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Apples - No wonder you enjoy your trips so much. It is alway nice to go home (even if it just feels like home) and visit. Maybe I should give in a little and take DH there.

ISA - I haven't been here very long so I can't say that I remember you. It certainly sounds like you are on a roll and that you have things figured out. Maybe posting will help to motivate you to stay for the long haul. That's why I post here and come to read everyones comments daily. It helps to keep me honest with myself. Can I ask what a practitioner/trainer is? I work with a trainer 2 times a week and love the results I am seeing. I find that like coming here to post helps to keep me honest, that having a trainer and appointments to keep also keep me honest. On the days I go to the gym and work by myself I have to admit that I don't work nearly as hard as the days I work with my trainer. Somehow, when I am by myself, I never seem to work the cardio in. Hmmmm, what is that telling me. I think it is telling me to stick with the trainer!

Hey everyone -

Thanks so much for the welcomes and the support! I'm definitely going to stick around here. It always helped me before, and I know it can help me now.

Snd - Hm, well the practitioner is doing all of the body compositions - so they take my skin fold measurements, weigh me, do all of the crazy calculations that figure out when I could be at my goal, take girth measurements. And he works with me on my food logs every week. And then the training is the circuit training (and sometimes my practitioner does those classes, but often its someone else).

I definitely agree that seeing a trainer (or doing a circuit training/food log/body comp type of program) is great for keeping on track. If you dont show up, people wonder where you are and get in touch with you! I go to circuit training 3 times a week, and then I came up with a plan with my practitioner for the 4 days I'm not at the gym (one day off, and then 3 days of a cardio program that he made up for me). Going to the gym certainly breaks the monotony of just going on the elliptical everyday. I submit with my food log, and exercise log as well, which helps me beat the feeling that I don't want to work out on my own. But its hard - I also hate working out.

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ISA - congrats on turning around your weight loss. The motivation and decision to "take control" should be celebrated.

Lori - I will travel alone to Guam. 1 1/2 to Minneapolis, (4 hr. layover), then 13 hours to Tokyo, then 4 hours to Guam. I will definitely buy the Bose phones.

Karen - thanks for suggesting the larger ones. I'll do that.

Janet - still not cooking, but much more on target with food choices.

Had a small fill today - with only 11 days before I leave, doctor didn't want me to be unable to eat. He recommends only liquids while I fly - no chewing. Should be interesting. Also encouraged me to get a trainer - your advice to me in LV. Will do it when I return.

Julie - sounds like you have everything under control for the wedding. Enjoy - can't wait to see pictures.

TX - you are doing so well. Keep up the good work.

LauraK - enjoy girl's weekend.

Hi to all.

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Man, I hate pbing. Lost a lb. Got 2 more to get back into my "safe" range. Then 2 more for insurance. Once the weight is off I'll be able to eat my meat again at night. I end up eating sliders at night because just eating a couple of ounces of meat just isn't satisfying. Once I'm done pbing I want something that tastes good that won't trigger that tightness. I have to eat unbelievably slowly and I'm almost instantly tight. Just a few lbs of weight gain makes such a difference in the band.

Interesting about the various PSs. I have a very flat, flat tire that is well hidden by my clothes. I only lost 75-80 lbs and I have no rashes and it doesn't get caught under me. For, me, it would be purely cosmetic and only I would see the improvement. Same with the underarm skin and boob lift.

The thing I really want to do is get my varicose veins treated. I may get partial coverage from my insurance but then have to pay the rest myself. However, if I up my flex dollars and preplan for the expense I can do it pre-tax. Even then, I'd like a thigh lift to pull the skin up on my thighs. Then I could wear shorts and be less self-conscious in my swimming suit. Since I love to swim, I think I'd be less self-conscious if my legs were fixed up.

Thanks LakyK for the complements. Have a great trip to Guam.

Couldn't post my concert clips. My husband is going to try to figure out why. I think its not a recognized format.

Be gone from Lapband till maybe Friday night or Saturday. Gotta go to 2-day conferences in South Bend, IN. Can't say I enjoy them much. I liked last weeks conferences better. Gotta go pack.


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Back from bootcamp - Rose who does bootcamp & pilo is leaving :0( Don't know who's taking over he classes - will find out Sunday (maybe as pilo is smaller class and should be able to talk more)

LauraK - I ordered some books so I got free shipping ;0) but it was expensive I think I paid $14 - but when I looked before I thought it was $8.. I googled store location and I would have to go to LA to get it - I though Clark's Health food store would have it.. but I guess they don't - or maybe if I go into the store they would.. WTG on your walking !!!! I love GF weekends - have a great time ;0)

Apples - Tummy didn't look bad to me - in fact I though yours looked better than mine ;0) but I too would like to put on a pair of pants without shapers all the time and a tt or panwhatever it's called - skin tightening would be nice.. But we all know you are one tough cookie when it comes to pain - between teeth, stones etc - you are a warrior..

Charlene - Yep Hell might be freezing over lol :cursing: it's not good for the dates (rain) but they should be picking already so hopefully it won't be too bad - but we are suppose to have more rain tomorrow - I am wearing my boots !!! My new riding ones I got a few weeks back - Today's weather said 80 w/chance of rain - well I don't think it got that hot and we had some major rain cells come thru..

Did I miss it - what was the diet pizza - I have a gf who makes one w/ground chicken (that's the crust I think)

Earl's surgery is tomorrow around 11 ish is the last she posted.. She found a babysitter for zoey...

I really haven't followed DWTS this yr.. Heard that Bristol is doing well though..

Sandy Hear you on being to embarssed about talking to the trainers - I was too - I waited till I got to 173 till I saw mine - he told me I should have come at 250 ;0)

Maintaining is good - let your body get use to this weight - then change up the exercise and eating and the rest will come off..


I have been w/my trainer since 3/08 - and accountability is the reason I stick with him still - Plus he is my friend now and so is my workout partner - we have fun while we are working out - We joke and talk about our issues - he's sorta shrink/trainer/friend all wrapped into one ;0)

Also - I kept a food diary till I got to goal weight - then I quit

Keep up the good work !!!

Great - Glad you got the ear thing cleared up.. You didn't answer my question though ;0) hows the eating going and when are you going to the gym again ;0)

Joyce - WTG on making better food choices - Remember just start small lunches - salads ;0) w/protein ;0).. Yep Trainer gym is very important ;0)

I'm lucky flying doesn't tighten my band - stress is about the only thing that does..

Well - got my butternut squash cooked (put it in to bake while I was at the gym) fish cooked - think I am going to head for the couch...

Cb when t.v. gets boring ;0)

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Janet...I am on a butternut and acorn squash kick this year. Have always loved it but I just crave it lately.

I was embarrassed to even bring up the apron issue on this thread. One of the reasons is that I have said in the past that I would NEVER feel the need to have it done. I have no problem with the way I look and have never worried about what DH thinks of it. I don't wear any garments to hold it, etc. and know that with clothes on, no one would ever guess it is there. I feel too confined even in panty hose.

I guess the only way I can explain it is that it is getting in the way of life and very irritating. The reason I was embarrassed to mention it is that I am thin some and ppl might think I just plain don't need it. I have been discussing this with DH for a bit and he knows I feel that this would somehow complete the journey...get rid of the irritation and be done with it. My doc took one look at the change and how the apron hangs more so now than the last time I saw him. He's 100% in getting me to consider and tryed to convince me that it is not a egotistical thing. More quality of life than anything else.

Cheri...hope your conference is interesting...have a good trip.

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ok.. just a fly by. read the posts but am too tired to respond. Volunteered all day, then had to get craft stuff for fall festivities for class (things add up at Michaels)- luckily some parents who can't volunteer sent me gift cards. Made a bunch of calls/emails- then to TKD, then Nels had 2 cutie adopted chinese girls from our bus stop over to swim. Trying to keep him active (he's gained a few lbs (little pooch in the belly) since school started). He hasn't noticed and I would NEVER bring it to his attention, just trying to watch the Snacks a little but mainly just keep him active.

DH comes home Friday. : ) He sent me their first ever family photo. Even 20 years ago before he left they never took a photo of everyone.I am just a camera-holic. I made him promise to do it, and he did. You just never know. Maybe it's more selfish too- I want Nelson to have it.

Phyl~ Thanks for the sweet card. Made my day.

ok guys, tomorrow will write more. Going to hit the hay.


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Hey IndioGirl55

Wow what a great weight loss in a relatively short time. I am 5'6" and a whopping 300 pounds. I have had my band for five days and since my presurgery preparation have lost around 12 pounds - not much but best I have done in some years. I just gave up, around and around I went on the weight loss/weight gain merry-go-round and each time I lost I put much more on.

I am so happy I have taken the plunge. I hope I will look half as good as you. Unfortunately, given the amount of weight I am looking at a cut and shut after I lose the weight. That's for another day.

Bye from sunny Australia:cool2:

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Good Morning Gang.

Welcome Jedp... 12 lbs is FANTASTIC - it's not an only !!! It's great !!! This is a journey and we each lose the weight in our own way and speed - it's not a race... I lost 9 in the 1st week so you are doing better than I did..

Secret - keep a food diary - watch the starches and exercise

When you have time - go back to page 1 and read forward - it will give you some insite on our journeys and who we are

Apples - Get your pandectomy ;0) - It's not up to me or anyone else - it's up to you and what make you feel complete in this journey..

Laura - you a camera nut - omg almost made me lose my coffee this morning ;0) - Yep you are a camera person.. Great picture as always !!! We love seeing them..

Don't think I have acorn squash - will have to try it..

Cheri - Enjoy your conference -

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Good Morning Posse!

Phyl........Prayers for Earl this morning......check in when you can. Love ya!

Apples, the apron is a potential problem of infection being you work a lot out side in the heat. It is not cosmetic.

Laura.......glad you check in......Friday.....WooHoo! Thanks for sharing the family pics!

Lori, wow! I am so glad you got that wax out before flying again. My mother has that problem with wax. After her last bout with pneumonia she lost her hearing in one ear.........it was wax. We were so glad it could be fixed by washing her ear out.

Okay, off to babysit. DD has her six week check up. I get to spoil my new DGD. I am going to weight training tonight. UGH! My back is hurting today. Maybe it will help.

Julie.......how is the wedding stuff going?

Eva......miss ya!

Janet.....don't drown in the desert today....your boots will keep you dry, and looking good!

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Good Morning...another beautiful day...chilly this morning but sun is shining. I have put a lot of miles on the ole' Schwinn the last few days riding between the house and the bin site. A few more miles again today but I love my job. I shooed DH out of here today to go help with the tiling business...he thought he would fill in for ME....no way. We are thinking that harvest will be done about a week from today. Hoping that the weather holds. After that we can sit down and decide for sure how much time we will spend down south this winter, get our tax stuff all done and relax.

Janet...acorn squash is dryer than butternut. It's what I grew up with and I like a dryer squash sometimes. I usually use the butternut when I make my squash Soup.

And, yes, if I decide surgery is even worth is with the apron thing, I will do it for me...nobody else. I will wait till I talk to my surgeon next week to see what he says. I certainly don't want to pay out of pocket if I don't have to so will just see how it goes. That visit to my doc really got me thinking yesterday though.

Phyll....hugs and prayers sent your way for you and DH. Hope everything goes well and that he is the "perfect" patient....Oh wait...he's a man....sorry TX. Anyway, will be anxious to hear how everything went and hoping he does not have too much discomfort after surgery. Sending the love.

Julie...I'm sure you are booked with wedding stuff. Take care, have fun, hope you get it all done and then you can relax and have fun at the wedding.

Laura...not too long now b/4 DH is home. I am sure he will need a little catch-up on the sleep.

OK....just pooped in to say good morning and better run. My first truck is pulling in the yard. I am able to get to the house every hour or so and will check in with you all later. Have a wonderful day!

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Karen - I think you should GO FOR IT. As you said, it is an irritation and would just complete the journey/transformation.

Lori - I candle ears for my friends and family. Had some in my suitcase in LV, but no time to use them. Salons charge $60+ to do it for you. Glad your ear is better.

Cheri - hope the conference isn't too dull.

Janet - I understand about the trainer being friend/workout partner/ shrink. The trainer I had for 2 years was all that to me too. He has found a better position with a university here and I have not found another that holds a candle to him. But - will try again once I return from Guam.

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Welcome jedP. Janet is right, this is an individual journey for each of us. I chose the band, like you, being sick of lose/gain cycle. I've maintained 31 lb lose for 4 months now and will tackle the remaining 34 lbs. as I begin to exercise.

Laura - so happy DH will be home soon. You've done a great job keeping Nels busy while Dad was away.

Phyl - sending hugs to you and Earl and hoping surgery went smoothly.

Arlene - You keep rocking that exercise - you inspire me.

Karen - enjoy that harvest. I just love to hear someone who enjoys their work. For me, it was always about the $$$$$ and doing the great job. Never enjoyed the work. Except when I was a Diet Center counselor. However, now I know that was all baloney. What was in those magic pills???

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Joyce...there's parts of this life that does not make me happy. It's when we are not busy enough. My son took over my job 4 yrs ago and there are many times they do not have enough for me to do. I quit working in town 11 yrs ago because it was just too stressful to do what I did here, plus my more than full business in town. I sacrified for DH and not bitter about it. Just gets lonesome way out here and I can go for a week sometimes without seeing anyone but DH, DS and a few farmers that stop by.

But, by giving up my job in town, I am able to have most of the summer to come and go as I please and we are able to spend some winter months in the south and , hopefully, sunshine. I guess it's a pretty even trade. I just like it when the guys have plenty for me to do. I think I need to get back into sewing again. I used to sew EVERYTHING. Heck, I could sew things for you girls.

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Hi Guys!!!

Back from the first "spin" class ever!!!

Wow....I am so tired! But did the full hour. Of course after the full hour when I got off the cycle I olmost fell when started walking..you know when you have jelly legs? or just came out off of anesthesia! But ive since recovered after a long hot shower.

Okay...sitting here posting and the door bell rang....Im thinking who is that?? Im not really home...(will explain) and its UPS!!! Im thinking who is sending me a big box of something...oh right Im supposed to get my Brailler but thought id have to pick that up at P.O. and thinking hmmm now Ill have to spend my impromptu day off practing on the Brailler. grrr.....how wrong I was!!!

Apples...you are a sweetheart!!! Thank you Thank you! What a perfect way to spend a fall day! Shopping and trying on clothes (after finishing this post)....so wish you were here to help.

So, why am I home?? ahh well my little boy...after being released from the hospital he is still not up to having a instruction or therapists...so the Nuse told us yesturday go home until we get clearance...well who am I too complain...

Im sorry he isnt well enough but I sure can use some hours to Havent gotten things straightened completey with bills and such since returning...so nice to catch up. Turns out...as Im sitting here posting the child I see after him for half hour daily...is sick today so mom called to tell me not to come at all!!

soooo hence....two days free!!! WOO HOO. Good thing Im full time if not...id be crying at the loss of money.

ohhh. wait.....one more thing had to take a moment break...just got a call from that agency...that I worked so hard on getting my resume in order for at the end of summer....the one close to home. They called last week to ask if I was still interested in the position....as they were looking at 400 resumes and they were dowm to the last 3 candidates and would like to meet....sometime this week....I had forgotten all about it...until just now!

Tomorrow at 3PM...I have an interview with the exec director! WOO HOO.

Maybe I should stay on this thread longer as it seems to be bringing alot of luck today.....I should rename it from the LAB BAND THREAD to the LUCKY THREAD.....you know come to think of it.....regardlesss of the above....it is THE LUCKY THREAD!!! Ive been so lucky to have found it and all of wonderful wonderful people and friends....to support, encourage and listen to my journey and lifes woes....lol I thank you all .......LUCKY THREADERS.

Phyl, Prayers are with you and Earl for a speedy recovery through and after surgery I will have you in my prayers today....(which havent been said yet but has prompted me to as soon as this is posted)

Apples, I agree..do it!!! Youve gone through so much to get to where you are now....with band, teeth and so on why stop??? You deserve to finish this for yourself and look absolutely fabulous so you can streak across the house if youd like and feel proud very proud...not that you shouldnt feel proud now....but being embarrased brings guilt about it and that is not healthy!!! Besides that you could get an infection and that would not be a good choice ever!

Laura...what great fam, Pictures....everyone seems so happy!!!

Lori, Welcome back, I just had this flash from when my dad came back last visit there and brought Dassi a video of some woman doing a traditional dance with all the dressing....We put it on and she was just like ?????. lol

Ive had problems with wax in my right ear since birth...ear canal is small so there is always wax build up that needs to be taken out every few months. I used to have that procedure done and oh how do I hate that!!! Sometimes I have the vacuum suction and sometimes the Water it drives me nuts. ..The water hurts like heck and the vacuum noise kills me.

I now do candle waxing. This is relatively painless and doesnt make a noise. You kind of mold a hot long candle and put in in your ear down in cannal and the heat pulls all the wax out and up into the candle. It pulls alot more wax then the other methods....which you have to debrox for a week twice a day before doing each of those proedures to soften the wax enough to allow them to work...sometimes takes two to three times....the candle.....once and thats it.

Need to have someone really good...alternative Med. You could get really burned if not.

If you are beginning to produce alot..you should look into it.

Julie.....Slow it down....you were doing so well. Remember you said you were going to stop doing so much if you started to feel alot of pain....You might be agravating the area that is being treated and it is becoming inflamed again. Youve worked so hard dont ruin all your painless nights....Please let others take over.....Kayla will appreciate all that youve done even if not done all alone.

Joyce.....How are you doing with eating out?? Has the E-diets helped you at all? I really used it when starting out.....pretty much memorized it. lol

Remember....I wish that I had the advice to only have liquids on plane....I ate. hmm and see what happened to me!!!

BTW.....finially got the Papaya Enzyme. Love them, Dassi likes them as well...she eats them like as if they are candy.

Omg....my back is starting to feel the pain....lol

I guess no pain no gain. who said that??? Why is that??? Should not be that.

Cheri, Things will get better......sometimes it takes me about a month or two to get back to myself after a vacation even for a weekend.....with all that you are going through....give yourself a break!!

Tex....way to go!!!! you will loose...so much more this is just the beginning.

Voilin.....wow!!! that is an amazing start....I only lost 10 first week...everyones diff. its not a race!!

okay....really must go.

Have a great day all


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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