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I thought it was I-90 through S Dakota! But since we only drive it once a year thought I was having a senior moment and forgetting it's name.

Anyone else here watching Big Brother? Anxious to see what happens when Rachel or Brendon leaves tonight. LOL She sure is something else!

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I'm in a piss poor mood tonite - Andrew is bugging me.. Nags about Bella all the time - I want to yell at him - you are the exact reason I don't have a husband - stfu -(bad word not a nice thing to want to say to gs - I don't but in my head I do) - then calls and tells me he's going to NY w/Mom 9/7 - to the 12th - he can get off work for that - but may have a hard time getting the week after thanksgiving off (could get fired)- so I said - stay home then..

It's one of those days that I would have liked to come home to a cooked meal - last night i ran around like a chicken w/her head cut off - then came home to a t.v. dinner (ww meal) and Andrew comes home and asked why I hadn't cooked !!! WTF you work a part time job - I said I didn't have time - He wasn't rude or anything - but it just pissed me off.. tonite went to the grocery store - got chicken and stuff for a salad.< /p>

Fed the dogs - I'm just tired...

Eva I would have told that lady - don't know why you are bitching at me - it's not my fault - I wouldn't have let her go first either - to bad so sad - Maybe it's the weather..

Julie - no don't use the pool too much - during the middle of summer when it's hot it's like a bath tub..

Great - I watch BB - this is the worst freaking year.. The most stupidest cast - I dislike Rachel & Berndon - they are so fake - especially Rachel - how she looks at the camera all the time = Brendon is a freaking wimp - getting mad at Kathy for being happy that she beat her - are they that freaking dense that they don't understand no one likes them... I wish brendon would go home and rachel stays - that would be such a great punishment for her - but I think she's going.. Then Brendon..

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Great, yeah, I am watching this year.......don't know why. Rachel is so annoying.....Yay! she is gone!

Eva, vent away! What is it about Walmart brings out the worst in some people. My gripe with them is there are like twenty check out places and two checkers. Two of our Walmarts quit using the self-check out registers. I think because of theft.

Janet, I am still whining, and no one is listening! I need to turn up the volume tomorrow.

Julie, it actually rained this afternoon and cooled the place down. The humidity is only 72 right now. I am still getting light headed in the evenings. I think it must be the heat. I am fine in the morning walk. I didn't miss having FM issues when the weather changed. I had to take a stomach pill for my colon spasms. My adhesions were kicking my butt. My port was was hurting too. UGH! Hated it!

Cheri, I can't wear anything over my port especially anything tummy controlling....it HURTS! I quit wearing hose years ago, but I also quit wearing dresses too.

Linda, have fun with your DGD this weekend!

Laura....I can't believe your mom got so many shots without an IV of some kind of sedative . She is tough. I hope she gets the relief she needs.

Phyl, I thought you had left. Take care! Happy Trails!

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Do many of you have troubles feeling your ports? Other than being able to see mine, I wouldn't even know it's there, I never worry about waistbands or anything, should I?

Janet, sorry you are having a tough time. Sounds like Andrew is the typical teen/early 20, it's all about him. DH called it the center of the universe syndrome. I am just now seeing my kids coming out of it. LOL

Walmart, now careful DS just got a big promotion there. LOL just joking, you aren't grumbling about his specific store. LOL I hated my Walmart in CO, but I love mine here. It's brand new and not busy at all. There's actually always clerks just standing there waiting for you to come in their line, you get up front and they are practically fighting for you to come to their line.

Big Brother, I agree it's not a good year. I am glad Rachel is gone, Brendon is a whimp, will be interesting tosee how this week goes with him winning HOH. I would like to see the Brigade get exposed and have them get knocked down a few pegs. I am hoping Kathy wins it all at this point.

Eva, I wouldn't have let that lady in front of me either.

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Ok it's just coming on here - good to know Rachel's gone

Oh ya the brigade needs to get exposed - I like Britney - I didn't in the beginning - but do now - her kathy ragan and Lane

Walmart - I don't go - I'm a Target girl... Well it's a block away from my house is the main reason and the WHOLE families that go to Walmart in their sunday best on Wed night... No thank you - our's is just too crowded - we have a super walmart - It's ok if you go real early ..

My port doesn't bug me at all - it looks like an eggs though - I wear Spanx all the time the kind that go up under your bra or the correst thingie that helps the girls look a little better - but I did get 2 new push up bra's at pennys - (padded ;0) that make the girls look pretty good - (went from a 42 d to a 34 barely :)

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Oh I am sorry, Janet, I forgot about the time change, I shouldn't have posted the results. Hope I didn't ruin it for you. I'll be more careful.

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Oh I am sorry, Janet, I forgot about the time change, I shouldn't have posted the results. Hope I didn't ruin it for you. I'll be more careful.

Oh Lori - don't worry - I rather know - I still watch cuz you gotta here whats going on - I knew britney won pov before it aired - i have a friend who reads the blogs -- So you can always tell me how it ends - I usually wait till it's half way thru then watch on my dvr so I can ff thru the commercials

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Hi all, yes, I watch BB too - so happy Rachel left -- she IS TOO much - such a phony baloney - I wonder if either she or Brendon really care about each other or were just using each other - time will tell - I thought it was weird about Brendan's ex and her mother -- but really, what kind of people go on tv and talk trash about an ex fiance? I wonder sometimes. Anyway, the brigade really does need to get exposed -- and my favorite is Kathy -- she's a sweet girl and deserves to win -- wonder if her story about her daughter is true or if she just said that to try to win? I don't like Brittany much - I wouldn't trust her at all. I don't really like any of them much except Kathy -- I really think Matt is a royal jerk.

It was too hot for the concert -- so there wasn't one -- we had picked up GD and had Merry with us so we went to the park to let the dog and GD run around and play then went to our local ice cream shop -- so it was still a nice night. Gosh, I forgot we also have a circus coming to town next week that we are taking GD to also -- everything all at once - then we also got tickets for Mickey Mouse Magic Show in October -- you don't suppose we're spoiling her do you? LOL.

Janet, sorry about Andrew - as Lori said teenagers and youngs adults all think it's just about them - and so selfish -- tell him you can't be responsible for cooking his meals EVERY day, it's time he learns to fend for himself and learn some cooking skills of his own -- you need to be free of that responsibility -- he's not a kid anymore -- you'll be doing him a favor. Then maybe make a meal for him on the weekends when you feel up to it -- and when you have time -- but not everyday - -that's just too much.

Arlene, be careful walking in the heat -- I don't like hearing that you're having dizzy spells.

Cheri, thanks for the information - I do take lots of fish oil - and have for about 10 years - I do think it helps a lot and since my lb surgery I eat mostly fish and just chicken or turkey -- seldom eat any beef or pork -- also don't eat much with wheat in it -- mostly just Protein and veggies - and I do think my fibro symptoms have been better since I've changed to this new healthy eating plan. All of it's interesting - thanks for sharing.

Eva -- that woman was ridiculous -- I'm glad you walked away -- I probably would have said something very rude and nasty to her - like "shove it where the sun don't shine" -- you were wise to walk away. People an be so ridiculous. You are a very nice and sweet person.

Melissa - what an interesting new way for tubals to be done - hope you heal up fast and feel better tomorrow.

Julie, glad you had a good day with Mimi -- hope you get your doctor issues are squareed away before you go to mayo.

Well, gotta get to bed.

Have a good night everyone!


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That's what GK are for to spoil

I don't cook for Andrew every nite - I do try an cook for him on the nights he works and really that's where the comment came from - Having to p/u the car - threw my whole time schedule off - he did understand - but it just bugged me.... Like I said it would be nice to come home and have my dinner done :) that's what I think I am bitching about the most - I'm tired - at least tomorrow is Friday..

I had my 1st sweet potato tonite - it was a light colored one (not orange) - it was really good - and

Cheri - I found this site Self nutrition (or something like that) You would love it - it had they glicimic (sp) contents of food - a whole bunch of that kind of info - I thought of you when I found it :0)


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So we got a call tonight from a friend to tell us her boyfriend, another friend, died today. She asked us to drive her to Mark's parents house because his parents hadn't been told yet. We got there and the Sheriff's office was there. It makes the Wal-Mart episode pale to nothing. Our friend Cheryl was the happiest I've ever seen her. She is being laid off effective next Monday, was packing up her house and life and moving to Colorado to live with Mark, someone she loved. Mark was happier than he had been in a very long time, he had lost weight, was taking care of himself and they were buying a house. In fact they just heard today that the offer was accepted. Now their world is shattered and one of them is dead. My heart is breaking for Cheryl. She is a good person and deserved a little happiness. So sad. Sorry folks, but I'm pretty bummed out about this. Mark was a very happy guy and we saw him most times he came to town. He will be missed.



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Omg Eva - what devastating new - Hugs Hugs Hugs - OMG how sad.. Hugs Hugs Hugs - Prayers for you all.. Wish there was something I could say to make it better - Know our thoughts are with you...

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Good Morning Gang..

Cheri - here's the site - it was still up when I logged on this morning - it's pretty informational

Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Sweet potato, cooked, baked in skin, without salt [sweetpotato]

Well not much to report - just cking in...

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Eva, I am so sorry about your loss of a friend. HUGS! and PRAYERS for you and Mark's loved ones. How old was he?

Janet, sorry about announcing Rachel's fate. When I clicked the reply.....then I remembered you were two hours ahead. Who won the HOH? last night? Thanks for the sweet potato info. I baked one in the microwave and then sprinkled brown sugar splenda on it.....YUMMO!

Linda, I am going to shorten my night walk. I think that will help. I am just getting so hot even though I am not walking fast. The heat index this weekend is 112. I might just do all my walking at 6am.

Great, the doctor said my port is covered in adhesions. That is probably why it hurts when I squash it with a tummy control. Mine is also on my right side and in my midriff. I guess they put them in a place that looks safe.

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Morning...... another long night for me.... Pain until after 3:00 and then I fell asleep and slept like a rock... I'm normally a light sleeper, but DH got up and did his thing and I didn't hear anything... Fortunately I set an alarm last night or I'd be sleeping through my appointment this morning... I see my pain management doc this morning... Since he isn't managing anything, just medicating me, we need to talk and make some decisions about things..... Not looking forward to it, but want it to be over and done with.....

Eva, I hate things like that..... People can be do dumb.... like it was your fault or something... And rude.... some are just so rude.... Back in the 90's one time I was shopping in the grocrey store and had my cart loaded with specials... Sale items like sugar and whatnot... I liked to watch the sales as getting things off the truck wasn't always the most economical..... Well this man was behind me in line and he said, " you wouldn't be so fat if you didn't buy all those kind of things!!" I was appalled...... I set him straight and then left very angry.... People can make the most stupid assumptions....

I'm so very sorry about your friend.... I take it this was completely unexpected.... not sick or anything>>>? So sorry for your loss... You take care....

Linda, sorry your concert was cancelled, but sitting in the heat would have been too hard on me.... Hope you enjoyed you little one like I did yesterday....

Well girls, I better go get dressed....... I'd rather stay home, but need to go to Walmart, too..... Hopefully no one will harrass me..... Have a good day and stay cool.... Hugs....... Julie

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Happy Friday the 13th! I like Friday the 13's as it is a lucky day for me. DH and I had our first date on a Friday the 13th of Sep, 1974.

Janet, sounds like you watch BB like me. I find out who wins HOH, POV, etc. ahead of time too but still watch the drama unfold (when I can fast forward as well).

Eva, so sorry about your friend. It sounds like it was completely unexpected.

Julie, I hope you get some answers at the pain dr.

Linda, sorry the concert was cancelled. And you can bet I plan on spoiling my grandbaby.

Speaking of grandbaby, DD had her first OB appt yesterday she had an ultrasound (she sent me my first baby photo LOL) and heard the heart beat. She said now it seems more real like she really is pregnant. Her official due date is March 13.

DH got home from Dallas late last night so said he was coming home at noon today, we'll see, he says that but in actuality it will be closer to 3 I bet.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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