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Ok. So I have a confession to make. I had one last fling before my final commitment. My wife and I went to Buca di Beppo, the best Italian food I have ever had. For those of you who don't know about this place it's probably for the best. It was our first time and all I can say is OMG! Now before you yell, we ordered off of the lunch menu. We had eggplant parm, and chicken saltimbocca. That was my last last meal. Did I mention OMG????

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Trx, that's ok now you have that out of your system and you will be ready to follow your Dr's orders.

You can do this.


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Hey Gang

Back from my date w/Andrew - How come we (me) still want to order food w/my old brain - I wanted a taco enchillada rellono - I know i can't eat it all - but I wanted a bite of taco a little enchillida and some relleno - well that's what I ordered but the lady didn't here the taco - so got enchillada & relleno r/b - ate halft the enchillada - few bites of rice and Beans - will have lunch & dinner for tomorrow ;0) -


'Janet have you always been able to eat rice and a soft tortilla shell? Majority of the time I can't

Ok. So I have a confession to make. I had one last fling before my final commitment. My wife and I went to Buca di Beppo, the best Italian food I have ever had. For those of you who don't know about this place it's probably for the best. It was our first time and all I can say is OMG! Now before you yell, we ordered off of the lunch menu. We had eggplant parm, and chicken saltimbocca. That was my last last meal. Did I mention OMG????

TX - I agree with Laura K. You are not supposed to have a last meal per se however some of us did.

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General Question - How can I get my font type and color to stay for each post? I manually change it however I changed it I thought in ,my settings but maybe in the wrong spot. - Any suggestions

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Good Morning Everyone,

I caught up on reading posts and right now I am waiting for my DH to wake up. He has the day off today for the holiday. I do not, so I took a vacation day. We are planning to either take a ride to WI to see the fall colors or to Starved Rock state park for hiking and lunch at the lodge. I am looking forward to a day that is devoted to us. It seems like we just don’t do this enough anymore. On the weekends we are always so busy there is never enough us time.

Has anyone read Ceasar Millan’s new book? I got a copy a few days ago but have only gotten through the first couple of chapters. I got interested in his philosophy of dog rehabilitation after I got Charlie about 4 months ago. Charlie is a 2 years old yellow lab. We got him from a shelter that brought him up here from a shelter in southern IL. He was scheduled to be put down because he had been at the shelter for the “allotted time”. He came with some baggage. He is a very good natured dog and does not show any signs of previously being abused. We were told he was a give up. He did however have lots of pent up anxiety and would get wild when we played with him. He would start running in circles around us, jump up on us and mouth at our arms and hands. I was beside myself because he would hurt me (large bruises) and I really did not know what to do so I started looking on the internet and came across “The Dog Whisperer”. He has some interesting and insightful ideas. I like his ideas of calm assertive energy and this has helped Charlie a lot. He is not a perfect dog but he is much closer than he was 4 months ago. I can play with him without getting hurt and I can take him for a walk without being pulled. Anyway I just wondered if anyone else used any of his techniques or if they had other techniques that worked for them. Always open to better ideas.




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Good Morning Everyone,

I caught up on reading posts and right now I am waiting for my DH to wake up. He has the day off today for the holiday. I do not, so I took a vacation day. We are planning to either take a ride to WI to see the fall colors or to Starved Rock state park for hiking and lunch at the lodge. I am looking forward to a day that is devoted to us. It seems like we just don’t do this enough anymore. On the weekends we are always so busy there is never enough us time.

Has anyone read Ceasar Millan’s new book? I got a copy a few days ago but have only gotten through the first couple of chapters. I got interested in his philosophy of dog rehabilitation after I got Charlie about 4 months ago. Charlie is a 2 years old yellow lab. We got him from a shelter that brought him up here from a shelter in southern IL. He was scheduled to be put down because he had been at the shelter for the “allotted time”. He came with some baggage. He is a very good natured dog and does not show any signs of previously being abused. We were told he was a give up. He did however have lots of pent up anxiety and would get wild when we played with him. He would start running in circles around us, jump up on us and mouth at our arms and hands. I was beside myself because he would hurt me (large bruises) and I really did not know what to do so I started looking on the internet and came across “The Dog Whisperer”. He has some interesting and insightful ideas. I like his ideas of calm assertive energy and this has helped Charlie a lot. He is not a perfect dog but he is much closer than he was 4 months ago. I can play with him without getting hurt and I can take him for a walk without being pulled. Anyway I just wondered if anyone else used any of his techniques or if they had other techniques that worked for them. Always open to better ideas.




I love watching his show, but I have not read his book. I think he is right on techniques to train dogs that have problems. I did buy his spray for accidents in the house. It has a wonderful lemon smell. I think I will try to get his book. My pup has issues too. We have never been able to stop him from barking when anyone leaves the house. I think we haven't been consistent on his training. So it is more a owner problem than a dog issue.

Okay gang, getting ready for Water aerobics. I had two cups of coffee with Pro Joe for cream......then a Protein Bar for Breakfast. Plan on a Protein shake with fruit when I get home. I think I will eat a green salad and tuna for lunch. Check in later!!

Tx.....a lot of us had what is called the "last supper syndrome." We ate our favorite food right up till we started shakes. I'm glad you got it out of your system. Now, you are ready for shakes.< /p>

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Txr - glad you enjoyed your "last supper". But, know that your new healthy body will be just as enjoyable. Even tho I've only lost 31 lbs., I'm so much happier and feel much better.

Arlene - you go girl. Posting your food and exercise is truly a commitment. I'm not ready yet.

LauraK - no date this week - better one is waiting - or just a delayed meeting of the right one.

Laura - you and Nels enjoyed your weekend alone. One down - several to go.

Hello to all my friends - need to get to pedicure appt.

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Hello everyone.... thought I would have time to post this afternoon, but DD just called and they need me to cover at the daycare for a while..... so I gotta take off..

Joyce, wanted you to know I got my pictures... wonderful.............thank you so much....

I'm going to try to be back later, but no promises.. I had a very bad night last night that has continued into the day.... Maybe rocking babies will make me forget how I feel.... Hugs to all..... Later...... Julie

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Water Aerobics- 1 Hour

Protein bar 170 calories

4oz baked chicken

100 calorie snack

dinner- salad with baked chicken

Protein shake w/fruit evening snack

Don't know the calorie count yet.

I am going to lifegroup this eve( bible study). I plan to walk on tuesday, thursday, and saturdays. Water Aerobics on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. Weight training on Wed and Fri eve. All the dietitians say I have to mix it up.....so I gotta give it a try. I think I have gained. i went off plan until today. Too much eating out. Dialing it back in. I only will eat out once this week. DH and I eat mexican food once a week.....usually fajitas.

Julie.......HUGS!!! on the pain issues. You need to quit lifting babies and toddlers!!! My back usually hurts when I lift my DGD. Maybe if you will journal your activity you might find out what is setting your pain off. I know you can't do anything before the wedding, but it is worth a try.

Joyce- Thanks! When you are ready.....you will do it. I went out to eat with my friend that had bypass last March. She is in a size 10. She is tall. She is having issues eating enough food. She is just not hungry. Wish I could share my hunger.

OKay gang! will CBL! HUGS!!!

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Joyce.......I just got my pictures! Thank you so much! Now I am working on going down a couple of more sizes by the time you see me again.

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Good afternoon everyone. Heard a great quote today and want to share it as it is PERFECT for this group:

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you want"

By Dr. Seuss

Tx it's okay to enjoy a final meal, but you need to start with retraining your mind set. I think someone recommended the Beck Diet book and I was re-reading some passages over the weekend. For sure it will help you -- i.e., the past couple of weeks I've been feeling sorry for myself -- saying things like "I deserve to eat such and such" etc -- well, it's my choice to eat whatever I want but if I want to stay thin and healthy, I can't eat it all the time, just occasionally as a special "treat" so just throwing that out to you as you start your journey. We have to rethink everything -- we have to stop using food as our "celebrations" etc. The Beck Diet is really a wonderful tool to use with your band.

Arlene, wtg on your exercise -- I'm happy you're sticking to it. I got up this am to go to Water aerobics, got to the Y only to find out the pool was closed again. GRRRR RRRR. So took today off. Back to the gym tomorrow. Sounds like you're doing good on the food too. Any word on Jakob's success at the fair?

Julie sorry about your pain, but hope you can figure out what is triggering it. As Arlene said, maybe after the wedding you'll be able to get it under control a bit better. Hugs to you in the meantime. Do you still get in your hot tub like you used to? Haven't heard you mention that in awhile. Maybe that would help a bit too. i sure miss having hot tub.

Cheri, great advice, thanks for sharing your experiences and knowledge. It's nice to hear from others who have "lived to tell the story".

Sandy, I've never read the book but have seen the show as well -- I love trying to be a dog whisperer with Merry. Sometimes it seems to work. LOL.

Apples, you amaze me -- wish I had the time and energy to do all that in one day!

Janet, it's okay to order and take food home for several meals -- if you enjoy it why not as a special treat occasionally -- you know what you're doing and need to trust yourself.

LauraK sorry about the date -- just keep trying and you're bound to find a good one among the group

Laura, glad to hear Nael is safely at his destination -- hope he has a wonderful time.

Lori, welcome home from Maine I want to hear all the details!!!

Phyl, hope you and Zoey are having a good day!

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Good Afternoon Gang

Charlene - WTG on food & exercise !!! I had my left overs for lunch today - tonite steak & veggies

Joyce - Got my Pic's too THANK YOU!!!! I already have a frame for our group photos - your's came out better ;0)

TX it really wasn't your last meal ;0) - it's just that after the band you won't be able to eat the whole thing ;0) and you won't do it every day ether (just cuz it's not healthy eating) but you will still get to enjoy it again - just in a smaller amount..

Melissa - I can eat ANYTHING as long a I chew and eat slowly - but just had a few bites of plums it's just sitting there ;0)

Linda - I just wanted to know if pple still think with their old brain ;0) - I ate the other half of the enchillada last night and had the relleno for lunch... I still want to eat all that food ;0) - but my band won't let me - (reason for it - need that extra bit of help) but it didn't stop me from eating the other half of the enchillda a few hrs later ;0).. Since I rarely eat out - it is my treat ;0) I don't sweat it ;0)

Joyce - I love ceasar too - but I'm terrible at being consistant ;0) - I try but it doesn't always work - like if you came to my house all 3 dogs are going to be jumping and barking for your attention - they will quit after you say hi but when I get home - the are jumping all over me.... I know what Ceaser says to do but Idon't - I give them love

Well it's time to leave work have gym - will cbl.


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I got home this afternoon from Maine. I am super tired. We had to get up at 3am for a 530am flight out of Maine and that is 1am my time. Think I will be going to bed early. I've skimmed the posts and will go back and read in detail when I am more with it, but see lots of mention of folks getting their pics from Vegas. Anyone mind sharing? I didn't have my charger for my camera so don't have many. I've seen some on Facebook are those the ones you are referring to getting?

I had 3 lobsters in Maine, DD had 4 and DH had 1 1/2. LOL I never could finish a whole lobster though and he usually finished mine. Oh my were they good! The leaves were beautiful but weren't quit at peak status yet but beautiful nonetheless. Walked along the beach a little, DD took off her shoes and waded a bit but said it was freezing. She wanted to dip her toes in the Atlantic this weekend and Pacific (Hawaii) next. LOL I wasn't willing to freeze mine so will just go for the warmth next weekend. LOL

Will catch up more tomorrow.

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help me please. Ok I got banded in 01/21/09 and I started at 338lbs I'm 5/7 I have lost a total of 90lbs but then I go back to eating wrong... I weighed 247 in August now I weigh 264 :laugh:

I work out.. just started and I just got a personal trainer (twice a month) but i keep eating sweets. OH how I need some encouragement. Thanks I look foward to hearing from you. Oh I do need a fil but htats another issue with in its self

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help me please. Ok I got banded in 01/21/09 and I started at 338lbs I'm 5/7 I have lost a total of 90lbs but then I go back to eating wrong... I weighed 247 in August now I weigh 264 :laugh:

I work out.. just started and I just got a personal trainer (twice a month) but i keep eating sweets. OH how I need some encouragement. Thanks I look foward to hearing from you. Oh I do need a fil but htats another issue with in its self

msampson....sounds like you need to make a recommitment and also take the step to cleanse your systems of sweets/carbs. The more we have, the more we crave them. Get rid of any of your trigger foods....toss them in the garbage.

Try to bring those feelings back of what brought you to being banded to begin with. How you felt just prior to and after surgery. Restart by going back through the first stages after banding if necessary. Just each three meals a day with 2 small non-carb Snacks. Protein first at meals and then followed by only veggies or a fruit if you can fit it into your meals.

Come back here for support. Post what you are eating on a daily basis. Get back to keeping a food journal.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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