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Janet, did I miss something did you get a puppy?

Linda & Laura, have a great time on your vacations!

I have my daughter coming in tomorrow for the weekend as well as a friend of mine so I will be scarce this weekend too. I'm very excited.

Took some stuff over to a friends who is having a garage sale, let's see if it sells, had no idea what prices to put on it. Funny I was going to donate it to charity, now that I priced it I was so concerned about what price and squabbling over a couple bucks. Anything is better than nothing.

I guess my earlier post - didnt post cuz this is what I just got when I hit reply..

Ya we had to find Ryder a new home.. He was just to big and too much of a puppy for us - to destructive

So since Andrew was heartbroken - I said ok to a little dog


Linda & Laura - sending my wishes for great travels and wonderful memories.

Janet - what a darling yorkie. Enjoy.

Having some drama with one of my daughters - I will NOT eat over it.

Hugs on the Drama Joyce - No Eating won't help

Well, crap! I just had my metabolism test.....my resting metabolism rate is 1130.....below normal. No wonder I haven't lost since I went on the 1300 calorie diet. He told me not to eat over 1100 a day and increase exercise...WHAT! I guess I will have to do two walks and exercise in the house in the heat of the day. I asked what about going down to 900 calories and he said no because I my body will think I am starving. I did buy some Optifast Peanut Butter bars and their chicken Soup. He told me to eat lots of salad for lunch......veggies and fish for dinner. (Janet's fav meal).

Yeah, the ring was too small for me. My DD's birthday was the 6th so I gave it to her. Oh she loved it. She only wears silver or white gold. It sure was a pretty ring, but I should have bought a 7.

Have fun with DD this weekend! I know you will go shopping.

Charlene - I'll email you my menu - you gotta eat real food and those pt bars have pt yes but lots of calories too.. You gotta order some of the clear liquid protien drink stuff - they are like crystal lites - but have like 15 grms pt for 70 calories - the peach mango is to die for..

Hello ladies, how is your weekend starting out...?? Mine is okay... No pain so far today and that's a great thing..... We are going out to supper with friends tonight as the one leaves for mayo to have her treatment on her aneurysms done so we are sending her off with our best wishes......

Good news............... I officially booked my flight to Vegas, so I am coming... Hope I still have a room with you gals..... I get into Vegas at 11:01 on Delta 10/1 and leave at 10:47 am on 10/3.............. How does that fit in with the rest of you gals?????

Janet, you did get a puppy.... I thought everyone was confused because you gave up Ryder.... But this is a new one....... What a little thing...... How old is it....

Well, things to do, just thought I would check in and tell my news... Hugs to all.... Julie

Yea it's Official !!!! I am so happy you are going to make it - we are going to have a large group..

Bella is a replacment for Ryder - Andrew was heart broken - little dogs fit our lives better than a big dog - not as destructive..

Good news............... I officially booked my flight to Vegas, so I am coming... Hope I still have a room with you gals..... I get into Vegas at 11:01 on Delta 10/1 and leave at 10:47 am on 10/3.............. How does that fit in with the rest of you gals?????

Awesome.....I get in at 11:20am to Vegas and leave at 10:15am on Sunday. See ya there!

Oh, forgot to tell y'all.......today is my 2 year Bandiversary!




Wonderful news on the flights, Julie. I also arrive on Delta ( of course)

I get in 2 hours before you and I think apples is an hour after me then you

so maybe we can hang out and wait for ya. On the way back I leave one

hour after you. This will be so fun I am really looking forward to it. I had a funny

thought what if all us lsoband gals went to a buffet and tried to pay the

kids price can you imagine the confusion and looks that would cause. I just got

a chuckle out of the thought not saying we need to do that

Doubt that will fly but good try - I haven't ever ordered off the childs menu - I am not telling total strangers in that kind of setting that I'm banded - so i always order regular and get a doggie bag

but we could all take baggies and sneak out our leftovers - since we have fridge & micro waves at the condo's !!!

I would mind eating buffett but don't since I can't take the leftovers - I don't mind paying for a plate - but I want what I can't eat.

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Julie I think you're staying with Joyce and me. I get in on frontier mid-morning on Friday, I think.

Janet must have put her yorkie on FB cause I haven't read about it on here.

So Phyll and Janet's furbabies can be friends too.

Busy day, had a funeral to go to this morning after teaching. Former aide at Roseland who also coached cheerleading died. She was 29.

She was 6 months pregnant and went for an ultrasound because she could tell something was wrong. The baby was in distress and it was discovered that the brain was outside the skull and the frontal lobe was missing. It was decided to deliver the fetus. Somehow she had a seizure possibly before the delivery of the child and then again after. Somehow, amniotic Fluid was getting into her system. She died. Huge funeral today. There'd also been a problem with her family of origin who didn't show up despite numerous phone calls until after she died. They hadn't been there for her for a long time and she'd "adopted a mom," also connected with Roseland Christian, with whom she'd been staying for a number of years and who was helping her raise her 2 yr old baby. Well, the baby got removed by the police from this adopted mom's home after a phone call from a "concerned" relative. Totally unnecessary. The relatives excluded the "adopted" mom and her family from any meaningful participation in the service. The pastor started the service and repeated an admonition that we were there to honor Tatiana and there would be peace or we would be dishonoring her. So the funeral went well and the family had their own repast at a restaurant and the "adopted" mom had a repast at Roseland Christian which she catered herself, because that's one of the way's she supports herself.

The whole situation was just horrible, but the service was wonderful. They never did have the wake ahead of time because when the family viewed the remains before the public was let in they were horrified by her appearance and fell apart and cancelled the viewing. They hadn't seen her for months and she'd been through a lot. So there was confusion at the church and the service was delayed a half an hour. After the service, with only the family present, the dead baby was put in the casket with his mother.

Just tragic, and messed up.

Hopefully, the beautiful service and the admonitions of Tatiana's pastor will start the healing process. People were not allowed to come to the pulpit and reminisce about Tatiana. Resolutions were read from the church, her former church, the social club to which she belonged, and from Roseland Christian School. That kept everything dignified and eliminated all the high drama that had been going on.

My brother-in-law is getting very close to dieing. I expect to get a phone call within a month or two. Maybe not even that long. I'm so glad that to the best of their ability my sister and her husband tried to live in peace and with love to all members of their respective families. There will be no high drama with his death. Just an assurance that Jim is now with God and our sorrow is not for him but for the hole he has left in our lives. My sister has been under enormous strain as she is a physician and her partner was on vacation and her PA went through a bunch of tests and is waiting to have her aneurysm treated. So she's had no one to back her up in the office or take her calls. Her RA is acting up again as are her eyes.

Right now, I can really see that I'd rather be on my side of the grass.


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Charlene - I don't have your email - WTH?? I don't see you in my address book

So here's my sample menu

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Cheri, That is so sad. Makes your heart ache, for your friend and your family.

Janet, love your new fur baby. So cute.


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Good Morning Gang !!

3 yrs ago right now I was in surgery...

1st year got to goal 145 !!!! (Thanks Karri for being my muse)

Got the next few lbs off by Sept 08.

Have maintained my weight loss for 2 yrs !!!

(fluctuate between 136-140)

How you may ask (by following the rules)

I have finally gotten that this really is about a lifetime lifestyle change and not a diet

I eat HEALTHY 98% of the time - Allow for treats 2% of the time - Hit the gym - weights, cardio & classes 3 to 4 times a week and with the help of my little friend (the band) I have become a healthier person with tons more energy and feel 10 yrs younger..

Life is good !!! And let me tell I have always been a shopper (even at 250) but now EVERY THING looks cute on - Love being a size 4/6 - instead of 18/20 to 22/24 !!!

It's doable pple - If I can do it so can you... I am a food addict just like everyone else - the secret - take back your power !!! I walked down the candy/cookie isle in the grocery store last week and snubbed my nose at the crap... That's empowering !!!

Just gotta toot my own horn this morning !!!!


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SO happy for you and thank you for sharing this post and those that youve posted before.

You did forget one thing that you might not think helped you through this...but I know!!!

The fact that you had so many people that you have helped through your journey!!!! This had to play some role in your success.....you help others! That has got to have helped you!

Okay...just lost another part of this post......Must have pressed back button. so...here goes again......

Las Vegas....im in....but I have not yet made reservations....because I work only several weeks in advance only...unlike all you organized woman!! So....

one night we are all going to get tickets the John Lennon Show....at planet holywood complimentary of course.

I will probably come in for the week...maybe with Dassi. We both are on vacation that week...so might as well make it a vacation? Not sure how she will fit in but thinking about it!

What hotel are we planning to stay at??

well.....Fire Island was great. I posted a two hour post...about it...and me and feelings about getting in touch with myself....etc etc but It didnt post! Then I posted abreived version....that didnt post. So....now you are getting a few lines soo sorry!!!!

It was amazing....the beach, the town, the deck...alone, with people....with family and friends. Ocean, restaurants, bars. Spent time....reading, walking, cycling, swimming, people watching, sun bathing and hell yes......am tan!!! and oh yes....I wore a bathing suit..(not bikini) and cover up all week. I felt great. I looked good...and I felt good!!!

In a nut shell....first vacation in 15

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I have no idea why that posted...beginning to think computer is possesed!!!

So..to continue.....lol

It was the first vacation in 15 years that I got a) paid for and :smile: I didnt feel fat, different, bad, depressed, and needing to cover up?? etc etc etc need I go on??

Linda, the weekend visitor?? haha. Had to think about who, what, where, when? and then remembered....St Louis guy. Well, it was a nice weekend...but he will never be anything more then that, a good friend. Im glad we had lots of people over all weekend so we were never alone...and Dassi never needed to even contemplate that this might be someone more of a friend to me.

It was good to find this out....wonderful guy not ready for serious at all...so that is that...but....

in Fire Island did meet someone.....someone who is nice and easy to talk to and enjoy each others company but....its only been two weeks. We spent a few evenings out in Fire Island...with lots of other people.

We went on one real date this week here in the city. That was night. He is in my share house so he will be with us the next two weekends we will be out. Something to look forward to. That should be fun....but dont want to think about anything more then just getting to know each other...with others around and then some time alone during the week....Ill see how the rest of the summer goes..but dont really think it will be more then a summer thing....after Sept. probably not going to go further but who knows? Nice to have someone to share some experiences on the Island. It is romantic...and can be so..sureal so not counting on more then that.

On to the more practical. I lost 50lbs to date. Another 15 -20 to go. Been eating well....taking the Vitamins, and exercizing.....granted...F.I. was different exercise...didnt gain or loose any more...then before I left the last two weeks but thats okay..glad I didnt gain.

Been doing alot of reading on healthy eating and foods in general....and the next step is to change the salt Im eating. Celtic Sea Salt is apparently the healthier salt to use. Distilled Water as opposed to just filitered and organic eggs, milk and chicken. Eating only sprouted breads and crackers. These are the changes that I have implemented over the last few weeks...apparently these changes are helping with becoming more healthy overall but research has demonstrated helping with weight loss as well.

okay....well Ive now posted another two hour post and if it doesnt post.....im going to just have to scream!!!

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okay posted two!!!


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JOdi, loved your posts... so glad they didn't disappear into cyberspace....


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Julie, CONGRATS ON YOUR TWO YEAR BANIDVERSARY!! I'm so glad you will be coming to Vegas...this is going to be a lot of fun.

Charlene, wow, that's not very many calories. You can't live on shakes the rest of your life, maybe Janet's menu plan will help.

JANET, CONGRATS ON YOUR THREE YEAR BANIDVERSARY!! OMG the puppy is so cute...but you know they chew too! Maybe you can train it to a crate when you aren't there? I saw some very cute puppies the other day, but as long as I'm working and Glimmer is still alive, I have to resist. I just don't want to deal with house training and cat training now.

Jodi, welcome back!! Wow, your diet certainly has changed and congrats on the 50 pounds...that is very cool. Interesting stuff on the guy too. Yep best just to see how it goes.

Cheri...so sorry to hear about your co-worker. What a horrible story and how people get so screwed up on such weird stuff.

We went to Bisbee for the night last night and it was nice and fun...after I relaxed. The boys really had fun and were up to around 2:30 this morning, so DH is now napping. On our way out of town (Bisbee) we stopped at a farmer's market and I got a bunch of locally grown fresh veggies and fruit, plums and peaches. Can't wait to dig into them.

Now it's chill out time and maybe a nap is calling. Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day.

Amazing ladies I'll talk to you later


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Janet - congratulations. You lead by example and share the tools for success with all of us. You welcome each of us to join you in the life we dream to live.

Thank you.

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Yesterday at the pool, a "friend" quietly did a number on my self-worth. I came home, cried, prayed and then--considered the source (not the first time).

BUT, I did not go to food for comfort! THAT was new since I've been going to OA. A new step for me!

Also, I had the lapband and went from a 20/22 to a 8/10. She had the lapband and...lost nothing.

Wonder if there is a connection.....

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okay posted two!!!


Glad your posts finally worked!! Enjoyed reading about your time on Fire Island to date... especially the romantic interlude!! LOL

Vegas will be fun... what is this about the John Lennon tickets??

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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