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Well gang survived 2 hrs at the gym this morning !!

24 lift - working with weights for an hr - then Piyos for another hr.. you could take my headband and wring it out and get 1/4 cup of Water - Got nails done - Target Shopping - came home and jumped in the pools - it was actually refreshing - put stuff up - ate (chicken) watched a little t.v. now cooking dinner - not hungry but Andrew will be shortly..

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I saw it on Web MD. If you consistently eat too little, you will lower your metabolism. Too little is considered below 1200 calories.

So Janet is right--shake up those amounts! You're more likely to lose weight.

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Hey everbody, hope you all had a great weekend.... Mine hasn't been the greatest..... Just took it easy yesterday thinking that would be best, but it sure didn't stop the pain last night... I was up until 5:00 and then decided to take a shower and wash my hair for church... Put on some of my tingling cream and then laid on the couch and fell asleep for 1 /12 hours till time to get up for church... Nearly fell asleep during the sermon.... had Mimi with us but dropped her off at home after church... Had Breakfast with friends, but couldn't eat much.... Went home and crashed in my chair for 3 hours.... Quiet day today... and then DH got called to please come and unload a couple grain trucks. He was gone 2 hours and I just laid around here... took my pills at the usual time and they put me to sleep about 11:00 but was woke by the pain by midnight... So now I sit here with this damn pain again... I'm so sick of it I could scream.... I'm just going backwards so badly... The 12 pounds I gained a while back is still here but doesn't seem to get worse since I stopped that one medication.. I was hoping it would start dropping, but no luck there.... My limberness is really bad again... I was so happy when I could get out of the tub or off the floor so much easies since my weight loss, but now I'm back to it being a struggle.... Some days I just feel like throwing in the towel.... I guess I sound depressed.... Probably am and that means the Cymbalta isn't doing a very good job.... can't wait to get to have a second opinion from Mayo.... Somebody has to be able to figure this out.... Sorry for beind a downer, but at this time of night and with the amount of pain I have I guess it's to be expected....

Lovely pictures you all put in here.... Laura, your family looks wonderful, sorry Nael wasn't there, too... Nelson did a great job on the cake....

Oh, the poor puppy... Merry has to be a trooper to go on about her life with that mass on her leg.. Hope you can save her, but we know you will do what is best for her....

Cheri, thanks for the update on apples.. I've been going to call her, too, but have put it off in case she is resting.. I may try tomorrow..... I enjoy hearing about your singing... My church is too small to have a choir and I would just love to join you when I hear you telling about it.... It's one of my God-given talents that I've always been happy to have...

Welcome back Nawlinz lady.... Hope you are doing well....

Jessica, look at you.... So glad you are back to your old self and giving good advise to a newbie.... WTG..

Well all you gals, my brain isn't functioning normally so I guess I will stop for now... I think I'll jump in the shower and try to break up this pain attack some... Have a good night and on to another new week... Hugs and prayers for you all...... Julie

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Well yes I am stilling walking not as much this past week but am kicking it back up again this week. The BF is not EX again. We are together and working things out. Many hours of talking and working out problems. Sure is easier when it is all out in the open. Counseling is on the agenda also. Told him this is the last chance so we better do it right.

Laura, love the pics, your family looks so happy.

Thinking about Apples, thanks for the update on her.

I go to the Dr today for my yr check up even though it's a month past. We see what he has to say. Feel good, can't wait to go.


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So my boss is not a problem anymore.

I just got laid off an hour ago I am crying as I right this what am I going to tell my DH we can't afford Cobra insurance we need my paycheck. I only get 1 more paycheck. I went to the dept of labor but since I got laid off at my last job I need my severance pay from that so I have to go back with a bunch of info before I can fill it out

i was already going to the doctor today because my panic attacks are worse no what maybe i need to check in somewhere or go on a trip and regroup but with what money

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i've got a couple of questions for post op care but i can't get them to call me back.

i left a message on saturday which hasn't been returned i know they were closed but i did expect a call some time this morning.

i left another message for the head of post op care around 10.30ish but still no call.

so i'm going to ask you guys my questions.

1 - how long does it take until the gas pains stop? i don't have them often but when i do - boy they hurt.

2 - my breathing still hasn't returned to normal and yawning or taking a deap breath is very difficult (as is sneezing) is there anything i can do to speed up this recovery?

3 - and a very important one. - we have a swimming pool - how long until i can go in again?

4 - it's very hard to get comfortable - moving is hard and i'm assuming thats the case with most surgeries but how long does it last? i'm not getting much sleep at night and i'm exhausted because i'm waking up a lot at night to move, twitch and or shift.

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So my boss is not a problem anymore.

I just got laid off an hour ago I am crying as I right this what am I going to tell my DH we can't afford Cobra insurance we need my paycheck. I only get 1 more paycheck. I went to the dept of labor but since I got laid off at my last job I need my severance pay from that so I have to go back with a bunch of info before I can fill it out

i was already going to the doctor today because my panic attacks are worse no what maybe i need to check in somewhere or go on a trip and regroup but with what money

Melissa, I am so sorry.....I wish I could hug you right now.....Go to the doctor for your panic attacks....now! you are still insured today....aren't you? I take Lexapro for mine, but everyone's needs are not the same. HUGS and PRAYERS for YOU!

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Linda--just came back from Boston and will send my friend of the Three Legged Poodle your email address--stay tuned...


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Melissa, I am so sorry.....I wish I could hug you right now.....Go to the doctor for your panic attacks....now! you are still insured today....aren't you? I take Lexapro for mine, but everyone's needs are not the same. HUGS and PRAYERS for YOU!

I went to the Dr she is changing my meds because I have been on the same combination for a long time so I felt better when I left just now got to get another job

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Kurby, keep calling your Dr. until you get your answers. If the pain is too great, go in to the emergency room of the hospital where you had your surgery. They'll get ahold of them--fast. Otherwise, hang in there. It will get better. Swimming is better answered by the Dr., but usually, as long as its not strenuous, once the incisions are fully healed. You need an easy access pool and you probably need to just hang around with easy, gentle movements at first. I started with walking and just went gently. I did no house or yardwork for several weeks.

Melissa, thank God you're no longer working a job you hate! Praise God you have a respite to start working on yourself. It's all in your perspective. I've been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, worn it as long as I needed it, returned it, and had it redeemed by my Lord.

Change the way you look at it. Your mental and physical health were being endangered. Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and give the whole mess to God. Check with your church. Do they have a benevolent fund to help tide you over with Cobra? I'd given to my church for years and when I needed them, they were glad to help. After my DXH left and then I lost my job, I could handle all my bills except Cobra. The church paid that. And I had no pride about asking for help. I needed neck surgery before I could even work again.

Do you qualify for Medi Care or Medicaid? Aide to Dependant Children or any of the other government programs? How disabled are you by your mental, emotional and physical issues?

When my daughter discovered that her son had autism she quit her job to handle all the things he needed done. Then she found all kinds of ways to save money. She's big time into couponing and shops thrift shops, garage sales, and clearance racks. She's able to cook much healthier meals for her family. She does work part-time but does a lot of the work from home.

You can do this Melissa. You were strong enough to get the band and lose a significant amount of weight. You've survived a terrible first marriage. You will get through this, too, with God's help and our encouragement.

We love you and we believe in you.


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Cheri - thanks for update on Karen's condition.

BTW - congratulations on meeting your goal. You look so marvelous, pretty lady.

Can't wait to share a room with you and Julie in Las Vegas and get acquainted.


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Oh Julie. Please continue to express your feelings about the pain and frustration. Know that we are all here to share and, I believe, sharing it makes it better.

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Melissa - sending prayers for strength and a job in your future.


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So my boss is not a problem anymore.

I just got laid off an hour ago I am crying as I right this what am I going to tell my DH we can't afford Cobra insurance we need my paycheck. I only get 1 more paycheck. I went to the dept of labor but since I got laid off at my last job I need my severance pay from that so I have to go back with a bunch of info before I can fill it out

i was already going to the doctor today because my panic attacks are worse no what maybe i need to check in somewhere or go on a trip and regroup but with what money

Sorry to hear you were laid off, but Cheri had some excellent words for you, I can't say anything any better than she did, so am just saying ditto to that. Remember the glass can be half full or half empty. Maybe this will be a good thing for you in the long run.

i've got a couple of questions for post op care but i can't get them to call me back.

i left a message on saturday which hasn't been returned i know they were closed but i did expect a call some time this morning.

i left another message for the head of post op care around 10.30ish but still no call.

so i'm going to ask you guys my questions.

1 - how long does it take until the gas pains stop? i don't have them often but when i do - boy they hurt. Sorry I am no help on this one, I never got gas pains

2 - my breathing still hasn't returned to normal and yawning or taking a deap breath is very difficult (as is sneezing) is there anything i can do to speed up this recovery? it's probably the gas pains and will take time

3 - and a very important one. - we have a swimming pool - how long until i can go in again? question best left for your doc, keep bugging them. my doc said no swimming until 6 weeks post op but I've heard others say their docs said somethign different. One of the best pieces of advice I read here when there are differing opinions of different docs, is to follow the advice of the one who is going to take care of you if you have complications or an infection.

4 - it's very hard to get comfortable - moving is hard and i'm assuming thats the case with most surgeries but how long does it last? i'm not getting much sleep at night and i'm exhausted because i'm waking up a lot at night to move, twitch and or shift.

again probably the gas so am no help there, only one of my incisions bothered me and that was the port one and only a little if I laid on that side. Congrats on your band, each day will get better.

I had all my excuses lined up to not go to the gym today, but, you know what? I tossed them aside and went anyway. I went to the 24SET class this is what it says it is,

This cardio/strength combination class alternates strength exercises to sculpt every major muscle group with easy to follow step moves.

I did skip the cool down though in order to be some place by 11. I did pretty good, it is my second time in this class. The instructor remembered me and my knees and gave me some alternate moves. I even upped my weights a little bit.

I am getting very anxious for my Hawaii trip this Friday. Trying to stay focused though and get stuff done here before I go and keep to my gym schedule.

LauraK, so the relationship is back on again? be careful, sweetie!

Laura, welcome home!

Apples, look forward to hearing from you tomorrow and think about you often.

Linda, great pics of you at the fair, gosh girl you are thin.

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Melissa, ditto to everything Cheri said -- I agree wholeheartedly with her. Remember that God works in mysterious ways and I truly believe that also -- I do think this is the best thing that could have happened. But I know it's tough to deal with at the moment, but you'll be looking back at it soon and realizing it was really a good thing. I know with this economy it is very difficult but we are all here and will pray that you find something soon. Try not to get depressed as that will not help your situation. I'd be happy to help you with your resume if you'd like or need some help. Another thing - -not sure what kind of work you do but if it's clerical, you could go to a temp agency and get started working as a temp -- lots of times you'll find a good fit by working as a temp and if they like you, they hire you. Just a suggestion, but at least a small paycheck would be of some help.

Thanks for all the nice comments on my pics -- as we all know we all look at ourselves so very critically -- so it's nice to hear such nice comments. Thanks again to everyone. So, since you were all so nice will attach even more pics of yesterday at the Iowa State Fair. Had a good time -- ate some crap - and you know what? Didn't taste at all good -- so we really aren't missing anything - not really -- I think I'm over it - in fact I actually chose several good things at the fair. Very expensive though - actually ridiculously expensive. Everything was either $4 or $8 or $12 (drinks and food). You know you're getting old when you start bitchin' about prices, etc - lol. You know how we all say we are starting to look like our mothers? Well those pics of me in the apron I thought I was starting to look like my grandma, pretty scary, but in a way nice too. LOL.

Janet, you are amazing -- I bet you were sore today -- if not wow! I'm very sore from just tromping around the fair for 11 hours -- but oh, did I have fun - riding rides and running around without being tired and able to WALK without sitting down constantly -- it was fabulous!! Enjoyed every single minute. What a difference - last time I went was pre surgery. Saw free concert - the Buckinghams -- 60s groups (Kind of a Drag) - great -- they sounded and looked good too - all in great shape - surprisingly - they said, "we are the sexiest band over 60" -- lol. Really loved it.

DH took Merry in for her test today to see if tumor is cancerous -- probably won't know for at least a couple of days. Thanks for all the concern for her - she is a sweetie.

Judy, how was the wedding? Where's the pics?

Apples, hope you're back soon. Phyl, how's your trip?

Julie, so sorry to hear about your pain. Try to rest up until it eases up. Only a few more weeks and then you'll be at the mayo.

Did I tell you guys I broke my glasses in Florida? I felt so lucky cause I had purchased them at JC Penney Optical and I was able to go there in FL. and get my lenses popped into a new frame -- they still carried the same frame from almost 2 years ago. Well, my luck didn't last too long -- About a week ago my frame cracked on the top right side -- just cracked while I was sitting at work. Then it cracked on the right bottom. Neither crack seemed to affect the lenses, so I let it go. I had spent $100 on these new frames so thought I could live with the cracks as long as the lenses stayed in place. Well, yestereday at the fair I hear another crack and the other side cracked big time -- I had to take them off so I didn't lose the lense. Well, I called today and they'll give me a $100 credit towards new glasses -- I decided its been 1-1/2 years so I'll go ahead and have an exam and get new glasses instead of messing around trying to fit my lenses into new frames. Can you believe that? My glasses are very expensive -- so JC Penney is having another of their 50% off sales. So, I'm taking a couple of hours off Friday to go to Des Moines for that and then go back to the fair for my Sly and Family Stone concert (he BETTER show up for this). LOL.

DH took Merry in for her test today to see if tumor is cancerous -- probably won't know for at least a couple of days. Thanks for all the concern for her - she is a sweetie.

Well, I gotta run. Here's the pics. First one is me and DGD and her favorite treat Pella bologna -- except she's never had it on a stick and usually it's cut up into small pieces -- she wasn't too thrilled with the look of it. LOL. Next is her and I riding the strawberry ride (like a tilt a whirl) and the ladybug -- it was fun -- played loud music and they encourage you to scream -- she loved that. We rode both rides twice -- once in morning and once in afternoon. She wouldn't ride anything unless I rode with her. We saw Mallory Lewis (Sherry's daughter) and Lambchop - very cute show -- I grew up watching Sherry and Lambchop -- we had our pic taken with her - but Aylah wouldn't get too close to Lambchop -- she's afraid of so many things -- even a little puppet! Don't know why - she's very afraid of any costumed characters -- hates them. Hope she gets over that. I am so thankful for my band - without my band I wouldn't have fit on either of those rides and just look at my granddaughter's face -- it's worth way more to me than eating butter, Cookies, cake, etc. I'm so happy I made this choice for me.

To the newbie - sorry I can't remember your name. You shouldn't get in the pool until you get clearance from your surgeon -- it'll probably be a few weeks. Did you get a spriometer to breathe into when you had surgery? I had one and was supposed to use it after surgery -- because anytime you have anesthesia it can affect your lungs -- try to use it if you have one or for sure call your doctor. Follow your doctor's orders on eating -- if he says Clear liquids, stay on Clear Liquids. I was on them for an entire week. All surgeons are different and have different rules for their patients. By following your surgeon's instructions, you get the best results for you. Welcome to our group -- hope you'll stick around and get to know us. We are here for you -- we will help you as much as we can. Congratulations on your decision to change and improve your life.

I'll CBL. Love and hugs to all!!


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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