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This is Debbie, TX's wife. We are finally home and Chris is snoring loudly in the chair beside me. The shoulder surgery took longer than expected. He went in at 9:00 and that surgeon came out to talk to me at 12:30. I think they were just trying to give me a nervous breakdown. LOL The LAP-BAND® surgeon was done and out to give me the updates at about 1:30. Everything went well, but we had trouble getting him awake enough for the nurses to feel comfortable letting him leave. He wanted us to "leave him alone and let him sleep." I got him settled and gave him pain killers so hopefully he will be out for a while. I don't look forward to seeing him work through the pain over the next week or so. (More with the shoulder than the LAP-BAND®.)

Thanks to all of you for the great support you have given him and will continue to give him I'm sure through this journey. Debbie

Thanks Debbie for the update. I know it might be difficult, but following both of the doctors orders is key to healing. Keep us updated. If you have questions we will try to answer. HUGS for you and TX!

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Hi Debbie, Thanks for the update! Glad it went well.

My calories today were 1389. No exercies today - feeling lazy. My trainer has pneumonia and could not work out this week.

Here is a picture of my DH at a live burn training session. I am not sure if I mentioned it before but he is a firefighter.

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Prayers are with you Tex. I've gone through double knee replacement surgery and major 6 hour neck surgery as well as a hysterectomy and shoulder surgery not to mention lap band surgery. For me a little R&R means going to the hospital for repairs and replacements. Each one has brought improvement in my health and well-being, so very worth it. It will be for you, too.

Sun today but still very windy. Two more days of teaching. Going well. Lost it with a student this morning. In front of the principal. Talked to her dad and put together an action plan. Most students and teachers don't ever see me that angry, but this girl has been lieing to me, her parents, before school monitors in order to avoid coming to my room before school to do her computer program and her little sister doesn't come either. I keep holding that spot open for her because her mom and dad want her in there. So when I found her outside doing before school recess instead of in my room I snapped. Gave her a documented detention and called parents who will now walk her to my door to make sure she makes it into my room.

Every child and adult on the playground turned to look when I ordered her in no uncertain terms to "Get into my room, now!" Once I got her on the computer I actually took a walk to calm down before I continued teaching the other kids in the room.

I have a voice that can cut glass if I need it to. I just can't abide sneaks and liars.


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Hi Lucky bandsters,

Well....according to the Surgeon....i dont need to loose any more..unless I want to ....hmmm. I right where I should be I could loose another 10 at most but...not needed. lol. okay then.....so of course I do!!! So....got a fill and he said.....say goodbye to future fills....you dont need them any longer..this one just for good luck! Sweet. lol

I also asked about the Tummy Tuck and before I finished he said..so we are starting to document that you told me about your rash and im going to prescribe some anti whatever...stuff and its not going to work.....and then we will send you to a plastic surgeon and the insurance should pay....hmmm I see. So.....I got my script and he said to fill it tomorrow..ummm okay. SO...i will do just that..

Anyone need some of that cream I hope I wont be needing it long. achum

Went to spin class this morning...not as bad as last time!! I liked it this time. Hard but fast.

Bought something new...and showed it to surgeon to make sure it was good.....

Instead of a just a Protein shake in the AM before gym. I bought a holistic Meal Replacement from the gym store. It is called "Mlis"....it has 20g protein...and 5 g. Soluble and 5g...dietary Fiber. Total carbs. 10g. impact carbs 5g, and no sugar. 180 cal a seving fat cal 27. with an 8-10 oz of Water or milk.

Surgeon was happy with it.....He said doesnt bother him that its a Meal Replacement instead of straight Protein powder....

Its all natural, natural sugar, and fiber and minerals.

I checked their website and they have other products as well. check it out......M'lis They are out of Salt Lake City Utah.

I had it this week and I like it....wasnt hungry after only two hours that I usually am after just a Protein Shake..

well must go....have a great night all.....

Keep dry and out of winds.....



Debbie, thats a good man there that wants to live a long and healthy life...today is the first day of both your jorneys...thanks for the update!! Let us know if there is anything we can help with for him and you.

Im suprised that the nurses let him sleep at all. Usuallly they want you walking every hour on the hour for the first 24 hrs...wanted to kick their butts by morning...lol. I suppose with the shoulder surgery that this situation was different...maybe walking not so good?? Well if there isnt any reason to not be able to....its the best thing for the gas pain!! Walk, Walk and more Walking...Drink Drink and Drink Water by taking sips sips sips. I walked the halls of my apartment building waking everyone up at all hours..that first week! lol.

That and GasX my best Friend.

Have a great night...and get ready for a new life....a great one!!

Good Morning...radio said this morning that the winds we are getting compare to a category 3 hurricane. We have lived in this house since 1987 and NEVER have I heard such wind...not even in a full-blown snow storm. The winds are expected to not subside until this evening. I'm staying in today. I think some meanial tasks are calling my name.

Cheri...sounds like you really got hit with the wind also. My advice for today...hang onto your hat!

Arlene...good going on your carb-clean day...keep it going.

Janet...smart GM....staying out of the moving up two flights of stairs. Very nice of you to stock their panty. It's fun to do that for young kids. I know my kids loved filling up the cart when I would fly in to visit. Momma's treat.

Jodi....I ditto what Arlene said...thanks for explaining your job. Busy girl.

Julie...good to hear you are doing much better...hope it continues.

Well...have some company that stopped in for Breakfast (farmer friends have nothing to do right now) and going to go make some omelettes. Thank goodness I have a couple of kinds of muffins in freezer and Cookies and cake cuz I am sure this "farm session" will go on till noon.

Janet...thanks for the recipe....I've made those dumplings for years. I throw a tsp of Italian spices in them once in awhile.

Gotta go. Will talk later. Sending the ju ju also, TX. Hope you are under by know and having dreams of your new band life and life without shoulder pain.

Apples...I heard this afternoon that there were at least ten tornados through your neck of the woods....hoping you were far out the way from them!!!

Prayers are with you Tex. I've gone through double knee replacement surgery and major 6 hour neck surgery as well as a hysterectomy and shoulder surgery not to mention LAP-BAND® surgery. For me a little R&R means going to the hospital for repairs and replacements. Each one has brought improvement in my health and well-being, so very worth it. It will be for you, too.

Sun today but still very windy. Two more days of teaching. Going well. Lost it with a student this morning. In front of the principal. Talked to her dad and put together an action plan. Most students and teachers don't ever see me that angry, but this girl has been lieing to me, her parents, before school monitors in order to avoid coming to my room before school to do her computer program and her little sister doesn't come either. I keep holding that spot open for her because her mom and dad want her in there. So when I found her outside doing before school recess instead of in my room I snapped. Gave her a documented detention and called parents who will now walk her to my door to make sure she makes it into my room.

Every child and adult on the playground turned to look when I ordered her in no uncertain terms to "Get into my room, now!" Once I got her on the computer I actually took a walk to calm down before I continued teaching the other kids in the room.

I have a voice that can cut glass if I need it to. I just can't abide sneaks and liars.


Cheri....wouldnt want to cross you....I bet that one...she will be in that class from now on!!! Good for you...its okay to get Angry...your entitled...even angels get angry.....:sneaky: (in case you didnt get that, I was referring to you...angel)

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Hey there, it seems my shoulder decided to let me know that it still isn't healed..... Having some rough pain now that won't let me go to sleep..... It feels like a charly horse in my shoulder/neck...... put my zapper on for a while and then will do some ice...... I really want to sleep as it was a long day.... Apples we woke up to the winter wonderland thing this morning, too.... Very heavy and wet..... Of course the snow blower had to act up first off.... But DH got us out and we did make it to our appts, but that dang wind about did me in.....

Took Mimi to the daycare today while we were gone... she had fun and got a good nap..... Had trouble getting her to sleep tonight and she has school at 8:30 tomorrow.... little stinker.... but so sweet.... Now, that dang dog is another story.... little beagle and he is a rambunctious one... He'd make me crazy... glad he goes home tomorrow night.... DH has had enough of him too......He had never seen snow before so decided to do his jobs on my floors this morning... lovely!!!!!!

Chris & Debbie, glad he is resting and on his way to a better day.... good luck...

Laura, glad to hear your DH made it home safely.... I'm sure he had so much to tell you and share..... must have been a great time for him.....

Cheri, sounds like you just had enough and something had to give.... sometimes it takes a little blow up to make them understand you mean business....

Jodi, so proud that you have reached your goal.. You look beautiful and I hope you can get that TT and have insurance pay... You'll really be a knock out then..... good luck......

Well, I'm going to attempt sleep again.... Hope you all are sleeping peacefully.... Hugs................. Julie

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Good Morning Gang...

Never got a chance to post last night - had gym and then Debbie came over so we could go over dogs schedule while I'm gone...

Debbie (aka Mrs Tx) Thanks for the update - My girlfreind sis just had shoulder surgery not fun - it may mask the gas pains in the shoulder - gas x strips - I'm like your dh - let me sleep when I don't feel good ;0) - but gotta walk - don't want blood clots..

Quite day yesterday -

Julie sorry your pain has acted up - just keep going for treatment - it sounds like it may be helping..

Apples - cold here this a.m. in the mid 50's - no snow - at DS this weekend - cold low 60 during the day and rain ... Gotta go look for my winter clothes - I haven't switched closets yet..

Christmas - oh - I haven't really thought of it too much - do have one gift ordered - luckly I don't have a lot to buy for..

Jodi - I want to try spin - it's on Monday nite - now that my training days have changed - I may get the nerve up to try it..

Sandy - even when you feel lazy - make yourself exercise - that lazy feeling is your old self wanting to come back into the for-front of your life - they want control again... You gotta keep your new self - front and center - you gotta keep up the healthy eating & exercise - you can go to the gym w/o your trainer... No excuses...

Great are you back from Hawaii yet ;0) - Novemeber is almost here .... Back on track right - no more excuses...

Well it's shower time - will cbl

Have a great day everyone...

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Evening ladies and tx. Just got some grades in and I am soo excited. I got a perfect score in calculatiing IV meds and rates, and a 95 A on my final on monday.

My teacher mentioned that we should all try to get jobs assisting nurses after our 1st semester. All the nurses I talk to seem to agree. I am concerned about adding more responsibilites to my plate. I was also sent an invitation to join the honors society. You have to be invited to join. I would love to do all this stuff. Just not sure if I can handle it all. I am hearing that it is hard to get a job in my area as a recent grad because there are 7 nursing schools in my city. I gotta fiqure some way to make myself stand out.

Jewel - Congrats you are just so busy. I am proud of you and your dream of nursing. Making that come true. You can do it.

This is Debbie, TX's wife. We are finally home and Chris is snoring loudly in the chair beside me. The shoulder surgery took longer than expected. He went in at 9:00 and that surgeon came out to talk to me at 12:30. I think they were just trying to give me a nervous breakdown. LOL The LAP-BAND® surgeon was done and out to give me the updates at about 1:30. Everything went well, but we had trouble getting him awake enough for the nurses to feel comfortable letting him leave. He wanted us to "leave him alone and let him sleep." I got him settled and gave him pain killers so hopefully he will be out for a while. I don't look forward to seeing him work through the pain over the next week or so. (More with the shoulder than the LAP-BAND®.)

Thanks to all of you for the great support you have given him and will continue to give him I'm sure through this journey. Debbie

Debbie - Thank you for the update and it is so nice to meet you.

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Good morning! I am getting ready to go to Water aerobics. I took Charlie out at 5am. It must have been about 75. I just stepped out again and the cold front is blowing in. We are expecting a low of 48. I just hope the pool is still warm.

Yesterday's calorie count was about 1300.....over my resting count of 1100 calories. I fell off the wagon last night and ate 100 calorie popcorn. I had two eggs this morning. I plan to have a turkey patty for lunch and maybe a side salad. I think I have dropped a couple of LBs. I hope with the front moving in i will shed this Water weight. Yes, I retain Fluid in warm humid weather. As much as 3lbs.

Debbie.......how is Tx today? I hope he is walking.....will help with the gas pain.

Julie....sorry about your pain. Do you think it might be the change in weather? Snow......YIKES! You can keep that part of winter.

Apples, did you go get your teeth worked on?

Jodi......WTG! on reaching goal. You are such a beautiful woman......inside and out! I really like the Muscle Honey Milk if found at Walmart ( frig section by yogurt) No after taste and the coffee flavor is better than Pro Jo......cheaper too!

I am reading a new book....Conquering th MUNCHIE MONSTER. by Robert Ferguson. I am always looking for tips to help me in that area. Of Course, Sheriff Janet is the best tip I have so far. lol

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Good Morning....

I feel like a broken record...cold and dank and windy here again today. Low 20's during the evening and early morning. 29 right now and hoping to get up to 40. But, Janet, I bet your 50's for you is a lot colder than our low 20's. I have a wake and funeral (friend's father passed away) and got my black wool coat out and boots to wear to the funeral/burial. Have a safe trip and, again, so sorry about your sister. Hope you are able to have a good visit with her. Hugs. Not easy.

Arlene...good going on getting to Water exercise even though it is chilly. Hope that book you are reading helps you to get rid of the "Munchie Monster". You should say goodbye to him altogether. When I think back to my weight gain stage, that Munchie Monster was on my back full time. Thought he was my friend but he was the devil. I shut the door to him from the onstart of my weight loss stage. He had to go...I couldn't have him in my life. He was abusive and he could not longer be part of my life. It was not easy but what I did to fight him was have extremely healthy Snacks at hand, in my purse, in my truck when I really had to have a snack. And, even though I am in maintence and have to keep my calories up, I still reach of healthy snacks...I just have more of them. Your 100 cal popcorn is good for you and something that takes a while to eat and you feel like you've had something.

No dental this week. Not till next Wed, Nov 3. I am in the last stages and really looking forward to getting rid of this temp bottom front plate I have had since June 2. Thinking I will have it for another 4 weeks. Next week is placing caps on lower right and grinding 4 others in front sides down for caps. Been a long haul and I so appreciate the support I got (and needed) from all of you throughout this process. Whine, whine, whine. Thanks for all who listened.

Julie...as Janet said...keep up with the treatments and hoping this all does the trick for you. Pain can alter everything we want to do and my wish is that you can be completely pain free. Have fun with Mimi.

Great...dreamed about you last night. We were on a boardwalk somewhere by the ocean and you were carrying your grandbaby...it was a boy about nine months old. You wanted to run to Starbucks and you asked me to hold him. Your daughter appeared out of nowhere and was soooooooooooooooo upset that you had a "stranger" watching her baby. Then she looked at me and said "Oh, you're Apples2" and everything was fine. Funny dream.

You must be home by now and hopefully catching up with your rest.

Jodi...congrats on your doc's goal for you. I am sure you will decide if you feel you are done with your weightloss or want to be right where you are at. The TT phase is a big step and takes lots of planning with time off work, etc. Important step though if you want to have it done. I had a visit with the doc about mine on Tues and thinking that I will shoot for early spring....more extensive than I thought.

Jessica...this Mother Hen is very proud of you for all you do and the grades you are getting. Take a look into joining the Honor Society. You don't want to miss out and be sorry later that you did not do it. Good going!

TX...hope you are resting comfortably and keeping ahead of the pain. Sounds like you have a good nurse (good morning, Debbie....keep us informed...thanks).

Cheri....sometimes when it comes to getting a point across and trying to be heard, we have to become Screaming Bantchies. Took care of the problem, didn't it? Hope you have smooth sailing with that little girl from here on out. Nice to hear the parents backed you up. If you would have been my DS's teacher, you would have had to use your "outside voice" with them. They were just the cutest little devils/angels.

I have BBQ's simmering for lunch and a pot roast in roaster for dinner. House smells wonderful. Cleaning and laundry and online Christmas shopping today. Have quite a bit of it done and plan it to finish it up today or tomorrow.

Having a tough couple of days with lots of tears. A year ago tomorrow that "mom" fell on the post office steps and passed away. Guess being weepy is just part of dealing with it. Just remembering her and the angel that she was/is.

Better get after it. Later.

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Apples, hugs and prayers to you today.


Thanks, LauraK...I'm OK...just weepy and smiley at the same time. She was a good woman so it's hard not to remember all the good stuff.:sneaky:

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Hello there, yep I got home yesterday and been going non stop since. In fact, DH dropped me off on the way home from the airport at Bible study and then I went to lunch with the gals afterwards and bummed a ride home from one of them. Been laundry and whatnot since then. Today is DH's colonoscopy so am leaving shortly to take him for that he can't drive home after the drugs they give ya. Also, getting ready for DS's visit this weekend. Gotta remember all his favorites. LOL

Also, DD is having gall bladder issues. It's what originally sent her to the dr when she found out she was pregnant. They are even considering surgery while she is pregnant, that scares me! But they don't want to have to do it on an emergency basis either. She sees a surgeon on Tues. he's actually my lapband dr, he said he'd see her considering she was my daughter. I've done a lot of volunteer work etc. for him and have complete faith in him, he removed my gall bladder as well. Hoping they can come up with a solution til after the pregnacy.

Apples, too funny about your dream. Maybe it will be a boy yet, though ultrasound lady says she is positive it's a girl. LOL Hope the memories you have today of 'mom' make you smile as well amongst the tears. I know how you miss her. How did the dr appt go about the Tummy Tuck?

Julie, congrats on the wedding, glad it all went well.

Arlene, back away from the carbs! Seems you are struggling with carbs a lot lately. Have you tried going cold turkey off them for several days?

Janet, Enjoy your visit.

TX, congrats on the band, thanks to your wife for filling us in.

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Great...it is worrisome to think of your DD maybe having to have GB surgery while pregnant. But, if it makes you feel any better, I know of two different ppl that had it done many years ago and everything turned out just fine. Hopefully, like you stated, it won't have to happen during her pregnancy. Will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

My TT appt was not for a TT it was for a pani removal. But, if I decide to do it (weighing the odds right now), it will be where they pull everything down and do the new navel, etc. The cut would be in the pubic area from hip bone to hip bone. I can handle any surgery after having so many hernia surgeries. There is no chance of muscle tightening as I have had too many hernias in that area and lots of mesh in me. I don't think I would need the tightening anyway. My tummy is actually hard.

Enjoy you time with DS. I, too, used to make all their favorites when they would come home.

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I am back from Water aerobics. I just love it.

Apples, I can't believe it has been a year since your mom has been gone. HUGS for you today! I want one of those surgeries too. After my colon surgeries I know it would be a piece of cake. It's getting the rest of my weight off that is the challenge.

Lori, carbs are my addiction. I have done so good this week. Just a slip last night. I just ate a turkey burger patty and now I am going to eat a salad. I may top that off with yogurt for a snack in a couple of hours. I have to think of something for dinner tonight. It will probably chicken breasts and a veggie.

So sorry your DD is having problems. Hopefully she can keep it under control with proper diet.

Later peeps!

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Hi Debbie, Thanks for the update! Glad it went well.

My calories today were 1389. No exercies today - feeling lazy. My trainer has pneumonia and could not work out this week.

Here is a picture of my DH at a live burn training session. I am not sure if I mentioned it before but he is a firefighter.

SSSSSSSizzle....that's one HOT fireman. I see he is a Fire Chief...gotta admire him and the job he does.:sneaky:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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