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Fly by.. haven't read any posts in days. Been soooooo busy. A friend of mine from the Peace Corps who was living in Peru, then Angola, and now DC came to see me Friday morning! I hadn't seen her since my wedding in 2001. She said- you haven't changed a bit. LOL. I am the exact weight today as I was on my wedding. 212. I need to update my ticker. : ) So she never saw me when I was 100 lbs heavier and says I am the same.

Thursday night my folks called and said, "We need a change of venue, is your guest room still open?" I said yes, of course! They flew down Friday afternoon!!! Tough flight for Dad, 2.5 hrs in small plane- but he did it. Mom too, with her back still bothering some. They both did PT and then to airport Friday. Nelson told them when they arrived that it was the best day of his life to see Grandpa flying his airplane again! (I had tears in my eyes behind my sun glasses). Dad was in the co-pilot seat but hadn't flown, he had a pilot- but Nels didn't know that. Made my dad smile. We are having a good time. Just nice, they haven't been here in a LONG time. Even my cats are all over them and excited to see them. (as they used to visit at least one long weekend a month for the last 9 years) They went to have lunch with a friend, borrowed our car. I am making a standing rib roast for dinner. My Dad would have a heart attack if he knew the price of the meat! LOL. But just want a nice meal for them. I spent Thursday afternoon and most of the night cleaning/emptying the guest room and house of toys/clothes. They hadn't visited in so long that the guest room was a bit of a mess. Anyway, I am tired but the happiest I have been in a long time. Life is good.

I read one post up and saw Linda's post. My prayers are with you and your family. HUGS. I promise you guys I will catch up next week after they leave. HUGS to you all.


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Hello Janet; what you are doing is very considerate and thoughtful.

And well I'm very young only 18 and I am getting the surgery here in 19 days. I have different papers telling me when to start the pre-op diet and one says 7 days and the other says 10. Any suggestions?

Thank you!

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Welcome, Kierstyn. I started pre-op 14 days before. But - call your doctor and follow his directions. Tell them to please clarify the instructions.

Linda - Glad to hear some better news about Katie's condition. You are a wonderful person to show so much love to her and her daughter.

Laura - have a ball with your parents. So glad to hear they are visiting your home again.

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Cheri & Julie - after reading last few posts from you gals, I really see how much we have in common with our history and family issues. So excited to be roommates in LV.

Don't want to miss a moment of time together - might have to live on caffeine to stay awake all night.

Will be so much fun.

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Went to victoria secerts - gf said get real sexy bra (it's the name) well they weren't for my 55 yr old boobs - came home and went to my new nail salon - Andrew was there ;o) getting waxed (yes boys do this now a days) I paid for his waxing - he left then called - said thank you again - had come by the house to get some stuff - I guess he got a dog for his Mom's house - So it looks like he's not coming back - cuz no more dogs and it's a big dog (pit bull) I don't mind the breed - I don't care if it was a cat - no more freaking animals..

- cbl

Just a quick Hi.

Oh yes boys these days wax. I have taken my son several times to get waxed. I have even taken him and some of his guy friends to get pedicures some get colors some don't. It is totally exceptable to man scape these days not like when I was in school.

Kierstyun - Welcome to the board ask anything you want if Janet does not answer right away so of the others will.

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Hello dear ones, I just finished reading all the posts so got caught up...... But no time for a detailed post.... DH is taking me out to the movies... I saved my calories so I can have buttered popcorn........ My favorite..... Gonna see Eat Pray Love.... Hope it's not just a chick flick so he enjoys it, too....... He's calling for me to leave so will say good night... I'll try to check in again soon...... I'm praying that my pain lets me enjoy the movie... I've taken all the precautions I can possibly take..... Hugs to all......... Julie

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Hello dear ones, I just finished reading all the posts so got caught up...... But no time for a detailed post.... DH is taking me out to the movies... I saved my calories so I can have buttered popcorn........ My favorite..... Gonna see Eat Pray Love.... Hope it's not just a chick flick so he enjoys it, too....... He's calling for me to leave so will say good night... I'll try to check in again soon...... I'm praying that my pain lets me enjoy the movie... I've taken all the precautions I can possibly take..... Hugs to all......... Julie

I am not sure it would be a chick flick so much. I read the book and loved it. It was more about trying to find yourself your purpose or actually being happy with yourself inside and out.

I just hope the director did not try to change the book to make a better movie. There actually is a second book that just came out I want to get.

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Hi gang! Whew......my three youngest grandkids have gone home. I enjoyed it, but i am tired. I did manage to finish sewing and embroidering burp diapers this morning. Oh, I did walk this morning.....going to do it again when the sun goes down.

Linda.......so glad to hear that DSD is holding her own.....and Aylah is not fretting over her mother being gone. I will continue to pray. HUGS!!!

Laura.......sounds like a great time with your parents.....and Nels.......so precious.

Joyce....Yeah, it sounds like there is a lot in common among us. I am so thankful that our guru Janet started this thread or else we would not have met.

Kierstyun......Just follow doctors instructions. They all have their own pre-op ....mine was 13 days of Protein Shakes and One day of Clear Liquids.

One day....I am so glad I didn't have to pay for waxing. It was bad enough paying for three hair cuts every month. That doesn't count the girls.

Gotta go walk........CBL!

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Well, our date night turned out to be a bust...... Enjoyed the time alone with DH, but the movie was not very good in my opinion... the worst Julia Roberts movie I've ever seen..... And of course my best attempts to prempt the pain didn't work and it started hurting about 2 hours in.... Asked DH if he was enjoying it and he said no, so we got up and left....... Had I not had pain I might have made it through, but it wasn't worth it.... I had taken my hot pack along and stopped at a convenience store and they let me put it in the microwave.... So I made it home and am now in my jammies and have taken my drugs and am hoping to settle in......

Laura, so happy you get a visit from your parents.... Leave it to Nelson to say the right thing to grandpa..... bless his heart...... have fun....

Arlene, I'm sure you are worn out from the little ones, but they are so fun to have around...... Rest well....

Janet, Andrew is gonna miss you even if he does stay at his mother's..... But maybe it's a good thing for all concerned... Hope you are okay with everything....

Joyce, I'm really looking forward to Vegas, too..... And by the way, do I owe someone some money yet??? Just let me know and I'll mail to whomever I should.....

Well, I'm going to try to relax and sleep..... We have a new church time starting tomorrow so don't have to get up so early..... Works for me...... Hugs and prayers, ladies..... love you all............... Julie

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my heart and prayers go out to your family at this time....hopeing for a speedy recovery.

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Charlene Babies will come when they are ready to. Best to let nature take its course unless intervention is urgently needed. I never liked the idea of scheduled inductions unless they are necessary for the health of the mother and baby.

Whatever your DD doctor says....then be patient it will happen as you know.

well..its Sunday and Earl has come and gone. Glad I didnt go to Fire Island in the end as it did hit but not hard. It is still windy and the Island Im sure will be cold damp and flooded with Water in the streets. The beaches are still gross from the ocean so no going for a day or two. We will be there Tuesday till Sunday so its enough time lol. Of course I say this as we were out all summer practically. Ill be glad to get back into the swing of the new year.

except of course for the 6:45 wake up every weekday.

Ive been looking for healthy Rosh Hashana recipes but again....its the traditional holiday fare that everyone is looking for...so this creates a challenge as you all know for me...but will not fold....its going to be a healthy new year period and that includes the foods consumed on the new year holiday.

Friday I was asked to the surgeons office to be the paitent spokesperson for the single incission lap band for the Dr. Sean Garber and Spencer Holover my surgeon.

I was told it would be a photo shoot of the before and after pictures to use for the website however it turned out to be a video tapping session, photo shoot and patient exam with the doctor. So much fun!!

I had makeup and was interviewed on camera for the video tapping session where I answered the question "how has the lap band changed my life and what it has done for me" and the like.....then they taped a physical exam of a reg apt. but they didnt show getting a fill lol

That would have been a bit scary??

In any case....I was suprised when they gave me a gift certificate American Express card for 50 bucks. I was like no...this is not necessary I was happy to participate but they wouldnt take no...so I used it to buy Dassi her school shirts at Kohls....buy one get one free for $17.00. We got 8. Shes done!! That came in handy as I am now overdrawn from all the school shopping!

Today am going to Breakfast with SM and my daughter. She is buying her boots for school. They are $50 dollars at Lord and Taylor. I bought her school shoes and they cost $70. I wish I could buy her reg shoes at TJMAX or Marshalls or Daffys however.....she cant wear reg shoes she needs her orthodics to fit and braces at times etc etc etc. What a pain and expense but..whatever she needs them. lol Wish shed just have offered the shoes, she really doesnt need dressy boots at 11 she can wear snow boots or her ugs...which she will probably end up wearing most days anyways lol. Nice of her to offer so dont want to rock that boat...it makes her happy so, thank you.

Well....hope everyone has a great labor day...enjoy the BBQs and fun.

Got a fiill as well on Friday and eating soft foods still as got stuck on chicken and thought perhaps need another day of softies. I hope that stops soon.

Julie your appointment is olmost here....so excited for you to get some help!! Good Luck

Have a great day all.


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julie, sorry about the movie, I'm sorry to hear it isn't very good, I was kinda hoping it would be a good one. I am so excited for you that your appt. is just 4 days away. Speaking of the mayo, that is where the cultures from the brochscopy are being grown so I feel very confident that Mayo will find out what is causing SD the problems.

a little bit of improvement yesterday -- I don't know -- I thought she was on a ventilator but I guess it was a respirator -- now they switched her to the ventilator -- because she was breathing somewhat on her own -- it was an improvement -- so whichever one is an improvement - I haven't talked to the doctors/nurses directly - DH is doing all of that so all I know is what tells me. Yesterday her GM and Aunt went up to see her and stopped here on the way home - they live in Davenport IA -- on the Ill border -- about 150 miles east of us. We are going up this afternoon -- taking Aylah up to meet her GM (who lives in Oregon). I still cannnot even fathom not meeeting your ONLY grandchild for a few months short of four years. Last night Aylah and I printed a bunch of pictures of Aylah and her mom and all of us - camping, etc. and mounted them and decorated with stamps and stickers -- got some great stickers at Walmart yesterday -- $1 a sheet. We made a bunch and we'll decorate her closet door so when she's up and about she'll have pics of Aylah all over to encourage her to get better and get home! Aylah and i had a talk about it all and she understands what is going on -- she knows her mommy can't talk right now and that she is in a hospital and they're trying to make her better. She is so mature. Honestly, sometimes I feel like she's 15. When we were at Walmart yesterday she wanted some pink dressy shoes -- I couldn't say no -- so she's wearing them all over the house now -- she loves them so much. I love that kind of stuff, that's what makes the memories. LOL.

By the way, Merry had her stitches out Friday and DH said the vet and staff were very impressed with how well she was getting around. Her normal routine used to be when she pooped, she'd run all over the yard and come in the house and run all over the house -- living room to dining to kitchen, to all bedrooms and do that route for several times. So of course, she hasn't been doing that -- well, last night she ran twice around the yard --and then ran inside but then kinda stopped as if to say, "oh, I forgot". It was so cute - DH said he thought she really did forget -- so truly she IS back to her old self. So cute.

Laura, saw the pics on FB -- love that your folks came -- how long will they stay -- I hope it's a good visit -- they look wonderful -- you look wonderful too. Enjoy your visit -- how'd the prime rib turn out? Yes, it's expensive, but so worth it -- we have iti for Christmas every year.

Jodi, glad you are safe and Earl wasn't too bad -- enjoy your week at the island -- it's good that others are helping out with Dassi's school needs -- so much for a single parent. Good for you for the spokesmodel position -- sounds wonderful -- maybe NOW you'll be discovered by some talent agent -- scouting on Lap Band site -- you never know. LOL. Maybe you'll be the next NJ housewife! Or will the ads be on tv? Wow, for sure you could get discovered!! WTG. I bet that will make Dassi very proud of you.

Arlene, will be thinking of you and DD and Bethany - I'm sure all will go well. Can't wait to see the first pic of Bethany.

Cheri, we have a GS we've never met -- it's heartbreaking. They took him from her three times -- once shortly after birth cause she tested dirty when she delivered, then they gave him back at 3 months then took him away again around 6 months, then they put her and him in a rehab facility where they let the mothers have their babies when he was a year old - well, she didn't make it -- refused to follow the rules of the house -- sneaking out at night, meeting boys, etc. so that was then they said "he's gone forever." It was hard for us cause we had planned to going to her graduation ceremony (it was like a month away when they tossed her out of there) and picking them up and bringing them both with us to Iowa when we moved here from So. Cal. We decided not to take on the responsibility of raising him, although that was a very difficult decision. He had had the same foster parents each time and they wanted to adopt him, so they adopted him in an "open" adoption. Katie gets once a year pictures and updates - he has autism, various other problems, goes to a special school, etc. It's all very sad. He would be one of your students if he was in your area. He's a very handsome young man, now 7. Now you see some of the background we've had with katie and why it's so frustrating for us. It's been a long, long road.

Gotta get to the gym. Have a good day and I'll CBL.

Again, thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers -- they are working - I truly believe in prayer and the power of positive thinking.

Love you all,


Edited by ljv52

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Good Morning Gang...

I thought I posted yesterday???

Left the house at 7:30 to get tires - they had the wrong size - it was my bad - I thought they were 255's they were 225's - so was there for 1 hr they put the new tires on my rims then the car and they didn't fit - so they had to take them off put my old tires on - and order new tires - I guess I should have looked better w/a flash light - but when I told them what kind of car I have they should have double ck'd - after all I'm a girl Lol I do use that sometimes

Well went to Marshalls still looking for a perfect blouse for tonite - then Ross - got a pair of heels - Steve Madden for $25 - omg they are at least 4 if not 5 inches - but cuz on the plateform and thicker heel - i can walk in them and they are comfortable.. Still have entirely decided what to wear - want to look super cute ;0)

Well don't know if I'm going to the gym this morning - I do know I'm not doing 2 classes - may go to the Pilos at 10 ..

Gotta go to the store and get some adult beverages for tonite.. With my heels - I am going to have to be sure not to get drunk - cuz I will fall off them ;0)..

Hello Janet; what you are doing is very considerate and thoughtful.

And well I'm very young only 18 and I am getting the surgery here in 19 days. I have different papers telling me when to start the pre-op diet and one says 7 days and the other says 10. Any suggestions?

Thank you!

Kierstyun - Hey baby girl ;0) my GS is 19 ;0) Glad you are doing this at your age and not in your 50's ;0) Get the weight off while you are young !!!

Call your doc on that one - I only had to do 7 days - but that's cuz I got my surgery date really fast

Just a quick Hi.

Oh yes boys these days wax. I have taken my son several times to get waxed. I have even taken him and some of his guy friends to get pedicures some get colors some don't. It is totally exceptable to man scape these days not like when I was in school.

Kierstyun - Welcome to the board ask anything you want if Janet does not answer right away so of the others will.

Yep Melissa - boys now a days do alot of stuff that kids didn't do when my son was his age nor when I was a kid ;0

How are you feeling - I need more ribbon :0)

Hi gang! Whew......my three youngest grandkids have gone home. I enjoyed it, but i am tired. I did manage to finish sewing and embroidering burp diapers this morning. Oh, I did walk this morning.....going to do it again when the sun goes down.

Linda.......so glad to hear that DSD is holding her own.....and Aylah is not fretting over her mother being gone. I will continue to pray. HUGS!!!

Laura.......sounds like a great time with your parents.....and Nels.......so precious.

Joyce....Yeah, it sounds like there is a lot in common among us. I am so thankful that our guru Janet started this thread or else we would not have met.

Kierstyun......Just follow doctors instructions. They all have their own pre-op ....mine was 13 days of Protein shakes and One day of clear liquids.

One day....I am so glad I didn't have to pay for waxing. It was bad enough paying for three hair cuts every month. That doesn't count the girls.

Gotta go walk........CBL!

Charlene - He pays for his own hair cuts and waxing ;0) and when I was paying it was just for hair cuts

WTG on your walking..

Charlene Babies will come when they are ready to. Best to let nature take its course unless intervention is urgently needed. I never liked the idea of scheduled inductions unless they are necessary for the health of the mother and baby.

Whatever your DD doctor says....then be patient it will happen as you know.

well..its Sunday and Earl has come and gone. Glad I didnt go to Fire Island in the end as it did hit but not hard. It is still windy and the Island Im sure will be cold damp and flooded with Water in the streets. The beaches are still gross from the ocean so no going for a day or two. We will be there Tuesday till Sunday so its enough time lol. Of course I say this as we were out all summer practically. Ill be glad to get back into the swing of the new year.

except of course for the 6:45 wake up every weekday.

Ive been looking for healthy Rosh Hashana recipes but again....its the traditional holiday fare that everyone is looking for...so this creates a challenge as you all know for me...but will not fold....its going to be a healthy new year period and that includes the foods consumed on the new year holiday.

Friday I was asked to the surgeons office to be the paitent spokesperson for the single incission LAP-BAND® for the Dr. Sean Garber and Spencer Holover my surgeon.

I was told it would be a photo shoot of the before and after pictures to use for the website however it turned out to be a video tapping session, photo shoot and patient exam with the doctor. So much fun!!

I had makeup and was interviewed on camera for the video tapping session where I answered the question "how has the LAP-BAND® changed my life and what it has done for me" and the like.....then they taped a physical exam of a reg apt. but they didnt show getting a fill lol

That would have been a bit scary??

In any case....I was suprised when they gave me a gift certificate American Express card for 50 bucks. I was like no...this is not necessary I was happy to participate but they wouldnt take no...so I used it to buy Dassi her school shirts at Kohls....buy one get one free for $17.00. We got 8. Shes done!! That came in handy as I am now overdrawn from all the school shopping!

Today am going to Breakfast with SM and my daughter. She is buying her boots for school. They are $50 dollars at Lord and Taylor. I bought her school shoes and they cost $70. I wish I could buy her reg shoes at TJMAX or Marshalls or Daffys however.....she cant wear reg shoes she needs her orthodics to fit and braces at times etc etc etc. What a pain and expense but..whatever she needs them. lol Wish shed just have offered the shoes, she really doesnt need dressy boots at 11 she can wear snow boots or her ugs...which she will probably end up wearing most days anyways lol. Nice of her to offer so dont want to rock that boat...it makes her happy so, thank you.

Well....hope everyone has a great labor day...enjoy the BBQs and fun.

Got a fiill as well on Friday and eating soft foods still as got stuck on chicken and thought perhaps need another day of softies. I hope that stops soon.

Julie your appointment is olmost here....so excited for you to get some help!! Good Luck

Have a great day all.



When I did the TV commercial for my Doc they gave us a gift bag full of stuff - Protein Bars - Vitamins - gift certificate for facials I would say vaule couple hundred. I would love to see your tape !!! WTG

Julie sorry your date night was a bust - I think I have heard a lot of pple didn't like the movie..

Linda - Hugs on DSD - Drugs - they have ruin this generation - Can't beleive that the mom never met her GD?? So what happen to the other kid - how sad - hell drugs is the reason I ended up w/Andrew when he was 11... So been there done that.. I thought a ventilator & respirator were the same thing?? Ya our kids now a days know more than they should - Sure glad Alyala has you.. Sure glad to hear Merry is doing so well.. That's fantastic news

Laura - So happy that you are having a visit w/parents !!!! Enjoy..

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Julie - sorry you had to leave the movie - but you didn't miss anything. I agree with you - it was her worst movie.

After reading the book, I went to Bali with a spiritual group of yogis. I met Ketut and worked with the healer who was written about in the book.

My expectations of the movie were wayyyyy to high. Thought I might see locations I visited in Bali. Didn't happen.

Regarding $$ and LV, I just held the reservation on my credit card - no money needed yet. We can each pay our share at check out.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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