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Hi all, Apples welcome back. I'm just checking in. Was up at 4:30 a.m. and went to the gym -- did 35, 40 and 20. I forgot to mention yesterday about the hip replacement recall -- not sure if any of you saw it on the news. I called my surgeon and found out (thankfully) that he doesn't use the company that manufactured the parts that are being recalled so I was happy with that (and thankful). So then I decided to ask about why I'm having some hip pain so he asked what I've been doing and I told him recumbent bike, elleptical, some treadmill, weight machines for upper and lower body. He asked me how much weight and I told him -- which isn't much compared to Janet (I was only doing between 55 and 90 lbs. depending on the machine). He was not happy -- he said, "you do not have permission to use weights on your lower body that high -- keep it to 20 lbs. -- well, that's like nothing!!! He said to wait for 2 weeks and start back at 20 and if I have pain to go lower or stop altogether . Bummer - I guess I'll have to get most of my exercise with cardio only and upper body only.

Apples, that was such a sweet story -- bless that little one's heart -- how cute - I would like a painting/print of that - so adorable. Glad you had a great time. My DH does lots of chores around the house -- so I'm lucky in that regard as well.

Jessica, yes, I agree you definitely need a conference - has she recently switched from teaching older children or something? Sounds like she has some issues either with her expectations of this age group or for some reason is picking on Jake. Sorry to hear that, but you are doing the right thing to question her.

Welcome Susan. I was 57 when I had my lap band surgery -- it was the best decision I ever made. Congrats on your decision and finding this group -- the next best thing I ever did was finding Janet and the others here.

Well gang, I need to get going. Eva, glad you had a good time. Janet, I hear you about your job -- it's much the same in the lawfirm environment -- and I had bosses like that for many years. It's so nice not to deal with crap like that anymore. Hugs on that, hope it all gets better.

Having more drama with family -- won't go into detail but I'm having a very tough time Please keep me in your thoughts (prayers) I need all the help I can get right now.



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Gratitude: I am now home and in my air-conditioned house.

Vent: I taught all day in 90+ heat and Illinois humidity. My hair looks like a brillo pad, my nose is shiny with oil, my hands and feet are finally drying off (not to mention a few other places.)We're supposed to get some relief tomorrow.

Also, the school is down to 111 students of whom I'm trying to see almost 60. We are getting the new roof and playground and let's hope that this year we can find the magic formula to bring in more students. We have to reduce tuition, but that means bringing in more donations to cover the difference in costs. I'm having a terrible time scheduling my students because I usually pull from the "specials" classes, but we've eliminated art, band, and library, and reduced the number of Spanish classes for the lower grades.

I'm getting to school by 7 a.m. and leaving at 5 p.m. Its too hot to go out to exercise and I'm already getting up at 5:30 just to get to school early and I still can't get to my lesson plans because of interruptions and newly discovered problems with the schedule.

So that's my vent.

However, I did sing for 2 1/2 hours last night and the music was beautiful. I actually hit a high "A" last night. Only once, but still!

Melissa, I'm glad you went to the ER. High blood sugar can make your heart pound and make you feel like you can't catch your breath.

Apples, welcome back.

Janet, hugs on work situation.

Eva, glad you had a good time.

LadyK, hope you get all computer issues resolved ASAP.

LauraK, good to see you posting.

Jessica, hugs on the teacher issues. You might also want to spend some time quietly observing the class. Might take some time before Jake relaxes and quits being aware of you. Ask the teacher to explain her discipline system and reward system. Remember, the behavior you see at home may be totally different than what Jake does in class. If he has attention or sensory issues, being in a classroom with a lot of other kids is going to make him act out and be unable to sit still and focus. Ask to have him tested by the school. Fill out the forms and make sure you sign the official form requesting testing. The school then has 60 school days to get the testing done and an IEP put together. However, it may take longer as the teacher has to show evidence of intervention strategies that failed before testing will get done.



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My name is Susan also a 55yr old (soon to be 56).

Decided also to extend my yrs on the planet as well. I am 2 weeks post op and tomorrow I get to eat my 1st meal. I guess it will be the incredible edible egg. Your story moved me as I am fearful but happy to make lifetime decisions about good health. Nice some see someone in my age bracket who made this lifetime decision.



Welcome Susan!.......It's never too late to change your eating lifestyle. I was banded at 57.......wish I had done it years before, but I was in denial for sooooo long. Jump in and ask, vent, or comment.

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Hi all! Very excited. Just found out I get to be Grandma again! My DS just called to tell me. I knew a few weeks ago that they were trying for a second. She's due around April 20-23. That'll make number 8.


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hi all! Very excited. Just found out i get to be grandma again! My ds just called to tell me. I knew a few weeks ago that they were trying for a second. She's due around april 20-23. That'll make number 8.



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Evening ladies, Thankful Tuesday......... I'm very thankful for my wonderful husband everyday of every week..... He was a gift from God and I sometimes tend to forget just how precious he is when life gets in the way..... I'm very thankful for all of you...........one of my best decisions was to stay on this thread..... I'm thankful for wonderful family and friends and I'm even thankful for my health.... Sounds funny coming from me, but things could be way worse than chronic pain... I could be dying of one thing or another... I'm also thankful my mayo appointment is only a week away now.......

Apples, welcome home........ glad you had the pleasure of little people in your life this weekend... Our little girls just left... DH didn't work today and we had them from 3 to 6...... they played nicely and were delightful most of the time.... One had an accident that took a lot out of me to clean up, but I made it.... congrats on being surprised with DH doing his own laundry .... What a nice treat....

Eva, welcome home from your little trip.... I'm sure it was fun...... Soon you will be able to do even more traveling..... well, I suppose DH is still going to be working, so maybe that won't be so much just yet, but I know you are going to enjoy retirement....

Janet, hope you work settles down now for the rest of the week..... Did you get your pictures and story sent in?? I'm rooting for you to be chosen as the new spokesperson.... You'll be great..

Melissa, gosh I'm sorry things are so tough right now... Your DH is feeling helpless and is reacting from his feelings of failure to fix.... Men like to fix things... Just do what you must and soon it will all be behind you... I would bet part of your problems medically are from stress, too... Hope you are better soon...

Jessica......ditto what all the others have said... let's hope things will straighten out after you talk to the school..... How are you doing???????

Judy, how's the real puppy doing??? No regrets about losing the other one???

Jodi, welcome back..... I'm sure you need time to catch up again.... come back when you get a minute.....

Linda, hugs on whatever is wrong... Family problems are the pits.... Also too bad you have to back off the exercises, but don't want to have anything bad happen... You take care of yourself......

Joyce, it's good you got your computer problems solvede... have fun getting your new one all set up....

Cheri, wish you could have had our weather today... A nice 69 with a little breeze.... wonderful...... At least you are home now and can chill..... Do you get to keep a fan going in your room???? I'm sure the singing did your heart good.... I'm happy for you.... take it easy now... will your weather break soon????

Arlene, this baby just has a mind of her own already... She will be a joy...... I was induced 5 weeks early with my DD because I was very sick.... It still took her 23 1/2 hours to come.... She's been making me wait her whole life.....

Laura, suppose you have had a busy day... hopefully a good one.... let us know how things went for you...

Laura K, how is your week looking????

Phyll is winding down from the wedding weekend I'm sure and Lori is still not back on..... I'm sure she had a busy weekend, too

Gwen isn't back yet..... when do we expect her???

Susan, welcome.... this is a great place... tell us a little about yourself......

It feels like I missed someone, but can't think who..... We haven't heard from Pam or Peaches for quite some time now again... hope you are both doing well....

I didn't do a whole lot today.... had an afternoon nap and had a terrible time waking up and getting motivated until the girls came at 3:00.... We just finished supper so I need to go put things away and settle in for the evening.... DH just refilled the hot tub, so I make go for a soak....... tomorrow I have a perm scheduled.... I wanted to get it befor Mayo and then it will be in a very good stage for the wedding... I'm looking forward to it as I hate it when my hair is straight and without any body..... I should look presentable by the time for our Vegas trip.... So, you all have a good evening and I'll talk to you all later..... Good night friends.... I'm thankful for all of you..... Julie

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Cheri, congratulations to you...... Grandchildren are just so special..... and there is just nothing like a newborn...... Enjoy.... Hope the Mommy is doing well and has an easy time..... God Bless.... Julie

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Good Afternoon Gang

Had jury duty today - even got call up to the jury box - come back after lunch - well the guy must have copped a deal - He looked real real mean - 30+ most likely gang banger his whole life - sitting there he had a scowl on his face - didn't help his situation any - He was on trial for Robbery.. So they send us back to the jury room - at 3 get called for another case - trial would be til 9/17 - well the lady I work with is gone for the month of Sept - so got excused from that one.. Would have liked to sit on the 1st one - expected to be 3 days.. I'll do a short trial ... I feel it's my American duty - That's what the constitution say and I am red white and blue

Well I'm dress for gym - Weights arms tonite ...

Laura - How was the gym...

Melissa - Hugs - it shouldn't be all on your shoulder - that's not fair.. Take the jewelry go to diff jewelry stores - they all pay diff prices - have the garage sale - You & family in my prayers..

Julie - If I need company all I have to do is pickup the phone - but again - I do work all week so I enjoy the down time - if I was like you home then it might be a diff story.. But since only get 2 days - I do enjoy them ;0)

I can't sing - but with a few cocktail - I've done it as back up singer in Mexico and did you lost that loving feeling here in town - but again had quite a few drinks - I'm not super bad as long as I keep it low (I have a low voice - have been confused as a man on the phone) awe I'm most likely bad at a low note too - ;0) So ya we can karoke :0)

I can tell you all from personal experience = Phyl is just as bad as the kids now a days w/her phone ... lol...

Phyl I don't know what you did - eyebrows done?? or just that you had hair and make up - you look absolutely beautiful

Charlene - Ya it will work out - Hope the baby comes soon

I started this before I went to the gym - girl called from work - all upset - she may be quiting - then I had gym - just now getting back on the computer.. Did find out though the place where she might go - asked about me ;0) - we at least I know I have a place if they ever piss me off bad enough ;0)

Well going to post to see who has posted..

All of the above... hair, nails, make-up, eyebrows waxed, and wore my contacts. Thanks for all the compliments!!

WARNING....I'm back. Let the junking begin!!!!!!

Phyll..wonderful photos. Your mom looks so good and is very pretty. You and your sister are also very beautiful. So sorry to see that DH HAS to put up with that dog....no love there. LOL

Janet...congrats on the marketing campaign request. Your photos look great....as do your arms. I have been daring this summer and said to hell with worrying about the bits of extra skin on my upper arms. There are more offensive things (like my thighs). But, I can tell you that when I am fully naked and catch myself in the mirror, I see all the flaws as my "battle scars". I earned them and I give myself the equivalent of a purple heart for them. I decided b/4 LB that if I could take off my extra weight that I would appreciate what I ended up with. It's not beautiful but it's me.

In a rush here and will not do a lot of sharing right now. Had a good weekend with DH. DS, GF and her little 5 yr old son came up on Sunday. OMG, so nice to have a child in the family again. He has an 8yr old sister and she was torn with going to a pool party or visiting the lake. She chose the friend and sent a message to her that there will be many more opportunities to visit.

Anyway, this little man is just the cutest. He got to make a trip to the farm on Sat with DS and his mom, along with sis. DS took him up to the catwalk on the bin site (30 feet up but safe) and let him pee into the air. Fun was had by all. His mom said he dropped his pants so fast when DS made the suggestion to take a leak. Little butt shining in the sun and giggling. Kids are the most precious things on earth (gotta include dogs here).

We are heading to town in a bit for lunch and to do some automobile business. DH surprised me with a car I have been looking at for a couple of years. He's been bugging me to give up my truck and I just couldn't. Long story short...I am now the owner of a Cadillac SRX and will also hang onto my truck for running my farmers here and there. I put over 400 miles on the new car this weekend. Love it and feel like a spoiled child.

I am not one that has to have new wheels every couple of years. I fall in love with a vehicle and DH has to pry me from the steering wheel when it's time to buy. I have cried each time I have traded a vehicle. Silly but true. Now I can put my much loved truck in the extra garage and not worry about it going down the road and I don't have to worry about handing it over to DH so he can use it for a farm truck and beat the crap out of it. Silly, I know.

Oh...on the one day of positive posts. Nice thought, Judy. It's just that that one day chosen for positive posts only might be a day when someone really, really needs to share something not so positive. I know I have days where I just NEED to get something off my chest. Even if nobody responds to the post (most times yes), I feel better getting it out.

I am not criticizing your suggestion, Judy. My point is this; even if something going on in our lives does not pertain to WL, LB, eating habits, etc., we are here for a purpose...and that is to share and help each other. I feel our inner most struggles are partially to blame for what made up obese in the first place.

I think we are all similar in the way we deal. We can go for days and post "happy" posts. Then, things tend to build up in our lives and we NEED to let it go. NEED to feel we have that support from each other.

I can tell you all this and feel you might agree. Our "real" friends are not always available at our fingertips the way our "cyber" friends are. I think what has brought us to the place we are now with each other if the fact that we trust and feel comfortable enough to share our innermost thoughts and feelings with each other. Things we might not even say to our loved ones and friends. Things we can just impulsively say without worrying about being judged.

As I stated Judy. Not a criticism, just my take on it.

Better run. Gotta through a load of laundry in b/4 heading to town and lunch with DH. Thank God my washer and dryer are working. I have draining sinus' and a bit of nausea from it. Don't think I could handle a repairman butt crack today. Later.

HAH!! So you got your Caddy!! Congrats!!

Yeah, DH is so attached to that dog!! He brought the dog to the wedding reception and parked the car in the shade and put her in her little red bag. Then he went out and checked on her about every hour and took her for walks, and finally, towards the end of the evening, when we were sitting outside on the patio at the reception.. he brought the dog down there! He's a kick. He's got her peeing on demand now, too! Takes her outside and tells her to go potty and she does!

Sorry girls but I gotta vent. Jakes teacher has been sending notes home about his behavior every day. Today her note had a yellow straight face and said much improved. Then the yellow straight face and note was crossed out and she put a red sad face and said he was looking out the window too much. Seriously? Are you fing kinding me. We have been putting him on tv restriction each nite he brings home a red face. Am I really suppose to put him on restriction for looking out the window? We requested a conference. I don't feel like that was a big enough offense to wash away his whole day of "improvement". She is being way to picky and I am afraid she is just picking on him. She has only sent home a couple pages of his classwork. They were all coloring pages and one page where he wrote his name 5 times. He hates coloring and has been writing his name over a year now. Sounds like he could be bored and tired because he isn't napping any more. I am so frustrated trying to fix a problem in his behavior when it might not be him at all. Yesterday her note said he colored all over his desk. Why would he do that? He doesn't do stuff like that with our family or us. These little notes aren't clarifying what the real issue is. Do they just not get along? Is he bored? tired? angry?

Glad you are asking for a conference. Definitely sounds like a bored child. Our oldest son was "gifted" and he was very bored in kindergarten. He could already read. So the teacher picked up on that and started having him read books to the class. But every teacher had to find ways to keep him from getting bored.

Phyl, great pictures, you look wonderful. Yes, we are about 3 miles from I-10 and you can see it from my house. Let me know the time frame you think you might be through.

Laura, great pics of Nels. Sounds like your life is going to be a lot more focused here soon. It's a good thing.

Okay, I'm about toast but I do want to say what I'm grateful for today.

I'm grateful that I can travel, have wonderful friends, and the ability to appreciate life.

I'm not so grateful about the heat and humidity, but understand it's part of life and it goes away after a while.

Later ladies. Eva

I will know more about when we'll be in your area once we actually get back on the road.... next Tuesday. Have to figure out when we'll get to OK, how long we're going to stay and how long it will take us from there. I did spend a couple of hours on the itinerary a few days ago and worked out some stops.

Hi all! Very excited. Just found out I get to be Grandma again! My DS just called to tell me. I knew a few weeks ago that they were trying for a second. She's due around April 20-23. That'll make number 8. Cheri

Congrats, Cheri!!

What I am thankful for today.....

for having this week to spend with all three of my sisters! Had a great time on a 4 hour guided wine tour complete with limo today! Great fun! Got in trouble for buying too many bottles of wine.... 7! He doesn't know about the t-shirt yet!! LOL

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Tonite was open house at his school. I went just to see what she is teaching. I didn't want to discuss the issue because I was too hot. She is teaching things that he learned in prek last year. The alphabet, colors, shapes and numbers. He has already been taught those things. He is already able to read some and do a little addition. I told her that and suggested he might be bored. She agreed and said she gives him a little extra work to try and keep him from getting into trouble. She also said he was not just looking out the window. He was getting up, moving the curtains aside to look out side and knocked the tension rod down.

I understand not all the children are at his reading, and math level and that they need to learn these basics. My concern is for my child. I don't want him just doing worksheets to be busy I want him to be taught at the next level. Taken from where his skills currently are and adding to them. When I was in school I worked with and advanced teacher. She would work with me where I needed it and move on when I got it. She came a couple times a week and I worked on her assignments after I completed my regular class assignments. I did keep me busy but it also kept me learning. And once I hit middle school they had whole classes of advanced kids I went to class with. I am gonna ask his teacher at our conference if they have a program like that available at his school. I don't want him to get a negative attitude about school. I wouldn't want to go if I kept getting in trouble.

Mrs. Bubba, I am doing great. Learn to make a hospital bed today with a patient in the bed and without one. Also learned to turn patients. I read all the assigned reading and seemed to be a step up from the other student I worked with. She was on vacation and didn't get the reading assignments in time. She kept making mistakes but I didn't feelt uncomfortable correcting her. So I just let her do it wrong until she asked for help. I gotta work on my social anxiety. When I am around people I feel like the dumbest person and I am so scared to say something cause it might be questioned or be wrong. I start shaking and can barely talk. I may need to talk to may doc about getting back on the anxiety meds. I can learn this stuff and execute it I just can't remember my own name to introduce myself.

I did do week 3 of 5k training today. I ran for 3 minutes straight twice and for 90 sec 3 times. I got a calf cramp on sunday and stopped but I did it today. I am so excited to be pushing myself and learning how to keep myself going when I am wanting to stop. My muscles feel good when I am done and I am so excited. I never thought I would be able to run again.

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I am just back from walking.....a nice cool day.....temp 82, humidity 82.....lol. There is a breeze. I think those storms in the Atlantic are causing a lot of humidity and breeze...oh and t-storms. DH and are going to LA Fitness and get a price on a membership. I wonder if you get a discount if you pay for a year in advance? We both want to take Water aerobics.

I am going to weigh in tomorrow. I haven't lost a lb in a month. I keep going because I need the information and the support.

Julie, I hope you have a good night's sleep.

Welcome home Eva!

Linda, sorry you have drama right now. It can be so stressful. I have a little with the DD that got dumped by her boyfriend. He is trying to come back for the sixth time......PLEASE!!!!! She finally woke up from that nightmare and told him NO! She is dating a Texas trooper right now so I don't think he will make trouble for her. My live in DS is in San Francisco for a week. He is crazy about this new girlfriend. I don't even see him when he is in town.

Janet, is this exercise night?

Lori, if you left town I missed it.......miss ya!

Apples, what brand of purses do they sell at parties? I have never been to one.

Laura, how did the job go?

Goodnight Peeps!

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Good evening! I am back from the airport and dropping DD off and then reading 6 pages of posts to catch up. I am feeling a little sad and lonely, the let down after such a fun and active weekend and DH is still gone hunting. He did call to say he got a deer but no elk yet. Oh joy, but that means I won't need to buy much meat this next year either so that's good. He eats that all the time and I grill my little costco filets or fish.

We had a great girls weekend. My friend was here Fri night til Sunday afternoon and while she was here we went to Ikea, she had heard of them but never been and was dying to see an Ikea. She loved it and has her list of things she wants from there. LOL We got pedicures, ate out every meal, went to some chick flicks, went to church, went to the malls and did a 'Food Network tour' and showed her downtown and Temple Square and the Mormon church's geneaology library. Just before coming she saw an episode of 'Diners, Drive Ins and Dives' about SLC and was intrigued by the Mexican restaurant, Red Iguana so we went there Friday night, then on Sat. we went to a BBQ place, both were real dives but very good. AT the mall I got some jewelry (cheap stuff) and a sweater. Then after she went home on Sunday DD & I did some baby and maternity shopping. She wanted to go to the outlets in Park City as they had a Carters, Coach and Motherhood Maternity. I bought her a maternity outfit, she is just starting to wear some maternity pants, doesn't really need them yet but her regular pants hurt her tummy. Then at Coach she fell in love with a pink diaper bag so she bought that and the matching wallet of course. She is her mother's daughter. LOL I was so proud of myself I left with only a scarf to tie on the bag I recently bought. LOL Then on to Carters were we bought some of the cutests sleepers and gowns, gender neutral still since we don't know the sex. We saw another chick flick and went to another mall. Today we went to DSW shoe store, they had them in Denver but I never found much there, well today I left with 5 pairs. LOL DH will freak! LOL Not really he usually doesn't say anything. I have such big ugly feet (size 11 and usually wides) and can never find shoes. The gal said they just recently started carrying them and they had tons and many on clearance. I love Born and Merrills and all pairs are one of those brands. I am set. One pair is for DH. Of course I joined their reward program now. LOL

Janet, the pics were great and loved what you wrote. I know you have commented before on how you didn't like your upper arms, my first thought at seeing those pics is 'I want those arms' they look so toned.

Julie, just a little over a week til your appt! I am so anxious for you. And no I don't think you were cheap on invitations. DD made all of her's and they were great. She got a kit at Michaels.

Oh and you asked what NB shoes were after Arlene posted awhile back, I believe she was probably meaning New Balance

Melissa, hope you are feeling better. The right job will come along. My copays never go towards the deductible either, never have, so if your's did in the past you were lucky.

Jewel, Jake will do fine in school. When they first start out so many kids are at various levels, some had preschool some didn't, some were taught at home and some not. Having a conference with the teacher is great. I get such a kick out of reading your and Laura's posts as first time mom's. Brings back all those thoughts and memories I had when my oldest started school.

Laura, how was the job interview today? I bet you nailed it.

LauraK, glad you had a great visit with your family.

Joyce, hi!

Linda, Merry looks so good and alert for just having surgery. Glad you feel so good about the decision you made.

Phyl, I get such a kick out of the pics you post of Zoey and Earl, to think he didn't want a dog. LOL

Apples, welcome home, hows the arm and mouth??? Got a pic of that new car?? What color??

Arlene, pepper in Cookies? Can you taste it? Any baby yet?

Cheri, congrats on being grandma again, seems to be some of that going on around here.

Today I am grateful for my weekend with my daughter. There was a time we fought like crazy and now she is my best friend. Also, am grateful that DS's girlfriend wasn't injured when she was in a car wreck with 2 semis this morning.

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Hey guys~ I am pooped and should be in bed. BUSY week this week.

I volunteered in Nels' class for the first time today and the teacher is so grateful! It seems not one other parent sent in anthing (supplies for class) not signed up to volunteer. I am still just shocked. I told her I would do whatever I can! So call Mrs. Classroom Mom. Wish my mom lived nearby, she LOVES this stuff. She's so creative and loves interacting with this age.

JOB. well, yeah, they loved me! He said I was just what they needed! They want a min. commitment of 4 mornings a month, 16 hrs total. Prefer they be once a week or two days back to back every two weeks. So that you can follow up with your own patients. Makes sense. The medical director is amazing, smart, well educated, teaches med students and loves the teaching part. The medical office/center itself is top notch! They have EVERYTHING! Like a small ER. Every specialty rotates through, so you get referrals to come to you! They even have an in house optomotrist! I have to do orientation on the 14th (anyone in the medical field knows all the videos they have to show you). Kind of a bmmer when you are a volunteer- used to not mind it back when I got paid good money to sit on my butt and do nothing for orientation. Tis part of the territory. The other staff seemed super nice. The full time NP has been there since 95 when they opened. She seems really nice and helpful. Only one gal I have to keep my eye on. Can't get a read for her year.

sleep time here... peasout.. Laura

PS. thought of editing my post- it's now 6:30am and I just realized HOW tired I was----------couldn't spell or write properly. Yawn. Off to wake up the boy. 4 hrs is not enough sleep.< /p>

Edited by peascorps

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Good Morning Peeps...

Susan Welcome !!! Yep most of us on this thread are 50+ we have a couple babies ;0) - Yep you can teach old dogs new trick :0)...

Jump on in - I know how happy you will be to eat real food...

Tell us more about you ..

Ok gang - Yep exercise last night but when I was sitting here ready to post - gf from work called - Still pissed that her producer disrespected her they way he did - told her he got all kind of shit from the other owners - We will see.. My main boss asked me to help out - and I started to give him a little flack but backed off some - I just can't take on more work w/o being stressed out - I hate saying this - but it's not my problem - they have cut us to the bare bone - how much can one person do and keep up - they don't understand cuz they aren't doing the work..

In talking w/gf last night her producer hasn't trained his client that he has to have a little time to get things done - they call he jumps - Yes our job is to service our accounts but we have to do it in an orderly fashion we have other work to do - I explain this to my clients - if they want a bond they need to send the paperwork in hopefully at least a week in advance so that we can have everything approved and done - they understand this - All this drop what you are doing and jumping every day makes for a stressed out account manager who isn't getting crap done that needs to get done

Well enough - she's suppose to come in today to talk - I don't think she will quit... So that's where I was after the gym last night - didn't get off the phone till after 8:30

I have gym again tonite 2 x's so might not get back here again tonite - but will try

Apple & Lori - I'm tan which helps the look of the arms and I do have definition on the outer arm - and I am saying f it - I have very nice shoulders (see I can recognized my good parts) and upper outer arms - so the world can deal with the saggy issues - I bought 2 sleeveless tops and I am wearing them to work.. Apples I like you - I am accepting my body as it is - Still want a face lift though ;0)

Haven't heard from that guy - but just being asked was nice enough..

I got the Dooney Burk TSV from a week ago - it's going back too big - Got a B Markcowski (sp) that converts to cross body - love the look (bone & gold studs on it) Don't care for his interiors but will live w/it..

Ok today is all about me :biggrin:

Jessica he's bored - talk to the teacher

Linda Hugs & Prayers on the family issues

Eva - glad you had a good time

Charlene - Yep mother nature will bring that baby when she's ready.. So you joining a gym - WTG

Cheri - Congrats !!! 8 is enough ;0) like the old tv show ;0)

I'm happy w/3 - but again I only have 1 son ;0)

Melissa - Hugs sure hope you get to feeling better - it's the pits to be sick -

Apples congrats on the caddy ;0)

ok that's all i can remember and I gotta get in the shower..

Laura - Julie - JB - LauraK - Gwen - Joyce - Jodi - whoelse am I missing - Love to you all

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Tonite was open house at his school. I went just to see what she is teaching. I didn't want to discuss the issue because I was too hot. She is teaching things that he learned in prek last year. The alphabet, colors, shapes and numbers. He has already been taught those things. He is already able to read some and do a little addition. I told her that and suggested he might be bored. She agreed and said she gives him a little extra work to try and keep him from getting into trouble. She also said he was not just looking out the window. He was getting up, moving the curtains aside to look out side and knocked the tension rod down.

I understand not all the children are at his reading, and math level and that they need to learn these basics. My concern is for my child. I don't want him just doing worksheets to be busy I want him to be taught at the next level. Taken from where his skills currently are and adding to them. When I was in school I worked with and advanced teacher. She would work with me where I needed it and move on when I got it. She came a couple times a week and I worked on her assignments after I completed my regular class assignments. I did keep me busy but it also kept me learning. And once I hit middle school they had whole classes of advanced kids I went to class with. I am gonna ask his teacher at our conference if they have a program like that available at his school. I don't want him to get a negative attitude about school. I wouldn't want to go if I kept getting in trouble.


JeweI - When Alex was little we i had the same issue he was farther along then the other students so he would get in trouble for his "behavior" but it was just cause he was bored. Hang in there it will get worked out.

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Cheri, congrats on becoming a Gma again.

Apples, congrats on the new car. What color?

Jessica, you are the best advocate for your child. Do what you need to do for in his best interest.

Arlene, that baby will get here soon enough. She's on her own time sched.

Phyl, wonderful pics. You and your sisters look like you have a great time together.

Eva, glad you had a good time in Baltimore.

Laura, you will do great as a room mom and with volunteering at the clinic.

Linda, hope your hip feels better.

My DD is in Vegas training this week. She seems to be getting adjusted. Calls me a lot, she needs to find something to fill up here time.

Julie, mayo is coming soon. Fingers crossed for you.

Sorry if I missed someone, not meant to be.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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