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Hey gang! Just a fly by. I got DD's house cleaned.....well, the downstairs and her bathrooms. She is having inlaws over to see the baby. Her eyes were so puffy from crying last night. He milk came in and now she is much better. Bethany is a little piglet. She wants to eat all day, but she went three hrs between feedings last night.

DS is on his way over with his girlfriend's son. She is coming over to meet us tomorrow.

LInda, so glad Katie is doing better. It sounds like she might be serious about getting healthy. I wish she could get in a support group to help her.

Eva, Wow! good shopping! You really got some good deals. I like to shop, but usually for someone other than me. Until I get more weight off I am not buying clothes.....well, shoes don't count.

Joyce, you are right.....God doesn't look on the outside of man, but looks at the heart. I don't know why I started noticing all these spots and lines on my face. The doctor told me after fifty the warranty on our skin has played out. My cousin died of melanoma so whenever I get another brown spot I get concerned. My DH has also had skin cancer. He had to have a cancer removed from his nose. The doctor took a piece of skin from the side of his face and grafted on his nose. So, I guess we are a little paranoid about spots on our face.

Julie, girl, Hang In There!!! Answers are on the way! Praying for you!

Cheri, you grandsons are characters......sounds like they are full of personality......a little like Grandma!

Janet, yep we need to get rid of those 10x's.....too much information. lol!

Oh, forgot to tell you.....I made banana nut Protein muffins. They are good!.....a little sweet, but good. I can only eat a half or I will get stuck. They have vanilla Protein powder in them. I think going to tweak them with cinnamon. 210 calories, 20carbs, 5protein.

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Julie, if the solution was easy, your current doctor's would have found it. I'm so sorry they didn't come up with an answer, but hang in there and go back as much as they need you to. Have faith (and I know you have faith) that the right doctor will find you and you him/her and they will figure it out. You just need to keep up your belief in that. I strongly believe our faith has validity and will do what is best for us.

Joyce, you have an absolutely wonderful attitude on life. It's always interesting to read your posts. As you know, Janet and I are desert rats and we don't stay out of the sun either....the sun is damaging but I wouldn't trade it for a sunless environment. I believe (here's that faith thing again) I keep my sanity because I have the sun here.

So the weather has dropped into the perfect weather state again. 90's during the day and 60's - 70's at night and the humidity is down. I love this time of year. We ran the swamp cooler all day yesterday and it was cold in the house last night. I'm grateful to have an air conditioner and use it during monsoons, but truly love the swamp cooler. It's quiet adds just enough humidity to make it comfortable in the house and the air is moving all the time with it. The air conditioner unit is in the living room, it's noisy, we have to keep the door propped open because it doesn't draw enough air through the vent and it only moves the air when it is running. We do have ceiling fans but don't run them on high all the time. So I'm happy with my environment right now.

Okay, laundry is calling me. Have a really good Saturday.


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Oh, I forget to tell Janet, walked for an hour today...probably just shy of 3 miles because it was in the neighborhood and all the ups and downs. DH walked with me. He needs to get in walking shape too for Argentina. I sort of kicked his butt in Baltimore in the walking department so he didn't even fuss this morning when the walking discussion came up.

Here's the best thing about walking...after getting home and sitting for a little bit, I can get back up and do my chores without being wiped out. I do like that aspect. A month ago, an hour walk would have required a nap. I'm hoping to do at least 4 miles or 5 miles after work one night this coming week. I think I'll take my shorts and t-shirt because walking in my work clothes is too hot.



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Good afternoon, just got home from the $1.25 movies today. Discovered the 'brand new' movie theater from when DH and I lived here years before is not a cheap movie theater. Went and saw grownups. I thought that theater was so nice and state of the art when it opened, and it hasn't changed a bit but looks so dated and worn. LOL And it's been a long time since I sat in a movie that didn't have stadium seating. I felt sorry for this man behind me. In the middle of the movie was this loud pop and bang. He was a very large man and the chair broke, he got up and walked out and all the kids were snickering (these were his kids). I remember a day being so afraid of seats of fitting in them and them holding me.

I wrote down the name of all that skin care stuff but as a rule don't use much of it. I do put a moisturizer on every morning, but my attitude it is what it is. I just have a hard time spending $20 and most cases much higher on an itty bitty bottle of miracle cream. But, Arlene, was curious about your skin cancer comments. If we use that stuff to fade age spots does that prevent them from becoming skin cancer?

Eva, good job on that walking, you are really increasing your stamina and when Argentina comes along you are going to be in great shape.

Linda, so glad Katie seems serious about getting her act together. Let's hope it sticks when she is out of the hospital.

Joyce, I love the sun too. Think I'd have a hard time in a dreary climate. They used to claim in Denver that they have more sun than most US cities per year. Here in SLC in the winter we get these inversions where air gets trapped in the bowl surrounded by mountains and it gets depressing. I have to drive up the hills to get some sun once in awhile, or did when we lived here before, will find out this winter.

Julie, hang in there, I have faith mayo is going to get to the bottom of this.

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Good afternoon, just got home from the $1.25 movies today. Discovered the 'brand new' movie theater from when DH and I lived here years before is not a cheap movie theater. Went and saw grownups. I thought that theater was so nice and state of the art when it opened, and it hasn't changed a bit but looks so dated and worn. LOL And it's been a long time since I sat in a movie that didn't have stadium seating. I felt sorry for this man behind me. In the middle of the movie was this loud pop and bang. He was a very large man and the chair broke, he got up and walked out and all the kids were snickering (these were his kids). I remember a day being so afraid of seats of fitting in them and them holding me.

I wrote down the name of all that skin care stuff but as a rule don't use much of it. I do put a moisturizer on every morning, but my attitude it is what it is. I just have a hard time spending $20 and most cases much higher on an itty bitty bottle of miracle cream. But, Arlene, was curious about your skin cancer comments. If we use that stuff to fade age spots does that prevent them from becoming skin cancer?

Eva, good job on that walking, you are really increasing your stamina and when Argentina comes along you are going to be in great shape.

Linda, so glad Katie seems serious about getting her act together. Let's hope it sticks when she is out of the hospital.

Joyce, I love the sun too. Think I'd have a hard time in a dreary climate. They used to claim in Denver that they have more sun than most US cities per year. Here in SLC in the winter we get these inversions where air gets trapped in the bowl surrounded by mountains and it gets depressing. I have to drive up the hills to get some sun once in awhile, or did when we lived here before, will find out this winter.

Julie, hang in there, I have faith mayo is going to get to the bottom of this.

I doubt it will stop the skin cancer. Like with my cousin....they told her that tanning in her teen years is probably what aided in the Melanoma. You take that gene coupled with damage with the sun, and it might happen. My DH's parents both had skin cancers. My mother has had them too. I use the spf 50 now. These spots I get are inherited so my skin dr told me. Thanks mama! I got the fat gene from my dad.....and the skin gene from my mom. Oh, and this bad gut from my aunt. You feed those bad genes with the right conditions and they will flourish.....how well we all know about the fat gene.

Eva......you are a walking machine!!! I am inspired.....I am going to walk for the second time today. Later peeps!

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Hey Gang,

I am having so much trouble with the internet and haven't been able to keep up. Our apt community all shares the same wifi and it has been down atleast 3-4 days.

Jakes teacher said someone would be coming to evaluate him in a few weeks. I decided to go ahead and talk with a pediatrician. She said it is a possibility that he is adhd. So we filled out a questionaire and asked his teacher to do the same. I just never thought of his behavior as being inappropriate. Filling out the questions though a pattern was starting to show. I just think maybe we are just so patient that we never considered his behavior might be a problem.

I got a fill yesterday too. I have restriction again. My doc apologized for somethings but then we agreed to make sure things get back on track. I finished week 3 of 5k training but will be repeating it till I am more comfortable running for 3 min.

Read, read, read and meet, meet, meet. I am so busy. I am heading up the book fair at my sons school, and I joined the PTO. Why do grown people act like middleschoolers? Drama, drama. I am just taking care of my part and then won't be stepping out to lead again. I struggle enough with socializing, I am not gonna deal with drama queens.

I gotta go, Panera is closing up.

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Hi Everyone,

Eva be careful when you are in BA - what they say about pick pockets, etc is quite true. The only other city I ever witnessed it was in Barcelona.

Do you know where you want to purchase your leather items?

Skin cancer - my DH is celebrating 18 years since he was diagnosed with Clarks Level Stage 3 Malignant Melanoma. Every six months it seems they cut more snips off of him. He is going in for his second toectomy to see what is growing under his toe nail.

I am a travel agent - we were on the Celebrity Century. We were in two different areas of Croatia this time. Much more fun learning about history when you are walking through the old towns.

Because of my knees, the pain, I was unable to get off in Venice. Will just have to go back.

mayo clinic and doctors - I do hope you get the answers you are looking for, and the cure that goes with the answers.

Jewel - our DGD was diagnosed with ADHD - we had read that if she takes one tablespoon of Fish Oil a day, it can help with the diagnose. She refused to take it because she doesn't like the taste.

Exercise, will start doing more of it when we return to Florida. Will do aqua aerobics. Asked my doctor to give me a new pain med for the pain I experience in my knees. Will see if this one helps.

Eating on the cruise ship, wasn't a problem. I knew what I would eat before I left and to my surprise and delight found it easy to follow. Rarely went to the buffet, primarily ate in the DR where the food was portion controlled. Weirdest thing was, that is for me, I did not fee deprived.

Another thing that happened on this cruise, we went to an Agro Farm to tour it and have lunch. I left food on the plate! I could not believe it.:thumbup::Dancing_shocked: Prior to banding I would eat everything and then some. I was so shocked with myself. I kept staring at the plate to make sure I really left food on my plate.

The DGB is so cute, and with that smile so precious.

Ready to crash.


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Good Evening Gang

Well had gym this morning - I am not going to be able to walk by Monday... Then went and took car in to get new tires (so we have a safe trip Phyl) walked over to AT&T to get new battery for my phone as it doesn't hold a charge for more than a day - day and half.

Oh tried these riding boots on at Target - loved them - so came home showered went to Macy's they had $10 free cash - but the boots at Target were just as cute and only $39 instead of $100+ so went back to Target got the boots - some food home - ate some popcorn and took a little nap..

Having bbq ck for dinner w/sweet potato.. Was so tight last night I couldn't eat my dinner - had a bowl of sf ice cream instead - was concerned that I wasn't getting my nutrition - so while at Target got some pure pt shakes - funny how now I think about nutrition where as before never did - I think working out with trainer & weights helps - I know I need pt & complex carbs to exercise and build muscle..

Janet, my restriction is probably perfect...it's my choices. I know it's part of my addiction and the reason I'm here. One thing I must say, if it wasn't for the band, I'd have gained everything back by now and more. I need to wrap my mind about my choices and the days I do, I'm fine....it's those days I let stress or any other excuse rule, then I get in trouble.

So I'm getting that most of us are noise sensitive. I am too. The smoke alarms are very annoying and I cringe when they go off. All then noise is one of the things about Vegas I don't care for. I can only handle it for a little while. Our trip will be the perfect length!!

Cheri, sugar-free candies and other things are are often sweetened with sorbitol. Sorbitol can cause gas in some people. It does for me and for another friend of mine. She can't tolerate any sorbitol. It's one of the reasons I don't eat sugar free stuff often. I take Fiber Choice chewables and that causes gas too, but it's weird, that gas works it's way out easily...every time too. Sorry if that is TMI. So sorry about your DD's hair cut and the stress it is causing. Maybe she could try another place to try and fix it? Cute story about the naughty GS and being naughty...yep sometimes that is more fun.

Charlene, your grand baby is adorable! She does look like she's smiling and happy to be here. Thanks for the synopsis on the anti aging face stuff. I like nutrogena moisturizer with sunscreen stuff. It helps keep the blemishes at a minimum (I don't break out with it). You'd think at 54 you wouldn't have to worry about blemishes. Good for you and your walk.

Welcome back Gwen. 1/2 pound a week is still progress. LAP-BAND® is not bypass and it does work slower. Have patience and be committed and it will come off.

I got up to let the dog out and now I'm reading LBT. Good thing it is Saturday morning and I don't HAVE anything to do in the morning.

Took my Jeep in yesterday and had new tires put on. Walked back and forth to the shop (through the mall) and ended up buying two pairs of pants, a skirt, and a blouse. Since most of you are bargain hunters, one pair of pants was $52 regular and I got them for $26. These are black cargo pants that roll up. I've been looking for a pair of black pants, but don't care for the knit ones, so these look ok, if a little casual. The other pair are capris and were $8. The skirt was marked down from $59 to $14 and the blouse was $7. I'm good with that.

So now I'm ready to drive to Vegas and have some new duds too. I'm trying to control my shopping because I want to shop in Argentina. I want some leather goods.

Okay, I'm going back to sleep. Hope everyone has a good weekend.


Eva - WTG on the shopping - I know you aren't much of a clothes shopper ;0) - Nite are the worse for me and stress at work will kick in the want to eat - the lady next to me had chocolate at her desk she's gone on vacation - sso I ate 2 and then took the candy to my bosses office (he's the one who's the chocoalich) so no more temptation..

Morning everyone, Arlene Bethany is just gorgeous -- wow, really really gorgeous! You are such a sweet mom to go clean for your DD -- how nice of you. Hope your DD starts to feel better soon -- those hormones can do such terrible things to us ladies.

Lori, so sorry to hear your bad news about having to go back to Hawaii -- poor you -- LOL. So cute - your DH is a cutie -- which island this time?

Gwen, welcome back and I say if you lost 1/2 lb. a week while on a cruise you did beautifullly - so much temptation on cruises - so I congratulate you on your success. Well done!

Cheri, sorry your DD is having problems - sorry about her hair - I know how troubling that can be -- but it will grow out again. Very cute stories about your grandkids - my first kiss was on the school bus in kindergarten -- and I've never ever forgotten that -- Dale Reese -- lol. I'm sure your GS won't ever forget his gf - wouldn't it be something if they ended up together later on? LOL.

Katie says they may let her out of the hospital Mon or Tues. They are working with her - she has bad neuropathy of her organs - that is what is causing all her other problems (as we have long suspected). They told her the bottom line is: "if you want to live you WILL take readings, insulin and be accountable. You WILL quit smoking EVERYTHING and you WILL eat the right kinds of food." Right now she is saying she's going to change and do everything so we will continue to hope. She also made the decision to draw up a will and have my DS and DIL be the guardians for Aylah if something happens. I am very relieved and proud of her for making this decision -- they are the most responsible people -- they are very kind, generous and loving. They work hard and have the money to raise a child. And, they have no children of their own. This is a huge relief to me cause I don't think I could do it -- I'm totally exhausted just from the past several weeks. This is a win-win situation for me and DH and we are very happy about it. She has talked to Aylah's dad and he's agreeable to it -- heck, he's only seen her twice in her life and I would be terrified to have her go live with a stranger. Plus, we don't know him at all and he lives in Colorado. He only works part time -- plus he's remarried and we don't know his wife. We don't know their lifestyles - do they drink, do drugs, argue, etc. So I am grateful he is agreeable to all of this.

Tonight we are going to see Sylvia Browne -- I've alwasys wanted to see a psychic in person and in action to see if I think they are "real" or not. Interesting. My DH lost his dad when he was 12 and it would be so cool (if it's real) if he got a message from his dad. He adored his dad.

Balletgirl, good for you -- that's right -- if you don't buy it you can't eat it -- congrats on your new outlook.

Well, I'm off to the gym. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Remember 9-11 today -- always remember. My thoughts and prayers going out to the victims' families today. Such a hard time for them.

Love to all -- I'll report in tomorrow.


Linda - Glad Katie is doing better and going to take responsibility for her healthy (prayer & good ju ju as laurak says) Make sure Alayha dad signs legal papers giving up parental rights or by law she goes to him - I had a gf who died her DD went to her dad (she did know him) but she should have stayed w/her aunts who had helped raise her..

Can't wait to hear about the show - I would love to be picked..

Hello ladies.......... We got home late last night.... I just wasn't up to getting online then so I'm here now... Things did not go as I had hoped at Mayo... It is an awesome place and I was treated very well..... Lori, I think you got my report totally correct, so thank you for sharing it for me..... I was scheduled for more tests yesterday....nerve testing... Did't get told anything about that yet.... They scheduled me for more tests on the 14th, but we were not able to stay til then when we had our friends with us.... So we will be going back on Monday.... It's been a horrible time with pain for me... I was told that I could try to get into the appointments early (the ones for the 14th) but I just had to sit and wait.... We waited all morning only to be told that there was no opening..... So it was my decision to leave. I just couldn't sit there waiting in pain all afternoon, just to be told I couldn't get in again... So we left about 1:00 and got home at 11:30..... I had to drug myself up pretty well to handle the road trip.... Called my chiropractor from the road and he insisited on seeing me last night when we came through Bismarck... I did sleep last night, and really can't tell how I am this morning... Need to get motivated a bit and do somethings... Unpack and repack for Monday... I guess....DH is a bit tiffed with me because I gave up, but he wasn't having the pain either...

I'm so sorry to have missed everything these past days... I would love to comment but just can't right now...... except, Arlene, what a beautiful baby...

Thank you so much for all your support.... I'll get back to you when I can...... I'm supposed to go to a bridal shower at 2:00 and a 50th Anniversary at 6:30 for my aunt and uncle.....don't know if I can make either, but will give it a try by moving around a bit here at home to see if I think I can handle it..... I love you all..... please don't quit on me yet as I still have more to go..... TTYL............Julie

Julie - At least you are going back and hopefully they will have results from some of the test you took - Take it easy girl - rest..

Welcome back, Gwen - 1/2 lb on a cruise deserves a celebration. Well done.

Linda - I saw Sylvia Browne in K.C. Wasn't that impressed - but I loved watching her on Montel.

Forgot to mention that I also love to watch Hoarders. Noticed several of you also watch it.

Joyce - I'm watching it (hoarders) well did last weekend - use to watch the bbc verision - have you ever seen that one - the 2 english ladies - that was a cute one. But I don't think they had therapy in that one..

Hey gang! Just a fly by. I got DD's house cleaned.....well, the downstairs and her bathrooms. She is having inlaws over to see the baby. Her eyes were so puffy from crying last night. He milk came in and now she is much better. Bethany is a little piglet. She wants to eat all day, but she went three hrs between feedings last night.

DS is on his way over with his girlfriend's son. She is coming over to meet us tomorrow.

LInda, so glad Katie is doing better. It sounds like she might be serious about getting healthy. I wish she could get in a support group to help her.

Eva, Wow! good shopping! You really got some good deals. I like to shop, but usually for someone other than me. Until I get more weight off I am not buying clothes.....well, shoes don't count.

Joyce, you are right.....God doesn't look on the outside of man, but looks at the heart. I don't know why I started noticing all these spots and lines on my face. The doctor told me after fifty the warranty on our skin has played out. My cousin died of melanoma so whenever I get another brown spot I get concerned. My DH has also had skin cancer. He had to have a cancer removed from his nose. The doctor took a piece of skin from the side of his face and grafted on his nose. So, I guess we are a little paranoid about spots on our face.

Julie, girl, Hang In There!!! Answers are on the way! Praying for you!

Cheri, you grandsons are characters......sounds like they are full of personality......a little like Grandma!

Janet, yep we need to get rid of those 10x's.....too much information. lol!

Oh, forgot to tell you.....I made banana nut Protein muffins. They are good!.....a little sweet, but good. I can only eat a half or I will get stuck. They have vanilla Protein powder in them. I think going to tweak them with cinnamon. 210 calories, 20carbs, 5protein.

Charlene - Yep TMI w/our mirrors :0)

Julie, if the solution was easy, your current doctor's would have found it. I'm so sorry they didn't come up with an answer, but hang in there and go back as much as they need you to. Have faith (and I know you have faith) that the right doctor will find you and you him/her and they will figure it out. You just need to keep up your belief in that. I strongly believe our faith has validity and will do what is best for us.

Joyce, you have an absolutely wonderful attitude on life. It's always interesting to read your posts. As you know, Janet and I are desert rats and we don't stay out of the sun either....the sun is damaging but I wouldn't trade it for a sunless environment. I believe (here's that faith thing again) I keep my sanity because I have the sun here.

So the weather has dropped into the perfect weather state again. 90's during the day and 60's - 70's at night and the humidity is down. I love this time of year. We ran the swamp cooler all day yesterday and it was cold in the house last night. I'm grateful to have an air conditioner and use it during monsoons, but truly love the swamp cooler. It's quiet adds just enough humidity to make it comfortable in the house and the air is moving all the time with it. The air conditioner unit is in the living room, it's noisy, we have to keep the door propped open because it doesn't draw enough air through the vent and it only moves the air when it is running. We do have ceiling fans but don't run them on high all the time. So I'm happy with my environment right now.

Okay, laundry is calling me. Have a really good Saturday.


Oh, I forget to tell Janet, walked for an hour today...probably just shy of 3 miles because it was in the neighborhood and all the ups and downs. DH walked with me. He needs to get in walking shape too for Argentina. I sort of kicked his butt in Baltimore in the walking department so he didn't even fuss this morning when the walking discussion came up.

Here's the best thing about walking...after getting home and sitting for a little bit, I can get back up and do my chores without being wiped out. I do like that aspect. A month ago, an hour walk would have required a nap. I'm hoping to do at least 4 miles or 5 miles after work one night this coming week. I think I'll take my shorts and t-shirt because walking in my work clothes is too hot.



Eva - I wish I could have a swamp they are nice to have - had one at xdh house we used it most of the time.. WTG on your walking - Yep our weather is cooling off..

I'm w/you back in the day if I had walked for any length of time - I would be whipped and would do nothing but rest - now I can go go go - have a little rest and keep on ticking just like a timex ;0)

I've laid in the sun a bit wasn't a super sun worshiper and as a toddler went to the beach every summer - pre sun block days and have had many burns - and for a while in the mid 90's did the tanning booths - and have had some pre-cancerous stuff removed - need to go get checked - since I can't see my back - but they did the ultraviolet test on my skins and it shows layers and layers of damage..

Now I use the self tanners and don't mess w/the sun ;0)

I doubt it will stop the skin cancer. Like with my cousin....they told her that tanning in her teen years is probably what aided in the Melanoma. You take that gene coupled with damage with the sun, and it might happen. My DH's parents both had skin cancers. My mother has had them too. I use the spf 50 now. These spots I get are inherited so my skin dr told me. Thanks mama! I got the fat gene from my dad.....and the skin gene from my mom. Oh, and this bad gut from my aunt. You feed those bad genes with the right conditions and they will flourish.....how well we all know about the fat gene.

Eva......you are a walking machine!!! I am inspired.....I am going to walk for the second time today. Later peeps!

Charlene - WTG on 2 walks today !!!

Hey Gang,

I am having so much trouble with the internet and haven't been able to keep up. Our apt community all shares the same wifi and it has been down atleast 3-4 days.

Jakes teacher said someone would be coming to evaluate him in a few weeks. I decided to go ahead and talk with a pediatrician. She said it is a possibility that he is adhd. So we filled out a questionaire and asked his teacher to do the same. I just never thought of his behavior as being inappropriate. Filling out the questions though a pattern was starting to show. I just think maybe we are just so patient that we never considered his behavior might be a problem.

I got a fill yesterday too. I have restriction again. My doc apologized for somethings but then we agreed to make sure things get back on track. I finished week 3 of 5k training but will be repeating it till I am more comfortable running for 3 min.

Read, read, read and meet, meet, meet. I am so busy. I am heading up the book fair at my sons school, and I joined the PTO. Why do grown people act like middleschoolers? Drama, drama. I am just taking care of my part and then won't be stepping out to lead again. I struggle enough with socializing, I am not gonna deal with drama queens.

I gotta go, Panera is closing up.

Jessica - Hugs on Jake - testing will be good - you will have some answers - Just stay out of the drama - yep grownups are full of it too..

Hi Everyone,

Eva be careful when you are in BA - what they say about pick pockets, etc is quite true. The only other city I ever witnessed it was in Barcelona.

Do you know where you want to purchase your leather items?

Skin cancer - my DH is celebrating 18 years since he was diagnosed with Clarks Level Stage 3 Malignant Melanoma. Every six months it seems they cut more snips off of him. He is going in for his second toectomy to see what is growing under his toe nail.

I am a travel agent - we were on the Celebrity Century. We were in two different areas of Croatia this time. Much more fun learning about history when you are walking through the old towns.

Because of my knees, the pain, I was unable to get off in Venice. Will just have to go back.

mayo clinic and doctors - I do hope you get the answers you are looking for, and the cure that goes with the answers.

Jewel - our DGD was diagnosed with ADHD - we had read that if she takes one tablespoon of Fish Oil a day, it can help with the diagnose. She refused to take it because she doesn't like the taste.

Exercise, will start doing more of it when we return to Florida. Will do aqua aerobics. Asked my doctor to give me a new pain med for the pain I experience in my knees. Will see if this one helps.

Eating on the cruise ship, wasn't a problem. I knew what I would eat before I left and to my surprise and delight found it easy to follow. Rarely went to the buffet, primarily ate in the DR where the food was portion controlled. Weirdest thing was, that is for me, I did not fee deprived.

Another thing that happened on this cruise, we went to an Agro Farm to tour it and have lunch. I left food on the plate! I could not believe it.:thumbup::Dancing_shocked: Prior to banding I would eat everything and then some. I was so shocked with myself. I kept staring at the plate to make sure I really left food on my plate.

The DGB is so cute, and with that smile so precious.

Ready to crash.


Gwen - Sounds like you are doing great !!!! I ate at buffetts for lunch & bf normally - dinner was always the dinning room

How in the heck did they find skin cancer under his toe nail ????

Well gang need to go bbq my ck and feed the doggies - cbl..

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Good Morning to each and every one of you.

Got home about 5:30pm yesterday. No time to post. Was helping DH load some things for a trip out to Atlanta. Him and DS are heading out early this morning. Going to move younger DS's belongings back to MN. Long trip ahead of them and they plan on driving straight through. I thought of going but I have never slept in a car or on a plane and I would be shot and underweight by the time we got back. They can handle it. Just thought I would go for moral support and help organize. Maybe better to not be in their way.

We had a very nice weekend and said goodbye for the season to many of our friends. Quite a few of the younger couples with children shut things down Labor Day weekend and cannot find time to come back due to kids being in school. Those goodbyes are tough. The moms and little ones coming over for hugs. Won't see most of them till next April or May. And, they will be a six inches taller, it seems.

Janet...not sure if I can say I'm sorry to hear you had Andrew issues (well...sorry for troubles but you get what I mean). I think this is maybe a good thing. Let him live in chaos with his big dog with all those siblings. Maybe a situation like that will kick him into working towards a place of his own or with buddies. He's most likely already sorry for leaving GM. So cute how he checked to see if you were sad. You did a wonderful thing by raising him and caring for him for so many years. It's time you look at life for YOU. Time to come home and truly relax.

Eva...counting down the days with you. So happy that you are treating yourself to this trip at the start of your retirement.

Laura...happy your parents were able to make the trip to your home. Photos were great.

OK guys...thought I had time to post but want to give hugs and help load some things and see my guys off. Later

Just finished reading about 5 pages of posts! So much going on in your lives! New baby... congrats! New teeth, congrats!

Sorry you didn't get better answers at mayo, Julie.

I think I am just too tired to do this! Can't stay awake. Love you and and enjoy all your posts.

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Jakes teacher said someone would be coming to evaluate him in a few weeks. I decided to go ahead and talk with a pediatrician. She said it is a possibility that he is adhd. So we filled out a questionaire and asked his teacher to do the same. I just never thought of his behavior as being inappropriate. Filling out the questions though a pattern was starting to show. I just think maybe we are just so patient that we never considered his behavior might be a problem.

Jewel - This is kinda long but I wanted to let you know you are not the only one that has dealt with this.

That happen to me as well with Alex when he was in elementary school. His Dr explained it to me that with ADHD a child has no deductive reasoning ( knowing what is right and wrong sometimes get mixed up in there brain) meaning that this part of his brain was not fully developed. Also where some kids get hyper when drinking soda it actually calms kids with ADHD down. ( We actually trid the 8oz of soda in the am and other methods before going to med route.) Example of what happened to make us decide to put him on Concerta was he threw a stone from the playground at a window at school when asked why he did not know why he did it. Thank goodness the window did not break and no one got hurt.

Now with some parents this is a touchy subject. i researched and researched before putting him on meds but with Concerta. He takes it before school when he gets up in the morning and when he gets home it is out of his system. Also the Dr said he only has to take it on days of school and not the weekend or the summer. He is 15 and some days he takes it and sometimes he doesn't. We were also told he should grow out of it and eventuley will not need it anymore and alot of times the child decides he does not want it.

Hope this helps in some way

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Melissa, My son is ADD also. He turns 21 on Monday and still takes the concerta. I can tell on the days he doesn't. Compulsivity is a trait of the ADD or ADHD. He does not make good decisions when he doesn't take his meds. I really researched this also and would not have changed the decision for him to take the meds. He went from reading at 2nd grade level in 5th grade to graduating with honors in High School.

Jessica, In MI you start with the Dr making the Diag. and then proceed on with the school. ADA laws (which are Federal) give them 30 days to have a meeting and plan in place for your child. The parents are part of the team and any time you think something is not working right you have the right to call a meeting.

Laura K

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Good for you on following through with Jake. chewable Vitamin D for kids is available. It is good for the brain but it is not a cure-all. Consider investigating Interactive Metronome. It's a form of occupational therapy done to a metronome that increases attention and processing skills. Not cheap but changes the brain, kind of rewires it.

Meds aren't always necessary, but I've seen children make almost miraculous gains once they're on them--both behaviourally and academically. But there's a lot of testing to go through first. Sensory issues, mild autism, and auditory processing issues can all present as ADHD or be present along with ADHD. The school will provide most of that testing if you insist on it. Check out his proprioceptive and vestibular senses as well. Had a kid this summer who appeared ADHD, but who couldn't sit still because he couldn't keep his balance or center his body.

I have to admit I'm not too fond of drama queens myself. So many of the kids I teach are addicted to drama. When there isn't any they create it. Dutch people from my background don't do drama. They could give the British lessons in being stoic. I have no patience for it. I love to act, but only on the stage or in front of a class when I'm trying to catch the kids attention and keep their interest. But anywhere else? I like a peaceful life. I refuse to fight with such people.

Gwen, have you tried the synvisc injections in your knees? They do help for a while. I bought myself some time before my double knee replacements by getting those injections.

Water exercise will help you strengthen your knees which makes you rebound from replacements much better. Losing the weight will also help reduce the pain prior to knee surgery, and you'll bounce back much faster after knee surgery.

Gotta go to bed now. Gotta sing in church tomorrow.


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Melissa, My son is ADD also. He turns 21 on Monday and still takes the concerta. I can tell on the days he doesn't. Compulsivity is a trait of the ADD or ADHD. He does not make good decisions when he doesn't take his meds. I really researched this also and would not have changed the decision for him to take the meds. He went from reading at 2nd grade level in 5th grade to graduating with honors in High School.

Laura K

Laura - Your post made me feel good, Just to know that I did make the right decision. Also the fact that you can tell when he does not take his meds.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way but I am glad you see the difference when he is not taking his meds. I say that only because I just did not want it to be me thinking I am being impatient.

For example he asked not to take his Concerta toay because he wanted to sleep in cause he was tired from school and we agreed he did not have to take it.

OMG from the time he got up he was like a boucing ball not focusing at all.

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Hey there.........it's 3:40 am and I'm up with my pain again.... Just doesn't want to give in and quit..... I did sleep some, but not near enough.... So caught up with the reading here and will try to remember what you all said.....

Jessica, good thing with the testing... Better to find out now if something is amiss while he is still so young.... I have no experience with the adhd or add... so I'm no help with that.... Have been through lots with my DD, but not that.... gotta bow to the ones who have lived it... but I wish you much luck and the best for little Jake...

Arlene, Nice of you to have your DD's house all ready for them to come home and accept company... You must be getting tired, too, with having the little one all this time.... It sure wears me out...

Cheri, have fun singing in church tomorrow.... We don't have a choir and very few people to boot... I really like it when we get to sing old favorite hymns.... We get a copy of the day's bulletin in e-mail each week and I see we are singing 3 lovely hymns during the servide tomorrow.... If my shoulder cooperates I should have a peaceful morning in church..... Sing your heart out!!!

Phyll, you sound tired.........where are you guys now???? Headed back west again??

I talked to Apples earlier this evening... Thought maybe since I didn't have my appointments at mayo until after 3:00 on Tuesday that we could stop at her farm as an in between spot... However, she works until late and it just didn't work out... She was a bit bummed when she understood what I was saying.... I forgot to tell her I was at home again so she was confused at first... I'd love to see her farm home... I think we all would because of how she speaks of it.... We decided that we would try to another time....

With all the commotion of the Mayo trip and the pain and all I forgot to share some very pleasant news...... We were in the waiting room at Mayo when DD called... I could tell something was up.... She finally told me that we are going to be grandparents again... Made me smile.... DH, too, and he just said, "It's a boy!" She was the one who was bummed... It was not planned and she doctors so much with GYN problems that it was a big surprise for them... DF was jumping for joy, but DD was not..... She was so looking forward to having a few drinks at the wedding and on their honeymoon... and now she figures to be knee deep into morning sicknes..... So I understand why she was bummed..... but after getting positive reactions from both sets of parents and some friends, she is adjusting to the idea..... So, DH and I should have a new one in May sometime..... I'm delighted and pray everything will be fine for her... She had a rather tough pregnancy the first time.... Hoping this time will be easier.....

Well, my meds are starting to kick in so I'd best try to sleep a bit more... Grandparents day tomorrow... (Today, that is)................ So happy Grandparents day to all of you grammas......... We are so blessed to have lovely grandkids to love and to love us just the way we are...... God Bless and goodnight............. Julie

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Good Morning Gang..

Julie Congrats on being a Grandma again :0)

Well not much to report - was able to eat dinner last night (chick thigh) but then had to wait a while to eat my 1/2 sweet potatoes..

Got to sleep until 7 this morning - well was up at 5 but went back to bed :0) Dogs woke me up at 7.. They just don't let me sleep - but 7 is a good time to get up..

No exercise this a.m. - Pilos teacher on vacation and I don't need boby pump (weight lifting) as I did that yesterday... Like that excuse :0) - Washing today and don't know what else - could do a lot of stuff - but don't know where to start ;0) not motivated I guess... Time will work it out ;0)

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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