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Julie - have a nice visit with Phyl and give her hugs re: her pain. And a chill pill for hubby.

Cool and rainy here today - a nice relief.

Daughter is in out -patient therapy now. Praying for some improvement after 4 years of none.

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good afternoon all.

i'm 5 days post op and starting to feel better.

my post op care coordinator did call me back and now i'm confused about other things.

she did tell me that i could swim this weekend as long as my cuts were healed over which they are now.

but she said "oh good thing you didn't have a hernia"

this is the confusing thing. i received a paper that stated that i did indeed have one and that he repaired a med. size one. but her info in the computer states i didn't have one.

did i receive someone else's paper work? when she told me i have 7cc's is that correct or do i have 4 or 5??

i don't like the mix up in information and i don't know how i can know if i did have the hernia or not is the dr really going to remember 4 days later what he did?

how do i know if i really have 7cc's?

agrrrr -

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Good afternoon. Just got home from getting a pedicure, a girl needs pretty toes for Hawaii! I got one in Walmart of all places. The place I usually go to said they were busy and to come back in half in hour, so I went to Walmart, saw the salon and no wait so Voila, new toes!

Phyl, enjoy your visit with Julie today, wish I was there too! Hope Earl is in a better mood today. What is dry camping?? Doesn't sound like too rough of camping if you have Directv. LOL

Jodi, did you have Directv in your tent? LOL Glad you had a good time. A tent isn't too bad once in a while, get back to nature and all. I find it refreshing and I enjoy the comforts of home all the more when I am back. Nothing like a campfire and smores of course.

Arlene, Weird how the weather changes affect you so much. Maybe you need to move to a more arid climate?

Joyce, hope your daughter is getting the help she needs with the drugs. That's gotta be so tough for you to watch.

Julie, enjoy your visit with Phyl today, I am sure your DH will love the left overs. That's my DH's favorite thing, lots of left overs.

Kurby, when do you have your first post op visit at the docs? Be sure to go over all your concerns there.

LauraK, when is your consult on the plastic surgery? I've had a gall bladder and 2 knee operations since surgery, that's probably my big reason for not looking into it, don't want another surgery.

Linda, when I do lots of walking my knees ache as well after. They feel good while doing it. I think it's just something I will have to live with. They don't hurt bad but just ache for a bit. I am just glad I am able to do all the walking in the first place.

Well gals, just booked another adventure. Finally I am getting the benefits I was promised in this move in all the travel! I'm loving it! We are going to Maine over Columbus day to hopefully see the leaves. DH won a 3 nights stay at a La Quinta and $75 off a car, we are taking his parents with us. I just love Maine, I can taste the lobster already!

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i just got off the phone with the post op lady.

i told her i've very concerned about the mix up in paperwork with what i have re: hernia vs what she has in her computer. she tried to call the or nurse but she had already left and said she would call tomorrow morning and get back to me.

she said may have just been an error in the quick notes the or nurse typed after surgery and that her official hand written notes taken during would have all the details.

that still concerns me though.

my fist appointment is with the dietitian - i don't think i see the dr again. i'm seeing the dietitian on the 31st in the afternoon.

i could have done it on the phone but i think i need to see her face to face - i have zero willpower and knowledge of food since we live in the basement apartment of my parents house mom and dh cook all the meals.

i couldn't tell you carbs from Protein (ok i could but you know what i mean)

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Oh how I've missed my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to thank you all for the support I reiceive from each and every one of you. DH and I were so touched by the cards that were sent, the calls that were made. Just the love and caring means so much to me.

Have not taken the time to catch up on the posts but will later. Just wanted to pop on and catch up a bit.

Received a call from Julie a bit ago. She was on her way to meet Phyll and DH in Bismark. I am hoping it works for me to meet up with Phyll and her hubby sometime tomorrow. Will just wait to see what their plan is and go from there.

I FINALLY got the results from my MRI. Long story that goes with it and will not bore you at this time. No tendon damage (good thing). Muscle damage from flinging the 8lb gal of milk that was in my hand when I hit the door jamb. The extreme pain and swelling and redness have subsided and things are really quite managable. Results are being sent to a qualified dr. and I will go from there on what the plan of action will be. The new splint that also stablizes my thumb are doing the trick in keeping things in place. There are much worse injuries or pain that are dealt with by others but it was just so darned frustrating to not get the medical attention I requested and needed. Waited Tues thru Mon to get MRI results. Ended up doing a nice long visit with clinic/hospital admin yesterday. Didn't want someone else ending up with the same shabby treatment. She admitted that they definately dropped the ball and was concerned I would file a complaint. I did my work by reporting it to her and she can take it from there. I'll post more about it if I have time later.

Read a couple of the prior posts. Not sure what is going on with Joyce's DD but I hope things are now OK. Will need to go back to get myself filled in on it.

Gotta take care of some things and will talk later

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Oh Apples, so good to see that green font! Glad you are on the mend. Anxious to hear the story on the MRI and glad you are going some place else more qualified. Does it hurt to type?

For some reason I have been just exhausted the past couple days, not sure why. My allergies are really flaring up so took some allergy meds today and it seems to be helping. I've not been bothered by hayfever type stuff in years, I tell DH I must be allergic to Utah as I don't think I've suffered since we lived here last. Though the place they were the absolute worse was when we lived in Las Vegas, weird!

A friend called and wants to go to lunch tomorrow and asked if I minded if we just went to McD's as her budget was tight. Do I mind? LOL Time for nuggets! LOL I went to lunch with a different friend yesterday just to Ikea as she had some things to return there. I heard their Swedish meatballs were yummy, I got the childs size portion which was 5 meatballs, that was perfect. Didn't seem fair though as I ate my 5 meager meatballs (and was satisfied) she had the regular portion which was about 12 plus mashed taters, she has always been normal weight and I have to eat that little to stay normal weight.

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YAY! YAY! APPLES IS BACK TODAY! Please take care of yourself and don't overdo! We love you!

Great, I know the weather thing is crazy. It started last fall. The sun was out this morning and felt like a hundred. Now, it is cloudy and I hear thunder. If we moved I would miss my grand kids too much. Never know what God has planned for us.

Janet, you are a machine!!!!!

Kurby, glad you are better. Get well soon!

Joyce, I hope this rehab works for DD. Prayers for you!

Laura......glad you are safely home!

Julie.....have a good time with Phyl.....give her a HUG from us.

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Hello Everyone,

Hope everyone is on the mend.

Since I started solid foods I have not been doing all that great. Just another learning process. I either eat to much and feel horrible, not eat enough and feel hungry, not getting enough liquids. Also have felt dizzy and getting headaches.

I figure this is all part of the learning curve that I need to figure out.

Thank you everyone for explaining what PBing is. When it happened to me I would have been scared, instead I said to myself - So this is what PBing is. Doctor or nutritionist never said a word about it.

Appreciate everyone for sharing their knowledge. This way when something happens I am not alarmed.

For those in pain just know you are in my prayers and thoughts. Sending you strength and putting you under a healing white light.

Eva - if I can help you in any way with your trip to Argentina please let me know. I will be more than happy to share my knowledge with you. We have been there, for only a couple of days, bags are packed and ready to go back.

We are now in Florida and leave this Saturday for Europe. My inter net access will be limited. I am planning on taking a lot of the various whey powder drinks I have.

Some info - you can take a sealed Liquid Protein drink on the plane as long as you have a doctor's note stating that it is needed.

Take care everybody, and I will try to make time to read all the past posts.

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OK...a little more time to post. Not sure how long it will be as I have two hands this week but pretty cumbersome on the one.

Phyll...sorry to hear that you are still in pain with that darned back. Take care and hope that when you get to your destination you will get the care you need.

Hope you are having a great visit with Julie. Alexandria is on the interstate and if there is an alternative stop that your DH is thinking about, I can travel farther to meet you. But, want it all to work for you and not get your DH further into a snit over stopping. Sauk Centre is 30 minutes further than the Alexandria stop. Just let me know what works for you. I do have my cell on me and just give me a ring when you know.

Melissa...sorry about the lay-off. But, as you said yourself, maybe a blessing in disguise. I know this job has been the cause of much anxiety for you. Wishing you the best in your job search. Also, hope you are feeling much better after your procedure. Sending positive thoughts your way.

Joyce...so sorry to hear of your DD's struggles. Hopefully, her doc's plan of action for her is what she will need to get her back to the life she wants to live. Will keep you in my thoughts.

Julie...hope you are enjoying your road trip to see Phyll. Thanks for the call today and for checking with Phyll on tomorrow. Happy to hear that you are working with your pain doc and that you are willing to let go of your sh_tty doc. Sometimes it's best just to leave them in your dust. And, sometimes it's fun to just kick up as much dust as you can on the way out!

Janet...love the new bangs. And, yes, they sure do make you look much younger. They make your eyes look bigger also. I had my hair straightened (chemically) last Thursday. What a difference. I have such curly and unruly hair. I feel NORMAL. First time in my life that I feel I am not running around with hair that belongs down under.

Jodi..love your posts. So much info and so animated. I could feel your excitement about the new bakery. I love seeking out new bakeries even though I also love to bake. I have my favorite treats and there's no one stopping me if I'm anywhere near one of my favorite places.

Would take you up on the offer of rooming together but I am already bought and paid for with Linda and Great.

Linda.. you DO look skinny (in a good way....a healthy skinny)...that's what I tell ppl when they say I'm too thin. Sorry about your baby's leg problem. Sending good thoughts and love your way and hoping it's treatable. Loved all the photos. That Alayah is way cute....just like GM.

Cheri....appreciated the call the other night. It meant a lot that you took the time. Now I have a voice to the face. Sorry for my lisping. My upper and lower temps at the same time make for interesting added noices in my speach. A month away from permanent.

Hey Jessica...just want to wish you luck with daycare and starting nursing school. You inspire many with how far you have come in this short time we have known you. Why do the books have to be so expensive?

Great...thanks for being the messenger while I was MIA. Much appreciated. So, are you trying to say that there is now a new pouch test out there???? The five meatball test?????

Eva...so sorry to hear about your friend's death and about your other friend having to deal with his loss. How unfortunate and when they were at such a happy and eventful time in there lives.

All I can say about the Walmart lady is that she was a real "B" to you. She's the type that you wish you had a cart and were behind her. Scuff the old ankle bones a bit (sounds mean but would feel good at a time like that).

Arlene...cute, cute hair. You look so great in your new avatar photo. And thanks for sending the love and good thoughts and prayers. I'm really doing pretty good after it all. There's worse things to go through and the frustration with the clinic was the worst I have known for a while. Good going on the weightloss. You are just going after this, aren't you?

Laura...as always, thanks for sharing the photos. What a nice family. You could see the happiness. Also, thanks for the update on your folks. So happy to hear your mom's shot worked. Your dad looks a whole lot better than the last photos you posted. He has some nice color. Get some rest and enjoy your time with that little man and DH before you have to start with the school line again. And after that, you can get back to enjoying your gym time and daily routine.

LauraK...sounds like you have your head straight and what it will take for you to try and make things work with BF. Wish you the best with it and proud of you for walking off your problems instead of eating.

Well..I'm a little brain dead and know I am missing someone. Not intentional. Have kept my weight even with all the turmoil in our lives lately. Was not easy to live without an appetite the days I was dealing with the wrist and arm pain but I force-fed and made sure to get what I needed.

Again, I appreciate you all!

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Gwen..nice to see you check in. Ditto what Arlene said about the protien powder info. Have a good trip.

If you just are really careful and stick to your doc's eating guidelines, things will fit into place. It takes a lot of planning and thinking ahead but you can do this. Cut smaller peices and initially take smaller portions when starting a meal. I had that problem in the beginning. The eyes bigger than the pouch syndrome.

Have a great trip. Safe travels and photos when you get back if you are willing to share.

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Quick fly by... Not much time tonight (maybe later). DH just got home a bit ago. Had Nels all day, grocery shopping, TKD, had a friend over for afternoon swim and then dinner and bath. Just turned dishwasher on & "Kitchen is Closed" as my mom always said growing up.

Apples~ Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice to see your green font! WONDERFUL to hear update on the arm. How long will you have to have the splint? Is it velcro or plaster? Will you have to do OT after? Sorry the delay in results. So darn frustrating. Those medical people! Gosh we've missed you and worried about you!

Great~ WTG on pedi. When do you leave? buen viaje! LOVE the meatball test. Will have to try it when my swelling goes down.

Gwen~ safe travels also. Wish I had known about the sealed Protein Drinks being allowed. Great thing to know.

Julie&Phyl~ Hope you are having fun together. Hope you both start feeling better and pain free soon. HUGS.

kurby~ You need to be very adamant that you get answers to your questions. (what type of surgery you had- important to know if you needed to go the ER with emergency complication or something). If they don't get back to you in a timely manner (and they didn't provide you with a detailed post op instructions with FAQ, etc), then call the physician on call. That's what they are there for and that's what you/your insurance paid big bucks for! Hope you feel better soon. It also concerns me that you don't know the difference between carbs and Proteins. Did they not have a pre-op class with the dietitian? All of this should have been explained and written down for you. You can also search on this forum and whichever band you had. (LapBand and Realize has their own websites with great patient education/information)

Joyce~ Praying for you regarding your daughter. I can only imagine how helpless you feel. I hope this program helps her.

That's as far back on posts as I am updated. Sorry guys- this was the first trip that I really had no time to stay updated. Was busy busy.

Oh, Karen, Nelson will be taking the BUS! OH MY... I am FREAKING out! The bus picks up at 7:25- that is early. He wants to ride the bus and DH told me to let him. SIGH. I am really just freaking out that my boy is growing up. Ordered his new backpack and lunch box from LandsEnd. I have all his uniforms and school supplies. It is all so real. I know you have all gone through this before. Feeling an empty nest already. The job thing looks like it will be tricky. The few jobs that are available have screwy hours. They want afternoons and weekends. I just can't do that with a kid and DH with call hours. Others are PT but NO time off allowed. WHAT? DH has 8 weeks vacation/yr. I have to be able to be off some of those weeks. So, I am thinking of doing more volunteering. There is a VIM (volunteers in medicine) clinic for working poor. (those that make too much for medicaid but not enough to have insurance or pay themselves). The hours will be flexible and the job rewarding. The pay- well, I work for free but get paid back in ways other than money if you know what I mean. Helping others always comes back around.

cbl....peasout.. LAURA

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Welcome back, Apples.

Melissa, so glad you're doing better.

Gwen, avoid bread if you don't want to pb. Eat small bites and wait between them. Stick to eggs and meat and Protein drinks and avoid starches and sugar. You can do it.

Laura, glad you're back. I rode the bus from kindergarten on. My kids lived right across the street from their school. Nels will be fine. He seems to have a winning personality. Just like his mom.


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Hi everybody, I'm back home again.... Really enjoyed meeting and visiting with Phyll and her DH..... Now she and I look like Mutt and Jeff standing next to each other... She is quite short and I'm quite tall......but I hugged her like you all asked...... Earl was busy trying to get his Direct TV going... He seemed to be in better spirits... I tried to take them to supper, but they declined and just wanted to get comfortable and enjoy the evening... I would have stayed longer, but guess what....... My shoulder started in on me and I just wanted to cry.... I took a pain pill, but needed ice and all that other junk I do when it hits, so had to say good bye early... Will get to visit with her more in Vegas and Earl says they will stop again on next year's trip to NY.... This time we will take time as they used to live in ND in the 70's..... Would love to show them how things have changed....

Anyway, I must take care of myself now.... I had put supper in the crock pot this morning expecting them to be here for supper, but plans changed... So my house is smelling good and no one here to eat it but me..... Pork ribs with sauerkraut........ DH's favorite, but he didn't get home until after 9 last night... Take care all... I'll be back later.....

Oh, and Zoey is just as cute as her pictures.... just a little thing.... TTYL........... Julie

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Laura...that volunteer program sounds wonderful. A way to practice in your field but also able to pick your hours and reap the rewards of this program.

Velcro splint. I doubt there will be OT. It's actually coming around pretty good. I am so good to only take splint off to shower and am going to be sure on what new doc recommends for the next few weeks. No worries any more. Last week the concern was over what looked like a whopping infection. Swelling was more like Water under the skin and bright red and hot. Could not even stand to move hand and arm with splint on. Hand was at least 2x it's size or more. It's much better this week.

Nels will survive the bus better than mom. Both my boys rode. Got on at 7am and off at 4:30. They learned a lot on that ride....so did everyone else. Their first "F" word was from the bus. Part of childhood but I know you are worried. I have sooooo many photos of my two on the first day of school running for the bus. Ahhhhh....to have those days back..even if for one day.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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