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Eva, gorgeous agaves. Looks like your hair has a lot of red in it. Lightening up color is often very flattering as we age. Love the pic in front of the waterfall.

I agree the head on shots (and not too close) are generally more flattering as we get older. I know I was astonished at how flattering the pics my husband took of me were. They were at just the right angle.

I've been working on ways to put my hair up without damaging it. Bought several different clips. I have very slippery hair. Some of the grey is really corkscrew now, some is straight and fine and soft. Some of my hair is wavy. I still have a lot of it. I use a tinted conditioner to put a little yellow in the grey. The color depends on the lighting. Hair is definitely a tricky thing.

Julie, I tripped over my grandson and fell trying not to hurt him and screwed my neck up again. But with all I've read about myofasciatis I used my anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxer, hot baths lying flat on my back in the tub, hot showers, and I've been applying acupressure myself at the base of the neck and working down the muscle knots to my shoulder. Does your masseuse do acupressure? I saw that recommended frequently in the literature. They feel for the knots with the trigger points and apply pressure rather than massage. I'm amazed at how the muscles lay down and the pain subsides.

Stress and emotional eating. We've all been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt. I have to say, I'm catching myself earlier and stopping much sooner.

Blogging or journaling are a great way to deal with it instead of eating. So is posting on here.

Women have a tendancy to internalize feelings, especially anger which they misinterpret as feeling hurt when the appropriate response to mistreatment and injustice should be anger. I heard someone once say that we are enraged by many things over which we should actually be outraged. Learning to express anger appropriately and let it out in healthy, non-destructive ways is important in the recovery process. I've read that depression is really anger turned inward.

I've learned that its OK to be mad even at God. He/she's big enough to handle it. And is just as outraged over injustice as we should be. I used to write letters to God where I poured it all out, my thoughts, my feelings, etc. "Oh God, what you doing with my life?" "OK God, what's up with that?" "I really messed up God, you'd better love me because I don't think anybody else does." "God, why do you let me say things that other people misinterpret? Is this ADHD ever going to stop affecting my relationships?" "Lord, why don't you take away this craving for food? Is this my 'thorn in the flesh'? Am I always going to have to fight it?"

And, of course, the answer always is, "I love you child, and I'll walk with you through it. You're not alone. I made you and I don't make junk."


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Eva, Love the pics, not sure which one more. You look radiant in front of that falls. You know I love the plants, I can't believe how tall those agave flower spikes are.


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I started chaning my eating the day I went for my first consult. Lost 25 lbs before surg date. I think it made it easier for me to do the 10 liquids, mushies, and then onwards. I figured I was in this all the way or not at all. I didn't get the concept of "last supper". I still crave sugar at times but not the breads.

You can do this, you are already ahead of the game by staying with these ladies and posting.

Congrats to Nels for graduation.

Charlene, you are amazing being able to do the shakes all this time.


LauraK - I think for some of us going to the extreme of having surgery - was our light switch flipping on.. Then for me the weight loss came from not dieting but eating healthy and moving and now - I feel just too good to go backwards. I wish so much that I could make pple see that..

My DIL is most likely 280 if not more - my poor little Brooke is like 80 lbs and she's 6 yrs old - It's killing me - today I told DS I want you to do something for me - he said what - I want you to quit killing Brooke w/love (food)...

I guess they eat pizza w/ranch dressed - DIL pops ups it's lite dressing - well ya it might be light but if you eat half the bottle it's not light and if you just skip thoses extra calories - it will all add up

She had taught Brooke to eat like her - STARCHES FATS SUGAR - just cuz it's yummy - well ya it might be yummy but do you want your dd to grow up morbidity obese and depressed as you are..

You guys just don't know how much this is killing me - even when I was morbidity obese - I didn't feed my DS or Grandkids like I ate - I knew what I was doing was wrong - I didn't want them to be like me - as most of us know being the fat girl in school is really really hard..

DIL said oh she rather not eat pizza if she can't have ranch dressing on it - 0mg she need help..

DS promised to take Brooke bike riding in the mornings - to feed her more fruit - less starches... DS has lost about 40 lbs which I am glad of..

They went to see DIL mom today - then stupid dil pops up w/I guess no Johnny Rockets (some greasy fast food place) - I told Brooke small hamburger but no fries and that's she's suppose to eat healthy cuz I love her and don't want her to get diabetes - heart disease and I want her healthy and I don't want kids to make fun of her..

She understands

They just got home so I gotTA GO - but my Brooke didn't eat chilli cheese fries - cuz La La says they are unhealthy and she's eating healthy !!!! WTG Brooke ~~~ I will reply later =

Love to all

Laura - give Nels a kiss and congrats from me. Party sounded wonderful.

Anxious to hear from Julie with results of CT scan.

Helped GD with books for her salon today. Then out to dinner with friends tonight.

Janet - I'll take the wind and skip the heat. We would make a good pair.

Good weekends to all my friends here.

Hey Ladies,

Sorry I have been MIA feeling down I just found out I have a UTI which explains so much. I have a bitchy boss sorry but some woman suck as bosses they micro manage too much wanting to prove them self to there male counter parts and it is driving me insane.

Anyways I am here just down and my job sucks but what is a girl to do I went from taking customer service calls (sucked) to being an admin which I love except for my newest boss she did not hire me another woman did but she left to go back to her old job and I think because of the boss I have now. UUUGGGGG

can't tlk about my food and excerise okay it is bad very bad I guess hat is where the UTI is coming from.

I just want to hide under a rock I am losing my battle and gaining:crying::(:crying::(:crying::biggrin:

Kurby...it does take time to retrain your brain....some of us seem to never learn, but you can be aware of what's going on and use the tools made available. I still struggle with my food demons, but there are great days where everything works just fine.

Laura, congrats on getting Nels through his FIRST graduation. Glad you checked in...I was getting worried about you and was going to call.

Janet, you do get your point across and quite well by the way. Enjoying your visit with your kids? It's so true ....doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.....I have those illusions now and then.

Joyce, I'm with you and Janet....I'll take the heat over the wind any day. Yesterday it was so windy we couldn't see the mountains....the mountains are close. Today it's breezy, nice, not awful windy and cooler. Amazingly cooler since it's only in the 80's right now (10:30am). Sounds like you have a very nice day planned. Enjoy your dinner.

Melissa...my boss's boss sounds like your boss (does that make sense?). She is micro managing us from Phoenix and doing a very crappy job of it. It's the source of 75% of my stress at work. So sorry about the UTI...you on meds for that now? When your life calms down, your food and exercise will come back into line. If you stress about it, it just makes it worse (I know). Hang in there friend....life sucks sometimes, but we are here for you and there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm a firm believer in your type of boss doesn't last forever.

Everyone is probably busy this weekend....here too, but I thought I'd try and catch up now because who knows how the rest of the weekend is going to go.

So this is the weekend the one sister is packing up her house to put it on the market and then go to Florida. The other sister (the one from Phoenix) is down to help her and I'm being the gopher, chef, etc. I hired a friend from work's daughter who is unemployed to help my sister pack. The daughter has no transportation so we have to get her and take her back to the bus station. She lives about 45 minutes away and so her mom and I decided she can ride the bus between so neither of us have to drive so far to get her and drop her off. Complicated.

I have to work on a drawing that needs to be done Tuesday and do my other weekend chores. I'm also cooking pork to make pulled pork for a party next weekend. When it's done, I'll freeze it 'till next week.

I got my hair cut and colored yesterday. I had it cut a lot shorter and had it colored a much lighter color with highlights. It looks great. Tried to take pictures, but they don't look so good...you can't really tell what my hair looks like color wise. I may post them anyway.

I'm the only one on line....weird. Anyway, guess I'll go work on those chores.


Hey everyone, I'm back again..... I worked hard after the funeral on Wednesday and made 12 pans of apple crisp... then make 15# of coleslaw... DD came to help me mix it up. I made the dressing and she put it together so I didn't overdo myself.... Thursday had to go have the CT ............ took me longer to take my clothes off than to have the CT...... Got home in time to get all the things to our hall (city place to hold events) to get ready for the supper for 150 I had organized. I tried to just sit and supervise, but, yes, Linda, it's very hard.... So, I was pooped by the time we were done and I got home.... Rested in my chair a bit and then brother from SD came to stay as he had to make a seed delivery in the area... Fed him a late supper and then finally went to bed... Up early to go see GP at 8:30...... She upgraded my muscle relaxor to a stronger one and agreed to try to get me into Mayo..... but she wants me to follow up with the other neurosurgeon just to see what he says..... Did a little shopping and found an area rug I wanted.... It's a piece of carpet that will be professionally edged and should look great in my new room...... Took one of the new muscle relaxor and it kicked my but.... I answered phone calls that I don't remember and fell asleep on the phone with my mother... Going to have to be careful of them!!!! I did sleep okay last night and the pain in bearable now... Haven't had any attacks the last 3 days.... I'm so glad of that... Oh, and the CT came back clear..... He also told me my band looked fine.....

So, today I slept in a bit.. DH put on the first coat of paint on the wall that is left to paint.. Now he is out in the garage ..took everything out to clean the floor as we will hold the pie and ice cream social in it next Saturday.... Lots of work.... But the big stuff now means way less to do next Friday..... Now I have to finish my class reunion details and organized the ice cream social.............

Making supper for some friends tonight... One is having brain surgery on Tuesday at mayo and thought we should have a little get-to-gether before they leave.. Just doing a simple supper... Pepper Steak with onions, baked potatoes, lettuce salad, a vegetable of some sort, and a strawberry pound cake torte for dessert... All simple.... Don't need to clean house as they all know it looks torn up right now.... Will catch the bathroom at some point.... Already had a nap today so need to get busy...

Melissa, you hang in there........ things are going to get better..... Have faith and keep talking to us.....

Oops, there goes my doorbell.......TTYL..... Julie

ocotillo - that's a very nice pic of you in front of the waterfall.

i had a slightly better food day today.

i had a small (usually large) bowl of raisin bran for Breakfast then at lunch i shared 1 appy (i know we'll soon forget all about them) with dh and dd instead of one each and shared a chicken sandwich with dd with Tomato Soup instead of fries.

it may not have been the most nutritious meal but the portions are so much smaller then they used to be.

Happy Saturday. Just got done catching up here. On Wed night I decided to go to Denver for the day on Thurs. so I got up at 330am and took the 6am flight. Got to Denver at 8 and then took the hotel van to my daughters work (at a hotel) and picked up her car and got Grandma and spent the day with her. Went to my son's Walmart to see him and he had lunch with us and then decided to spend the night at DD's and came home yesterday. It was nice to go back but hard as well. I cried when I got to Denver when I realized I wasn't going home but was coming to visit. But it helped to see Grandma was doing okay too.

Arlene, I just bought some of that Carbmaster yogurt but haven't had any yet, glad to read you liked it.

Julie, glad the CAt scan was clear and this dr is going to help you get into Mayo. Are you sure all your doing for others isn't causing you more pain? Your menus sound yummy! what is pepper steak??

Janet, sounds like a fun weekend with the family!

Jodi, glad to hear you will come to Vegas. We'll keep you strong and away from him!

Eva, I went to those falls a few years ago, climbed about half way up and couldn't make it to the top. Did you?? Maybe now I could that I've lost the weight! It was beautiful there. Like the hair too!

Joyce, can your landscapers come here and give me a backyard?? We have mud right now. Though am getting a patio poured on Wed.

Laura, congrats to Nels, enjoy these years it will be his HS graduation in what will seem like the blink of an eye.

Melissa, my dd has the same type of woman boss in fact she's had several in her line of work and it's always trouble. I'd much rather have a man boss myself. I don't know if that's politically correct of me to say in this day and age though.

DD & I got our hair cut and colored the other day, too. I really like mine.. blonde highlights. Turned out good... didn't like the way she styled it, but cut was good and I fixed it my way the next day. So I like it just fine. Didn't get it as short as I've been keeping it the past few years. DD didn't care for hers though... can't see any highlights in it at all... and she charged her $100, plus she tipped her a 20 because it was DGS's girlfriend who did it! I wasn't THAT generous! She gave me a 40% discount... I think because it was my first time there.. so $66 and I gave her $75. Helping support the girlfriend because DD & SIL want DGS OUT of the house by July 1!! They're suppsed to be moving in together, but... we're not supposed to know this. We get our info off of the girlfriend's FB page, or from DGD!!! LOL

So.... DD came over with my sweet grandpuppy, Gigi, and we took a long walk. Later... as she was leaving.... my DH, who does NOT want a dog, asked if Gigi could please stay here for a while and we'll bring her home later!!! Go figure! He'd love it if we had a dog! And I'm getting in lots of walking today!! Just walked her around the whole condo complex again!

Seriously??? Threw away all the clothes you wore that day!!??

That's funny!

Anyway.... I think I look better if I tilt my chin DOWN and to the side a little! Why no profiles?? Interesting info from a photographer! He must know what he is talking about!


Eva, gorgeous agaves. Looks like your hair has a lot of red in it. Lightening up color is often very flattering as we age. Love the pic in front of the waterfall.

I agree the head on shots (and not too close) are generally more flattering as we get older. I know I was astonished at how flattering the pics my husband took of me were. They were at just the right angle.

I've been working on ways to put my hair up without damaging it. Bought several different clips. I have very slippery hair. Some of the grey is really corkscrew now, some is straight and fine and soft. Some of my hair is wavy. I still have a lot of it. I use a tinted conditioner to put a little yellow in the grey. The color depends on the lighting. Hair is definitely a tricky thing.

Julie, I tripped over my grandson and fell trying not to hurt him and screwed my neck up again. But with all I've read about myofasciatis I used my anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxer, hot baths lying flat on my back in the tub, hot showers, and I've been applying acupressure myself at the base of the neck and working down the muscle knots to my shoulder. Does your masseuse do acupressure? I saw that recommended frequently in the literature. They feel for the knots with the trigger points and apply pressure rather than massage. I'm amazed at how the muscles lay down and the pain subsides.

Stress and emotional eating. We've all been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt. I have to say, I'm catching myself earlier and stopping much sooner.

Blogging or journaling are a great way to deal with it instead of eating. So is posting on here.

Women have a tendancy to internalize feelings, especially anger which they misinterpret as feeling hurt when the appropriate response to mistreatment and injustice should be anger. I heard someone once say that we are enraged by many things over which we should actually be outraged. Learning to express anger appropriately and let it out in healthy, non-destructive ways is important in the recovery process. I've read that depression is really anger turned inward.

I've learned that its OK to be mad even at God. He/she's big enough to handle it. And is just as outraged over injustice as we should be. I used to write letters to God where I poured it all out, my thoughts, my feelings, etc. "Oh God, what you doing with my life?" "OK God, what's up with that?" "I really messed up God, you'd better love me because I don't think anybody else does." "God, why do you let me say things that other people misinterpret? Is this ADHD ever going to stop affecting my relationships?" "Lord, why don't you take away this craving for food? Is this my 'thorn in the flesh'? Am I always going to have to fight it?"

And, of course, the answer always is, "I love you child, and I'll walk with you through it. You're not alone. I made you and I don't make junk."


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Janet, good for you speaking up. It's really hard on kids being obese. I know I was one of them. Even now, when so many kids are, they still have it rough. Brooke has seen you change and can understand you know what you are talking about.

Lori, glad you had a good visit with your Grandma and kids. It's so tough not to be with the ones you love, but you are fortunate to be able to "pop" over there and visit. It's a long and expensive ordeal for me to get to Colorado. For some reason, air-fare has always been pricey from Tucson to Colorado Springs or Denver, then it's the rental car and hotel rooms. It's a 14+ hour drive for me and I usually do that in 2 days...so it's time or money.

Thanks for the compliments on the hair...I really like it and the color is a little wilder than I normally do, so I like that too.

We just got back from a surprise BD party for a 30 year old. His wife had a little surprise party for him and it worked out great. Obviously it was a pretty young crowd, but they are great bunch of kids. I really enjoyed it.

I'm working on shredding pork, so I guess I'll get back to it for a while. Hope everyone has a great night.

Phyl, post a picture of your hair color!


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IndioGirl i know exactly what your saying about your granddaughter.

thank gaud my daughter has her body type from dh's side and not mine - she's almost 5 tall and only 38 lbs. my gf's grand daughter is 2 (ya she was only 17 when she had her child and that child was 22 when she had this baby) and she's already almost 50lbs. i was shocked when i heard that.

i've tried very hard to make sure my dd doesn't eat the same crap i did. even still i say no all the time to her having chocolate bars, gum, sweets. on occasion i'll say yes but it's a treat and she knows it. she likes yogurt, fruit, carrots (ya she's strange LOL) cucumbers, shrimp, crab the list goes on. all things i hate.

dh is a chef and LOVES food - so does dd and she loves healthy foods she just doesn't know it :(

i'm really really hoping that she'll continue and that i'll start eating better in front of her.

i told her the other day that i wasn't going to be this big for much longer because i was going to start getting healthy and thinner.

she took hold of my belly fat and said nooo mummy i love you i love your belly it's squishy. gotta love her eh.

i couldn't even think of leading her down the horrible fat path i have found myself and can't for the life of me understand why my friend is doing that to her grandchild (she is raising her granddaughter) and she's no skinny minny so she knows what it's like to be over weight and get called names.

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Phyl, forgot to ask, what's the Majong game? I play one but wonder if it's the same one.

Joyce, interesting about no profiles. HMMMM I figure if I can hide half my face LOL

New Mah jongg game I'm playing is on the Fandango site. Was actually looking up movies when I accidentally found it!!

Here's a really funny picture of me and one of my "grandpuppies" from this afternoon. Don't know if you can see the new hair clor very well or not... but I love it. This silly dog is one of DD's outside dogs, Misty... she was jealous because Gigi was getting so much lap time and hugs from Grandma, so she decided she'd get some, too. She was in my face licking me and I was hugging her and talking to her and first up came the front legs, and next thing I knew she had her back legs on my lap, too. DD & I were laughing so hard she could barely get her phone out to take this picture!!

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Janet, I know what you mean about passing the obese trait down. My son had LAP-BAND® four years ago and lost 120lbs. He has gained it all back and more. Now, my GD and GS are going to be the fat kids in school if my son does not get himself in control. They eat out at least five times a week. You know when you even eat healthy in a restaurant it is still packed with fat and sodium. I am not saying a word because I taught my son how to eat bad.........makes me feel bad.

Well, another big baby shower back in my hometown. Ugh! There are over a 100 invites so I spent all day saturday baking Neiman Marcus Bars and Crescent Roll Bars. I only ate eggbeaters in the morning and a shake in the evening, but I gained 2lbs......what's up with that? I did walk 2 miles and did 7,000 steps for the day. Oh, and I made a baby hooded towel.... and embroidered it and a blanket. I think my body has gone into starvation mode. I am sure I will drop a few today. After this shower........I am definitely hanging up my shower cap. No more hostessing big showers. I enjoy it, but too many hostesses don't do their part. They just want to throw money into it , but not their heart. I'll stick to small ones from now on......Sorry I am griping.....don't have anyone to gripe to this morning.

Okay, off to church and get a new attitude! Have a great day!

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Good Morning Gang....

Eva I love the hair..

Julie - Too busy for me ;0) - glad the pain isn't as bad

Melissa - Hugs - I wish I could help more - I wish I could turn on that light blub... But it will come on - just keep plugging away

Kurby - I was 16 when I had my DS ;0) so I was one of those babies having babies ;0) - I was 36 when I became a grandma :0)

Killing w/love that what they are doing - subsituting food for what they think is missing in their lives..

Great how cool just to jump on a plane and go where you want ;0) - so Denver isn't that far ;0) you can go anytime.

Lucky you... Family time is great they are staying again today - Kaitlin will be staying till 7/11 - I am enjoying them but like right now can't do much cuz everyone is a sleep - i've been up since 5:30

Phyl love the pic - DH will give in ;0) about the puppy ;0)

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Good afternoon. Another chilly day here, wondering what happened to my summer? It was so hot a few days ago and the past 2 days in the 50's. Too cold for this time of year, they are saying 70s tomorrow though. It's also wet and with no backyard that means mud. My poor dogs don't get to go out and run in the back as then they drag in the mud they aren't happy. DH is out trying to dig trenches for sprinkler pipes so they can bury them under the patio. We are having concrete poured this week if it doesn't rain and hopefully soon after some sod.

Phyl, you need that puppy! See any size dog can be a lap dog. LOL My Lucy crawls up on my lap like that too.

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Melissa...my boss's boss sounds like your boss (does that make sense?). She is micro managing us from Phoenix and doing a very crappy job of it. It's the source of 75% of my stress at work. So sorry about the UTI...you on meds for that now? When your life calms down, your food and exercise will come back into line. If you stress about it, it just makes it worse (I know). Hang in there friend....life sucks sometimes, but we are here for you and there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm a firm believer in your type of boss doesn't last forever.


Eva -Yes I am on meds for the UTI I still feel crappy they said if I was not better by tomorrow then to come back in.

I wish my life will just calm down now and I am a believer things happen for a reason. Maybe I have to learn to deal with difficult people who know but I hope you are right about she won't last forever.

Melissa, you hang in there........ things are going to get better..... Have faith and keep talking to us.....


Julie - I will will keep talking.

One - your title says it all. One day at a time. We have good ones and bad ones. Life runs like a stream.

BUT, with the band and our attitude, we can get back on track.

We are here to support you.


Joyce - I like what you said out life runs like a stream it makes so much sense.

Melissa, my dd has the same type of woman boss in fact she's had several in her line of work and it's always trouble. I'd much rather have a man boss myself. I don't know if that's politically correct of me to say in this day and age though.

Great - I was going to say the same thing I am for woman's rights but why do some think they have to prove themselves and make other woman's life hell i mean geeze I am not in competition with her

Good Morning Gang....

Melissa - Hugs - I wish I could help more - I wish I could turn on that light blub... But it will come on - just keep plugging away


Janet - That is what I am missing a light bulb. Maybe I need a Giant pack cause mind keep blowing out. And you and everyone on this board are alot of help. This is a place of answers and also for us to vent thank you

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Cheri - congrats on grant.

Linda - love the pictures.

Karen - have a great weekend at the lake.

Arlene - congrats on 2 more lbs. You are doing so well.

I asked today about a nutritionist. They said, check with your health insurance. The only one they use, I don't care for. Not the kind of support from the practice that I had hoped to receive.

Saw the P.A. today and made an appt to see doctor again in a month. She advised NOT to fill. After questioning me and listening, she feels a nutritionist would help expand my food choices, so I need to find one.

Also - after checking my file, she advised I have 6 cc in the band - I had been told only 2.5cc.

Also, interesting, she shared that many patients reach a stall between 215 and 200. Just have to break thru it with careful eating and then the weight will continue to shed.

Did any of you experience a stall at that time?


I stalled 3-4 weeks at that weight. I think it was because I was having some emotional things going on and I was drinking alot.

I lost another 3 pounds this week but I broke all the rules. I am trying to get back on the bandwagon. Had some emotionally trying things happen over the past week so I gotta use this as a time to practice not emotional eatting.

My son has relapsed in his bowel training and I am really struggling trying to handle it with patience. He withholds going to the bathroom because he gets constipated and it hurts to go. Then he gets clogged up even more and little bits begin to leak out. He has been taking lactulose for a year now and was doing great until I went to boston in april. He ran out of medicine while I was gone and noone took care of it until I got back. Now he is worse than before. I am constantly cleaning it up. Whenever we go out he has an accident. I feel like I can't take him anywhere. He pooped in the pool today and they had to close it down for 24 hours. My husband wants me to keep at it another week and if no improvment take him to the doctor again. The doc told me I could increase the lactulose so I am doing that hoping we can get this resolved before school next year. I am just feeling alot of pressure about it.

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I stalled 3-4 weeks at that weight. I think it was because I was having some emotional things going on and I was drinking alot.

I lost another 3 pounds this week but I broke all the rules. I am trying to get back on the bandwagon. Had some emotionally trying things happen over the past week so I gotta use this as a time to practice not emotional eatting.

My son has relapsed in his bowel training and I am really struggling trying to handle it with patience. He withholds going to the bathroom because he gets constipated and it hurts to go. Then he gets clogged up even more and little bits begin to leak out. He has been taking lactulose for a year now and was doing great until I went to boston in april. He ran out of medicine while I was gone and noone took care of it until I got back. Now he is worse than before. I am constantly cleaning it up. Whenever we go out he has an accident. I feel like I can't take him anywhere. He pooped in the pool today and they had to close it down for 24 hours. My husband wants me to keep at it another week and if no improvement take him to the doctor again. The doc told me I could increase the lactulose so I am doing that hoping we can get this resolved before school next year. I am just feeling alot of pressure about it.

Is Lactulose like Enulose? If it is.... no wonder he is having accidents. That stuff doesn't give you much warning. Have you tried giving him benefiber and increase his Fluid intake? I hope things straighten out soon because I know it is difficult on you and him

Props on the three lbs!

Well, there were about 70 people at the big baby shower. It was really nice. Now, I have resigned from big showers. Carrying all that stuff and setting up is too much. I will do small ones from now on. All of the hostesses were mostly in their 60's, and we all have bad backs. I am so thankful that I have lost weight. All my old friends that I had not seen in almost two years complimented me on my weight loss. They said they had their"Arlene back". It made me feel so good. I have been friends with most of the for over thirty years. I am at my 1994 weight now......shooting for my 1979 weight.

Thanks again for all the support y'all have given me. HUGS!!!!

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Jessica, thanks for the info on pictures. I'm not at all familiar with paint or with playing with pictures. I guess I need to figure out how to get my pics permanantly in my signature line (whatever that is). Apples picture always shows up--that's what I want. I suppose its something like the weight trackers a lot of you have.

Melissa, everytime you want to stress eat or emotional eat, get on this thread and write about it instead.


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Another Sunday gone!

Charlene, a baby shower for 100 people (70 even) WOW, that's a lot. I can't even imagine fixing that much stuff and making it cute besides. Glad those ladies noticed how well you are doing. It sure helps to get some of that positive reinforcement.

Jessica, sorry about your son having problems, hope it gets straightened out...must be hard on you and embarrassing for him. Hang in there girl...you are doing really well.

Julie, glad to hear you had a couple of good days there. Hope all your "partying" doesn't back fire on you either. As I wrote to Charlene, I can't even imagine making 12 pans of deserts or prepping for 150 people. You'll have to give me lessons one day. I think I like doing things on a much smaller scale.< /p>

Melissa, yep about that lesson thing...I do believe situations (people) keeping getting thrown in our way until we learn to deal with them. Unfortunately, choking them isn't the solution. Darn.

Phyl, that is one BIG lap dog....my, I don't think you really had that in mind did you? Your hair color does show up and it looks nice.

I fixed dinner for my sisters again. They are packing away and I'm doing my part by feeding them dinner. We had pulled pork (what I'm making for the party next weekend) semi-homemade BBQ Sauce, olive slaw, beet salad, cucumber salad, and fresh corn...so we had "B's" and "C's" for dinner tonight. I put the pork in the freezer and will take it out next Friday and let it warm up then put it in the crock pot for the party on Saturday. This party is for one of the FNSC gang's 50th birthday. Her husband is throwing the party and says there will be 30 people there. It's probably going to be really hot....oh boy!!

I worked for about 3-4 hours today and got a drawing pretty much done, so that will help the stress level next week at work. And that is about as exciting as it gets.

Guess I'll go down load some more audio books.

Have a great night!


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Good Morning Gang..

Drive by - gotta hit the showers

Kids leaving today - so house will be back to normal ;0)

Melissa - Hugs - I just sent you a case of light bulbs :0)

Jessica - Hugs on DS and congrats on loss

Charlene - No way in hell would I put on a shower for that many pple - have done it for my office 20+ but that's it.. 2 lbs just Water - don't sweat it..

Eva - working on the weekends - well I guess I might if I could work from home - but can't I can imagine work today - 120 email to sift through...

Great hope it doesn't rain...

Like I said drive by - cbl Hugs to all

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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