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Lori - congrats to a new grandma. I'm so sorry I didn't think of another name for them to call me besides "GRandma".. Nana. anything but Grandma.

Laura - on a plane this time next week -- woo hoo

I had .4 cc unfill today - so time will tell if that will help me. Had lost another one lb. on their scale. Wonderful. Love how the weight keeps dropping and no regaining like before the band.

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Hey everyone,

Just wanted to say I am here. Boss is still a witch but hanging in there she has been gone for 3 days in person anyway bit not in email. Right now I am trying to remember to drink all my Water and no caffeine ( which is totally hard to do) since I still have UTI symptoms. So the Dr got my culture back and It had no bad bacteria growing but my pee test still showed a UTI. She says it looked worse than the first test. Alot of white blood cells and traces of something else which by all indications means I have a UTI still. However since the culture came back negatice she decided to not put me on a 3rd round of antibotics and see how I feel next week after water logging myself and no caffeine. I am drinking Decaf in the morning which stinks and I ended up take a goodies powder today cause my head pounded so bad and I really could not leave work. The Dr said if I start feeling bad to call her and she will bring straigten for some kind of scrap test in the girly area. She this I could have some kind of vaginal thing that shows up as the same symtoms as a UTI. I know TMI. But I felt I needed to share and I figured enough woman on this board would know how this felt.

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Honesty. Had a huge chocolate binge yesterday. Was feeling overwhelmed by all the commitments I've made and by the Interactive Metronome training. Technology can make me feel incompetent and I've a lot of technology with the training I'm doing. Met 2 of my students and their mothers for the first time. I almost feel like I'm practicing on them and they really shouldn't be charged for the first week. Wish I'd had access to the equipment earlier and had been able to practice on a few children. Now I've got homework for tomorrow's session with these kids. Everyday I do this is different from the last session as we progress through the program, so I'm going to be out of my comfort zone for 4 to 5 weeks.

Being ADHD but also very school smart has led to a lot of feelings of incompetence in my life. I mean, how can I be so smart and still drive away with my purse on top of my car? How can I get "A's" and have my locker stuff fall out on top of me? Etc.

I try to focus on the gifts of ADHD, like the creativity and flexibility and lack of rigidity that goes with my form of ADHD, but doing the Interactive Metronome yesterday brought out all those old feelings of incompetence.

Getting back on track today. Writing helped me figure out what made me eat. Sharing makes me feel like I'm not alone. I have people who understand--and maybe even laugh with me and not at me.


Cheri - I don't have adhd - but I left my purse once in the shopping cart in a parking lot - realized it when I was 3 miles away - luckily it was still there when I raced back... We have too much on our minds - multi tasking ..

We all have our extra treats every now and then - the key is everynow and then not 24/7 365 :0)

Good afternoon. A busy busy day for me. It started with a pedicure, stupid me for thinking all the places here would be as cheap as the one I went to last week, it wasn't open yet at 930 so I went across the street it was $10 more for a lot less of a pedicure. But my toes look good! Stopped for some nuggets before my fill (several hours before) and then proceeded across town to near where my dr appt was, low and behold I found the other Loft store in town! LOL Much smaller and not as nice as the downtown one also was a Nordstrom Rack there, did not purchase much. Then to the new docs office. He was okay. He's not my Dr Snyder in Denver that's for sure. I had to wait forever. I did get a 1/2 cc fill. Ever since I had that taken out before moving I am hungry all the time so am giving it a shot for the weekend. I have an appt on Monday to go back and will get an unfill if it's too much. On Monday I have an appt to have that metabolic rate test done, they couldn't do it today. Then they asked if I wanted to join their 'program'. It's $350 and includes unlimited dietician, exercise physiologist, classes and support groups. I never heard of such a fee. I guess I can't go to their support groups w/o paying but it seems pointless to pay something like that over 2 yrs out. It's disounted from $500 since I am a transfer patient and already had surgery. I'm not saying I know it all but I think I know enough to not pay a fee for more classes. I can always go back to Denver for them if need be. My dr in Denver lets folks from any doc go to his support group meetings.

Cheri, your post reminds me of a comment my dad made to me all the time. How could anyone be so smart and have no common sense? (I was a straight A student and I guess he thought that meant I never made mistakes or something)

Randa, ask away.

Great - My doc had a BIG program fee - it included pre-op foods - nutritionist every time you see the doc - it's their way around insurance - I don't think you need it - If you were gaining and couldn't stop then yes - but you just need the little fill and get back into a routine in your new town/home

Cheri, too funny.

That discribes my DD to a "T", she is not ADD but the common sense thing.

You are still teaching those children something and spending time with them. Thanks for posting your feelings I think I have been doing the same things. I need to get back on the exercise wagon & have no excuse since I have the room for my tread machine. Also the hot weather has broken.

Lori, must have been the day for pedicures. I got one after work tonight.

yeah, DD just called & the delivery driver is there. She is finally getting her stuff.


LauraK - Glad you DD got her stuff - what a releif !!! Yes girl - exercise !!!!

LauraK - so happy DD has her furniture and all her things. Now she can get settled.

I'll see doctor tomorrow morning.

Joyce - How did the Dr visit go ????

So glad DD got her belongings, Laura, now she can start settling in and making it home. It's so hard living in transition.

I talked to Apples tonight via text. She is having a great time, her son that doesn't live in town came in for 2 weeks and surprised her. She will be back next Tues and says she misses everyone and says hi.

How fantastic !!!! I know how much she loves and misses her sons !!!

Hey gang! I had technical difficulties yesterday and could not post.

Great, glad you are going to get the test. It is helpful. I am in a program with Dr. Davis, but he doesn't charge as much as your surgeon, and I see him at least once a month. He has switched to Optifast. I checked out the bars online...whew! they are expensive. I think I will just eat food and finish up my Protein Powder.

Joyce, did you get a slight unfill? I know about that pb'ing all too well. I tend to eat too fast and then if I don't burp......here it comes. I am like a baby........I have to get the gas out or the rest won't go down easy.

Janet, thanks for keeping me accountable. I am journaling now.

Linda, yep, Lifestyle......that needs to be my new word I say as i am going to sleep at night.

Laura K, glad your DD got her furnitue.

Okay, I gotta go bathe in OFF before I walk. The mosquitos are swarming from all the rain we had. Later!

Charlene - Anytime :0) lol - That's what I'm here for :0)

Morning ladies, Well, I'm just getting up again... It seems my pain attacks have taken a new course now and get me up during the night with terrible pain.... At 3:50 I took 1 1/2 hydrocodone and finally was able to get some sleep... DH woke me at 7:30 when he left for work but I went right back to sleep until just a few minutes ago..... I did nothing yesterday..... and I hurt as if I had worked hard all day... It just doesn't seem to matter what I do.....Anyway, no pain right now, so I should get a few little things done... I have a massage scheduled for 11:00....

Laura K, so glad DD is getting her stuff.... This will help her relax a bit....and you too for that matter....

Lori, a pedicure sounds so nice... I've only ever had one and just never even think of it... How's the yard coming... ??

It's nice to know our Apples is having such a wonderful time and that her son surprised her... I'm sure she's in heaven.....

Arlene, does the Off stop the little buggers??? I could spray a whole bottle and they still get me.... I stay in when they are out....

Cheri, I think we all do those little things once in a while....it's pretty normal for people our age....

Well, getting dressed will be a good start to my day... Make the bed and put a load of laundry in... It's supposed to get pretty warm today so need to shut up the house and turn on the fans and a/c....... Yesterday we didn't need any of that and I loved it.....

Hope you all have a great day....... Hugs........ Julie

Julie - Hugs GF - do you know yet when you have appt w/Mayo

Julie, you would be a recluse in Texas if you stay in when the skeeters are out.....just kidding. Our city is really good about spraying, but we had one downpour after another, and they really haven't had time to spray. Off works for me, but I have to use a lot of it.

Has anyone ever used Greek yogurt instead of light mayo for chicken salad?

I bought some to use on baked potatoes - but haven't yet..

Good morning, well my gag order has been lifted by my daughter and I can officially post on here that guess who's going to be Grandma? YEP!! That would be me!! DD found out as they had to give her a blood test before she could have some radiation type test for her gall bladder and they had to cancel the test. She's barely like 4 weeks along they think. She is over the moon excited. She's had many female problems over the years with cysts, an ovary that was attached to her intestine and periods just a couple times a year. They told her she may have trouble having kids so they weren't careful about birth control thinking if it happened it happened and it did! I wasn't supposed to say anything as she didn't want something to inadvertantly get posted to my Facebook or something.

Arlene, this program of this doctor isn't anything like that with shakes or anything. I don't think he does that, nor did my doc in Denver. IT was just for their support groups and classes and dietician appointments.

What happened to Big Medicine are they not doing that anymore??

Laura, ok what color toes did you get? I got a bright pink summery color.


Julie, we were posting at teh same time. The yard is almost done, the sod is being delivered tomorrow morning so tomorrow night I should have grass and no more dirt!! WOOHOO!!

Pedicures are wonderful. I used to think what a waste when I heard people getting them, it's my favorite indulgence and I now get them year round not just winter. Before my knee surgery I had such a hard time even reaching my toes and now that I can I'm not willing to give them up. I'd give up coloring my hair before my toes! LOL

Funny thing, I have a decision to make. I went gray in my 20's and started coloring my hair by 30. I used to say I would color it til I turned 40 as in my mind at the time that was old. Well I turned 40 and that suddenly wasn't so old anymore and said 50. Well 50 came along and then I said I would stop when I became Grandma. Well I am going to be grandma. Do I keep coloring or do I go gray???

OF Course you keep coloring - I'm the grandma of 3 and I color mine ;0)

I couldn't reach my toes - so always had them done when fat - I will do mine every now and then - just cuz I can now :0)

HELLO!!! Wondering if there was in an echo in there since it seems so empty. LOL

So far my new fill seems to be great! Wonderful to have restriction back, but not too much so far!

Just got drapery rods so hopefully DH will hang my family room curtains tonight! And I bought a fire pit for the new back patio. DH is away and I will shop! LOL And I couldn't help myself I had to stroll the baby dept at Target! LOL

Lori - I didn't buy Andrew anything thing till his mom was like 8 months - we didn't do the nursery or anything thing.. Do you want a girl or boy???

Hi everyone,

Just checking in. We have Relay for Life here tonight, so have my tee shirt and walking shoes on for my one hour of laps after work. DGD and DH will come down and join in on some of the festivities -- should be a nice night -- just checked and our humidity is only 37% so we couldn't have more perfect weather.

LauraK so happy to hear your DD got her stuff and can finally settle in - at long last. I would have went crazy that long. Glad she's enjoying her new job too.

Cheri, I had to laugh at your driving off with your purse on top of the car - at least you never drove off with your baby carrier on top of the car - I've heard of that one too. I'm sure you're very competent -- you're probably just a perfectionist who expects to be perfect every second. It can drive you crazy.

Lori, I can't believe that surgeon wants to charge you that much for those services -- I could see $100 but $350?? wow. I bet he charges your insurance a bundle for the fill as well. I wouldn't pay it -- no way. Pedicures here in our little town are outrageously expensive -- $35 is the cheapest I've found - and they aren't half as good as the ones I used to get for $15 in LA. Congratulatons on the big Grandma news!!! Wow, you'll love it -- it's so much more fun than being the parent!! LOL. Glad to hear you'll have sod tomorrow -- no more dirty dogs to deal with!! LOL. Do not stop coloring your hair. It's not that I dislike gray hair but honestly I work with women who have gray in their hair and they do look older than the ones that color their hair -- and some of them are in their middle 40s -- I think 70 is about the right age to let the gray show - but that's just MY personal opinion. I'll probably be like Joan Rivers and be blonde when I'm 100. lol.

Glad to hear Apples' son surprised her - so happy for her!!!

Julie hope you enjoyed your massage and slept a little better last night. Hugs on the pain.

Arlene, we have a lot of mosquitos here too due to all the rain. Bugs are really bad this year. I use Cutters usually - had to use it last night and probably should have brought it today for my time in the park tonight. Didn't think of it. I use light mayo and haven't tried greek yogurt in place of it - I usually can tell a huge difference with substitutions like that and don't usually care for it.

Well, gotta run cbl.


Linda - Yep you and me Blonds forever !!!!

Hi guys~

I posted last night, but just noticed it's not there. Hmmmmm.. not sure what's up with that. I've had a busy week with Nelson being in art camp and the usual play dates and taekwondo. I'm getting some last minute stuff for our Paris/London trip. I am getting EXCITED! Next week at this time we will be on the plane!!!!!!!!!

Lori~~~ CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you! I am sure DD is thrilled! I guess they will just wait and watch the GB now? I vote for keeping the coloring. Nice to hear you are getting yard done.

Apples~~~ Glad your DS came to see you! What a great surprise! Hope you are well!

Linda~~~ Good luck with the relayforlife. My sis did the one in our home town in honor of my dad. It's a great thing.

JulieB~~~ Hugs on the pain. I hope you get some answers at Mayo. I know you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Judy~~~ LOL at the grandkids comment! How are you?

Cheri~~~ Ha ha about the purse on the top of the car! I have left my coffee there many times. ugghhhh, what a mess! ; )

Hi to everyone else! I can't remember past the page I can see right now.

peasout.. Laura

Ok when did I miss this Paris & London !!!!!! Tell the story again !!!

Well gang - didn't get home last night till 6 - then had to cook for the kids and I had to take off my red/white/blue nails and toes - filed and repainted them all (love that I can now reach ;0) - I wear corrals in the summer usually..

Then Andrew got sick - had some stomach bug - was throwing up every hour on the hour - so didn't get much sleep last night - was up early at the store getting pepto - gadaroaid - 7 up etc..

Tomorrow gym - wash & clean - Sunday take GD to airport and run errands for uncle w/bum knee

Lori - how long were you in real pain - how long till you could get around on your own...

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Goodness, Linda, if we had 37% humidity we wouldn't be calling that not humid, I'd be complaining it was humid. LOL I am used to single digit humidity for the most part.

Hair Dye, you gals convinced, I will keep coloring. LOL Just not ready to see my mom looking back at me through the mirror. LOL Speaking of whom, she actually called me to congratulate me on being grandma she thought it was great news. Didn't expect that.

Janet, I haven't even thought of whether I'd want a boy or girl. I know Dh would say boy though. I've wanted grandkids for so long it doesn't matter. DH had jokingly told DD when she was here and we were strolling Ikea that we'd furnish a nursury for the first grandbaby, she's not calling him on it. LOL It would be fun though. She's coming next weekend actually so we'll have to check it out.

Your question on how long the pain on me knee was, do you mean after surgery? it was quite painful for a good 3 to 4 weeks and then still bothersome for another couple weeks. But oh so worth it.

Arlene, chicken salad, how many carbs in it??? I don't do salads as I don't care for mayo and most have that in it.

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I lost a big long post here last night and was too tired to redo it! Was up at 4:30 a.m. yesterday to take Zoey to Spay Station. She is doing TOO fine today! Trying to keep her down. She is a little restless tonight, but it's bedtime now so she'll be quiet until morning. She is quiet as a mouse once we put her in her crate for the night. It is right next to our bed and she will occasionally wake us during the night to go outside, but I think that's only happened twice... including this morning...and it was 5;40 and DH was already up so he took her out. Well, it's not even 10pm but I am exhausted and I'm going to bed. Had PT at 9 a.m. so had to be up early to be ready by then.... read paper, etc. And.... floor and table exercises and weight machines today instead of pool, so I am TIRED tonight!

One thing I do remember from last night's post.... whoever it was having the headaches.... think you should definitely see your doctor.

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Good Morning Peeps...

Up early as usual !!!! Phyl it was PJ who had headaches - I am pretty sure I told her to go to doc - nothing to mess with..

Melissa - Hugs on the caffine headaches - I'm lucky I don't get them - but again - I ALWAYS have my coffee in the morning..

It's funny I got on the scale this a.m. down 1.5 lbs - guess the little bit of extra sugar last weekend and healthy eating this week has jumped my metabolizm ;0) gives me some playing room this weekend..

Got gym at 8 - Legs weights - then home to wash and clean up some - maybe get some rest - tomorrow have to take Kaitlin to airport by 11 - then see my Uncle w/the bum knee

Great I told him 3 weeks of not feeling well - he's focused on the 2% that have problems - I think he's really afraid of surgery period - but if he doesn't get it - he will be in a wheel chair..

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Ok when did I miss this Paris & London !!!!!! Tell the story again !!!

Then Andrew got sick - had some stomach bug - was throwing up every hour on the hour - so didn't get much sleep last night - was up early at the store getting pepto - gadaroaid - 7 up etc..

Tomorrow gym - wash & clean - Sunday take GD to airport and run errands for uncle w/bum knee

Janet~ It was nice chitchatting with you this morning early on FB. I forgot to tell you how the Paris thing happened. Well, we were planning on this FABULOUS family resort in Vermont. (mountains, condos with jacuzzi and fireplace in master, 7 lazy rivers, camp for kids and spa for parents). DH was just about to pay and he made a comment "we could go to Europe for this much!" I laughed at first, and then said "are you serious?" He said give me 15 min and if I can't find something we will just go with VT. Well, he found airfare & hotel for $500 less! AND.... since it's the Disneyland Paris Hotel- it also comes with free tickets to both parks for each day. Now, we aren't going for Disney but will go one day with the free tix. Plus the entrance is RIGHT in front of the hotel- so we could just pop in for 30 min. Also, guests get the park 2 hrs before it is open to the public!). We are also right near the metro and can be in downtown paris in 20 min. The rooms are bigger and the place is kid friendly. (they also have a spa!:)) We got EuroStar train tickets (the bullet one that goes under the Water bridge) to London in 2 hrs. That way one day will be spent in London. I am excited. We haven't been anywhere since Quebec LAST anniv. in July. (We've spent EVERY week in NC) Buying some new clothes... for all 3 of us.

Hey, what was the name of the suitcase you guys were ranting and raving about?

Here's the photo of Nelson that I had made before he lost his first teeth! He has 3 loose ones, so I am really glad now that I got them taken. : )

More later... peasout.. Laura

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Finally a few minutes to read and respond. Probably haven't read all the posts that I've missed, but I'll give it a shot.

Janet, your pics are great. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun even if it was cold. How nice to bundle up in front of a fire...I'd be dying now if there was fire....it too hot!!

Linda, when you get ready to go to Italy, I'll go with you. I've been wanting to see Italy for a while now and it just hasn't happened. "if you stay on the path you will succeed, no matter how long it takes you as long as you don't step off the path you will eventually finish."

I love this saying...I just cut and pasted it to a document to print and look at periodically.

LauraK, glad to hear DD is doing alright. I'm also impressed the moving company is willing to give her money back for not having her furniture. I wonder where they put it in the mean time or if they sent it to New York or something. So now I just read your DD is getting her stuff YEAH!

Cheri, Vegas is still going to be hot in October (more than likely) They have the same weather we do in Tucson. You can wear anything you want in Vegas...doesn't matter there. As far as driving away with your purse on your car instead of in your car......uh.....I don't know about the rest of you, but I've done that before plus a lot of other stuff. I'm pretty smart too, but my mind isn't always on what I'm doing....it's hard to be focused on the present moment all the time. We project, rehash, dwell and many other things on the events that occurred and on things that need to be done. It's life, don't sweat it.

Charlene, it is tough when you try and cut back to that 900-1100 calorie level, even though we aren't eating as much as we did before banding, it's really easy to eat just enough calories to maintain...not loose. Ugh, I really understand the struggles.

Joyce, I don't think you should be PBing that much...but then again, I've done it, but I know it's because I'm not chewing enough and eating too fast. My fill works just fine when I do. But if you are too tight, you can damage your stomach and should have that looked at. So now I've read you had a bit of an unfill...good luck. I'm sure you'll do just fine.

Julie, sounds like you had a nice day at the zoo with your girls. That's cool. Glad to hear you're getting closer to that referral. It sure would be nice for you to enjoy life without the drugs...they can be really rough on you and they tweak your thinking after a while. I agree with you about opening up the house...I love being able to do that, but it was 95 degrees at 6:30 this morning...a/c running as I type.

Lori...congratulations to your DD, how exciting! I wish the best to her and her DH. How exciting about Paris too!! Wow, you must really like to fly to endure all that time for such a little time in Paris, but I bet I would do it too given the opportunity. Lori, you keep coloring your hair until you don't want too. It's not based on age or grandma status, it's something you do for you. I think you are still young and your hair reflects that.

Linda, wow $15 for a pedicure, not here, at least not any of the places I've gone. And you being blond is an advantage as far as hair color. Blonds go grey much more easily, it just sort of blends in and looks good and if you stay blond, it looks great too. I'm with Lori and the single digit humidity...I can tell the difference when it hits 10%.

Laura, Wow a trip to Europe...of course you know what a travel pig I am...I'm envious. You are going to have so much fun! How long will you be there? Nels is going to love it too.

Melissa, sorry about the UTI, those are no fun. Hope the "infection" thing clears up. Those antibiotics can make you feel as bad as the problem. As far as your boss goes, at least with email, you don't have to look her in the face and you can ignore the email-at least for a while.

Phyl, sounds like therapy is giving you a real workout. I love to be able to sleep soundly because I'm tired. So Zoey is an "it" now. Such an important thing. I love my animals, but don't want multiples. Too bad I can't spay the tortoises. If I can keep them separated, then I shouldn't have to worry about little ones in a couple of years.

Hello to anyone I've missed.

I'm not lost, just busy...will post again sometime this weekend.


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Congrats on the grandparent thing. My kids call me Gramma Cheri to distinguish me from other grandparents. I like Gramma. Got to see 4 grandchildren yesterday. Two boys during the afternoon and 2 girls at night. Totally different play. The boys played and fought over cars and loved Water balloons and squirt guns. The 3 yr. old kept saying "poopy pants" to the 5 yr old while we were in the car and they kept laughing uproariously. The girls played dress up and we did go out on gd's new swingset, and they played cooking meals with gd's "kitchen". Both girls would come and tell me very nicely when the other one wouldn't share or take turns. The boys were much more likely to duke it out. LOL.

My DIL called this morning to thank me for babysitting and to tell me that my GD cried this morning when she realized that I wasn't still there. She fell asleep in my arms last night. I don't get to see that GD all that often so that was really special.

Got a wedding of a co-worker to go to this afternoon. Gotta shower and give myself a pedi.

As far as gray hair, I know some women around my age with beautiful gray hair or salt and pepper hair. They are gorgeous and I don't think it makes them look older, just elegant. I think it depends on the color of the gray, and the features and skin tone etc. of the person. I don't like the way permanant dye damages my hair. I'm wearing it really long and I apply a glaze after shampooing that puts a little yellow into my gray. Under most lights, my hair looks like its been heavily hi-lighted with ash-blonde. I never have roots. Sometimes it looks more gray, especially when I wear gray and silver, but my glasses are silver and when I put on silver jewelry, my hair is becomes another accessory. When I put it up it looks grayer; when I let it down it looks more blonde. Actually its kind of fun. It's multi-colored which is a very natural look which I like better than the all-one color that you tend to get when you dye your hair.

So its a personal choice.


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Melissa, sorry about the UTI, those are no fun. Hope the "infection" thing clears up. Those antibiotics can make you feel as bad as the problem. As far as your boss goes, at least with email, you don't have to look her in the face and you can ignore the email-at least for a while.


Eva - That is so true LOL you made my day:biggrin:

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That looks very nice Lori...grass really does make a yard pleasant. I bet the dogs are thrilled or are they allowed on it yet.

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I am so thrilled with my Water recycling project. Having the washer outside is sort of a pain, but I can live with it for a while until I get the shed built or purchased. Then we can work on getting the washer moved to it's future home. I was able to water plants in the front yard today just by siphoning from the tank. It's a lot of water going down the drain and city water rates just went up, so if I can wash my clothes and water the ornamental plants, seems like a good deal to me and worth having the washer outside for a while. It's under the eaves of the house so it isn't totally exposed.

We have been on the go for days again. I'm so burned out today, I haven't been able to really get anything done. All I want to do is sleep. But I'm on the last load of laundry (all in one day, I'm not used to that) and I've been able to catch up with you all. I guess that is good. Okay, maybe a nap is a good thing.



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So I am watching a taped Dr. Phil and the question is posed: What would you do if you had only 24 hours to live?

I IMMEDIATELY thought--I'd get a complete unfill.

Am I an addict or what?

Just spent an hour sliming from 1/2 of a pork chop. Other times, no problem at all. I cannot predict when it comes to the Protein. Hate that.


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So I am watching a taped Dr. Phil and the question is posed: What would you do if you had only 24 hours to live?

I IMMEDIATELY thought--I'd get a complete unfill.

Am I an addict or what?

Just spent an hour sliming from 1/2 of a pork chop. Other times, no problem at all. I cannot predict when it comes to the Protein. Hate that.


I am the same way with the Protein One day you are great the next you can't leave the resturant without going to the bathroom

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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