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Hey All,

I was banded May 2009 and have lost 54lbs, I had actually lost 66lbs total but had to have fill removed because I was too restricted and couldnt eat at all without getting sick. Now I am having fills and weight loss is very slow after the 12lb gain! YIKES! :eek:So here is the deal, I dont know how to eat properly, I dont know how to get good nutrition (no liquids please) I want to eat real food, any suggestions for me?:)

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Morning...... another long night for me.... Pain until after 3:00 and then I fell asleep and slept like a rock... I'm normally a light sleeper, but DH got up and did his thing and I didn't hear anything... Fortunately I set an alarm last night or I'd be sleeping through my appointment this morning... I see my pain management doc this morning... Since he isn't managing anything, just medicating me, we need to talk and make some decisions about things..... Not looking forward to it, but want it to be over and done with.....

Well girls, I better go get dressed....... I'd rather stay home, but need to go to Walmart, too..... Hopefully no one will harrass me..... Have a good day and stay cool.... Hugs....... Julie

Julie - How did the Dr appt go ???

Happy Friday the 13th! I like Friday the 13's as it is a lucky day for me. DH and I had our first date on a Friday the 13th of Sep, 1974.

Janet, sounds like you watch BB like me. I find out who wins HOH, POV, etc. ahead of time too but still watch the drama unfold (when I can fast forward as well).

Eva, so sorry about your friend. It sounds like it was completely unexpected.

Julie, I hope you get some answers at the pain dr.

Linda, sorry the concert was cancelled. And you can bet I plan on spoiling my grandbaby.

Speaking of grandbaby, DD had her first OB appt yesterday she had an ultrasound (she sent me my first baby photo LOL) and heard the heart beat. She said now it seems more real like she really is pregnant. Her official due date is March 13.

DH got home from Dallas late last night so said he was coming home at noon today, we'll see, he says that but in actuality it will be closer to 3 I bet.

Yep Lori – that’s how I watch tv – gf at work keeps me posted on what’s going on today she told me who won HOH …

Congrats on your 1st ultra sound – 3/13 – Andrew is 3/18 ;0)

Thanks, Janet, for the info. I understand about Andrew. It's the assumption that we'll do for them that gets to us. And when we do for them, they don't thank us. In their mind we're just doing our jobs. May be time to assign him a night to cook. His contribution to the familiy. It's actually good for kids to feel like they're necessary. Pick a night that's usually tough for you to get to cooking.

In my classroom, those who want to create drama, are immediately removed. The older I get, the less I put up with it or react to it verbally. When they can live in peace, they can come back in. Even with my husband, other than raising an eyebrow if he gets pissed off, I generally ignore him and he usually apologizes within the next hour.

Don't watch BB so can't comment.

As far as ports, mine is just left of the midline and a couple inches below my ribs and above my waist. I sometimes find that tight waistbands push up on the port, especially when sitting, and this can cause some discomfort. Also, gas can push up on the port and I have to walk around until the gas is released before I can sit comfortably.

Janet, everytime I try on one of those waiste cinchers that goes up to your bra, it takes my loose skin and pushes it up to form a highly visible roll just under my bra. Now if it pushed it up far enough to stuff inside my bra and fill my cup a little more, I might consider it. I do tuck the loose skin hanging down from my underarms into my bra. LOL.


Cheri – When in Vegas – I’ll show you the ones to get – I buy a larger size so that they stay under my bra

Andrew really couldn’t cook for me – we eat totally diff – he will ask me when he’s going thru a drive thru if I want anything – I normally tell him no thank you – occasionally he will make me chorizos and eggs ;o) But again he adds cheese and I don’t do too much cheese – too high in fat and calories ;0)

Eva, so sorry about your friend. What a trajedy.

By the way, for two days I've been 161, so just one more lb. to my new goal. I'll probably try to get down to 158 and then make 160 my average weight with a leeway of two lbs up or down.

I've started measuring my milk so I no longer get too much. I'm going to have to lower my Decaf coffee drinking because I don't like coffee without a lot of milk. The milk also neutralizes the acid in coffee so I'm not going to want to drink it black. In addition, decaf does have some caffeine in it and therefore it dehydrates, which doesn't help with the dry mouth and eyes that are part of Sjogrens.

So I'm drinking a ton of Water instead of milk. I've already increased my Fiber and am going to try to eat more veggies and fruit by having a salad with chicken in it at night sprinkled with some fruit and nuts. The veggies will be the spinach leaves or romaine and mixed spring greens. I'm finding that I like those salads.

Hopefully the fiber, fruit and salad, increased water, and lower Calcium will make up for getting off Miralax. I found out too much calcium contributes to Constipation as does caffeine, so, just some more refinement in my diet in order to get healthier. Cutting my Vitamin D in half as well. I don't want to give up the benefits of keeping my D high. But it should still be OK at half of what I was taking.

I'm thinking all this put together should lower my blood calcium. If it doesn't, then there's a problem I'll have to pursue.

I'm holding off on the Plaquinelle for the Sjogrens until I see what the changes in my diet achieve. I'm increasing my fish oil and cutting out red meat. The other stuff I already don't eat or drink. Don't do wheat, or citrus, and I'm cutting back the dairy.

I really love my coffee and milk. Oh well, such is life. I've made so many changes to my diet, especially quantity and sugar, I can do this too.


Cheri – Congrat on getting to your goal – imho having a couple of lbs to play with is the way to go..

You don’t take vitimans w/d in them – I had a salad for lunch today and a chicken thigh – Also – last night I had some sf choc covered raisins – when I eat that sf candy – I don’t have any issues the next morning w/using the bathroom – also have these great sf calcium chews w/vit d from costco – they help the tmi issue too ;0)

I don’t drink milk – unless I am eating Cookies and you all know how often that is ;0)

I should most likely get a blood test – but hate the doctor ;0) and I feel fine ;0)

Okay, Janet, here is a pic of me and my great niece taken yesterday. That's as good as it gets. I hope to grow my hair a inch or two longer.

Love it Charlene and yes you look younger !!!! I saw it on FB 1st ;0)

I chose to do it because medically I am not to have have kids anymore due to a prior to LAP-BAND® medical issue. i don't mind sharing it does not bother me.

I feel much better than i did yesterday thank you for asking.

Charlene - love the Pic

Melissa – Hugs I am glad you are feeling better ….

Janet, I'm glad you don't cook for Andrew every day -- with your schedule that woud be crazy - - wouldn't it be lovely if our kids would think to cook for us sometime? I guess we can dream - I think everyone's afraid to cook for me - but oh, would that be a nice indulgence. Like I said, maybe some day. LOL.

Why oh why did Brandon wait to win an competition AFTER Rachael left? Makes me wonder -- I swear he threw that bowling competition on purpose -- makes sense -- she would be his STRONGEST competition -- he didn't want to compete WITH her he wanted to BEAT her, so he pretended to fall for her and then got her voted out? I thought he really cared but now I'm wondering. I wouldn't put it past him - people do anything for money. Interesting. That's why these shows are so intriguing to me. LOL. I love to watch the stupid drama. Rachael sure loved to create some drama too - wonder if she really cares about him?


OMG Linda – how terrible – That had to be so devastating – Well never again will that happen and I believe in Karma – so that chick will get her due..

I would love at least the offer maybe – but like you he can’t really cook for me – hell he doesn’t eat veggies – like I said he has made me eggs ;0) or taken me out to eat like on Mother’s Day ;0)

I don’t cook on Friday’s – he’s in there right now cooking ;0) what I don’t know – but no offer is coming from the kitchen for me ;0) -

BB – IMHO it was just a showmance – He’s a wimp – Rachels fake just like her boobs – nope I think Rachel would be looking for a sugar daddy not a school teacher..

I think shows like survivor & BB interuge us – cuz we are like flys on the wall – and how we would act on them – I swear it’s like these pple have never watched BB before – don’t they know how the game is played..

Thanks Linda! I haven't had my hair this long in twenty five years.

I never thought about Brenden throwing the game so she would go. Did he win HOH?

Julie, I made the Cookie Salad sugar free. Then I sprinkled 100 calorie striped cookies on each serving.....just a few. YUM!!!

What did the doctor say today?

Melissa, I told my daughter about your procedure. She is having her last baby and is 33. I wonder if they would do that after you heal from delivery?

Charlene … WTG on making a liter version

Arlene, your hair looks less curly too. You look younger. You can see the weight loss too.

Yep Brenden won HOH from what I read. Never considered him throwing it either, but how could someone in his physical shape do so bad?? Interesting thought. It will be interesting to see what he's like now that 'she's' not there anymore. I think Enzo has really been throwing competitions, the only one in the so called Brigade doing anything is Matt and the rest just sit back. I bet they turn on one another soon too. Every year I say I am not going to watch that show as it's so dumb, but every summer I do, there's nothing else on.

Well, DH actually surprised me, he was home at noon! Nice! We had a 10% off coupon at Home Depot as a moving discount and we went and bought a water softner, he's going to attempt to install himself. He loves challenges like that. I can't believe how awful and hard the water is here, in 2 mos my shower, toilets, sinks etc. are so corrody (is that a word?). I wanted to go see that Eat Pray Love movie but he suggested I wait til DD is here in a few weeks. LOL He also got our room in Maui confirmed for next week. I am super excited, the resort is beautiful and getting a major discount!

Great – I love BB this yr not so much don’t care for the cast – they got dumb pple this yr.. Yep the brigade is made up of floaters ;0) even though they think they are running the house – they aren’t running anything..

Have a great time in Hawaii – I’m so jealous – I need a week all to my self on a beach somewhere ;0)

It is a bit confusing!! Janet, Jodi, Judy, Jessica (AKA Jewel), Joyce, Julie!!??? Am I missing any "J's"??? and we can't forget the JAPS!! LOL

I have no more time, guys!! Sorry! One problem... I bought a new phone last night. Stupid to do that one day before leaving on a trip. If I'd just bought a new Blackberry, I'd be happy as a clam. But the guy persuaded me that this Android phone... Samsung Captivate... was so superior. So I got it. Now I've spent the last day trying to figure it out. I couldn't even figure out how to answer it when it rang!! And I spent a long time at the store last night and at least another hour today being coached. I still can't get it to sync with iTunes... my music, etc., or with Outlook...my calendar. It has all my contacts because I imported them to Google first. But I can't get Google Calendar to import the Outlook calendar, so I can't get my calendar on my phone! This is critical. My Blackberry has been my brains... especially when it comes to keeping my contacts up to date, and my appointments.. Pt, Dr., etc... everything goes in my Blackberry calendar and syncs to Outlook so I get reminders everywhere!! Remember my favorite excuse..... "I'm old and I forget stuff!!"" LOL! HELP!!

Phyl you are the resident Techie – you will figure it out – I’ll ask Idries if you can sync itunes he has a droid

Safe travel !!!

Sorry to hear that Eva.

I had a rough time at walmart today too. The cashier that helped me was almost in tears and when I got to her register I realized why. A 8-9 year old boy was having a temper tantrum. I belive he had a mental illness. His mother had him pinned to the floor and he was fighting her. All the while she was also trying to call someone on her phone to help her. It was heart breaking.

I did manage to get a stethoscope today and am having my name engraved on it. I got a good deal. It is generic but I tried the name brand and generic and found I could hear better with the generic. Also got the watch I need.

I measured myself for those uniforms and ordered what they recommended. Thanks for the advice to wash them before I alter them. I am really short and these uniforms are really long. Expecially the tops. Makes me look dumpy. But I am proud to wear them. Had a long day today so I am gonna sign off. Good nite all.

Jessica – Loved your pic’s – Yes us short girls have to alter stuff a lot – I use duct tape ;0)

Thanks Great! All of you make me feel so good. Talk about younger......I bought this temporary face tightener from QVC. Well, this morning I got it out and followed the directions....you keep it on for 7 minutes then gentlly wash it off. OMGoodness, when I put it on....after 7 minutes I didn't have one wrinkle in my face....washed it off, then I had some lines, but no deep wrinkles. It sure is a quick fix for a few hours. It still doesn't get rid of my turkey neck. The fix for that is not to look in the mirror. lol

Hey, where are you staying on Maui? We stayed at the Royal Lahaina. It is older, but very nice. We went to the Luau there too.

That is a bummer to have corrosion only after two months. You must have really hard water.

OK Girl what’s the name of the stuff if it really works !!!! I usually don’t believe those claims – tell me so I can get some !!!

i was banded last night (6pm) and i`m having a hard time breathing normal.

i know the pain is the surgery and gas but i can`t yawn or take a deep breath without being in a lot of pain.

is this normal

Gas is the worst – take gas x strips – walk walk walk and if that doesn’t help call your doc

Hey All,

I was banded May 2009 and have lost 54lbs, I had actually lost 66lbs total but had to have fill removed because I was too restricted and couldnt eat at all without getting sick. Now I am having fills and weight loss is very slow after the 12lb gain! YIKES! :eek:So here is the deal, I dont know how to eat properly, I dont know how to get good nutrition (no liquids please) I want to eat real food, any suggestions for me?:)

Does your doc have a nutritionist in his office – have you every done WW – that’s the eating plan that I follow (the old one where you counted exchanges) I think it’s the most well rounded eating plan.. I will attach my menu for you..

Well started this 2 hrs ago – but this time – I’m doing it in word ;0) so I don’t lose it..

I’m pooped it’s 8:11 – think I am going to eat – salad & chicken :0)


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Okay, Janet, here is a pic of me and my great niece taken yesterday. That's as good as it gets. I hope to grow my hair a inch or two longer.

You look great! Hair is nice!

I feel much better than i did yesterday thank you for asking.

Amazing! Glad you're doing so well!

Sorry to hear that Eva.

I had a rough time at Walmart today too. The cashier that helped me was almost in tears and when I got to her register I realized why. A 8-9 year old boy was having a temper tantrum. I belive he had a mental illness. His mother had him pinned to the floor and he was fighting her. All the while she was also trying to call someone on her phone to help her. It was heart breaking.

I did manage to get a stethoscope today and am having my name engraved on it. I got a good deal. It is generic but I tried the name brand and generic and found I could hear better with the generic. Also got the watch I need.

I measured myself for those uniforms and ordered what they recommended. Thanks for the advice to wash them before I alter them. I am really short and these uniforms are really long. Expecially the tops. Makes me look dumpy. But I am proud to wear them. Had a long day today so I am gonna sign off. Good nite all.

You're doing great and you're going to look even better.

Hey All,

I was banded May 2009 and have lost 54lbs, I had actually lost 66lbs total but had to have fill removed because I was too restricted and couldnt eat at all without getting sick. Now I am having fills and weight loss is very slow after the 12lb gain! YIKES! :eek:So here is the deal, I dont know how to eat properly, I dont know how to get good nutrition (no liquids please) I want to eat real food, any suggestions for me?:)

What worked for you losing the weight? I haven't changed all that much. High Protein, low carbs, occassional treats. I watch the scale, if it goes up 2 lbs, I go back on weight loss for a couple of days. I never let it go up more than 2 lbs. That's my clue I'm eating too much or the wrong things.

Janet has a lot of food tips and recipes. Search this thread and you'll see a lot of posts on this subject.


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Evening ladies, not so much to catch up on this time.....

Phyll, did you get the list... My phone numbers are on it, so give a call and I'll be waiting to here what your plans are.... Yes we have Starbucks in ND, but I've never been there...... No coffee for this gal..... Looking forward to seeing you soon... Oh, and I have called Apples on her cell at the lake so don't be afraid to give a call.... She'll be dissappointed if you don't...

Arlene, great new picture.... Your hair looks nice.. and the baby so sweet...... How's the heat index?? We cooled off today and I have my house all opened up and its just a nice evening.... I hate living in air-conditioning... I'm a country girl..... pure and simple.... glad you liked the cookie salad....

Linda, your story is just a shame... That women should have been banned from the store.... But, that's the wonderful world of steriotypes.... If you're fat, you must eat like a pig, you couldn't possibly be loved by anyone, you're dumb, and deaf, and have no feelings.... I hate that so much.... Glad all that's behind us never to rear it's ugly head again.....

Cheri, WTG on the 161..... it must really feel so good to be normal.... That's what I want is normal....

Jessica, glad you found your necessities for school... It's coming fast and furious.... things are going to be busy for you, but you will be so confident and will do wonderfully, I'm just sure of it...

Melissa, glad you are feeling better and will be up and about real soon... Is the job any better??

Well, my doc appt turned out better than I was expecting... I was tactful, but truthful and told him that I figured he had been offended when I asked him about going to mayo and he said, "good luck, it'll take 9 months>" He said he wasn't offended at all but that his experience when he has referred people is that it takes forever... He was shocked when I told him I had an appointment for 9-9....... I told him about my GP dumping me and he was concerned enough to ask if I had found a replacement. When I asked if he wanted to continue as my pain mangement doctor, he said yes and to see him after I get back from Mayo.... So I feel better... Everything is out in the open with him and I'm ready to just let the other doctor go.....for right now I'm just going to see a NP here in my town for any meds or medical concerns until after Mayo... So, all in all, it was a productive day.....

I also did a bunch of shopping for the wedding... I bought my Red Velvet cake mixes for the wedding cake... Picked up the invitations, and made it home in time to fill in for DD as she needed to see her GYN about a yeast infection... So I helped out for a while at the daycare.... Nothing strenuous as there was a teenager on duty, too, but there must be an adult on the premisis at all times.... Mimi was happy to see me but wanted me to take her to the pool like I did yesterday...

Well, dear ones... time to get sleepy... so little sleep last night that I'm hoping that the pills will knock me out early and I can sleep...... DD wants to work on invitations tomorrow and DH has to work....

have a great week-ene.....Phyll, safe travels..... Night all........... Julie

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Hey guys~

Just a note... didn't read posts really, sorry. It's late, 1130 and I can't believe I am still up. I feel so behind on my LBT, FB, emails, tv shows, news, etc. It makes me feel out of sorts (although sometimes life just gets in the way of those things, right?) I miss my DH something awful. I had to fight back tears tonight talking to him. (didn't want to cry with Nels nearby. Don't get me wrong- I think it's great to let kids see/feel their feelings and we do, but it's been SOOOOOOOOOOOO stressful here and he was in a really happy place, so didn't want to be a debbie downer before bed).

Update: Mom is 99% better!!! The epidural worked it seems! She has no more shooting/sharp nerve type pain. All the pain she has is "soreness" from walking crooked and compensating for so long. She is doing good. She still has her moments of tearful times. I think she has situational depression. She took herself off her Paxil which she had been on since Dad's diagnosis. She has gained weight and thinks it's to blame. They tried her on Elavil (to help sleep) but the side effects were too great and she stopped. She wants to tough it out. Which, with her go get em personality, might be ok. She is MUCH better now that she is off pain meds and xanax. The combo has her loopy and tearful most nights (and never helped pain, just made her drunk). She is smiling now, but worried about my dad.

Dad went to GI guy and waiting for C dificil lab test (stool infection test). He is constantly burping and feels full after a few bites (he doesn't have a band..lol), and has intermittent uncontrollable diarrhea. He won't eat much or drink for that matter. Yesterday he had 700 cal. He needs more than that to heal and rebuild muscle. I was able to get a bit more in him today. I told him to have small frequent Snacks. One hour i brought him 1/2 glass of milk with 2 saltines with pimento cheese. He was happy. Did little stuff like that. I am worried that besides the infection he has gastoperesis, which if it is is very difficult to treat. Dad just doesn't feel good. He is working with OT and PT and is getting stronger, tremors are almost gone but the neuropathy is so bad. (i can't remember what I wrote in last post, sorry if i am repeating). I worry that if the next scan is bad he will just give up. I doubt the drs would do anymore chemo. I am hoping it's ok. Just praying actually.

Tomorrow we are having a birthday party for my mom. (it's really the 17th). I planned it, invited everyone, did all the shopping for the meal, ordered the cake, cleaned the house, will cook the meal). My sister has to pick up our Turkish guest who stayed in Charlotte for a few nights to see friends and shop (he will have lunch and then leaves for home afternoon). Everyone is here except my DH and my POS niece who moved to Seattle after Christmas. (My sis only child- who was practically raised by my Dad. He paid for all her college, cars, etc. and she pays him back by running off to Seattle with a guy she met on the internet and has not called, texted, emailed or written my dad ONCE since she left). Completely inexcusable in my book. I have refused to talk to her now. Not that she has made any attempts to call me either. I unfriended her on FB recently. A selfish girl with possible borderline personality who uses her self diagnosed ADHD as an excuse to get out of EVERYTHING.

Sorry i got off on a tangent. Oh, the cutest thing when we were getting the cake... Nels was with me. I was talking to the bakery lady. Nels looked through the book and said, "i found her cake!!" He picked one from the movie "Despicable me" b/c it has an airplane on it. The baker asked what it should say and he said "DUH, Happy Birthday Grandma!" !!! It's really cute and I think will make her smile. I wanted to bake one, but just don't have time.

I didn't read posts but glanced at the last two and saw that Eva lost a friend. OMW... HUGS. I promise to write more to you about this later. Can't even imagine.

Any news on Apples?

Julie, how'd your PM dr appt go?

Love you all.. more soon! Going home on Monday. The pilot has some training on Sunday... and I didn't want to miss the party.


took this today as we were walking out the door to the store.

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Thanks Cheri! That frizz stuff is really helping to keep my hair in place and also shiny. Maybe with Janet's help you can find the right body shaper.

Julie......I am so glad you had a good visit with the pain doc. Your family dr .....forget her. Personally, I like the PA at the doctor's office better than my doctor. She listens. My new great niece was two months old that day. I used that pic because she covered my budda belly. lol

Laura....such good news....the shots worked. Yep, those pills can really cause weight gain. I attribute xanax to my hunger for so many years. I didn't realize it till I was put on Lexapro. I fear taking xanax now because I will eat everything , but the kitchen sink. So cute about Nels finding the cake.

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Hi girls

Laura - You are such a loving daughter. I'm sure your Mom appreciates all you are doing to help her and your Dad. Enjoy the party and kiss Nels - loved his idea for greeting on cake.

Can't believe that niece who moved away and makes no effort to contact your Dad after all his devotion to her life. grrrrrrr......

Arlene - didn't recognize your posts with the new pix. You look darling and so very happy. Can't wait to meet you.

Julie - so good to hear a positive appt with your doctor. Can't believe the pace you keep in spite of your pain.

Have not read past posts. Busy managing my daughters problems. She was released from psychiatric unit after 2 1/2 days. So disappointing that more time was not allotted for withdrawal - or maybe they didn't remove enough meds. grrrr.....

Took a break and saw Eat, Pray and Love yesterday. Found it a little long and was not as impressed as the hype led me to believe.

Julia Roberts was marvelous, as were the male actors.

Happy weekends to all.


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Hi everyone,

I haven't had much time for posting here lately. I find it keeps me more aware and accountable when I keep up with you guys. I will try to do better, should be easier now that I have retired.

September will be one year for me and I must say I am quite pleased with my results. I did start with a lower BMI than most but with the history of diabetes in my family, it is more important than ever that I did take this step for my health. I keep having to remind myself that am I not in a race and there is no finish line,.

I am going to try read some of the back posts, but I wanted to say HEY :)

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Hi everyone, just checking in. Tried earlier today but couldn't get on for some reason.

We took our Merry to the Vet this a.m. for the second opinion. Unfortunately, the tumor isn't "Just" a fatty tumor -- it's a tumor that has been benign both times it's been removed but it is the type of tumor that can matastisize (sp?) and be cancerous. So now the first step is to make sure it has not matastisized and if not, then we'll definitely amputate the leg. If it has matastisized we will do the right thing although it will be very hard. We have hope that it hasn't matastisized because in the past it has been benign and because she has absolutely no other problems/symptoms of anything wrong -- she's eating, drinking, playing, running, doing normal things so she doesn't appear to have any pain or discomfort or shortness of breath or anything. So we have good hope.

DGD will arrive soon and will spend the night so we can get up and leave for the fair early in the am. We are all very excited -- will take pics.

Laura, so happy to hear the epidural helped your mom -- being off the meds will be beneficial to her as well. I know when I was on Lyrica I gained 20 lbs. almost over night -- and my hunger was unbeliveable. I bet she'll drop the weight fairly quickly although in that pic of her she didn't look heavy. She is a very pretty lady -- you look a lot like her too. Nelson is just tooo cute -- love the picture of you guys -- you looked very skinny by the way.

Went to the gym and did 45 on the elleptical, 30 on the treadmill and then weights - I'm sick of the bike. LOL.

Julie, glad your PM doctor was nice to you and is going to be there for you -- screw that GP -- her loss.

Janet, yes, that's a good description of Rachael -- she's as fake as her boobs -- love that. i told my niece (from Ohio) she should try out for that show - she's the dark haired girl in the wedding pics - she's got a great personality and is very athletic and she tells everyone like it is -- no BS.

Joyce, sorry about your DD. I understand what you mean -- they never seem to keep them long enough to really help them. I don't get why -- we had some of that with my SD. Hope she does okay. Thnking of you and sending positive thoughts and hugs your way.

I'll attach a couple of pics of GD and me from last weekend in our matching aprons -- and one of Merry's leg -- it's gross, but wanted to show you guys what it looks like.

Eva, thinking of you today too. Hugs.

Gotta run, will CBL.

Love to all -- have a good weekend.


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Couldn't get the pic of the dog's leg to load, will try it now, sorry if it grosses you out. She's a little daushound mix -- only weighs 12.5 lbs.


Edited by ljv52

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Hi Dee - nice to see a new face here and welcome.

Linda - Love, love the pix of you and GD cooking together. Almost makes me want to bake. BTW - you look soooo skinny.

My heart is breaking for your baby. Let us know what happens to that sweetie.

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Checking in....... It is soooooooo HOT! I walked last night and early this morning. I cut my evening walk short and did not get dizzy so it must be the heat. We are going to try a short walk at sundown.

Joyce.....I am so sorry for your troubles with DD. It must be heartbreaking for you. I am looking forward to seeing you too in Vegas.

Linda, you and DGD are so adorable in your aprons. I'm with Joyce......you are skinny!!! And your pup.....poor baby. I hope the best for Merry.

HEY DEE!.....glad you checked in!

Apples.....thinking of you today......hope you are on the mend.

Great, love, love, love the pond!

Joan, after being on a shake diet for three months my doctor put me on a Mediterranean diet. Lots of salad, veggies, and chicken and fish. Although I have tweaked the plan I am enjoying salad now that I started buying organic baby greens. My doctor is big or buying only organic veggies and hormone free chicken. I go to nutrition classes every week. I am learning to eat right, and my peeps on this thread have supported me all the way. I am grateful and blessed!

I hope everyone has a great evening!

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There is so much to comment on and I will probably miss people and stuff.

Linda, what a sweet baby, both of them, your DGD and Merry. You two are so cute in your matching aprons. Looks like you are having fun. That is an ugly tumor...hugs to you and to Merry. I hope for the best outcome for both of you.

Laura, really glad to hear your Mom is doing better. My sister swears by those epidurals. She's on other drugs that have contributed to her weight gain, but I don't know which ones. It doesn't help with her arthritis either, but then I guess it's a balancing act. Sorry your Dad is feeling poorly. Hope he gets some relief. Lots of work with that party, but your parents will really appreciate it.

Hi Dee, nice to see you again. How's NO treating you?

Joyce, sorry to hear about your DD. I hope she gets the help she needs, unfortunately its tough to do.

Phone ringing...bbl

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Linda, Love the pics of you and your GD. So cute.

Hope for the best for Merry, hugs.

Joyce, I was hoping that was a good movie, to bad on that. Hope your DD is heading in the right direction.

Charlene, I love your hair, your new pic is fantastic.


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Thanks Laura! Well, I took a short walk around the school and a couple of laps around the track. The humidity is much lower tonight. I didn't have any problems.

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