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Thanks, Janet, for the info. I understand about Andrew. It's the assumption that we'll do for them that gets to us. And when we do for them, they don't thank us. In their mind we're just doing our jobs. May be time to assign him a night to cook. His contribution to the familiy. It's actually good for kids to feel like they're necessary. Pick a night that's usually tough for you to get to cooking.

Eva, I totally understand about just walking away, even if it allowed her to go first. Sometimes, you just don't want to subject yourself to that kind of abuse. There's a verse in the Bible that says something like, "in as much as it is up to you, live in peace with those around you." There's enough drama in life without exposing yourself to more of it, or creating more of it. My health and stress levels depend on my being able to live in peace with others.

In my classroom, those who want to create drama, are immediately removed. The older I get, the less I put up with it or react to it verbally. When they can live in peace, they can come back in. Even with my husband, other than raising an eyebrow if he gets pissed off, I generally ignore him and he usually apologizes within the next hour.

Don't watch BB so can't comment.

As far as ports, mine is just left of the midline and a couple inches below my ribs and above my waist. I sometimes find that tight waistbands push up on the port, especially when sitting, and this can cause some discomfort. Also, gas can push up on the port and I have to walk around until the gas is released before I can sit comfortably.

Janet, everytime I try on one of those waiste cinchers that goes up to your bra, it takes my loose skin and pushes it up to form a highly visible roll just under my bra. Now if it pushed it up far enough to stuff inside my bra and fill my cup a little more, I might consider it. I do tuck the loose skin hanging down from my underarms into my bra. LOL.


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Eva, so sorry about your friend. What a trajedy.

By the way, for two days I've been 161, so just one more lb. to my new goal. I'll probably try to get down to 158 and then make 160 my average weight with a leeway of two lbs up or down.

I've started measuring my milk so I no longer get too much. I'm going to have to lower my Decaf coffee drinking because I don't like coffee without a lot of milk. The milk also neutralizes the acid in coffee so I'm not going to want to drink it black. In addition, decaf does have some caffeine in it and therefore it dehydrates, which doesn't help with the dry mouth and eyes that are part of Sjogrens.

So I'm drinking a ton of Water instead of milk. I've already increased my Fiber and am going to try to eat more veggies and fruit by having a salad with chicken in it at night sprinkled with some fruit and nuts. The veggies will be the spinach leaves or romaine and mixed spring greens. I'm finding that I like those salads.

Hopefully the fiber, fruit and salad, increased water, and lower Calcium will make up for getting off Miralax. I found out too much calcium contributes to Constipation as does caffeine, so, just some more refinement in my diet in order to get healthier. Cutting my Vitamin D in half as well. I don't want to give up the benefits of keeping my D high. But it should still be OK at half of what I was taking.

I'm thinking all this put together should lower my blood calcium. If it doesn't, then there's a problem I'll have to pursue.

I'm holding off on the Plaquinelle for the Sjogrens until I see what the changes in my diet achieve. I'm increasing my fish oil and cutting out red meat. The other stuff I already don't eat or drink. Don't do wheat, or citrus, and I'm cutting back the dairy.

I really love my coffee and milk. Oh well, such is life. I've made so many changes to my diet, especially quantity and sugar, I can do this too.


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Okay, Janet, here is a pic of me and my great niece taken yesterday. That's as good as it gets. I hope to grow my hair a inch or two longer.

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Melissa, glad you are home and doing okay after your procedure... Was it just something you wanted or was it a neccessity medically speaking??? Not really my business so you don't have to say.... Rest up. You have been sounding better lately so hope this will perk you up much more and you can enjoy the rest of summer...


I chose to do it because medically I am not to have have kids anymore due to a prior to lapband medical issue. i don't mind sharing it does not bother me.

Melissa - what an interesting new way for tubals to be done - hope you heal up fast and feel better tomorrow.


I feel much better than i did yesterday thank you for asking.

Okay, Janet, here is a pic of me and my great niece taken yesterday. That's as good as it gets. I hope to grow my hair a inch or two longer.

Charlene - love the Pic

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Melissa, glad you are feeling good today -- sounds like it was the right decision for you. I'm just amazed at the procedure as you described it -- so different from the "old days". LOL.

Janet, I'm glad you don't cook for Andrew every day -- with your schedule that woud be crazy - - wouldn't it be lovely if our kids would think to cook for us sometime? I guess we can dream - I think everyone's afraid to cook for me - but oh, would that be a nice indulgence. Like I said, maybe some day. LOL.

Eva, very very sorry about your friends -- so sad when two people find happiness finally and then to have a tragedy like this it's just unbelivably sad. I'm sure you wil be a rock for your gf to lean on during the next year or two as she struggles to find peace and happiness again. Sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family/friends. So sorry.

Julie, what did the pain management doctor say today? Is he on board with you going to mayo? Julie, I was in line and just getting up to where I could start putting my groceries on the conveyer belt at a very crowded and very busy Albertson's in Long Beach when some young woman with an equally full cart came rushing up and just screamed at me that she needed to go in front of me. I was on my way home from work and I was in a hurry cause I had to go home and cook dinner and I said, "well sorry, but I'm in a hurry too." She then turned and just screamed at me "you fat b____. What do you have to be in a hurry for, so you can go home to eat? You're so fat you probably don't have a family waiting for you at home like I do." It was so awful - I was so humiliated -- I just left the cart full of groceries and left the store with tears streaming down my face. This was a store in my neighborhood that I shopped at frequently and it was packed with people. I bet I bawled for over an hour. The worst part was the cashier was right there and heard every word and didn't say anything to either of us - didn't try to stop me from leaving or tell her she was out of line, nothing. I can't believe people can actually be so mean to other people.

Apples, thinking of you too hoping you're doing okay with both your hand and mouth.

Why oh why did Brandon wait to win an competition AFTER Rachael left? Makes me wonder -- I swear he threw that bowling competition on purpose -- makes sense -- she would be his STRONGEST competition -- he didn't want to compete WITH her he wanted to BEAT her, so he pretended to fall for her and then got her voted out? I thought he really cared but now I'm wondering. I wouldn't put it past him - people do anything for money. Interesting. That's why these shows are so intriguing to me. LOL. I love to watch the stupid drama. Rachael sure loved to create some drama too - wonder if she really cares about him?

Cheri, congrats on the loss -- I love that you don't put up with drama in your classroom -- I try everyday to not allow drama to affect me but I'm not great at it -- It bugs me -- both at work and at home.

Arlene, that is a great picture of you - and such a cutie little baby too!!! Love your hair.

Hope you all have a great weekend.



Edited by ljv52

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Why oh why did Brandon wait to win an competition AFTER Rachael left? Makes me wonder -- I swear he threw that bowling competition on purpose -- makes sense -- she would be his STRONGEST competition -- he didn't want to compete WITH her he wanted to BEAT her, so he pretended to fall for her and then got her voted out? I thought he really cared but now I'm wondering. I wouldn't put it past him - people do anything for money. Interesting. That's why these shows are so intriguing to me. LOL. I love to watch the stupid drama. Rachael sure loved to create some drama too - wonder if she really cares about him?

Thanks Linda! I haven't had my hair this long in twenty five years.

I never thought about Brenden throwing the game so she would go. Did he win HOH?

Julie, I made the Cookie salad sugar free. Then I sprinkled 100 calorie striped Cookies on each serving.....just a few. YUM!!!

What did the doctor say today?

Melissa, I told my daughter about your procedure. She is having her last baby and is 33. I wonder if they would do that after you heal from delivery?

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Arlene, your hair looks less curly too. You look younger. You can see the weight loss too.

Yep Brenden won HOH from what I read. Never considered him throwing it either, but how could someone in his physical shape do so bad?? Interesting thought. It will be interesting to see what he's like now that 'she's' not there anymore. I think Enzo has really been throwing competitions, the only one in the so called Brigade doing anything is Matt and the rest just sit back. I bet they turn on one another soon too. Every year I say I am not going to watch that show as it's so dumb, but every summer I do, there's nothing else on.

Well, DH actually surprised me, he was home at noon! Nice! We had a 10% off coupon at Home Depot as a moving discount and we went and bought a Water softner, he's going to attempt to install himself. He loves challenges like that. I can't believe how awful and hard the water is here, in 2 mos my shower, toilets, sinks etc. are so corrody (is that a word?). I wanted to go see that Eat Pray Love movie but he suggested I wait til DD is here in a few weeks. LOL He also got our room in Maui confirmed for next week. I am super excited, the resort is beautiful and getting a major discount!

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ahhh. I was wondering about that post. Yes it was Judy who posted that....Im jodi lol. So many J's cant keep em straight myself.

Good luck.

It is a bit confusing!! Janet, Jodi, Judy, Jessica (AKA Jewel), Joyce, Julie!!??? Am I missing any "J's"??? and we can't forget the JAPS!! LOL

Phyll, let's talk about I 90...... When you get to about Billings MT I 90 vears off to the south and then travels all across South Dakota... I94 is what keeps coming on through North Dakota..... and then they meet up again in Minnesota somewhere... Can't remember the town just now... So you will be driving on I 94 when you get to Bismarck.... I am 36 miles up the road (north) from there.... We have lots of room for you to park you RV and would love to have you stay as long as you like... Let me know if that fits into your plans... For sure I will come to Bismarck to eet you for coffee or something...

So, I think I made it again... gosh if I forgot someone I'll be mortified..... I need to get busy now and do something.... Spending the afternoon with Mimi threw me off my game plan for the day.... but there will be another day.... You all take care and I'll talk to you later..... Hugs and prayers... Julie

Mortified??? OMG... I'm mortified every day... and in awe of your thoroughness!! I just speed read thorugh all the posts so I could hurry up and post something. House is all packed up and waiting for DH to get back from DD#1's house where he is unloading stuff and making sure the refrigerator/freezer are cold enough to load the refrigerator stuff. So when he gets back.. he'll be unloading our refrig, I'll grab all my last minute stuff and we're headed to the RV to sleep there tonight.

So... I've set up streets & trips so it routes us through ND. If DH is agreeable to driving 36 miles off the interstate, we'll probably park at your place.. and if the times jive with our schedule. I show us getting to Bismarck about 2pm on Tuesday, but that usually has to be tweaked depending on what kind of time we're making. At any rate, I will keep you posted on our progress and let you know what the plan is. At the very least... will meet you for coffee! Is there a Starbucks in Bismarck??

Apples wanted to be included... so can someone be my go-between on that?? I don't know what kind of internet access or phone coverage I'll have on the road... usually pretty good, but can't depend on it! And I know she is at the lake again and don't remember when she's coming back or when the next dental appt or dr. appt is. Did the MRI her hand/wrist yet???

From there we'll go to Minnesota. Wonder if it'd be practical to go from Bismarck to Brainerd Minnesota... Should check that out. Old high school friend lives there, but if my memory is correct, it's qite a bit north of the interstate.

So we got a call tonight from a friend to tell us her boyfriend, another friend, died today. She asked us to drive her to Mark's parents house because his parents hadn't been told yet. We got there and the Sheriff's office was there. It makes the Wal-Mart episode pale to nothing. Our friend Cheryl was the happiest I've ever seen her. She is being laid off effective next Monday, was packing up her house and life and moving to Colorado to live with Mark, someone she loved. Mark was happier than he had been in a very long time, he had lost weight, was taking care of himself and they were buying a house. In fact they just heard today that the offer was accepted. Now their world is shattered and one of them is dead. My heart is breaking for Cheryl. She is a good person and deserved a little happiness. So sad. Sorry folks, but I'm pretty bummed out about this. Mark was a very happy guy and we saw him most times he came to town. He will be missed. Later, Eva

So very sorry, Eva! How terrible... and heartbreaking!

I have no more time, guys!! Sorry! One problem... I bought a new phone last night. Stupid to do that one day before leaving on a trip. If I'd just bought a new Blackberry, I'd be happy as a clam. But the guy persuaded me that this Android phone... Samsung Captivate... was so superior. So I got it. Now I've spent the last day trying to figure it out. I couldn't even figure out how to answer it when it rang!! And I spent a long time at the store last night and at least another hour today being coached. I still can't get it to sync with iTunes... my music, etc., or with Outlook...my calendar. It has all my contacts because I imported them to Google first. But I can't get Google Calendar to import the Outlook calendar, so I can't get my calendar on my phone! This is critical. My Blackberry has been my brains... especially when it comes to keeping my contacts up to date, and my appointments.. Pt, Dr., etc... everything goes in my Blackberry calendar and syncs to Outlook so I get reminders everywhere!! Remember my favorite excuse..... "I'm old and I forget stuff!!"" LOL! HELP!!

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Sorry to hear that Eva.

I had a rough time at Walmart today too. The cashier that helped me was almost in tears and when I got to her register I realized why. A 8-9 year old boy was having a temper tantrum. I belive he had a mental illness. His mother had him pinned to the floor and he was fighting her. All the while she was also trying to call someone on her phone to help her. It was heart breaking.

I did manage to get a stethoscope today and am having my name engraved on it. I got a good deal. It is generic but I tried the name brand and generic and found I could hear better with the generic. Also got the watch I need.

I measured myself for those uniforms and ordered what they recommended. Thanks for the advice to wash them before I alter them. I am really short and these uniforms are really long. Expecially the tops. Makes me look dumpy. But I am proud to wear them. Had a long day today so I am gonna sign off. Good nite all.

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Arlene, your hair looks less curly too. You look younger. You can see the weight loss too.

Yep Brenden won HOH from what I read. Never considered him throwing it either, but how could someone in his physical shape do so bad?? Interesting thought. It will be interesting to see what he's like now that 'she's' not there anymore. I think Enzo has really been throwing competitions, the only one in the so called Brigade doing anything is Matt and the rest just sit back. I bet they turn on one another soon too. Every year I say I am not going to watch that show as it's so dumb, but every summer I do, there's nothing else on.

Well, DH actually surprised me, he was home at noon! Nice! We had a 10% off coupon at Home Depot as a moving discount and we went and bought a Water softner, he's going to attempt to install himself. He loves challenges like that. I can't believe how awful and hard the water is here, in 2 mos my shower, toilets, sinks etc. are so corrody (is that a word?). I wanted to go see that Eat Pray Love movie but he suggested I wait til DD is here in a few weeks. LOL He also got our room in Maui confirmed for next week. I am super excited, the resort is beautiful and getting a major discount!

Thanks Great! All of you make me feel so good. Talk about younger......I bought this temporary face tightener from QVC. Well, this morning I got it out and followed the directions....you keep it on for 7 minutes then gentlly wash it off. OMGoodness, when I put it on....after 7 minutes I didn't have one wrinkle in my face....washed it off, then I had some lines, but no deep wrinkles. It sure is a quick fix for a few hours. It still doesn't get rid of my turkey neck. The fix for that is not to look in the mirror. lol

Hey, where are you staying on Maui? We stayed at the Royal Lahaina. It is older, but very nice. We went to the Luau there too.

That is a bummer to have corrosion only after two months. You must have really hard water.

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Melissa, I told my daughter about your procedure. She is having her last baby and is 33. I wonder if they would do that after you heal from delivery?

I would tell her to ask her gyno. My dr told me for a women having a baby then had to have a cesarean then they would go ahead and do it the older way. However if you are having a cycle they can not do the procedure since they would not have a clear view of the tubes. So they probably would have to wait till she heals. Tell her to google essure and it should have everything she wants to know about it on there.

All I can say it yesterday I hurt so bad but today is so much better just still very sleepy.

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Phyl, I am liking my Droid X but there's still a lot I don't know. I dind't know it was possible to sync a Droid to Itunes, if you figure it out let me know!

Arlene, we are staying at the Maui Hyatt Regency Resort and Spa, it looks awesome on the website. Can't wait.

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i was banded last night (6pm) and i`m having a hard time breathing normal.

i know the pain is the surgery and gas but i can`t yawn or take a deep breath without being in a lot of pain.

is this normal

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i was banded last night (6pm) and i`m having a hard time breathing normal.

i know the pain is the surgery and gas but i can`t yawn or take a deep breath without being in a lot of pain.

is this normal

Congrats on your banding! I would put a call into the surgeon. They need to know about your pain.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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