll be putting another ad in the paper and radio this morning looking for help.

Nothing new here. My day will be spent in the basement cleaning and organizing. I put a lot of youngest DS's boxes down there and need to get them moved so I can start on my painting projects. (I paint wooden plates for friends for gifts). Anxious to get going on them. It's such a de-stresser. Gotta get my sewing machine out one of these days also.

Today will be a good day for making chili and figure something I should be able to eat (I think). If not, I promise I won't come on and whine. LOL.

You all have a great day.

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I just finished walking. Charlie did not cooperate with me. I haven't taken him in a week so he had to sniff and mark all his spots.

Janet the air show was here two weeks ago. My friends went and said it was awesome. I could hear them practicing the day before , but it was so overcast I never saw one jet.

Cheri, I take Benefiber now with two bottles of Water. Recently I found that fruit was my best source of fiber. Dr. Davis said fruit was good as long as I am exercising. You know all the problems I have. I only have half of a colon which has compounded my problems. Everyone has to do what works for them. Miralax is another one of my sources too.

Okay,......off to get a mani/pedi. Later peeps!

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Hi all,

Yes I had a lunch date last Sunday, he was ok. I don't think that one will go any where. But...

I went on one last night. We had a blast, had dinner then went to another place for a drink because we weren't done talking. So dinner and drink lasted over 4 hours. We have plans to meet again. Can't wait. Really nice. yahoo

I'll keep you informed.


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Good morning, am up bright and early awaiting a cement contractor. We keep getting Water in our garage when it rains so they are hammering out a section of the garage floor today and then going to replace it. Depending on when they get done I might run to the mall. Macy's sent me an American Express card in the mail. I never asked for one nor applied. So going to go shut that down and grumble to them. LOL

Arlene, I am around, even posted yesterday about my upcoming jaunt to Memphis. I got it all booked yesterday, we leave Sunday morning. My plan is also to take a drive to Alabama, Arkansas and our hotel is actually in Mississippi, that will complete my Quest to get to all 50 states. I'm excited. We planned on going to Graceland as well but not sure I want to pay $35 each to do so, plus parking.

Janet, my gym didn't just change the names of the classes but the days and times as well. I liked the sculpting class on Mondays and it's now a Zumba, etc. I will find some to make it work, just frustrating all their little changes.

Apples, happy painting, hope you get your basement organized. Even though we just moved I have some organizing I need to do. Like in my computer room I just unpacked the boxes and set stuff on the bookshelves in stacks, it looks so messy, need to organize and figure what I want to keep there.

LauraK, glad the date went well with the one.

Linda, hope all is well, we miss ya.

Cheri, hope you get your gas issues under control, or you may have to get a dog to blame it all on. LOL

Julie, so what's next for the pain? What they had you do from mayo doesn't seem to be working. Do you go back to them?

Edited by Great2BThin

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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