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Drive by - just to let you all know home safe & sound - at work so you know how that goes when you been gone a couple of days...

Will post tonite and upload pics ..

Had a great time !!!

HI, thanks Janet for the TEXT that you were home safe!!!:tt2::tt1:

At the Hotel now, will kill some time on teh computer until my flight... Linda and I had a gread night, shopping and then watched "Its Complicated" with Meryl Streep and Steve Martin... it was really cute.

I slept like a LOG (of course) and Linda had to call the desk and complain aabout some noise makers next to our room...

Ladies, what a great weekend. I know you'll all have as great a time in Oct at your VEGAS retreat!!

Right now, I don't think I'll be coming... so if somebody wants the couch spot.. pls don't hold it for me.

Phyl and I were first to be at the airport on CANADA DAY, so we met Janet with OUR Canada Sweatshirts on, plus our lovely designer EYEWEAR!!! :blink: :thumbup: You should have seen JANET'S face when she came through the gate.... "who are those doe-does in the funny clothes...hummm they must be for those GUYS over there... cause they are waving at them....:thumbup:

HA, nope... its US janet!!! Phyl and Me!!! We got quite a few looks and laughs:tongue:

The party continued, and we went to costco to shop for Kitchen things for the weekend... oh my... a group of compulsive overeaters all in the same house for the weekend!!!! You shoulda seen the FRIDGE....LOL

By dribs and drabs everyone finally arrived, we had a Bday party, and a FOURTH of July party... it was awesome... I love visiting your country...!!! And I always feel so welcomed...

Nice Fire pit on the 4th, after the morning PARADE... all the little kiddies on the Island Lane, rode past on little decorated wagons, Golf carts... all decked out in Red White and Blue.. it was fantastic.

Well, I should go and check into my flight, and print off my boarding pas...

more later

Candice (aka Peaches):thumbup:

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Pam, do please follow through with the Dr.s apptmt. Persistant pain can lead to over-eating and the throwing up can't be too good for your band.

Melissa, I know you are a woman of faith, so I suggest that you pray first for the Lord's guidance, and that you trust that he will provide for all your needs no matter what happens.

I know its scary to stand up for yourself when you need the income so badly and are afraid you'll lose your job if you speak up. But it is not God's will for your life for you to be miserable nor does he want you to be a doormat. Quite the contrary. He wants you to be the best Melissa you can be.

To that end, you probably need to do something. If you're afraid to speak out, how about writing down what you need to say? Perhaps the best way is to just leave when you've done your 8 hrs no matter what is left undone. I'm sure a lot of what you do is not a priority. Get the most important and the most urgent things done. Then, if there's time, work on the less important or not urgent things.If your boss questions you about it just say there was no time and you'll get at it when there is-or when they pay you overtime to do it.

Some people keep a log of everything they did and how much time they spent doing it. When your boss demands to know why you didn't get at something, show her the log. If you got interrupted to do another task, make sure your note that in your log. Give the log to HR and to your boss everyday if need be.

You may need to sit down with HR and your boss to list all the things you're responsible for and ask your boss to prioritize what actually needs to be done that day and in what order.

Treat it as a problem you need to resolve together. If you get your boss' input, she'll more likely cooperate.

I had a great weekend. I cancelled all tutoring Monday because that's my husband's day off. We went to see "Knight and Day." It was good. I like action flicks and this one was funny, too. But with the new technology and people's faces magnified in sharp detail, you could really see every pore, pimple, and wrinkle. I feel sorry for today's actresses. We also ate dinner at a restaurant on a lakefront and spent some time reading at Border's. I don't like to buy books that are expensive, but I'll "visit" them while having a cup of coffee.< /p>

I went to my daughter on Saturday and kept her 3 and 5 yr. old sons occupied while she got some work done. We finished that evening by going to my sister's cottage which is less than a mile away and we went out on their boat onto the lake to see fireworks. I also took in a parade on Sunday afternoon (hotter than blazes out) with them and then after Josh's nap we all went to the local Cedar Lake mini-fest. It was wrist band day (unlimited rides for $15) and she took one kid and I took the other on age-appropriate rides.

It was a nice 4th and very, very hot which is pretty much the case this time of the year.

Linda, I can't wait till our Illinois sweet corn comes in. I love the bi-colored. Nothing like home-grown eaten the same day its picked. Yum! The corn was more than knee-high by the 4th of July with all the rain we've had and now the heat.

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Well I am home from shopping and the surgery seminar. Both were successful! LOL I got a bag full of bargains, all the marked down stuff at the Loft was an additional 50% off. I got a pair of jeans, 4 tshirts and 2 sweaters for $100. Next the seminar. Seeing all those people coming in for the semiar brought back bitter memories for me and how I felt going to mine. I felt hopeless, wondering if this too was going to lead to failure, yet I was so desperate and sick and tired of being so fat and out of shape. I left feeling hopeful. I could see so many of those feelings in those folks eyes. The dietician gave the seminar so I didn't get to meet the surgeons they were hung up in surgery. But the dietician looked so familiar. Then afterwards I talked to her about already being a lap band patient and in need of follow up care, when I mentioned moving from Denver, she asked if I was Mandy's mom. This gal was one of my DD's good friends from HS. Then someone heard me say I had the band and I got more questions than she did, they wanted to hear all about it. I have an appt on Thurs. afternoon with the surgeon and I think I am going to ask about a fill. This last bit they took out I think was too much. I am really struggling lately. And taht was evident when I tried on clothes at Ann Taylor Loft. Things were tight and some not even fitting. That has to stop now.

Linda, you say you have an 8 yr plan to be out of there. Where will you go?? I have an 8 yr plan as well to hopefully be back in Denver.

Janet, glad you had a great time!

Peaches, thanks for the update! Hope it works out you can join us in Vegas. You sound like a very fun person!

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Well I am home from shopping and the surgery seminar. Both were successful! LOL I got a bag full of bargains, all the marked down stuff at the Loft was an additional 50% off. I got a pair of jeans, 4 tshirts and 2 sweaters for $100. Next the seminar. Seeing all those people coming in for the semiar brought back bitter memories for me and how I felt going to mine. I felt hopeless, wondering if this too was going to lead to failure, yet I was so desperate and sick and tired of being so fat and out of shape. I left feeling hopeful. I could see so many of those feelings in those folks eyes. The dietician gave the seminar so I didn't get to meet the surgeons they were hung up in surgery. But the dietician looked so familiar. Then afterwards I talked to her about already being a LAP-BAND® patient and in need of follow up care, when I mentioned moving from Denver, she asked if I was Mandy's mom. This gal was one of my DD's good friends from HS. Then someone heard me say I had the band and I got more questions than she did, they wanted to hear all about it. I have an appt on Thurs. afternoon with the surgeon and I think I am going to ask about a fill. This last bit they took out I think was too much. I am really struggling lately. And taht was evident when I tried on clothes at Ann Taylor Loft. Things were tight and some not even fitting. That has to stop now.

Linda, you say you have an 8 yr plan to be out of there. Where will you go?? I have an 8 yr plan as well to hopefully be back in Denver.

Janet, glad you had a great time!

Peaches, thanks for the update! Hope it works out you can join us in Vegas. You sound like a very fun person!

Lori, you'll get those pounds off!! Just keep working the program. My 8 year plan (and I hope sooner) is to get rid of everything, buy a motor home and get out of here and just travel and stop where ever we want and enjoy life!!!


Peaches, safe travels home - thanks for the update -- glad you all had a great time, I loved all the pics on FB.


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Lori, you'll get those pounds off!! Just keep working the program. My 8 year plan (and I hope sooner) is to get rid of everything, buy a motor home and get out of here and just travel and stop where ever we want and enjoy life!!!


Peaches, safe travels home - thanks for the update -- glad you all had a great time, I loved all the pics on FB.


Now that sounds fun! I've thought it would be neat to do that for a bit after retirement. Of course you'd now have to travel through all the LBTers home towns! LOL

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Wonderful to read all the updates. Sounds like life is back to normal after the holidays.

Spent the day with DGD and bought her a beta with Water lily for her salon. Also spoke to accountant about her books. Wonderful day together.

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We're the same age and that would be my 8 yr. plan also. Except my husband is 5 yrs. older than me so we'll have to see where we're at when I'm 62 whether I can take early retirement or not.

We might keep a permanant lot here where the kids live which would allow us to work part-time and travel when we felt like it.

Man proposes, God disposes, or The best laid plans of mice and men have all gone agley (haywire).

One never knows. Having a plan is good as long as its not set in concrete.

Another really hot day with humidity. But windy. Clouding over. May have a storm. I'm watering my grass today because of the week of high temps and no rain.

I can't believe I'm going to be working every day of the week into August. I won't have much time off before the next school year starts. But I like to be busy and I like being out of the house. Actually helps keep me from eating. Boredom is a huge hunger trigger for me. And I do love tutoring and during the summer I do more one on one stuff which I really enjoy. My groups during the school year tend to range from 6-12 students which makes giving the kids the individual instruction they need a lot harder.

THink I'll walk and then get back on learning the Interactive Metronome for tomorrow's first session of tutoring on it. I'm beginning to feel more competent on it and confident I can handle it.


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Hey gang!.....just checking in. I did 9,000 steps today. Now, if I can get to 10,000 steps I will be normal.....right? One of my non weight goals (homework for nutrition class) is to de-clutter my house. I cleaned all my kitchen drawers today. I did the cabinets last week. Now, I am moving on to my closet. There is plenty to clean out. I got rid of all my 3x's last summer. Time to get out the 2x's. I am still a 1x(16-18), but I want the x out of my clothing. I Will get it out!

I am weighing in tomorrow. I don't think I lost..... will check in tomorrow. HUGS!

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Hey guys~

Just got caught up on everyone. Been busy this week. Nelson started his new art camp (they do other things besides art) and he loves it. nice change. Went to the Jupiter inlet yesterday after camp and the kids were swimming in the lagoon and a manatee came in and swam near them! The lifeguard said this only happens very rarely and it's when they are feeling peaceful. Nelson said it was the best day of his entire life! I had just been thinking to myself how tired I was and how much work I had to do at home, blah blah... and that one statement and event brought everything back to reality for me. Sometimes you just have to LIVE LIFE! It was a beautiful moment.

Did I tell you guys we changed our plans for vacation? We were supposed to go to Vermont... and DH was about to book it and said "hell, we could go to Paris for this amount!" So, one thing lead to another... and we are going to Paris fpr a week. I just think foreign travel is one of the biggest gifts you can give kids. It makes memories that last forever! One of the days we will take the EuroStar train (underwater fast train) to London for a day. I am so excited I can hardly stand myself. I will pass out from stress if I realize I have only 10 days to get us ready!!! YIKES.

Glad to hear Phyl and Janet had fun on their trip. Apples, you back yet? Lori, cool to hear about the info session and meeting the DD friend/nutri. Small world. Melissa, HUGS. Linda, great advice to everyone. : )

I need to go- someone is shooting fireworks again tonight and Nels just woke up freaking out. uggghhhhh. rednecks. The fireworks were 50% off at biglots today.

more tomorrow...

peasout... Laura

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You want to hear God laugh? Tell him your plans. I went outside to move the sprinkler and go for a walk but the sky started sprinkling, I heard distant thunder, and then the heavens were opened and poured more rain in 15 minutes than I sprinkled all afternoon. LOL.

So, no walk tonight. I don't sleep well if I walk too late in the evening. So I continued doing my training on the IM. I think I'm ready for tomorrow.

I'll get up early and go through everything I have to do on the computer as a final run through. First student at 8 a.m., then another at 9 a.m. and another at 10--my grandson.

Great food today. Being busy all day and all evening really helps. I also haven't been around food. My house has no treats. Really helps.


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Laura, You are so right about travel memories for kids. We had so many kids we couldn't take big vacations, but I did send them on school trips. My friend took her DD to Europe every year to a different country. Now, her DD is a buyer for Academy and travels to Europe and China several times a year. I think all those memories paid off.

Now, living in Texas I know a little bit about rednecks. They spend their checks mainly on BEER, BEER, and more BEER! UGH! And then fireworks.

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Las Vegas counts as a foreign country, doesn't it?

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It was pretty foreign when I was just there. lol

Janet & Phyl, loved the pics on face book.

Lori, Way to go on the deals & the seminar.


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Think Karen will be gone until July 11or 12. Miss her.

Welcome back, Janet.

Bought DGD a beta for her salon - with the vase that holds Water peace lily on top. To entertain her customers. Had such a great day with her.

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Hey gang!.....just checking in. I did 9,000 steps today. Now, if I can get to 10,000 steps I will be normal.....right? One of my non weight goals (homework for nutrition class) is to de-clutter my house. I cleaned all my kitchen drawers today. I did the cabinets last week. Now, I am moving on to my closet. There is plenty to clean out. I got rid of all my 3x's last summer. Time to get out the 2x's. I am still a 1x(16-18), but I want the x out of my clothing. I Will get it out!

I am weighing in tomorrow. I don't think I lost..... will check in tomorrow. HUGS!

Charlene...wtg ! that is great....9000 steps. I need to buy me one of those pedometers. I was going to the High School stadium and walking everynight, my son and dil even bought me a new mp3 to use while walking, haven't walked in several weeks. I think I will set alarm and get up early and go walk.......think I will?:confused:

Will post when I get home and let you know how many laps I went around. We are expecting rain tho, so may not be able to make it.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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