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Here's the last one. It didn't load before.

Had to re do these from home as couldn't get it to load before. Here we are with Mallory Lewis and then a picture of her and DH riding the carasol (she refused to ride on a horse). LOL .

Edited by ljv52

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Good evening, ..... I'm tired and need to set down and since DH isn't home thought I would try to write a bit...

Melissa, so sorry about the loss of your job, but I'm riding the same wagon as the other girls..... That job was dragging you down and now you are out from under it... Better things are on the way.... Trust God......and keep talking to Him and us!!!!!!!!

Linda, great pictures.... and you are looking so skinnny... no lie..... WTG girl.....

Cheri, you hit the right mark with your post to Melissa. I'm glad we are friends who think alike.... cuz I've been there, done that, too..... It does get better...

Lori, WTG on the exercise.... Janet, you too..... You guys are awesome..... I swept the garage floor a little and then sprayed down the driveway... It was out of control after the last lawn mowing... DH didn't bag this time and it sure makes a mess.... I'm trying to tidy up a bit as I maybe will be having guests tomorrow night.... Phyll and Earll should be here if I understood her correctly..... I'm excited to meet them....

Otherwise I spent the morning paying bills and then having Bailey for a little while as DD had to take Mimi for a little physical before her dentist appt on the 20th.. She will get put under to fix some teeth.... I also had to run out the where my husband was with his wallet.... He had a little accident and needed his license. Driving a grain truck on a road on Mine property that has arms to stop traffic... The brakes didn't hold and he rolled through the gate about 10 feet..... Just couldn't stop in time... No damage to the truck, and the Mine already had the arm up and running, but poor DH was a bit shaken... His boss's wife is a bearcat.. Not afraid to holler and cuss...... He said he was fine but I could tell he was a bit shakey....

Well, I feel a shower and my chair calling me.... You all have a great night.. Hope we will hear from Apples tomorrow...

If it's something you do, please let's all pray for strength for those who are stuggling so much these days and also give thanks for those whose lives are going so well.... An extra prayer never hurt and more often helps any situation.... Hugs and prayers, dear friends... Julie

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Hey gang.......checking in! Today was a Fibro pain day......I couldn't figure out why my foot hurt so bad and my IBS was kicking. Then about 4pm these huge black clouds started rolling in and the wind was blowing hard. It started to rain.......presto!....my food quit hurting. Is that crazy or what? The IBS thing never goes away. Makes me so mad!

Janet and Great.......wow! you are exercise queens!

Linda, love the fair pics! You are so petite and cute!!.....DGD is adorable!

Melissa, glad you got to see the doctor. Prayers for you!

Julie, You go girl....on the sweeping, but don't aggravate your shoulder.

Cheri, I agree with you and Janet about switching up the calories. Even though I am resting at 1100 I still go under and over.......today.....definitely over.

LauraK.......glad things are working out for you. I wish you the best.

Laura...glad you are home....loved the family pics!

Hi Joyce!

Appes.....miss ya bunches!

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Well yes I am stilling walking not as much this past week but am kicking it back up again this week. The BF is not EX again. We are together and working things out. Many hours of talking and working out problems. Sure is easier when it is all out in the open. Counseling is on the agenda also. Told him this is the last chance so we better do it right.

Laura, love the pics, your family looks so happy.

Thinking about Apples, thanks for the update on her.

I go to the Dr today for my yr check up even though it's a month past. We see what he has to say. Feel good, can't wait to go.


Laura - LOL x then not x lol... How did the doc appt go ;0)

So my boss is not a problem anymore.

I just got laid off an hour ago I am crying as I right this what am I going to tell my DH we can't afford Cobra insurance we need my paycheck. I only get 1 more paycheck. I went to the dept of labor but since I got laid off at my last job I need my severance pay from that so I have to go back with a bunch of info before I can fill it out

i was already going to the doctor today because my panic attacks are worse no what maybe i need to check in somewhere or go on a trip and regroup but with what money

Hugs Hugs Hugs - I can't say it any better than Cheri - Know we are here for you and something better will come along !!!!

i've got a couple of questions for post op care but i can't get them to call me back.

i left a message on saturday which hasn't been returned i know they were closed but i did expect a call some time this morning.

i left another message for the head of post op care around 10.30ish but still no call.

so i'm going to ask you guys my questions.

1 - how long does it take until the gas pains stop? i don't have them often but when i do - boy they hurt.

2 - my breathing still hasn't returned to normal and yawning or taking a deap breath is very difficult (as is sneezing) is there anything i can do to speed up this recovery?

3 - and a very important one. - we have a swimming pool - how long until i can go in again?

4 - it's very hard to get comfortable - moving is hard and i'm assuming thats the case with most surgeries but how long does it last? i'm not getting much sleep at night and i'm exhausted because i'm waking up a lot at night to move, twitch and or shift.

#1 Yes they do hurt - are you taking the gas x strips - they do help

#2 - Did they give you one of those blow things for your lungs - if not keep doing deep breathing - or you will get Fluid in your lungs - Can't speed up recovery - everyone heals at their own speed - just get your Protein in and Water .

#3 Pool about 6 weeks from surgery

#4 Yes you just had surgery - 4 days ago . - I was 52 when banded was back to work day 6 - but I read somewhere someone took offf a month - we all heal dif

You will get better - did your doc ever call

I went to the Dr she is changing my meds because I have been on the same combination for a long time so I felt better when I left just now got to get another job
Kurby, keep calling your Dr. until you get your answers. If the pain is too great, go in to the emergency room of the hospital where you had your surgery. They'll get ahold of them--fast. Otherwise, hang in there. It will get better. Swimming is better answered by the Dr., but usually, as long as its not strenuous, once the incisions are fully healed. You need an easy access pool and you probably need to just hang around with easy, gentle movements at first. I started with walking and just went gently. I did no house or yardwork for several weeks.

Melissa, thank God you're no longer working a job you hate! Praise God you have a respite to start working on yourself. It's all in your perspective. I've been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, worn it as long as I needed it, returned it, and had it redeemed by my Lord.

Change the way you look at it. Your mental and physical health were being endangered. Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and give the whole mess to God. Check with your church. Do they have a benevolent fund to help tide you over with Cobra? I'd given to my church for years and when I needed them, they were glad to help. After my DXH left and then I lost my job, I could handle all my bills except Cobra. The church paid that. And I had no pride about asking for help. I needed neck surgery before I could even work again.

Do you qualify for Medi Care or Medicaid? Aide to Dependant Children or any of the other government programs? How disabled are you by your mental, emotional and physical issues?

When my daughter discovered that her son had autism she quit her job to handle all the things he needed done. Then she found all kinds of ways to save money. She's big time into couponing and shops thrift shops, garage sales, and clearance racks. She's able to cook much healthier meals for her family. She does work part-time but does a lot of the work from home.

You can do this Melissa. You were strong enough to get the band and lose a significant amount of weight. You've survived a terrible first marriage. You will get through this, too, with God's help and our encouragement.

We love you and we believe in you.



Sorry to hear you were laid off, but Cheri had some excellent words for you, I can't say anything any better than she did, so am just saying ditto to that. Remember the glass can be half full or half empty. Maybe this will be a good thing for you in the long run.

again probably the gas so am no help there, only one of my incisions bothered me and that was the port one and only a little if I laid on that side. Congrats on your band, each day will get better.

I had all my excuses lined up to not go to the gym today, but, you know what? I tossed them aside and went anyway. I went to the 24SET class this is what it says it is,

This cardio/strength combination class alternates strength exercises to sculpt every major muscle group with easy to follow step moves.

I did skip the cool down though in order to be some place by 11. I did pretty good, it is my second time in this class. The instructor remembered me and my knees and gave me some alternate moves. I even upped my weights a little bit.

I am getting very anxious for my Hawaii trip this Friday. Trying to stay focused though and get stuff done here before I go and keep to my gym schedule.

LauraK, so the relationship is back on again? be careful, sweetie!

Laura, welcome home!

Apples, look forward to hearing from you tomorrow and think about you often.

Linda, great pics of you at the fair, gosh girl you are thin.


Good evening, ..... I'm tired and need to set down and since DH isn't home thought I would try to write a bit...

Melissa, so sorry about the loss of your job, but I'm riding the same wagon as the other girls..... That job was dragging you down and now you are out from under it... Better things are on the way.... Trust God......and keep talking to Him and us!!!!!!!!

Linda, great pictures.... and you are looking so skinnny... no lie..... WTG girl.....

Cheri, you hit the right mark with your post to Melissa. I'm glad we are friends who think alike.... cuz I've been there, done that, too..... It does get better...

Lori, WTG on the exercise.... Janet, you too..... You guys are awesome..... I swept the garage floor a little and then sprayed down the driveway... It was out of control after the last lawn mowing... DH didn't bag this time and it sure makes a mess.... I'm trying to tidy up a bit as I maybe will be having guests tomorrow night.... Phyll and Earll should be here if I understood her correctly..... I'm excited to meet them....

Otherwise I spent the morning paying bills and then having Bailey for a little while as DD had to take Mimi for a little physical before her dentist appt on the 20th.. She will get put under to fix some teeth.... I also had to run out the where my husband was with his wallet.... He had a little accident and needed his license. Driving a grain truck on a road on Mine property that has arms to stop traffic... The brakes didn't hold and he rolled through the gate about 10 feet..... Just couldn't stop in time... No damage to the truck, and the Mine already had the arm up and running, but poor DH was a bit shaken... His boss's wife is a bearcat.. Not afraid to holler and cuss...... He said he was fine but I could tell he was a bit shakey....

Well, I feel a shower and my chair calling me.... You all have a great night.. Hope we will hear from Apples tomorrow...

If it's something you do, please let's all pray for strength for those who are stuggling so much these days and also give thanks for those whose lives are going so well.... An extra prayer never hurt and more often helps any situation.... Hugs and prayers, dear friends... Julie

Julie - didn't you go to a chiropractor for your neck shoulder issue ???? I read on FB that Phyl's back is really bothering her - I think she needs to see one ASAP..

Hey gang.......checking in! Today was a Fibro pain day......I couldn't figure out why my foot hurt so bad and my IBS was kicking. Then about 4pm these huge black clouds started rolling in and the wind was blowing hard. It started to rain.......presto!....my food quit hurting. Is that crazy or what? The IBS thing never goes away. Makes me so mad!

Janet and Great.......wow! you are exercise queens!

Linda, love the fair pics! You are so petite and cute!!.....DGD is adorable!

Melissa, glad you got to see the doctor. Prayers for you!

Julie, You go girl....on the sweeping, but don't aggravate your shoulder.

Cheri, I agree with you and Janet about switching up the calories. Even though I am resting at 1100 I still go under and over.......today.....definitely over.

LauraK.......glad things are working out for you. I wish you the best.

Laura...glad you are home....loved the family pics!

Hi Joyce!

Appes.....miss ya bunches!

Charlene - You could be a weather girl ;0) and yep some days we do have too many calories - but we just make up for them the next day and walk a little more :0)

Well gang - busy at work I read this morning but was going to post but work got in the way..

Linda - I am a little sore not much - I thanked Idrise tonite for making me so strong.. We had arms tonite - so the combination of yesterday - tonite and then again tommorrow (bootcamp) I am going to be sore ;0)

Love your pic's looked like you had a great time (don't know what happen to my quote - this computer is acting up - I better not lose this post - as the timer is going off and I'm hungry..

cbl gang

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Apples back tomorrow. I better rest my eyes so I can read all the green ink. Even one-handed I'm betting we'll see lots of green. LOL

Love you all,


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Hi all!!!

well..im back! The weekend was fantastic.......we had a fabulous time. Met some amazing people....some more colorful then others...but everyone was.....peace, love and everything is going to be allright now.....

well, it was!

Got a lot of exercise setting up the tent, hiking up to the loo.....which was about 1/4 mile away..danced and sang along to all the old music played at Woodstock....years and years ago.

Didnt really sleep much and sleeping with three other people in one tent..not really good sleeping conditions....however thanks to everyones tips on what to take with...we were well prepared for any and all situations!! Thanks all.

Unfortunately the food situation was slightely not what the usual is....but thats okay....nothing drastically different.....so not great but not horrible...that i didnt plan for....I was in control. I knew what I was eating and planned each piece of morsel that went into my mouth..including the two oatmeal Cookies on Friday and Sat. Other then these planned treats...I was okay.

I trained today for an hour with trainer.....weights and muscles building.

Food....was oatmeal plain..... in the AM, ptotein fruit shake for lunch and sauteed brocoli and chicken for dinner...oh and of course my Decaf latte from Starbucks in the PM for snack.

Ive been reading the posts over the last few days and wow....so much is going on with so many people! So, let me just say

Melissa...Im so sorry about your lay off. When I had difficulty when Ron passed away I went to all the synaguages in my neighborhood and asked for help. It helped me keep up with basic payements and necessities the first year. Sometimes we have to do what we have to do in order to get by....for ourselves and our families....Cheri had some great recommnendations...churches are also a good ldea to include. Grovel now pay back later when available....thats my motto when in need. No need to feel embarrassed everyone hits a bad spell some more then others in different ways and at different times....no need to feel bad....glad you are sharing...you need to be able to share and vent and get some ideas and support....dont let this set you back regarding food, exercise and fills. Embrace this time to better yourself in any way you can!

Someone lost a friend but im really sorry...I dont recall who posted...but I did read that post and felt so bad. So sad....sorry for your loss....sometimes friends are closer then family and when tragedy falls its as if we have lost a piece of ourselves again...so sorry to hear about this.

Julie...its olmost Sept 9th. Crossing those fingers for you.

Laura....Your mom seems like a tough lady...I dont know how I would have gotten through the year shes had allready....glad the epidural has helped

Great.,...Hawaii? So nice. Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy!

Linda...what great pics....these are what I call framers! Got to hang them where you can see them everyday. Adorable and you are as well!!!

Joyce hope your daughter is doing better....

Who was it who posted about the obnoxious mean lady at Wallmart?? That one....she will end up in hell. Embarrassing someone is the worst sin you can do....as it it is the same as killing someone...as when you embarrass someone the blood drains from their face and away from their heart and this is what happens when someone dies...and when this is a public humiliation its even worse.....they are going straight to hell. I dont understand how people can be so unkind....it certainly isnt the Christian, Jewish or just plain human way. Uch horrid.

But...in the meantime..its important for you to say to yourself you are not responsible for other peoples actions and you cannot control other peoples actions and you did nothing to deserve this behavior.

Well....I must go to sleep. Booking my flight tomorrow...got a great deal on Delta direct from NY to LV. Was waiting for a deal and its here..dont want to wait much longer.....

Anyone want to share a room with me?? I promise not to snore....no more snoring! lol

If there is someone who wants to would love to let me know what the possiblities are.

Oh..and yes my port bothers me alot and you can actually see it!!! Its on the right side of my belly button a little upwards.....what a place for it!! I did mention it to the surgeon and he said the more weight you loose the more you are going to see it as well. He also said if it really bothers you they can move it with a local anesthetic to a different location imbedded in the muscle so you wouldnt see it and change the size to a smaller one...

I was happy with that thought...and I am thinking about it as it is always hurting from the top of jeans or skirt waist band...every article hits exactly on the spot where the port is located and sometimed I need to roll down or hike up that skirt a little higher then natural....its getting annoying so Im glad im not the only one.....wonder where a good place is as I hear everyone has some issue with it no matter where.....but olmost ready to move it but dont want to rock the boat all is good....now. lol

okay....well going to sleep....its been a long weekend..and im pooped.

Have a great week all....


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Trying to speed read through three pages of posts, so missed a lot, but have to get to sleep!! And working on route for rest of trip. Today did NOT go well. Trouble finding an RV park.... Julie.. we are in Forsyth MT about 320 miles from Bismarck. Plan is to stay at KOA in Bismarck. Can't talk DH in to driving 36 miles off the interstate! And he is in a bad mood after the troubles we had today. And I am ready for him to unhitch the car, let me go on alone and he can take the crabby old cat and go home or whatever!! LOL! Zoey and I can go it alone!! It wasn't that big a deal... we did find three campgrounds with no hookups, but he refuses to dry camp, so we kept on driving until we found this place. Then he couldn't get a signal on the DirecTV satellite dish and that ticked him off too! It was NOT a very good day!!

It was very slow going over the mountains today, too. Hope we can make better time tomorrow. But I think 300 miles will take us until at least 3 pm. I don't have a plan!! Can you drive down to Bismarck... or maybe meet somewhere in between?? Hate to ask you to do that with all the pain you are having. And I can relate because my hip and leg have been driving me nuts today... So frustrating not to be able to walk across the street to get a cup of coffee wihtout being miserable. And numbness is gone past just my foot up the back of my leg.. as pain is going down my butt into the back of my knee. Trying to do stretches as often as possible and getting out to walk around as much as I can about every 2 hours! But hoping we can work out something for tomorrow.

And... don't know where Apples is, but we'll be going through Minnesota the next day.. on I-94, cutting down towards Madison WI.. next stop after Minnesota.

Pray for us that things start going better.... and PATIENCE for DH!!! And for me... cuz I might strangle him.... or take off in the car!! LOL

Lori... was going to tell you something but now can't remember what it was!!!

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Morning all. I just have a few minutes but wanted to say thanks for all the nice compliments -- you are all too sweet and thanks for all the "skinny" remarks - makes me smile. LOL.

Phyl, hope today is much better -- hope Earl takes a chill pill and gets in a better mood. Hope your pain gets better too - it's got to be miserable to be traveling with that much discomfort.

Jodi, you are great -- love hearing that embarassing is one of the worst sins and they go straight to hell - makes me feel much better knowing that woman will go to hell when she dies. Glad you enjoyed your camping weekend - I love to camp -- so much fun.

Well gang, I'm still very sore from tromping around the fair so didn't get up to exercise - hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better - combo of my fibromylgia and new hip is bothering me -- so hope I haven't hurt it, I guess it just needs to rest up. Makes me mad cause I want to go, go, go, but afraid to do anything to hurt it.

Have a great day everyone!! CBL


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Thanks everyone for all your kind words and encouragment.

You are all right I hated the job and and made me feel depressed and have panic attacks so I believe this is a blessing in diguise. I have already started looking. I have my resume mostly together and I am searching my paper work from my last lay off almost two years ago so I can go to the DOL today and file unemployment. I do not have a problem asking for help I share everything with all of you right.

Sorry I have not been a good board buddy not reading all the posts I guess I have time now :lol:

I will keep in touch and let you all know what is going on.

My head is high and I actually feel good now I can devote time to me.

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Melissa, big hugs sent your way. Keep posting, we are all here.

Phyl, hugs for pain in your leg and with DH. Hope you and Julie get to meet up.

Jodi, glad you had a good time camping. It's fun, would love to have gone to that concert.

Janet, good job on your workout. Walked 6.5 miles last night & 1 on lunch.< /p>

Everything great at Dr. Talked about extra skin issues, he's setting up an appt with PS Dr. I'll see what they say.

Things still going good with the BF. Working it out. Still on the leary side but talking about everything.

Cheri, great advise to Melissa.

Julie, be careful with that sweeping and hosing. Seems like that could agrivate your shoulder.


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Oh Linda forgot to tell you have wonderful and skinny you look. You and GD are so cute together.


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Linda I agree with Laura and everyone you look beautiful and so skinny. Your GD looked like she had alot of fun with you

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Hi guys~ I am home!!!!!! Yeah : ) DH picked us up at the airport yesterday and then had to run back to work. : ( But such is life. It's so good to be home.... but miss my folks a bunch. I PB'd 2 nights ago and have been super uber tight. I am on liquids only trying to get that to calm down. (flying in small planes always does it too). ughhh. On the good side, I lost 4 lbs! BUT... I didn't drink ANY Water yesterday b/c flying 3 hrs without a potty. So weight might be back up as soon as I am hydrated..LOL.

I will catch up on posts soon... I hope. School starts next Monday... OMG... my baby starts first grade! Friday is orientation...OMW... I am hyperventilating!

Hope all is ok. Miss you guys. Apples, are you there? Hugs to all my peeps. peasout.. Laura

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Good Morning Gang

Drive by as I am at work and have tons to do...

Melissa - sure glad to hear you are feeling good - as my Dad use to say "things have a way of working out for the best" he told me this after I got laid off once - it was a $100 a week job - after that is when I got this job..

Laura - Glad you are home - LOL your baby in 1st grade - before you know it - it will be high school

LauraK - WTG on your walking - yep skin issues - I just don't like pain - so think that's the biggest reason I haven't gotten any PS.

Linda - You look fantastic !!!

Well I really gotta get to work - will try and cbl

hugs to all - love you all !!!

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Morning guys,

I just talked to Phyll on the phone.... they are about 200 miles away from Bismarck..... they are having a bad time and Phyll isn't feeling any better..... I will go to Bismarck to meet them... not a problem at all.....

Well, the posts since I last read have been a little more upbeat.... that's good to hear... Hope all are doing fine... I am waiting to hear from Apples, too... We need to know how she is.... She is just like that old watch commercial..... she takes a licking and goes on ticking........ Gosh I hope this is the end of her woes....

I must now go rethink my day.... had planned on Phyll being here later, so put supper in the crock pot... DH will have plenty to chew on for a few days.....

Take care girls.... Be back later with a report on our meeting.... Julie

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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