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Julie - enjoy your time in salon and new hair color.

Lori - how about a massage today. That always gives me such a peaceful feeling. Glad your pictures arrived.

Had a wonderful evening with DGD and hubby last night. Dinner: 2 oz. steak and asparagus - then salad. yum

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Hey gang, I just got back from my mother's place. We had a nice lunch of chicken salad and tea. I bought her a dozen Ice Roses, and my daughter set up her new phone. It is going to be so much easier to just say people's names and the phone auto dials the number.

I have a session with the trainer tonight and i will try to stay for Water aerobics. Right now I have a headache from the front moving in. Lots of pollen flying around today.

Lori....I think we all have those days. It is okay, you earned them........the Hawaiian sun will cure it!

Janet.....where are you?


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Where's Apples today??

I am doing better this afternoon. DH promises to try and come home early. I went to Bible Study this morning and to lunch with some gals afterwards. This afternoon it's loads of laundry, packing and have a cement contractor coming to do some levelling work of the garage under the warranty, we get Water in there too easy when it rains. Think I will make DH take me to dinner tonight. LOL No time to cook nor do I want to. LOL

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I think she must be out cold

cuz she's sure not here!!! LOL


I went. I wasn't happy, nor very motivated... but I went. I showed up. I told myself if I got there and felt that horrible I could leave..LOL. Well, I wish I could lie and say I walked in the doors and felt awesome and ran 10 miles. Truth is I walked in and almost left. I told myself 1 mile and 2 weight machines and I could go. I did 1.5 miles and 4 machines. Bargaining I know. I did do 50 crunches and did my yoga stretching on the mat. After I did my crunches it was either stretch or fall asleep..LOL. I have decided I need to go somewhere else to work out. I think I am going to join that private gym that one of the lady anesthesiologists boyfriend owns. My Y smells like dirty feet. It just grosses me out. Now that it is "snowbird" season, it gets so busy. I want a bumper sticker that says: If it's snowbird season does that mean we can shoot them? :wink2:

OK. not the motivated speech you wanted- but the truth none the less. I went. and I will go again tomorrow. :w00t::tt2: I guess I showed Janet how to faint.

Love you all. Just got off the phone with my DH. His tummy is upset. I think he ate too much of a good thing last night.

peasout.. Laura


Watch those comments about shooting SNOWBIRDS!!!

I resemble that remark!!


Lori - your pictures should be in your mail box. All were mailed last week.

I got mine!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

LOL.......Yep, Now I can hear your voices in my head right now!!! Now, who was it Janet chewed out at the table for ordering crackers? Oh, I remember......Joyce.

Well, our cool front is moving in tonight. My stomach knew that yesterday. I really think the Water aerobics is helping with the IBS. I am not hurting near as bad this year. Dr Davis said that I could stretch the adhesions with exercise. Speaking of my doctor ....he is speaking at the support group on Monday night. He is going to teach us how to make a healthy pizza. I think his wife is going to help him. I am going. I will get the recipe for us.

Voices in your head.... that concerns me!!! LOL

Someone put a "Breadless Pizza" on one of the cooking threads. Don't know where I heard this, but I think you can use a thin layer of cheese and melt it for the crust. Wonder if FF cheese would work. Dominoes has an extremely thin crust pizza that we get once in awhile when we're really craving pizza. If DH would just get something other than pepperoni on it, I'd be a happier camper, though. I don't enjoy pepperoni because it is too greasy and salty. I'd be happy w/onions, bell pepper and mushrooms!

Good afternoon, finally home after leaving just past 9 this morning. Got tires on my car, photos at costco, lunch, pedicure, haircut and colored, and back to costco as I saw when I was there this morning that after 3 they were doing flu shots and got that. Now just to pick up DH at airport tonight.

Joyce, now I know what all the picture references were for, I got mine in the mail today. Thank you so much, that was extremely thoughtful of you.

Arlene, Cheetos are they to you like Fritos are to me? Major red light danger food for me. I don't know how you and Julie do it with all the other baking and cooking you do either. Good job on fessing up though. Yep, I am going to Hawaii again, 3rd time this year. I've been telling DH that I am praying for lots of problems in Hawaii so he has to go often! DD is joining us this time.

In the posts I missed I read a lot of advise to our new guy about a Magic Bullet? What is that? Are those the Protein shot drinks you can buy?

Hmmm..... busy day!! A lot accomplished!!

So sorry about Hawaii.... that I can't go, too, that is!! LOL

Great...Magic Bullet is a small high intensity blender. It comes with many different sized cups that screw on and you can use them as your drinking cup. I have one and like it but use my blender more because when I make a Protein Drink I usually make one for DH also. Magic Bullet cup is not big enough for that.

How exciting. Hawaii again. McNuggets on the beach planned???:grouphug:

I used mine a lot... and we still use it. DH, especially.

He grinds the coffee Beans in it, for one thing.

And, would your DH wash your face for you???? Eat something you dropped on the floor???? Get a kick out of going to the mailbox with you???? Bring you a dead snake???? Drink out of the toilet???? :lol:

Clean your ears?????

Come and give you hugs when you pretend to cry???? (That's pathetic manipulation, isn't it??) Zoey is too small to drink out of the toilet, but she sure likes to watch the Water go down!!

Hi All, yep nothing like the love and devotion of a dog.

Well just found out I can't eat schrimp after this last fill.

I went to yoga last night and will go again tomorrow. I really like it, it really makes your muscles feel good, refreshed.

Hope you all have a great night and day tomorrow.


Yeah, too bad you missed the demo of Yoga moves Janet and Joyce gave us!!

I have pictures!! Have you seen them???

I can eat shrimp, but have to cut it in small pieces (or take small bites)

and CHEW, CHEW, CHEW, and it goes down fine.

I got a 92 on yesterdays 1st exam for concepts and a 98 on my simulation today. I had to give 2 shots and insert a catheter. Also ran for 5 min straight last night. Doing awesome today.



waytogo.gifYOU ROCK!!welldone2.gif

Hey gang, I just got back from my mother's place. We had a nice lunch of chicken salad and tea. I bought her a dozen Ice Roses, and my daughter set up her new phone. It is going to be so much easier to just say people's names and the phone auto dials the number.

I have a session with the trainer tonight and i will try to stay for water aerobics. Right now I have a headache from the front moving in. Lots of pollen flying around today.


Chicken salad and tea sounds nice. We had salad, too. Mine had tuna on it. And now I'm having a cup of coffee... even though it's at least 95 outside!! I am sitting inside with the a/c! Not crazy about the new SBX flavored coffee packets. Wonder why they put sugar in it???

You're doing great with your exercise! I wimped out on most of my water exercises yesterday and today. Hip hurts too bad-sciatic type pain--left butt, down the left leg, tingling in the foot. I stay in the pool and keep moving for most of the hour, but just too painful to do most of the exercises. Or I do some jumping jacks or something, and it aggravates the pain and I have to take a break. Appt is 2 weeks from tomorrow. Asked DH today if he had any strong objection to me going to see a chiropractor in the meantime. He does!! I am getting desperate and thought I might try it and see if it helped.

DH has sinus surgery a week from today. Follow-up appt and CT scan yesterday after 2 weeks on antibiotics showed blockages on the left side of his face. So... going to get it fixed. Right side was done about 10 years ago. Don't know why the guy didn't do both sides at the time!

Zoey was groomed yesterday and she did so much better this time. Was sitting calmly having her face trimmed when I went back to get her. I couldn't believe my eyes!!!

Edited by phyllser

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Phyl, left side......tingling......hope is is not a L4 herniated disk. I got epidural shots for mine and it worked. I would try to not go to the chiropractor until the ortho checks it out. Go get a massage! Oh, my sinus surgery. My FIL had that.....it looked so painful. His was polyps. It looked like they had laid his face open and scraped. I hope his problem is different.

Janet, do I have to call? Apples, did you go to the dentist? LInda what's up?

Julie, I hope you have a pain free night. I know I won't. That trainer will work me over. I will be on Tylenol for three days. The positive is I am getting stronger.

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I throw up all the time .. I'm 1 year banded, lost 40lbs.. thats all... please help me. I need a bandster friend.

thanks , moonlite

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I am back from the gym. I told the trainer about having to take Tylenol for three days. He said that the squats with weights was too direct on the muscles so he had me do machines. Oh.....much better! I didn't do Water aerobics because DH did not want to stay that long.....I just biked.

Apples, Wow, 3 hours in the chair.....HUGS!!! You sure have pretty teeth. I like therapy too. My Wednesday class was mainly group therapy for weight loss. I went to therapy in my thirties when we adopted my two cousins. It was really helpful.

Moonlite, you need to see your surgeon to make sure your band has not slipped or you are not too tight. Are you eating too fast?

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hi all.....

Finially had a chance to sit down and post for real. lol

Well....Janet will have to give me several whippings....cause ive been a bad girl. yes, I have and have no excuse...actually I do but none that really will strenghthen muscles and get my heart rate..actually that isnt true either but...doesnt account for calorie burning just severe agina.

so....will not bore you all with my day to day calamaties. Will try again for tomorrow when I meet my trainer at 4. Will get to weight training class on Friday morning. This is my plan for the rest of the week. Hopefully it wont end as horribly as the beginning....

and as if I couldnt begin to see the results of not exercizing.....wrong I gained 4lbs since vegas. Not good as I lost weight that week...go figure.

Okay.....so im going to gripe so please dont freak out.....but I must vent about my crazy weekly schedule and daily changes that I will not let happen again because after weighing tonight I said....thats it...no more changes. The sched is set and thats it.....I must make time to go exercise and that is the first thing I must do not the "after " of everything else.

As this is the second week of a full weeks work for all the agencies for ind contractors and agencies after the holidays since labor day.....it has been hell trying to coordinate with other therapists and parents. Having said that....

I have set my sched....and have stuck to that...however there are other therapists that didnt set theres.....so therefore Ive had to adjust my schedule to accomodate theirs.....not easy. so...every day I start out with a plan...and inveitably someone has something that needs to be changed....either in the AM or PM. so all week have been shuflling back and forth from thinking about that gym either in the AM before work or PM after work...so this is how the week went..

Monday I figure im going in the PM...great. NOOOO that didnt work because the little boy I work with is in the hospital so....I go see him and end up relieving mom who was there all night without a break to eat....sooooo that was the end of the gym as by the time I left I needed to get home for the bus.

Tuesday....I got a call in the PM that my vouchers from the court were ready...and sooo of to the court house to pick them up so there went the darn gym.

Wednesday I get a call to switch schedules with a therapist for AM and so in doing I screwed up the AM plan for spin class thought okay ill still go now in the PM...nooo why?? because the mom at the hospital could not find a parking spot to come and let me go home at 3:30 but came at 4:15 instead and there went the gym...

so....this is how the week is going....

can you guys see that im not good with change??

well...add the riuning of the one plan that I must do for me...and that has put me in a foul mood this evening.....

only consolation.....

a package at the door when I arrived home from a really fabulous person!!! Thank you Thank you!!!

Oh and now....that I want to post and respond to all the posts that I would like...Dassi needs the computer and is kicking me off!

grrr, not a good day for doing for me.....but...

I did help with a sick child and gave mom respite, did make other therapists lives a little easier by helping them switch sched, made my daughter happy being home for the bus and getting her those braces with those voucher checks that she so desperately needed...and time on the computer to do her homework...

so this week was about making everyone happy.....and in so doing so has made me very happy in my head and heart but not my body....

okay the weeks not over...will try better...

self flagulation really isnt my thing but im learning that it might get me to the gym so sorry to bore you all with this....but

hey verbalizing all this can only reinforce what I need to do...I hope....so Im really sorry for all this ranting and raving about the disorganization of my life....but

if you dont like it....delete lol please.

must go now and know that Ive read everyones posts and have comments that will just have to wait;...and that just isnt right either but I have no darn excuse good for that either as there is always the middle of the night where no one can bother me...

Have a great night all.

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7_5_140.gif Just got back from the gym. My trainer really kicked my butt today. We are going to do TRX on Friday. I dont' know what that is but maybe I am better off not knowing.

Phyl, Zoey is adorable! No wonder you adore her so much.

Charlene, way to go with all of the exercise. Sounds like you have a good trainer who listens to what you are saying. Glad she cut it back. There is no need to hurt. Just build up gradual.



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Thanks guys for celebrating with me. Love the animations.

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Apples, I don't think my trainer knows about FM. I mentioned it, but he seemed kinda clueless, but he said only do what I can. He has realized DH and I have health issues so he doesn't want us to hurt ourselves. I am still going to Water aerobics on Friday and maybe Saturday. I will walk in the morning. Pup is missing his walk everyday. He is getting his little roll around his collar again........so I better give him a workout.

Janet!!! What up????

Jodi......sounds like a stressful week. You probably walk a lot. Put on a pedometer and make sure you walk 10,000 steps a day. That will keep the weight down. Take Care!

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Hey Gang - Just been busy at work - come home and so much more (it seems) to do w/out Andrew being here.. Between gym - dinner - picking up - vaccuming - fb - 3 dogs and 1 cat and t.v. just haven't had time

Well my life is sorta boring -- Andrew is getting an apt on 11/1 - $450 a month in Desert Hot Springs by the Vons' - Phyl do you know the area?? I don't like that he's there but I think it's good that he's going to be on his own - Janelle is moving w/him.. So next weekend gotta hit the thrift stores for a kitchen table - pots pans - dishes etc..

Yesterday had boot camp - it was hot in there and it kicked my butt came home and took a long shower -

Had gym tonite - legs - so so work out - my knees are sorta bugging me - nothing bad - just like they need oil ;0)

food today - cheese Peanut Butter crackers for bf (not great but I really wasn't in the mood for yogurt - sweet stuff)- lunch fish & salad - dinner salmon patty cajun style & veggie.. I just ate about 6 potato chips - well crumbs really ;0) but would say it was about 6..

Have bowling Saturday oh - I gotta send the pic my boss took of me in the Star costume - we are dancing w/the stars and I'm a star - told them I'm the Star employee.. lol

Well that's about it... Nothing exciting ;0)

I just skimmed - to many pages to catch up

Moonlite - call your doctor - what are you eating -

Laura - I bargin w/myself all the time about going to the gym (prior to trainer & classes) - One more mile and after that mile - I would say oh thats not so bad 1 more.. I bargin w/my self now about food - head games maybe - but it works for me..

Joyce WTG on your food - you are doing really good.

Great - you don't know what a magic bullet was - hell everyone talked about them when I 1st got banded - I got one - hell a blender is just as good - So going to Hawaii this weekend - Have a good time - stay away from the foo foo drinks and stick with your plan.

Charlene - Quit EATING !!!! Go back to shakes for a few days - detox your body - I agree about the baking - glad I didn't do it last xmas and won't be doing it this xmas either..

Be careful w/your trainer - machines can hurt too - you just have used muscles that you didn't use before - I will be sore for about 3 days - but mostly just when I go to sit on the pot or get up from my desk - but once i'm moving I'm ok..

Jodi understand your frustration - but sometimes life gets in the way - you do a lot of walking - when you can;'t get tot he gym just be extra carefull w/your food.. I know that when my bro died 2 yrs ago - I didn't go to the gym for 1 week - to many things to do - to many pple here - but once it calms down you will fit it in your schedule..

I will try and stay more connected - just don't seem to have enough time ....

Love to all

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Evening all. So today was first day pre op. Not really sure if this is good or not so here goes. My food for the day was as follows: Bf boiled egg and weight watchers yogurt. Had Protein drink mid day with 2 sf jellos and for dinner ocean perch baked with butter flavored pam and white wine. Roasted broccoli cauliflower and mushrooms with some green Beans. Now here is my question. This day was around 600 cal. I am allowed 1500 cal. I was around 35 carbs and 28g fat. I know this may sound crazy but I'm not sure it's enough. Don't want my body to think it is being starved.

Any thoughts?


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Evening all. So today was first day pre op. Not really sure if this is good or not so here goes. My food for the day was as follows: Bf boiled egg and weight watchers yogurt. Had Protein drink mid day with 2 sf jellos and for dinner ocean perch baked with butter flavored pam and white wine. Roasted broccoli cauliflower and mushrooms with some green Beans. Now here is my question. This day was around 600 cal. I am allowed 1500 cal. I was around 35 carbs and 28g fat. I know this may sound crazy but I'm not sure it's enough. Don't want my body to think it is being starved.

Any thoughts?


Yep, you are in starvation mode when it is only 600. Protein shakes have over 20 Protein, and just a few carbs-fats. I would think you need at least 1000-1500c to stay in a safe range. You also need to eat about 5-6 times a day. Plan some extra Snacks. Okay, that is my two cents.

Janet, Thanks! I needed that. I was stiff this morning, but not aching. I had a little pain down my leg. I probably used too much weight on the leg presses. My back is still weak, but getting much better.

I walked this morning. My pup was happy! Now, for Breakfast. I am making a eggwhite/oatmeal pancake with sf jam.

Lunch-chiccken salad- No crackers!

snack-protein shake with fruit.< /span>

Dinner- finish up chicken salad

100 cal popcorn

Oh, I started drinking 3oz of red wine with Resveratrol juice( taste like grape juice) It is my new laxative. Hey, whatever works. Right?

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Evening all. So today was first day pre op. Not really sure if this is good or not so here goes. My food for the day was as follows: Bf boiled egg and weight watchers yogurt. Had Protein drink mid day with 2 sf jellos and for dinner ocean perch baked with butter flavored pam and white wine. Roasted broccoli cauliflower and mushrooms with some green Beans. Now here is my question. This day was around 600 cal. I am allowed 1500 cal. I was around 35 carbs and 28g fat. I know this may sound crazy but I'm not sure it's enough. Don't want my body to think it is being starved.

Any thoughts?


eggs 90 yogurt 100 - pt drink 100 (min)?? Jello 20 - fish (well what size) 200 - Veggies 50 = ya about 600

You are a guy and you get to eat more than us girls ;0)

I never counted carbs - just stayed away from to many starches -

Were you hungry??? Have 2 eggs - in morning.. lunch you could add a some meat - have pt shake as after noon snack - but over all the way you are eating is healthy.. That's what matters - we need to learn to eat when we are truly hungry - not what the clock says ;0) - if you weren't hungry that's a good thing - a

How long is your pre-op - (when's surgery)..

Good Morning Gang

Happy Thursday - dinner last night - salmon patty - squash - 1/4 (if that) of Pasta - sf ice cream & popcorn

I need to by stock in popcorn ;0)..

No exercise tonite ;0) - tons of work to do - and it's time to hit the showers - cbl

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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